Mitch; Overseer of the Remaining
Chapter Six: Penetrate
I called myself 'Tribe Leader of the Migrants', because our small population was but a mere fraction, a minority, of the dwarven race. We were a tribe, living and scavenging off the land. I have been informed from the migration of two that we are in fact, the last remaining dwarfs. In the world. We are not the minority, we are the remaining.
5th Obsidian:We need to prepare for a long term solution towards repopulating the dwarven race; and I'm the only married one. Wandering caravans still pass through; I wonder if we can get them to settle down here.
What the fuck!?
Ghosts are running rampant; at any given moment I can see then chasing dwarfs all over the place. We need to penetrate the quarry
now. I've ordered our only soldier, the novice axedwarf, to explore the nether regions of our base to see how we can get in to the quarry.
5th Granite:No! This is bad! Lock the hatches!
Another soul lost to the depths, one we cannot retrieve. A violent ghost is expected. We're safe from the two Beasts, but unable to enter the quarry and we need to find another way in (while also locking the FBs away). The mood is low and I fear our defeat is coming; and I was the first to successfully populate Swordthunders too. At least I know where the FBs are now, and that they're locked under hatches.
No, we will survive. We will not fall to Swordthunder's insanity, even if I have to forbid all work and just have a year long party. At least that way we can get some marriages happening.
Spring has arrived.
Okay, I have no idea why the images are so small. I'm not scaling them down. Turns out imageshack was scaling them down, but now they're too big. I'll fix it later. That will do.