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Author Topic: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-36 Decisions, Decisions  (Read 680524 times)


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1905 on: April 01, 2015, 06:14:17 pm »

Heh, I was wondering how long you were going to keep this up.
I can't believe nobody noticed. Even after I commented about how the date was important.
Guess it shows how much people want this back...
Good one monk. I laughed.


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1906 on: April 01, 2015, 06:16:17 pm »

Spoiler: And we're back (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Suggestions (click to show/hide)

   "So this is where the kids fell, huh." Eko says, looking around the small glade. "Well, this area is warded off, now. It'll be up for about a week, longer if I renew it. What should we do now?"
   "Hm." You scratch your head absently. "Well, first things first. Omo, did you notice any tracks that the monster might have left?"
   "Nothing conclusive, no." Omo says, shaking his head.
   ""Nothing conclusive" doesn't mean "nothing."" You say pointedly.
   Omo spreads his hands helplessly. "We didn't enter the forest in the exact same place we fled that monster, and that's the only place we saw it. Well, it's the only place you saw it, anyway." Omo shrugs, gesturing at the surrounding forest. "I did notice some faint traces of some creature entering this clearing, but it isn't anything more definite than some recently snapped twigs and disturbed leaves. It could have been the monster, or it could have been some other animal. No clear tracks of any kind, but this deep in the forest that's not too unusual."
   "Alright. I suppose it wasn't likely to be that easy. Let's check out those trees." You turn, striding purposefully toward the saplings near the center of the clearing.
   "The trees?" Eko echoes questioningly.
   "What about the trees?"
   You slowly circle the saplings, looking for any distinguishing marks or unusual characteristics. "Isn't it a little strange that when we found two soulless children, we also found a matching pair of young saplings?"
   "I guess?" Omo says skeptically. "So what, you think their souls were turned into trees?"
   "That seems unlikely." Eko says carefully.
   You step back from the trees; from what you can tell, they aren't any different from the surrounding trees, apart from their age and location. "Well, no, not exactly. It just seems like an odd coincidence to me. All the other trees in this forest have been quite old."
   "Well, clearings like this one are the only place saplings can get enough sun to compete with the older trees." Omo shrugs, kicking at an exposed root. "Coincidences do happen."
   "Just see if I missed anything, alright? Hey, Eko, why don't you try some Order Divinations or something?"
   "As you wish." Eko says, bowing slightly. "Is there anything you'd like me to check for specifically?"
   "Yeah, why don't you use that spell you used to learn whether the kids still had a soul. Maybe Detect Undead? Whatever you think might help, we won't be doing too much exploring today."
   "That would be my Diagnosis spell. It gives a general sense of a person's Vitality. Victims of Aloclesno have a signature weakness in their Vitality echo unlike anything else." Eko begins digging around for his chalks, then pauses, looking up at you. "I have never cast this spell on a tree before."
   "Well, cast it on a regular tree, then cast it on a sapling. That way, you'll notice any difference."
   "That will use all of my mana." Eko warns.
   "That's alright, we'll save our real exploration for tomorrow." You say reassuringly.

   Eko nods, readying a piece of white chalk. He walks over to a largish tree just outside the ward, giving it a bemused glance before starting to draw on the trunk. You turn back to Omo, who is running one hand down the trunk of a sapling.

   "So, do you notice anything strange about these saplings?" You say, squatting down next to him.
   Omo shrugs, standing up. "I'm a Ranger, not a Druid. These trees don't look sick, or... ensorcelled, or anything. Do you notice anything?"
   "Well, no." You admit, standing back up. "But if there's one thing I've learned about Necromancy, it's that things aren't always obvious."
   "Yeah, well, if there's anything subtle about this tree it eludes my powers of observation. What now?"
   You rub your chin thoughtfully. "You go pitch camp- get Eko to help you when he's done with the tree. I'm going to go play with dolls."
   "What?" Omo asks in bewilderment, but you're already walking away. Grumbling, he turns to the center of the clearing and begins unfolding his tent.

