The batmen are in the caverns, not in the fort. Pretty much right below the FBs. And I wasn't planning on unsealing the FBs, I was planning on dropping the entire massive system they live in into the magma sea.
Journal of Oliolli
Part Four: Moody metalsmiths and missing magma
11th of Hematite, 103
Well, it would seem there is very little happening again. The workforce's current priorities revolve largely around re-building the vertical axle to provide power to the lower levels, and deconstructing whatever was used to flood the underworld. This leaves some people (Me, Mego, Eshtan) with very little work. So we've started excavating a large area, with no real reason yet.
12th of Hematite, 103The elven merchants claim to be leving soon. I had forgotten they were even there. The door is still locked, though, so they won't have an easy time leaving. Also, I am told two more ghosts have been put to rest.
14th of Hematite, 103Emptying the underworld will apparently be much easier than I thought. It's happening by itself.
Also, the quarry level is nearly comletely empty of magma.
16th of Hematite, 103The elves claim they are leaving. I still see no way for them to do it.
19th of Hematite, 103It would seem that out metalsmith has been taken by a mood. Unfortunately it appears we don't have a forge for him. I have ordered one built.
2nd of Malachite, 103The moody metalsmith has claimed the foge I had built for him. Now he apparently needs fuel for his construction. I've ordered a wood furnace built.
Another rather uneventful month has passed. I feel my headache will soon be over if this keeps up.