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Author Topic: Commissar Quest - Apparently flak armour isn't very good  (Read 82055 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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-=-Handoria Insurrection-=-
Every Commissar has to start somewhere
Part 10

Mergen's Marauders
Fireteam One
Name   Rank   Weapon   Speciality   Extra   Health   
Quinton MergenSergeantGrenade Launcher2 Det PackUninjured
Tarra VasiCorporalLasgunVox Operator2 FragUninjured
Quinton LabonneTrooperLasgun2 FragUninjured
Thaddeus HaareTrooperLasgun2 FragUninjured
Moises NaefTrooperLasgun2 FragUninjured
Fireteam Two
Name         Rank         Weapon         Speciality         Extra         Health         
Octavius HalianCommissar CadetSabre + Laspistol1 KrakUninjured
Elwood SturnCorporalFlamer1 FragUninjured
Ming ModicTrooperLasgunMedicae1 FragUninjured
Thaddeus ShuskeyTrooperShotgun1 FragUninjured
Rod SaglimbenTrooperShotgun1 FragUninjured
Laurinda BurrelTrooperShotgun1 FragUninjured

Vaccarella's Vipers
Name   Rank   Weapon   Speciality   Extra   Health   
Marcel VaccarellaLieutenantLasgunUninjured
Eald BaliniSergeantLasgunUninjured
Jackson LeskiCorporalLasgunVox OperatorSlightly Injured
Carolin CannedyCorporalAutogunMedicaeSlightly Injured
Kendrick GoletzCorporalAutogunUninjured
Quintius BarodusCorporalStub PistolSlightly Injured
Tarrius CossinTrooperAutogunSlightly Injured
Carey LanderoTrooperAutogunSlightly Injured
Kit WidmarkTrooperStub PistolUninjured
Marlin HitzelTrooperStub PistolSlightly Injured
Note that none of the Vipers have body armour.

The plan is relayed to Mergen; you and Vaccarella will flank the Minos Delight Shopping Plaza, while Mergen's fireteam advances. Mergen will vox them and draw attention away from your direction, allowing you to ambush them in the event of a trap. Vaccarella's squad will be in a supporting position, their poor condition and lack of armour making them unsuitable for front-line fighting.

From the shadows of the blast door, you are able to survey much of the Plaza. The whole square is littered with benches, statues, market stalls, packing crates and all the other detritus of a public place. The sides are lined with permanent shops, all locked and shuttered. By far the most commanding feature is the ceiling, a transparent canopy to space that would liven up even this barren rats nest. You can even see a few SDF craft pass by in a low orbit, searching for any valuable targets that might have escaped earlier attacks.

On the left side of the Plaza a squad of PDF are fortified behind a rough line of debris and light machinery, exchanging fire with militia approaching from M19. Neither side seems to have taken many casualties, the militia unwilling to advance out of cover and the PDF happy to wait for reinforcements.

Mergen awaits your final confirmation before voxing them.

R28 - Ollious Jorgan
M13 - Vox transmission
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • (Exo)biologist student
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Report situation to sergeant. Share plan of signaling your presence to PDF (without leaving cover), and after checking their loyalty go help them.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
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  • Bay Watcher
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-=-Handoria Insurrection-=-
Every Commissar has to start somewhere
Part 11
The part where everything turns to grak

You inform Mergen of the situation at the Plaza and listen in as he voxes his approach to the defending PDF. His fireteam bursts from the shelter of the street, laying down fire as they take cover in the Plaza. A few militia are hit, but the rest are well-protected and simply switch their direction of fire.

With a sudden screech of metal, the blast door they just passed under slams shut, and the PDF in the middle start firing on them as well.

Enemy strength:

10 PDF
~20 Militia

Spoiler: Auspex (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 02:08:58 am by Shade-o »
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Split fireteam two. Half go and frag the militia and then assault at close range, with support from the Vipers. We'll go and frag and assault the PDF.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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I don't think there's even a name for a unit smaller than a fireteam. In any case, I don't think you can trust PDF to fight effectively without lots of buddies.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • (Exo)biologist student
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wait, WHAT? they were firing on each other just to make us believe we have allies? crazy! smell like chaos.

try to sneak from cover to cover in the direction of traitor PDF, if spotted, continue with precaution and make the vipers do covering fire. If we can get close enough, burst out yelling "FOR THE EMPEROR OF MANKIND! DEATH TO HERETICS AND TRAITORS!" as loud as you can, while shotgunning rebels and the next instant cutting them in half with all your holy wrath (and your sword by the way). with flamer cleansing too.

