History is written by the victors. That is because the defeated are dead. Not all bipedal beings behaved, alike, while they lived. Of the ones we know, man who evolved enough to write about it, we learn, through his biased historical facts, that we can come to the Helgoland conclusion, without so much as a wink, but to come to an unknown conclusion, one that isn't preached into our heads from birth, until death, by the geopolitical mechanism, requires a more thoughtfulness, not usually found in nature.
However, there are large volumes of information, that is unknown. Vastly more than is known, that is for certain. And to limit the unknown, is to limit the fun. There was a man in the movie, Matrix, for example, that was an anomaly. The man of steel, Superman, explain him? If Toady limits the game to the harsh restraints of earthly history, in the dark ages, he might as well call his game, Human Fortress.
If monkeys killed off a substantial amount of humans in one of the 'ages', we'd have SirHoneyBadger's monkey beowulf to read, instead of what the good scientists say happened. Its all relative to where the space dust of the universe fell to the ground. Some areas were rich, and some were, well, for lack of a better term, bait animals. It is for this reason that the world generator must be the foremost consideration factor, in race roles.
And if its the foremost, it must have preset prejudices, for the AI to work and adapt. Otherwise, the if/then behavior, and oh shit/doh behavior, wouldn't be as intuitively sound as it would need to be, to hold the average gamers, average interest for more than a glancing moment. And as it were, it will be. To the victor goes the spoils. If the elfs win, then something gets spoiled. If the orcs win, then something gets spoiled.
And if the humans win, DF becomes the same old boring spoiled egg sucker, reality A *yawnfest* of facts and figures, we all know all too well.