   Nothing on the edge of the clearing indicates that a Ward has been placed here; perhaps Eko does not need his chalks to cast that spell. Stepping into the shade of the trees, you stride away from the clearing, far enough to get a modicum of privacy. You want to spend some time outside the wards to see if your Necromantic powers can sense any sign of the Curse of Aloclesno, and perhaps just as importantly you want to do some experimenting with your powers while your traveling companions are occupied; you sense that Omo still isn't completely at ease with your powers, and of course Eko doesn't know about them at all.

   ... Sitting on a mossy log, you gather up materials you can find close at hand; your headband, various twigs and vines, dead leaves, that sort of thing. In your mind, you can envision a sort of rustic basket with cloth wings you could animate and cause to fly around. In practice, however, you find yourself creating new and exciting piles of junk. You keep at it doggedly, but it eventually becomes clear that you don't really know what you are doing, you lack the skill to assemble such a creation even if you knew what it was supposed to look like, and the materials you have on hand to make the thing you don't know how to assemble are likely not sufficient to the task. Perhaps at your next opportunity you should enlist the services of a craftsman to make this sort of complicated toy with moving parts; for now, it seems you should stick to simpler things.

   Shaking the twigs out of your headband, you sweep your pile of prospective golem ingredients to the forest floor and regard your surroundings. Everything seems peaceful here; the odd sunbeam breaches the forest canopy here and there, but for the most part the only light is a verdant glow filtered through the leaves of the ancient trees. In a way, it reminds you of your Necromantic hideaway back in Yicelafo; of course, this time you aren't the only Necromantic thing lurking here. You have been away from Eko's ward for some time, but you have felt no presence nor sign of the monster you believe to stalk Aloclesno. Perhaps you need to give the Curse of Aloclesno more time to manifest, or perhaps you need to take more aggressive actions.

   You shrug to yourself. You did not really expect to resolve this situation this afternoon anyway. Ducking back through the trees, you find the camp mostly settled. Omo has pitched your tent in the center of the clearing, near the young saplings. Technically it sleeps four, but Eko is a large man, and you don't know him very well; tonight could well be cozy. Omo is breathing life into a campfire, while Eko carefully stows his possessions in the tent. After brief discussion, you agree that with Eko's Mana spent it would be wise to camp out for the remainder of the day and start your search for the source of Aloclesno's Curse in the morning. It is a welcome opportunity to rest after the exertions of the past few days, as well as an opening to become better acquainted with your new tentmate.