Then, with the ennemy PDF eliminated and morale restored, call fireteam one near you (joining forces), and fire on militia from cover until they flee.

Oh, and throw one or two grenades at some point. like, just before the "bursting out of cover yelling" part, or on the militia after the PDF got cleansed.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
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  • Bay Watcher
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-=-Handoria Insurrection-=-
Every Commissar has to start somewhere
Part 11

You receive a vox from Mergen. He sounds calm, considering his position.
"Halian, we're pinned down over here! No casualties, but we're trapped against the blast door with nowhere to go. They're terrible shots but if they decide to charge we're meat."

"Understood. Fireteam Two will advance from cover and hit the traitor PDF from behind, but I need a grenade volley to distract them while we move. Viper will follow up and keep the militia suppressed. Once the PDF are gone we can link up and focus on the militia."

"Sound good to me, on your mark!"

You stack up with Fireteam Two, and prepare for maximum speed and stealth. As you watch from the blast door a wide spread of grenades arcs through the air, aimed across the entire traitor position. Spotting the approaching volley, the traitors dive even deeper into cover.

"Now's our chance! For the Emperor!" You hiss in a stealthy yet inspiring battlecry, leaping out from behind an abandoned truck into the Plaza. The grenades impact in a series of explosions, the sound amplified by the enclosed space, but none of them seemed to find a target. Fireteam Two spreads behind you, Sturn remaining close by with his flamer hissing in anticipation.

The traitor PDF are beginning to emerge from cover, but before they can take stock of the situation you're close enough to send a few lasbolts over the barriers, hitting one in the chest.


Not the most inspired line, but sufficient for these scum. You underline your statement by vaulting over a rockcrete garden bed, knocking aside a bayonet, and impaling the singed traitor with your sabre. A couple of traitors recover their wits and take aim at you, but a gout of flame from Sturn engulfs them. The rest of the squad seems to be scrambling for cover.

"Die like the rest of the fools!" A surprisingly confident voice rings out, the source being what looks like the traitor squad Sergeant. He's charging at you with a sword drawn.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Draw our sword and duel him!
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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You have discovered how to take on particularly tough foes (though this guy is not particularly threatening).

Usually a melee duel, it involves you and an enemy champion picking a fight. It usually means you're free of attacks from other enemies, either from respect, awe, entertainment or simply being too intense or close to do so safely.

For the duration of the challenge, you have an increased critical hit chance and chance to hit and dodge. Perception provides a good bonus here.
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
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Shoot at him with our ranged weapon and the jump behind him if he is still alive and stab him in the back.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
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-=-Handoria Insurrection-=-
Every Commissar has to start somewhere
Part 13

You meet this Sergeant's challenge, raising your own sabre and engaging him in a brutal rendition of swordplay. He's fuelled by desperation and anger, attacking with strength and speed you have never before encountered. Instead of easily cutting him down as you had hoped, you're forced on the defensive. Your blades are a flurry of flashing silver, clashing again and again without respite.

Just as you think that you've got his measure, he feints and causes you to stumble as your blade sails through plain air. He takes advantage of this opening and bashes you in the face with his pommel, causing an eruption of blood and pain accompanied by a crunching sound. While you're reeling, he slashes you across the chest, slicing through your flak jacket like tissue paper. Only by instinctively leaping backward did you avoid getting disembowelled, but that doesn't make you feel better.

Blinking the blood out of your eyes, you continue avoiding his frenzied attacks. He seems to only get angrier, and you're sure the second hit won't be as gentle as the first. As he over-reaches on one strike, you lash out not with blade, but foot, catching him squarely in the chest. With the sound of a wheezing engine he stumbles backward, and you grab the opening for all it's worth. Charging forward with renewed vigour, you raise your sabre above your head with both hands and bring it down on his collar.

The armour parts for you as easily as it did for him, as does the collarbone and much of the sternum. Your blade stops somewhere between his ribs, his body hanging loosely from it. With a mighty heave you swing the sword in a wide arc and the body comes loose, sending it splattering to the ground with little fanfare. His expression still seems outraged.

