Pheonix RisingBackstory and SettingFroid III and the City of Pheonix:
Froid III
A freezing, ash-covered, tectonically unstable planet that would never have been colonized beyond small scientific and mining camps if not for the massive deposits of various, previously considered rare, elements in the planet's unstable crust.
In 4354AG, a private company known as Rokter Industries headed a joint venture to colonize the world of Froid III.
To colonize such an inhospitable and unstable planet massive a 'spire' had to be constructed. This construct literally holds the land around it together through a series of gigantic cables arranged in a web within the ground itself. This allowed the city to be built just above the surface so that the citizens of the city would be protected against seismic activity.
In 4442AG, revolution erupted in a far off system and private support was withdrawn from the colonization effort as the investing companies diverted resources to securing their existing assets. The spire had been built but Rokter was now the only source of funding. The city continued to be built over the course of many decades. No more ships came and just the workers were left, with only an industrial-comm for instruction.
The few workers remaining watched as a city slowly emerged from the ashes, they called it Phoenix and their children came to worship it as a living thing. They formed tribes, most declared themselves independent of Rokter but continued to build. They considered the construction and maintenance of Pheonix to be their sacred duty. Each tribe followed their forefathers' instructions and considered their allocated area their territory.
In 4682AG, as the conflict that had birthed the tribes of Phoenix reached it's final days Rokter staff arrived and heralded the imminent arrival of colonists. The more primitive tribes regarded these new, colored people with suspicion until the staff were able to enter Pheonix's previously inaccessible inner sanctum, The Spire, and activate the pseudo-sun, a ball of energy to provide what warmth and light it can using the power of magma. The more civilized tribes, who retained the knowledge of the city's original purpose, saw their arrival as a sign to prepare the city for habitation by colonists.
There was some opposition to the arriving colonists among the most primitive tribes in the outer districts and, surprisingly, the Spire Guard, those that had maintained the area surrounding the spire for generations. They were refusing to accept that others had come to maintain their territories and stubbornly insisted that they remain to maintain their part of Phoenix exclusively. While the civilized tribes had already integrated into the various engineer teams that were to take-over the duties of the builder-tribes, the primitive tribes reacted to these teams with hostility, barring entry to maintenance tunnels and shouting threats as they worked.
In 4687AG, engineers are found dead in the maintenance tunnels close to the edge of the cities, the police force launch an overnight crackdown on any tribe known to show any hostility to colonists or Roktor staff. Thousands of arrests are made and those who resist are summarily executed. The entire Spire Guard are hunted down and killed after a small group attempt to stop these arrests from happening. The years following are the safest Pheonix had ever had but a very clear line had been drawn between the Tribals and the Colonists.
4701AG, as troops are withdrawn from the conflict the now-unused soldiers arrive to seek private work.
The city provides opportunities both legitimate and underhanded. As the dangerous creatures of the landscape find their way in and tensions mount between street gangs on the lower streets anyone handy with a weapon can find work.
Layout of Pheonix
The city of Pheonix is a city divided not only into factions but also layers. On the top you have the upper city, verdant and colorful streets under a false sun. The rooftops are mostly taken up by agricultural facities so the limited space of the upper city gives a sense of exclusiveness to those fortunate enough to live there.
The middle city, also known as the commons, is both the largest and most populated of the layers. It is the heart of buisness within Pheonix and houses the second largest amount of people. 'Sunlight' from the upper city filters down through holes left in the city's layout for the explicit purpose.
The lower city, also known as the undercity, is the industrial centre of Pheonix. It not only houses the 'industrial class' but also houses those unfortunates who have come to a colony with nothing in hopes of a new start. Those colonists who end up in the undercity and don't join some kind of faction are collectively referred to as 'street rats'.
Character CreationAttributes-
300 points to distribute between the skills, 100 max on each skill.
Strength (STR): Your physical strength.
Constitution (CON): Your toughness and endurance.
Size (SIZ): Your physical size based on the amount of space you take up, not just height. Determined via description and/or certain mutant traits.Do not allocate points.
Dexterity (DEX): Your reflexes and agility.
Intelligence (INT): Your knowledge of lore and academics.
Power (POW): Relevant to starting experience and bionics.
Charisma (CHA): Your linguistic skills and social awareness.
Sanity (SAN): All start on 100 unless specified in profile. Do not allocate points, you will not gain attribute points for lowering your sanity!
Mercenary- Gains bonuses to ranged combat and investigation skill rolls. Perks can improve diplomacy and ranged combat.
Scientist- Gains bonuses to hacking and first-aid skill rolls. Perks can improve support roles and bionic use.
Tribal- Gains bonuses to melee combat and sneaking. Perks can improve melee combat and interaction with creatures.
None yet but this will basically allow for hybrid-classes and unique perks. Must be found within the RP. (Think Dragon Age: Origins if you have played it.)
Players may choose to be a mutant, you will automatically lose some charisma and NPCs may not appreciate you appearance. However, you may choose 1-2 traits from below:
Reduced dexterity, Constitution increase, reduced charisma, scales, sharp teeth.
+5 DEX when in a warm place, -5 DEX when in a cold place, no bonus/penalty when at room temperature.
-Healthy Glow-
Nobody nearby may hide in shadow, people very close (cc distance) to you must take radiation tests occasionally. You never have to take a radiation test, ever.
Lowered constitution, improved dexterity, can fly, increased size due to wings.
-Ridiculously Brawny-
Massively improved strength, improved constitution, reduced intelligence, massively reduced dexterity, large size increase.
Lowered intelligence, improved constitution, horns (small but grow as you level).
Persuasion rolls penalised, intimidation rolls gain a bonus, charisma lowered, enemies must take a sanity test if brought below 25% health in close-combat, 50% if fighting hand-to-hand.
Lowered charisma, penalty to actions that would require regular fingertips (such as typing), has claws.
Bites will inject venom, lowered charisma and constitution.
-Born to Die-
Start with extra experience in addition to raised power. Gains one free advantage and if no other mutations are taken they suffer no charisma penalty for being a mutant. Lowered constitution and must take a power test occasionally, failing this test will result in the character being put in a critical condition including the major wound the character would normally recieve in this state.
After submitting your character you may gain Advantages and Disadvantages using the Advantages and Disadvantages table in the above ruleset (in addition to a few changes by myself). You will always get one Advantage roll (though you may opt-out) and to gain a further Advantage you must roll for a Disadvantage. "Up to a maximum of 4 Advantages, 3 disadvantages."
One last note, characters will become a group following their introductions, there could be some exceptions.
PlayersSeriousConcentrate -
Nathan TingPowder Miner -
April Eplocwolfchild -
Rhana Vi'korrmicelus -
Micelus of Dero IWaitlistTheifofdreams