   Eko stretches back, looking up at the bright midafternoon sky visible through the treetops. "You know, if you had told me a week ago that I would now be camping in Aloclesno with a pair of Elves while zombies threaten the village... well, I'd have thought it's time to lay off the Longland Beer."
   You arch your eyebrow quizzically. "I thought Sewer Brew was your drink of choice."
   Eko sighs. "Longland Beer is a drink for happier times. These days, on my budget, there is a certain quality in quantity." Sitting up, he fixes you with a stern look. "But I do not think you came all the way here to discuss my drinking habits."
   "Why not?" Omo asks lazily. "We've got nothing but time to kill."
   Eko nods. "Yes. I did not press before, since you were my guests in my Temple, but now that we are out here..." Eko waves vaguely at the trees looming overhead. "I have to ask; what brings a pair of Elves out into this forest in such dark times? Surely it is no coincidence that you seem so confident in your ability to handle the ancient Curse of Aloclesno at the same time the blight of Necromancy threatens the Empire."
   You exchange guarded looks with Omo. You do not know that this is the right time to reveal yourself to Eko, but you do not want to lie to him, since it seems likely he will learn the truth sooner or later. "Well... Omo there has trained with the Elven Rangers, and for myself I have a bit of magical ability and the desire to learn more. We both wanted to see some more of the world beyond Yicelafo, and when we heard about the Necromancers we thought to leave the Vale while we could."
   Eko lets out a breath. "So the Elves are not coming, then?"
   "No, no, I'm sure they'll mobilize against Curo Nightroar." You reply quickly.
   "I'm not." Omo says darkly. "If I thought I could see the world in an official capacity, I wouldn't have left."
   "Well, there was some debate when we left." You concede. "We made our opinions known, then decided that actions speak louder than words and... here we are."
   "So your coming to my village is merely a... coincidence?" Eko says doubtfully.
   Omo shrugs nonchalantly. "The Necromancer is squatting on the main road, and when offered a choice between a haunted forest and a goblin-infested frontier, we chose the trees."
   "We intend to travel to the capital at Atkilpeme, and from there we'll head to the remains of the Sacred Grove."
   Eko leans back, stroking his chin. "You mean the Golgothan Barrens?"
   "The what?" You ask, befuddled.
   "The Golgothan Barrens are what used to be the Sacred Grove, long ago. The whole place is dead and blasted, and supposedly is crawling with undead." Eko chews his lip, visibly searching his memory. "I don't remember much about it; I know that was one place where priests with my training could be sent. It's like Aloclesno; a dangerous place, but with even less reason to explore."
   "Where you could be sent? I thought you were from Bedscaled." You ask quizzically.
   "No, no." Eko takes a quick nip from his flask, grimacing to himself. "Priests are not allowed to serve in their hometowns, or anywhere near if possible; it is a law that prevents favoritism. I'm actually from Gilebe, in the south."
   "Gilebe?" Omo perks up, stirring the campfire with a long branch. "That's where the Great River meets the sea, right? I've heard stories about that place; the legendary acropolis, the shining walls, the biggest shipyard in the world!"
   "Yes, Gilebe is a fine city, perhaps the finest in Thrimesdur." Eko says wistfully. "It is certainly the oldest, and has a long and proud history. Even so, it cannot compare to Atkilpeme."
   "What is Atkilpeme like?" You ask, curious about your future destination.
   "You would like it, I think. It is an entirely planned city, with every structure fitting into a neat grid. I spent much of my time at the Great Temple, learning the duties of a priest. A beautiful place, very square and perfect, every inch of it laid down with such a love of detail... And the Wizard's College is wonderful as well. The Ivory Towers of the greatest Wizards rival the Great Temple itself for prominence in the city, and from what I've seen of their interiors they may be even more beautiful and perfect." Eko sighs happily. "But what you'd really like, Nym, is the Great Library. It's right between the Great Temple and the College grounds, not so tall or imposing as the buildings around it but still a sprawling, carefully built structure. There are so many books, on so many subjects... what scraps of free time I had between my duties with the principals of Atal and my studies at the College were spent there, just finding something interesting to sink my teeth into." Eko says wistfully.
   Omo snorts. "Sounds like a place to keep Nym away from; if I lose her in there, I'd never find her."
   You stick your tongue out at Omo before turning back to Eko. "It sounds like you spent your entire life in cities. How did you come to be a country priest?"
   Eko shrugs. "Like everyone who is apprenticed to be a priest, I was tested for magical aptitude. I had some small talent with Order; not enough to ever hold a high rank within the College of Wizards, but plenty to supplement my priestly training. The very first spells I ever mastered were Wards, and they remain my strongest school of magic. I never had a real gift with Divination, which is what they look for in the more urban orders, and there is always a need for priests with Warding talents in problem areas like Aloclesno or the Golgothan Barrens. If I had applied myself more to magic I might have qualified for service in one of the border towns, but really, it just made sense to play to my strengths and accept this posting."
   "Was it hard going from the big city out here to the boondocks?" Omo asks, for once sounding genuinely curious.
   Eko stares into the fire, nodding slowly. "Yes... it was so different from anything I had done before, anywhere I had been before. It was hard to adapt, at first, and I'm afraid I didn't make the best first impression. Still, it's been almost ten years now; I've gotten used to life out here." He looks up, smiling. "At the end of the day, people are people, whether they're village goodwives or wizarding acolytes or merciless merchants."