Panting from your exertions, you glance around in the hopes that none of his squad have decided to avenge him. Your hopes are well-founded: The few remaining traitors are already running for their lives, but they don't get far before your own PDF pick them off.

(That Sergeant kept getting good (but not great) attack rolls, while you kept rolling low. Finally he scored a big hit, and immediately afterward you got a natural critical. The traitor's morale wasn't good after your initial attack, seeing their sergeant get cut in half by a Commissar completely annihilated what remained.)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 03:47:59 am by Shade-o »
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Shout "Such is the fate of all heretics and traitors."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's my greatest creation yet!
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"Such is the fate of heretics and traitors" You gasp, leaning on your sword. You spot your laspistol on the ground and quickly retrieve it. When did you drop that?
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • (Exo)biologist student
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Maybe somewhere between being hit in the face and slashing a traitor in half, i suppose.

Anyway, quickly regroup all squads and go see a medic (after all other wounded of course, you're not a pitiful coward) for your nose, while everyone shoot at the militia.

If they surrender, interrogation.
Good answer: be merciful. lasershot in da head.
Wrong answers and no answers: Put inside a wooden crate and light the crate on fire.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
Full Sig


  • Bay Watcher
  • It's my greatest creation yet!
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-=-Handoria Insurrection-=-
Every Commissar has to start somewhere
Part 14

As your forces settle into their newly acquired positions, you take the opportunity to survey the situation. Shuskey, Cossin, and Naef each got hit, but not badly. They've already been given basic treatment and painkillers, so for now they're fine. Modic the Medicae examines you, checking you for a concussion before moving on to your chest wound.

"You're lucky, sir, his blade glanced off of your ribs. You'll need further treatment planetside, but you won't bleed out." he explains, dusting the cut with stinging powder and scented oils before wrapping a quick bandage around your midsection. "That was very impressive the way you executed that traitor, everyone saw it and now they think every traitor will be getting the same. Now, as your physician I must recommend you avoid receiving further sword wounds, though you can of course ignore my opinions."

He finishes with a jab of mild painkillers, and checks your face next. "Hmm, does this hurt? Yes, that's a broken nose. A fractured orbital too, nothing too serious. Once again, I advise avoiding further facial injuries. At your discretion."

Free of his attentions, you go to check your dataslate map only to find it missing a good portion of itself. The cause seems to be that infernal Sergeant and his wild swings.

No matter, you can see the battlefield for yourself. Fireteam One is to your left, Two (including yourself) has taken the centre at the former PDF position opposite the militia, while Vaccarella's squad is arrayed to your right, near the blast door. The profusion of rockcrete constructions and abandoned machinery in this Plaza has offered plenty of cover, so despite their best efforts the militia have barely scored any hits. Their weaponry appears to be a combination of lasguns and autoguns, though some have better armour than others.

With a shriek of tormented metal and wail of flashing alarms, the blast door near Vaccarella grinds shut. Now the only open access is directly behind the enemy militia. Mergen and Vaccarella scoot over to your spot behind a shattered fountain, concern on their faces.

"I don't like this" Vaccarella begins, gesturing vaguely at the Plaza, "The initial ambush made sense, that was about thirty traitors to five of ours. Now we have equal numbers, they can't expect to outfight us now. They obviously have someone monitoring the situation and activating the blast doors, so why waste their forces like this?"

"Probably waiting for those." Mergen interjects, pointing to three servitors plodding out from the tunnel behind the militia.

Vaccarella sighs, nodding in resignation. "That would make sense."

These servitors are industrial tools, heavily built and reinforced while maintaining their humanoid form. Their hands have each been replaced by a mining laser and drilling claw, and the rebels have augmented them for combat with crude metal armour plates. Even without being built to military standards, you know that they would have to be incredibly tough to survive dangerous mining operations.

They take positions across the militia lines and remain still for a long, tense moment. Just as you begin to wonder what their plan is, one of the servitors speaks in a grating synthetic voice, laced with a hint of rattling bolts.

"Hazardous debris identified. Warning: Initiating remote clearance operation. All workers ensure a safe distance from operations. Caution: Initiating remote clearance operation in 20 seconds... 19..."

« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 03:45:08 am by Shade-o »
Apparently having a redundant creature entry causes the game to say, "Oh, look, it's crazy world now. Nothing makes sense! Alligators live in houses!"
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