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Author Topic: Pheonix Rising d100  (Read 7617 times)


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Re: Pheonix Rising d100 OOC- Signups over
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2011, 10:10:40 pm »

2: A pair of brutal looking spiked Gloves, Throwing axes
3: Was part of a group who's ship crashed they have had to live without tech for a coupple of generations
4: Lawful, or at least honest no skuldugery
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pheonix Rising d100 OOC- Signups over
« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2011, 05:09:01 am »

Agh, Powder Miner. You forgot April's INT.

EDIT: Just rolled the starting inventories before sleep. One of you is going to be very happy with it and all the rolls seem to fit with the character backstories quite well.

Out of curiosity micelus, what or where is Dero I? (i.e. reference or just flavour text)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 06:47:03 am by NobodyPro »


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Re: Pheonix Rising d100 OOC- Signups over
« Reply #47 on: December 06, 2011, 07:04:15 am »

Where are the inventories?
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pheonix Rising d100 OOC- Signups over
« Reply #48 on: December 06, 2011, 07:15:15 am »

They'll go up tomorrow with the turns. Now for sleep.


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Re: Pheonix Rising d100 OOC- Signups over
« Reply #49 on: December 06, 2011, 07:22:03 am »

Dero 1? Lets see now...

"Gather around kids, for I have a story to tell, of our ancestors."

"We are the people of the Der, the children of the great-kings of the past. We brought the people of the skies to their knees and brought them to heel. We created an era of peace, of trade, of learning. We were an empire."

The storyteller pauses, to gauge the interest of his audience. He had told this story a many a time; he was the tribe's recordkeeper after all.

"So you may wonder, why are we stuck here in this barren waste? Well it all began on the world of Rami..." The storyteller goes on to describe how the subjects of the Der, hating this eternal peace, rebelled against the great-kings. The war that happened was long and cruel, but eventually the Der were ousted from their thrones. What followed was a time of nomadic existence, roaming the stars and looking for a home. They never found one, rather they crash landed on a world with no life at all, lacking an atmosphere and the materials of life. So the Der settled in for the long run and built. They dug underground, creating networks of strongholds, a remnant of their time as conquerors, all the while they terraformed the world, slow as it was. Even though the people of Der would defragment, fight one another, and forget the secrets of their ancestors, they would never forget their lineage. And so when they finally regained the ability to reach the skies once again, they immediately started their reconquest of their realm...

And so the storyteller finished his story. The children however were annoyed. "What happened to them, eh?" They said. and the old storykeeper smiled and said, "Look around you young one, you are not on Dero I you are on Cacen, you are the son of a new generation of warriors. The story is not finished; it has only began."
As for the planet itself, well it has a small atmosphere, barely able to support life. Heck, the surface itself is barely populated. Most of the population can be found underground, living in huge metropolises called strongholds. Each stronghold is loyal to either a council or lord. Several lords or councils pay heed to a king, who themselves obey the King of Kings. The surface of the world is mountainous and lacks water, although there are a few patches of grass scattered over the world.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
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Powder Miner

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Re: Pheonix Rising d100 OOC- Signups over
« Reply #50 on: December 06, 2011, 07:43:23 pm »

I fixed April's stats now.

I also changed my mind about her being lawful. She'll do anything on three conditions: She thinks it's for a good cause, it gives her a thrill, and it doesn't squick her out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pheonix Rising d100
« Reply #51 on: December 06, 2011, 08:26:18 pm »

--Rhana Vi'korr--
They found Rhana in the wastes. She was hunting with some of her tribe, stalking banshees. They were moving slowly, quietly through the bleak, pale vegetation, painfully aware that their every movement lifted a small amount of ash from whatever they touched. Loud noises erupted from nearby and the banshees took flight. Rhana readied herself to take flight but one of her kinsmen stopped her. She turned to look at him, his white-irises dancing in excitement on the blues of his eyes.
'What?' she signed to him.
'Strangers,' he signed back, 'Elder-talk strangers.'

They approached the clearing with caution, leaving their weapons as the elders had taught them to. They saw men, clean men with weapons. They raised no alarm as the group moved closer to them. Rhana looked in wonder at the craft they had come in, it looked like home but it was different, sterile, foreign to the environment, larger.
A woman in a white coat came forward to greet them, holding her hands out to her sides to show that she was unarmed.
"Do any of you speak my language?" she said in imperial.
The others turned to look at Rhana. The others spoke in broken phrases; she spoke as fluently as the elders.

Rhana told her what they had been taught from an early age, of how the elders had been on a mighty vessel that had fallen from the sky. Of how they had escaped on a lifeboat and been stranded in the wastes. Of how they built the tribe and kept themselves, their children and their grandchildren alive without the power they so dearly missed.
She repeated the message they were told to deliver: "Rockter vessel 536 lost, six survivors, payload lost."