   Eko spends the remainder of the afternoon telling anecdotes about his wizard training and his duties as the priest of Bedscaled, while you and Omo respond with similarly lighthearted stories about your childhood, daily life in Yicelafo, Omo's Ranger training and your checkered pasttimes (of which fishing was but the latest.) You find common ground with Eko in your fishing, as Eko used to regularly fish with his father on the banks of the Great River along with his father. Unexpectedly, Omo finds himself empathizing with Eko's stories about his strict teachers, and they swap stories about pranks they pulled (including some you didn't know Omo was responsible for; the incident with the pepper powder in your father's boots left him angry nearly as long as the sharp smell lingered in your home.)

   Omo stokes the fire as night descends, and you all tuck into your provisions. Eko brought some dried meats, for which you gladly trade him some of your extra cheese; you decline to try his bread, which looks like a biscuit crossed with a rock. Eko doesn't complain as he softens it with his Sewer Brew, while you and Omo drink from the waterskins you brought along. Having spent much of the afternoon talking, there seems to be little reason to stay up late, and you all retire early with the expectation of an early start the following morning.

   The tent is indeed cozier than you might have liked with Omo and Eko both crammed inside, but the night still gets cold enough to make the tight confines preferable to a spot by the fire. As you drift off to sleep, you can't stop planning your day tomorrow. You believe that somewhere in this forest is a Necromantic being of some kind, one that has remained hidden for centuries, one that remains incredibly dangerous. Deciding what to do when you find it is all well and good; first you need a firm search plan.

Spoiler: You (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Your Spells (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Omo Thunderjaw (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Eko Cleanvise (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Eko's Spells (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notable Figures (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Planned Experiments (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Maps (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1907 on: April 01, 2015, 07:15:25 pm »

Maybe we can try cursing something? If we can manage to find out how curses are made then we can make headway in finding out how curses are broken.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1908 on: April 01, 2015, 08:43:21 pm »

That seems fair. A muscular weakness curse should be plausible necromancy. But do we really want to dabble in curses? They are sort of metaphysically icky. Still, being able to sap someone's strength would make it easier to slow a pursuer or disable an opponent without harming them...
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1909 on: April 01, 2015, 08:49:35 pm »

We don't need to start cursing people or anything, cursing a leaf would be enough for our purposes. We just need to know how to break curses.
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1910 on: April 01, 2015, 08:59:47 pm »

I still think we should consider outing ourselves to Eko. Or perhaps talking to Omo about it?

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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1911 on: April 01, 2015, 09:16:41 pm »

If we break the curse, that's when we consider outing ourselves to Eko. Omo dislikes it and he's been our best friend since childhood, what's a random priest from another race raised in a city living in a village who has anti-necromantic abilities gonna think? He might think we're here to learn how to do curses or to improve our evil necromantic abilities or something. We need to prove our good intentions if we're to be seen as something other than evil.
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1912 on: April 01, 2015, 09:32:49 pm »

Sure, but the risks of being accidentally outed are much worse. Better to do that one ourselves.

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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1913 on: April 01, 2015, 10:28:18 pm »

Yes, fine, we'll do it ourselves but just not yet. Outing ourselves now would be just as bad as getting accidentally outed later on. Remember, the entire world - not most of it, ALL of it - thinks necromancy is evil. We haven't done a single thing to prove to this priest that necromancy can be the slightest bit good and if we tell him we're a necromancer he's going to either assume we're evil or think that we'll eventually become evil. Even Omo who's known for ages and is our best friend has some serious misgivings about it. Let's just get actual solid proof that we're not evil BEFORE we trust a PRIEST with the secret that we're a necromancer - i.e. having a 100% chance of being PURE EVIL according to the world.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.

