I like the idea of special currencies, but make generic currency optional if the Game Master of session who uses your rules isn't so good at math.
That's what I was planning on doing.
Well, I'm willing to work with original currencies if there's a little less of them. Could we not have just sult -> quil -> tanid? The other two, to me, seem a little like padding. ^^^;
Yes about the other two; I doubt some of them will be too widely used. I'm not sure which coins will and won't be used, but it's a bit similar to how we have $1, $5, and $10 bills. In games like this it doesn't matter what denomination your money is stored as, since you don't have to really deal with keeping track of it. In real life, though, it's easier to have more varied worths for coins and dollars; that's my logic for putting the different coins in the game.
And because I felt like it. That was another big reason.
EDIT: Due to the current lack of research done about item values, you all get some freedom with your inventories. If you're a combat-oriented person, you can choose armor and weapons from the list I'm creating now (at the end of the document on Google Docs) and if you're a spellcaster you can create two or three simple starting spells. Our enchanter can start with an item enchanted with a spell, but only gets one or two other spells to begin with. If you have a different character (like the doctor or the assassin), it's assumed you have equipment related to that profession (portable medical equipment, lockpicks, etc.).
Other miscellaneous equipment you basically get for free. Encumbrance isn't in effect now, so there's no need to check about weight limits just yet. There isn't a giant list of equipment either, so you have to think of what you're carrying on your own.