As the men sent scouts, guided by half the hunters, out to bring the rest of the tribe for transportation, the woman told her, as best she could, who she was. She was a scientist, sent to study the rarer creatures of the wastes. The armed men were to protect her from the very thing she hunted, that seemed somehow backwards to Rhana. As the scientist tried to explain as much as she could to Rhana, two more transports arrived.
The entire trip consisted of the elders discussing things Rhana either didn't know about or didn't care enough about to listen. She just sat, awkwardly positioned because of her wings, looking out the view port. Watching the landscape roll by...
When they finally reached the city Rhana was overwhelmed. All those people in so little space.

They pulled into port. The hatch opened with a hiss and they stepped out reluctantly. There was a short, aging man standing outside.
“You are entering the city of Phoenix. Your citizenship is guaranteed due to lineage but I am required to inform you that this citizenship is a privilege, not a right. If you are found guilty of abusing this privilege then you will be relocated to an outside facility. You will be allowed to keep any weapons you have brought as long as they are registered and inspected for mutagenic material. Try to be as civil as possible as there are people in this building that may not appreciate... people of your appearance. Please follow me.”
The man thankfully led them away from the large crowd that had just arrived on their own, much larger, transport and entered the facility through a side-door. They were split into groups, males, females and children. They were led to a bathroom and told to clean themselves; here Rhana saw her dark purple scales, untainted by the dark ash of the wastes for the first time.

She was reunited with her belongings once she was deemed decontaminated and directed to a small metal desk. The woman behind smiled at her in a somewhat forced fashion.
“Do you have any questions before we continue?” she said.
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)

--April Eploc--
Dull, dull, dull, dull, dull. That's what was going through April's mind as she stepped off the transport. The encyclopaedic description of this world gave it the appearance of a world in tectonic upheaval, the molten blood of the world running in rivers beneath a city ravaged by crime and mutagenic toxins. The reality however was very different. The only difference between this city and the one she had come from was that beyond the city's protective fields everything was coated in a fine layer of ash. The same city, an Upper City that looked the same as the one she grew up in. Just bigger on the inside and dirtier on the outside.
The only thing that stopped her from aborting her contract and setting off for a more interesting looking planet was the sheer amount of mercenaries she was able to spot on the transport. The sheer variation in appearance and experience (she guessed, judging by the quality of their gear and the state of their faces) suggested some kind of danger or at least ample work.

Once through the port's doors she walked through the crowd to the sign-in desks. She turned in her pass, had her residency card validated and pulled out her hand-made revolver so that it could be registered. The customs-worker behind the desk, who up until that point had been trying hopelessly to flirt with her, abrubtly changed his attitude as soon as he saw the weapon.

She exits the port and hails a taxi. As soon as she closes the door the driver turns around and points a low caliber handgun at her.
"This is a kidnapping, stay quiet and everything will be fine."
She panics and tries to draw her revolver as she opens the door.
He fires and April tumbles out of the car, revolver in hand. She aims through the scope as the kidnapper drives off but she doesn't get a clear shot. Her heart is beating a million miles a second and she loves it.
A security guard helps her up and she hails another taxi, revolver in clear view this time. This taxi driver thankfully didn't try to kidnap her and she tells him the address of the building the contract specified.
As she watches the surprisingly green conifers of the Upper City go by the taxi driver says: "You new in town?"
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--Micelus of Dero I--
Miscelus was jolted awake by the sound of the transport touching down. It was strange where mercenary work could take you. Twenty odd years ago he had been in the army, he had spent the final days of his tour on the dusty desert world of Scythrax, staring at the same balcony through the scope of the same rifle, hoping that some stupid revolutionary would stick his head out to break the monotony. They'd pulled him out before he'd even fired a shot on that world.
It was why he became a mercenary. It's not only more active but the pay is better. Even if your not fighting, you're probably escorting one rich man or another around some war-torn hell-hole.

He stepped off the transport and walked throught the terminal to the sign-in desks. He turned in his pass and had his residency card validated, same as every job.
"Any weapons to declare." muttered the customs-worker.
The customs-worker looked up at him as if only just realising he was there. A look of obvious relief on his face when nothing was found in Micelus' bags.
'A merc without a gun', thought Micelus bitterly, 'what a joke.'

He walked out of the port and boarded the public bus. As it moved from the verdant streets of the Upper City to the artificially lit Commons he felt someone press something sharp against his back.
"Give us ya' money and no-one gets hurt."
Micelus quickly spins around to face the attacker, a clearly desperate youth armed with a kitchen knife. The bus stops as the driver sees the fight. The youth slashes at Micelus but he easy dodges the knife and punches the youth in the lower body. He drops the knife and falls to the floor, the wind knocked out of his lungs. That will teach him to mess with a Deroan, thinks Micelus.

