Reudh, I took the move list for the spawn mons and shifted things around so the order of moves seemed a bit more reasonable. I'll explain what that means after the list.
Tackle 1
Leech Life 1
Bite 5
Growl 8
Howl 12
Scary Face 16
Poison Fang 20 23
Slash 26 29
Taunt 29 33
Crunch 34 38
Glare 39 42
Take Down 44 49
Crush Claw 49 54
Torment 53 57
Thrash 56 61
Basically I took moves like Slash and Crunch and shifted them down a bit because they're fairly powerful and they do bonus damage because they share a type with the mon. If you were planning on giving them good stats too they would be very powerful. Like, no-mons-in-the-vanilla-games-get-the-moves-that-early powerful. This may have been on purpose, but I'd disagree with that decision, personally. I spaced out the moves relatively evenly, but feel free to make the gaps less even if you want. Typically big gaps (more than 6 levels or so) is a very rare gimmick in the later generations. Obviously if you only have 12 moves or so and you want them to learn moves until level 60 there are going to be some bigger gaps, so it depends a bit on the mon, but I think we've been around 14-19 moves so far. If you don't like what I did, let me know and I'll avoid it in the future.
I just had a spare few minutes and figured I'd give it a rearrange.
Alright, so a few questions for people. Which mons do we want in between Headshoots and Syrupleaf? Hapups and Spawndorfs, I'm guessing from the script, plus one more? Maybe carry over Brumbles or use Caviders (if underground) or Macookies (if aboveground)? I'm just trying to get an idea so we can know which order to be working on the mons. On the topic of aboveground/belowground, were we planning on Syrupleaf being underground? Also, should it be somewhat centrally located on the map since it's the hub? Not necessarily attached to everything, but closer to the middle than the edge?