Deep Waters

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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1914 on: April 02, 2015, 02:06:46 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I agree with Andres about not outing ourselves yet. We've known Eko for a few days, a week at most; we don't know how he'd react if we told him such a huge secret in the middle of a necromantically-haunted forest. After all, I know that, if I planned on setting up near a place to conduct necromantic experiments, this would be the perfect way to start off. This near another necromancer's army, no one would notice a few extra zombies. I could quietly get rid of one of the people who are not only the most likely to notice who I am, but who's probably the only reason the village is still standing against a zombie onslaught-- giving me plenty of bodies to work with after their defenses die.

Once we've proven that we can use our necromantic abilities for good, however, I think we should tell him. For one, he's a good way to patch up some blind spots. As a priest of Order who doesn't know us very well, Eko is far more equipped than Omo to notice if we start acting in... stereotypically necromantic ways, and to act on it if we do. Telling him that directly would probably be a good way of earning his trust, if the whole heroic thing pans out right and he doesn't run off right after we confess.  Plus, he's pretty worldly compared to us, and would probably have a lot of advice concerning other things-- we could get a lot more information about how certain magic works without making him too suspicious, for example, and he might even know who Morka is. More mundane things like how to not stand out too much in the cities would also be useful. However, I also recommend we talk to Omo about this beforehand. Skimming through the last post again reminded me how much Omo really doesn't like Eko, and we should address that before we add him to our party. I'm pretty sure Omo will advise against it, but hopefully we can get him to see our point of view...

As for curse experimentation... hm... Maybe we could try sapping the life of something little by little over time, without having to concentrate on it? I'm not entirely sure curses will work that incredibly differently from any other spell, though, or are even spells in their own right. I've got a feeling that the "curse" is actually a creature of some sort, given what happened in the forest as well as what little we know of Necromancy. If it is, it can't seem to leave the forest, so it must have either been ordered to stay in there or have an anchor in there somewhere that prevents it from leaving. I'm hoping for the latter, since presumably if we destroy its anchor, we destroy it. It may also be possible to destroy it simply by stealing all its Vitality-- it only had three, after all, and such a straightforward solution would never have been within the reach of a non-Necromancer. It might be difficult to explain if we do it in front of Eko, and I don't know if that would help the children, but there's not much else we can do with what little we know, if it is a creature.

EDIT: Reading back even more, it occurs to me that Order's paradigm is that all things have their purpose and that one shouldn't step out of their role. Eko is clearly becoming dissatisfied with that belief, though, since he's a priest who (tacitly) wants to be a Knight. It might be a good idea to draw parallels there-- something about how, according to everything he and you know about Necromancers, you should, by nature, be evil. Yet, you're doing everything you can to be a good person.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 02:41:46 am by Deep Waters »
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1915 on: April 02, 2015, 02:47:54 am »

First of all, we've already established ourselves as a curious person and Omo's confirmed that so asking about magic wouldn't be seen as suspicious. Even if we ask about necromancy it would at worst be seen as us being curious and at best trying to understand the magic so we can remove the curse more easily.

As for the whole Order thing, your argument has driven me further away from the idea that we should tell him at all. He's a priest of Order and believes in it strongly enough that instead of becoming a knight as he wanted he became a priest instead. If we were to tell him we're a necromancer he won't think "Necromancers are supposed to be evil but this necromancer clearly isn't, therefore my entire life philosophy and religion are wrong" - he'l think "Necromancers are supposed to be evil but this necromancer but this one doesn't seem that evil, therefore she is either Chaotic and thus evil or is secretly evil and thus evil! Burn the heretic/witch!"
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.

Deep Waters

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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1916 on: April 02, 2015, 03:50:13 am »

First of all, we've already established ourselves as a curious person and Omo's confirmed that so asking about magic wouldn't be seen as suspicious. Even if we ask about necromancy it would at worst be seen as us being curious and at best trying to understand the magic so we can remove the curse more easily.

