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Author Topic: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Game Over!  (Read 66137 times)


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #75 on: December 09, 2011, 09:05:13 pm »

Well, I'm paranoid about getting night killed now.  If I was alien, I'd be more inclined to take a shield for protection.  Otherwise, I wouldn't blame them- my scum game is much better than my town game.  It has gotten me tired of cults, though.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #76 on: December 09, 2011, 09:12:55 pm »

Orangebottle: I really don't like being ignored.
Yeah, you're a dick, NativeForeigner.
Quit being such a dick, you dick.
Maybe if you weren't such a dick you wouldn't be such a dick.

Jack A T

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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #77 on: December 09, 2011, 10:00:22 pm »

Jack A T:  Let's say you are one of five players left.  One is an Exterminator and one is a dopp.  Which would you rather hang first, or would you rather no lynch and hope at least one shoots the other?

The dopp would have more information overall, from the actions and reads of four players throughout previous days, so I'd rather have the Dopp lynched.  Either target would be good, though.  And a no lynch is just too risky for me to want to try it.

Jack : Wich tech would you choose as an exterminator and why?
*Medium item: Assassin bot, for use on the morning of LYLO if my bomb doesn't work.  Or in an emergency earlier.
*Large item: Plasma bomb, for use when nearing LYLO, or maybe early in the game.  Taking out multiple players at once sounds fun, and having a nice chance of just skipping LYLO to victory would be very useful.

Jack, suppose your scumhunting and someone's inspection is in disagreement over whether or not somebody's scum. Which would you trust more?
Whether I trust the investigator depends largely on how scummy I consider the investigator.  If the investigator is quite scummy, I'm not going to trust his results.  If the investigator is quite town-like, I'm mostly going to trust his results, though I'll still be careful about completely trusting them.  However, in general, I will put actual scumhunting above inspections, as even a confirmed townie's inspection can be screwed around with (holoform modulators, for example).

Jack A T: Hypothetical situation time: You have one more vote than the person you're voting and are about to be lynched. What would you do?
Keep on fighting.  Poke holes in the attacks on me and keep on attacking my target.  If someone else becomes scummier than my target, go for that person.  Keep on playing rather normally.  If getting overly close to being lynched, claim and give any data I have: if I must die, I might as well leave the town with as much info as possible.

Now, some activity.

Orangebottle: So basically, your question is not rolefishing because people can lie?  That'  Also, what exactly were you trying to get with that question?

MBP: As an Exterminator, would you get the mind shield or the anti-tech shield?  Why?
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #78 on: December 09, 2011, 10:24:31 pm »

Jack: That's a pretty hard question. Personally i would choose the mind-shield. tech is the province of mad scientist and alien, While some tech couls screw you over ( Kill Bot and Auto turret, obviously) they are less common and the most dangerous one are 1 shot anyway. Also, apart from mad scientist some role (survivor, Xeno) would probably use more défensive tech. Adding to that, Telepath, wardens and other psychics are somewhat more common, and appear on both side. If you kill first night, then get blocked any night after, you are in for a rough game


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #79 on: December 09, 2011, 11:19:30 pm »

PPE:Actually, I'm pretty tired of Mafia as a whole. I'm going to bow out now. Goodbye.
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Jim Groovester

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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #80 on: December 10, 2011, 12:28:39 am »

Did you just ragequit mafia?

Thanks for playing.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #81 on: December 10, 2011, 08:13:19 am »

Jim: Well, I'm assuming I haven't claimed Agent in your scenario.  I'd be inclined to trust them if they knew that on their own, but I'd still probably grill them a bit to make sure, as well as take a long, hard look at their day play to see if they read town to me.  If I felt, after questioning and reviewing their behavior, I could trust them I'd proceed to cooperate with them, like masons.

Dariush: Town is the best for winning, to me.  I never feel as nervous about winning when I know my lynch won't lose the game in and of itself.  However, scum and third parties are exciting.  I guess I'd pick Town power-role as my favorite.  I have the benefits of a normal town game, only I like being able to do so much more than just vote and pray.

MBP: Jim.  The guy's played almost every single game I have, plus taught me in all my BM games.  He's got an incredible ability to read my scum meta, so he'd be a big threat to me out of the gate.

