Well this was my first fortress, I can't even remember the name anymore, and I had just gotten the hang of food/booze production and trading. Weapons and armor were whatever I could scavenge from caravans and the occasional ambush, but still I could hold off the goblins just fine. So what I'm left with is a couple ragtag squads of ill equipped dwarves with everything to prove and nothing to loseBut their lives. This was my first mistake.
Fast forward a year later. The fort is going slow, as I'm still new and unsure of what lies below, and I just hit the first cavern layer. All I can see down their is a few crundles and the occasional trogg so I just forget about it and continue digging elsewhere. This was my second mistake.
A few months later and after figuring out that I can infact use charcoal to smelt ore and such, I get a message from the caverns. A forgotten beast has come, its a pterodactyl with four wings (no dust or blood to worry about). It flies in through the uncovered hole into the first cavern and I send in the military.
They are quickly slaughtered despite my PRO copper armor that I just made. So I get a 'genius' idea, I decide to recruit everyone I can in the fort and send them in to clobber the thing.
This goes as well as it sounds. After seeing nearly everyone get crushed, I decide to just let the magic happen and unrecruit everyone. While the now surnamed beast chases the last few survivors a lone weaver goes crazy and begins strangling a child in some forgotten corridor of the dorm level. Before the child can suffocate, the beast finally finds them and ends both his pain and his attackers insanity.
And so ends the first fort of Jassam.
There was also an incident within the walls of a different fort, ISHEMAS "The UltraCave" with a deadly dust attack where I had to sacrifice my entire hospital area, but that's a tale for a different day.