The driver comes up and hauls the youth to the door, throws him out and continues to drive.
"Was that really necessary?" says Micelus
"Your obviously new here," the driver says without turning from the road, "If someone get's stabbed on my bus, it lowers my safety rating. If that gets too low, I get fired. In the public transport industry, you mess with anyone's safety rating and you can expect the same treatment. Anything else you wanna know?"
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--Nathan Ting--
Nathan checked his watch as he walked back to his apartment building. He still had plenty of time until the others were due to arrive. He sighed and began to jog, realising that his 'mysterious benefactor' would probably call at any moment to ask if he were there waiting. He looked up at the nearby sun-pit and wondered how many people actually felt the sun that came through it. He also wondered if housing was more expensive underneath it.
He pulled out his PDA, new messages. He checked them only to find spam that he quickly configured his filter for. The streets were buzzing with activity as he jogged towards home. There was no day-time and night-time in the mostly artificially lit Commons, this suited the residents perfectly as those who immigrate don't have to adapt to new day lengths and those who are born there have never known anything else.
The only reason you could get annoyed at these circumstances is if you bought a house beneath a sun-pit and was only awake during the artificial night cycle of the Upper City.

When he reached his building he saw a man outside, he was holding a box.
"Delivery for you from the Voice," said the man. As Nathan got closer he recognised the courier, he had delivered a package before. Just before he recieved his first call from the 'mysterious benefactor'.
"What's in it then?" Nathan asked, "A bomb?"
The courier lifted the box to his ear and rattled it. "Doesn't sound like it. Not enough loose objects."
Nathan made a mental note to never use this courier. "Are you going to give it to me or not?"
The courier simply shrugged and passed the box to Nathan as he strolled past. Nathan entered the building and checked his watch. Still plenty of time.
He slotted his PDA into his terminal, he always preferred to work from a terminal. A whole world of information at his fingertips.
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sorry this took so long but these intros were long. Combat is kind of abstracted until you level up and actually have stats  :P. Nobody injured despite two fights. Don't worry, nobody was going to be majorly wounded before they even receive their first mission.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 05:03:32 am by NobodyPro »


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Re: Pheonix Rising d100 OOC- Signups over
« Reply #52 on: December 06, 2011, 10:00:15 pm »

"What I supposed to do here?"
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


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Re: Pheonix Rising d100- Turn 1 up for all characters
« Reply #53 on: December 07, 2011, 05:01:23 am »

Turn one actually finished.

Powder Miner

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Re: Pheonix Rising d100- Turn 1 up for all characters
« Reply #54 on: December 07, 2011, 09:59:21 am »

That... that was absolutely perfect for April. I don't know what to say.
Quick question though, where is the taxi headed?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pheonix Rising d100- Turn 1 up for all characters
« Reply #55 on: December 07, 2011, 04:15:40 pm »

Nathan's curiosity was piqued. While he knew he should wait around, the package was tempting. He didn't often get them and he hadn't been expecting this one. It was... probably safe to open. Nevertheless, he got out a small pair of scissors to cut it open rather than tear it and went about seeing what was in it.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pheonix Rising d100- Turn 1 up for all characters
« Reply #56 on: December 07, 2011, 05:24:33 pm »

"Yes actually. Would you know anyone in the market for a, ahem, bodyguard or perhaps someone with a dangerous task?"
After a few moments, Micelus also asked, "Also, are there any sights in this fair city of yours?"
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pheonix Rising d100- Turn 1 up for all characters
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2011, 07:39:37 pm »

That... that was absolutely perfect for April. I don't know what to say.
Quick question though, where is the taxi headed?
The taxi is heading to the location specified in her contract so that she can recieve further orders. She doesn't know what she'll find there but (*hint hint*) Nathan may have something to do with it.

Powder Miner

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Re: Pheonix Rising d100- Turn 1 up for all characters
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2011, 07:56:31 pm »

"Yeah, just got transported in." April wondered what the contract area would be. Would it be a customer, a general base for mercenaries, would she have to (ugh) fill out a ton of paperwork or crap? Upon thinking about it, she definitely hoped it was a customer- a base for mercenaries seemed ...unlikely, to say the least. She didn't find it realistic at all that a bunch of mercenaries would share the same space, although it could certainly lead to some interesting events!

But a customer would be (hopefully) the most exciting, she'd get herself a mission! Well, then again, it would be rather disappointing if it was yet another senseless killing (she always refused those), or if the client rejected her for looking too young. Oh well.

"How are the trees so green if ash is everywhere outside and we have an artificial sun?" she asked the driver boredly. She'd keep waiting for the rest of the drive.

Powder Miner

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Re: Pheonix Rising d100- Turn 1 up for all characters
« Reply #59 on: December 07, 2011, 09:47:38 pm »

NobodyPro, respond to PMs? Please?
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