It looks like we're moving out of RVS, so give me some time to re-read before making some investigative moves.  I overslept and am doing this post in a hurry while late for work.
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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #82 on: December 10, 2011, 10:19:45 am »

I checked this topic yesterday, and told myself I would make a post after I ate.

...Uh, oops. >__>;;

Shark, least favorite scum team, and why.
Anyone with a lot of experience, because it can be very hard to read them. People like you, irony, toaster(don't know much about him, but he has been a beginners mafia IC and he said that his scum game is far better than his town game)

Shark, let's say you're a scum PWV. Would you try to deliberately draw actions onto yourself to make use of it, or just play as normal with an added layer of protection?
I looked through the rolelist again, but I don't know what PWV means. I'm assuming from what you said something good happens when people target me with actions. (is this like, a scum war vet?) However, I would probably just play as normal because I don't think i'm good enough to try and draw actions toward me without drawing a lot of suspicion. Also, if the people who did use actions on me failed/died, and i'm the one who goaded them into it, people would easily be able to figure out what I am.

Shark: How do you plan to win this game?
Not sure if i'm overthinking it, but I think this question is rolefishing, because to answer, the person answering has to talk about their win conditions. I don't really like to answer that kind of question. But my general plan across all games that I've developed is that no matter what team, is to never overreact to things, it never works. Otherwise, I wing it based on role and situation. I don't have much experience so i'm still experimenting with playstyles.

Shakerag asked me if i'm going to do anything about dariush/nuke meta, and i'm not. I don't know these people. If meta happens, other people can point it out. His vote on nuke was way back on page 3, and i'm pretty sure it's just a joke.

Orangebottle, what is this? The instant people begin to vote you, instead of explaining yourself and why you did it, you just "bow out". If you're tired of mafia, then why did you even sign up? We're barely leaving RVS on day one. If you're just going to ragequit questions thrown your way, then you should hang or get a replacement. Also, you vote dariush because... you don't like his meta? It was RVS, but still, give a person a chance in a new game!

I'm not asking RVS like questions, I don't like it. I don't really have material to scumhunt with yet, so i'm waiting for some actual material to question. I could try asking some questions, but people like nuke do not seem to be play seriously until after RVS, I don't want to judge people when they're dicking around because they have nothing to do in day 1.
Real dorf doctors wash with water AND magma. The resulting burning cauterizes the wound, and the obsidian that forms covers the wound so it can heal.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #83 on: December 10, 2011, 12:37:35 pm »

The Monitor
Dariush: IronyOwl, Orangebottle
Mysteriousbluepuppet: Pandarsenic
Orangebottle: Jack AT, Leafsnail, NativeForeigner, Shark
Pandarsenic: Shakerag
Shakerag: NUKE9.13
Shark: Urist Imiknorris
Urist Imiknorris: Toaster
Urist_McArathos: Mysteriousbluepuppet

Day ends ~5pm Pacific Monday

Orangebottle, are you requesting a replacement?
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #84 on: December 10, 2011, 12:55:28 pm »

Orangebottle, are you requesting a replacement?
OB has made the same post in all games he's in, so I guess that he's indeed requesting a replacement.

Shark, do you seriously think that voting a player who isn't playing anymore and demanding answers from him is a good idea? Considering that he's already in the majority and you don't actually cite any other reasons, that looks like a bandwagon.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #85 on: December 10, 2011, 12:59:21 pm »

Er, missed this.
Dariush, do you consider anger to be a scumtell, towntell, or something else?
Depending on the meta of the angerer, either a scumtell or a nulltell.
What about ignoring stupid or pointless questions?
Ignoring any questions is always a scumtell. (except if the answerer legitimately missed them) Telling the questioner to go fuck himself for a stupid question, however, is either a scumtell or a nulltell depending on whether the question is actually stupid.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #86 on: December 10, 2011, 05:59:19 pm »

Mod:Uh, not anymore. Just having a fit.
Sorry for the sudden drama. I've been angry and confused for a little while.

This is a strange attitude to have coming out of the gate. Why did you open this way? You're not Dariush or NUKE9.13, so what do you care if they fight each other?
I'm having a hard time answering this question, and I have no idea why. Probably because I was just winging it to promote discussion, but something tells me that's wrong too.

Orangebottle: I really don't like being ignored.
Wow. I didn't even see that.
Yes. I would metalynch Dariush for trying to metalynch NUKE.

Orangebottle: So basically, your question is not rolefishing because people can lie?  That'  Also, what exactly were you trying to get with that question?
Essentially. I was trying to figure out how Leafsnail would use the PWV role. It lets me learn a bit about how he thinks.

Also, you vote dariush because... you don't like his meta? It was RVS, but still, give a person a chance in a new game!
Yes. You're acting like that's the only reason I voted for him; I was also applying pressure and asking him questions. Why? Also, why do you care that I was pressuring Dariush?
My Sig
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"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #87 on: December 10, 2011, 06:01:13 pm »

EBWOP: Unvote.
My Sig
Quote from: The Binder of Shame: RPGnet Rants
"We're in his toilet. We're in Cthulhu's toilet."

""Hey! No breaking character while breaking character"

Jim Groovester

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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #88 on: December 10, 2011, 08:27:08 pm »

Shark, least favorite scum team, and why.
Anyone with a lot of experience, because it can be very hard to read them. People like you, irony, toaster(don't know much about him, but he has been a beginners mafia IC and he said that his scum game is far better than his town game)

This is a fine enough answer but what I was really looking for is your least favorite players to be on a scum team that you are also on.

Orangebottle: So basically, your question is not rolefishing because people can lie?  That'  Also, what exactly were you trying to get with that question?

This looks like a lazy bandwagon.

I have a hard time figuring out what your case is, other than you're just agreeing with Leafsnail for the sake of agreeing with Leafsnail.

Orangebottle, what is this? The instant people begin to vote you, instead of explaining yourself and why you did it, you just "bow out". If you're tired of mafia, then why did you even sign up? We're barely leaving RVS on day one. If you're just going to ragequit questions thrown your way, then you should hang or get a replacement. Also, you vote dariush because... you don't like his meta? It was RVS, but still, give a person a chance in a new game!

This also looks like a lazy bandwagon.

How does ragequitting make a person scum?

This is a strange attitude to have coming out of the gate. Why did you open this way? You're not Dariush or NUKE9.13, so what do you care if they fight each other?
I'm having a hard time answering this question, and I have no idea why. Probably because I was just winging it to promote discussion, but something tells me that's wrong too.

This tells me nothing.

I want insight, not excuses.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Paranormal Mafia 20 - Stalkers in Space - Day 1
« Reply #89 on: December 10, 2011, 09:23:45 pm »

Unvote Dariush.

I looked through the rolelist again, but I don't know what PWV means. I'm assuming from what you said something good happens when people target me with actions. (is this like, a scum war vet?) However, I would probably just play as normal because I don't think i'm good enough to try and draw actions toward me without drawing a lot of suspicion. Also, if the people who did use actions on me failed/died, and i'm the one who goaded them into it, people would easily be able to figure out what I am.
Yeah, Paranoid War Vet. Which is, strictly speaking, just called a War Vet in this game.

On a related note, I believe the Leafsnail-Orangebottle dispute over this used that abbreviation. Did you not notice it, or not care that you had no idea what they were talking about, or what?

Not sure if i'm overthinking it, but I think this question is rolefishing, because to answer, the person answering has to talk about their win conditions. I don't really like to answer that kind of question. But my general plan across all games that I've developed is that no matter what team, is to never overreact to things, it never works. Otherwise, I wing it based on role and situation. I don't have much experience so i'm still experimenting with playstyles.
So would "Are you a doppleganger?" also be a question that you would refuse to answer because it might incriminate you? Because I'm not sure how many reasons there are for not wanting anyone to know your win condition.

Shark. We have a word for people who don't want us knowing how they win.

I'm not asking RVS like questions, I don't like it. I don't really have material to scumhunt with yet, so i'm waiting for some actual material to question. I could try asking some questions, but people like nuke do not seem to be play seriously until after RVS, I don't want to judge people when they're dicking around because they have nothing to do in day 1.
So because Nuke is being a jackass, you can't ask anyone questions and must wait for material to pop up out of nowhere. Right.

Ignoring any questions is always a scumtell. (except if the answerer legitimately missed them) Telling the questioner to go fuck himself for a stupid question, however, is either a scumtell or a nulltell depending on whether the question is actually stupid.
So that's dependent on whether the question is actually stupid or not, and not their impression of it at the time?
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The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.
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