As for the whole Order thing, your argument has driven me further away from the idea that we should tell him at all. He's a priest of Order and believes in it strongly enough that instead of becoming a knight as he wanted he became a priest instead. If we were to tell him we're a necromancer he won't think "Necromancers are supposed to be evil but this necromancer clearly isn't, therefore my entire life philosophy and religion are wrong" - he'l think "Necromancers are supposed to be evil but this necromancer but this one doesn't seem that evil, therefore she is either Chaotic and thus evil or is secretly evil and thus evil! Burn the heretic/witch!"

He's already begun questioning his entire life philosophy and religion. It's not to the point that it's entirely safe to tell him, but the foundation is there, and we can definitely recruit him if we play our cards right. Case in point:

   "You say you're supposed to put your trust in Order. But... you don't?"
   Eko gives you a sidelong glance, lowering his voice as a villager passes by. "That's the kind of talk you should keep to yourself. Especially around our new visitors." He adds meaningfully, nodding toward the Temple.
   "And your shepherds keep you from learning about your ancient foe. The magic you rely on has failed." You reply solemnly.
   "The magic has not failed; the wards held in the basement. The failing must be within me."Eko says stubbornly "And the prohibition related to the capture of undead is based in dogma, not the direct word of any god."
   "And you think this dogma is wrong." You say.
   Eko visibly struggles with himself. "It isn't wrong... there is reason for it. It prevents temptation."
   Eko runs a hand through his hair, grimacing. "To abandon Order. To discard the force that holds the Empire together. To step outside your purpose. Wizards cast spells. Armies send scouts. Both tasks have their place, and both tasks should be carried out by those most qualified to perform them. Stepping out of your role... if I wanted to cast spells and go adventuring, I should have signed up to be a Knight and received the proper training."
   "And are you tempted to knighthood?" You ask softly.
   Eko sighs, remaining silent. You watch the fire burn low together. Omo snores softly in the corner, face down on the table. Well, he starts out snoring softly, but soon begins to emit noises resembling those of some sort of wild beast.
   Eko smiles happily. "Good morning! I've prepared some trail rations; I thought we should eat breakfast on the road in order to maximize daylight. I don't fancy fighting a soul-sucking monstrosity in the dark."
   "We?" You ask cautiously. "We didn't ask you to come yourself. You have an important job to do for Bedscaled, maintaining the wards."
   Eko scratches his head, suddenly seeming uncertain. "Well... the wards should be fine for days without my supervision. Weeks, even. Bale is in charge of hunting the zombies that attacked the other night, and he was quite clear he neither needed nor wanted my help finding them. He's also taken on organizing the defense of the village, so they don't need me for that. So, I could spend my time on administrative work preparing for a festival we may never have... or I could go to the forest with you."
   "You seemed to think we were suicidal to even try." Omo says bluntly. "Now you want to join us?"
   Eko sighs. "Nym... you asked whether I was tempted to knighthood last night. Well, maybe the life of a knight is beyond me, but I do think I made a mistake somewhere along the line, or my life wouldn't have lead me here. Maybe it's not too late to make the right choice."
   "By killing every Necromancer you can find?" You ask. "I don't know... it seems to me that the Necromancers go on their killing sprees because they are so heavily persecuted. If they weren't killed for being who they are, wouldn't they just keep living peacefully in their villages?"
   Eko barks a short laugh. "You know, it's funny... I had a similar conversation with Cikul not too long ago. It's hard to argue against the weight of the prophecies, and the High Priests say that the influence of the Death Gods would lead to war and destruction in any case. If the policy seems harsh, remember that it was implemented in the wake of the Golgothan War. The Necromancers of the world had just proven incapable of peaceful coexistence with the Empire, and then a dire prophecy warns that they will attack again in the future? An attack that will destroy the Empire, and maybe the world? I can't fault the decision that the Emperor made."

If, however, you think we have more to lose by telling Eko than we have to gain by having him as an ally, I don't have many more arguments than I've already put forth. I think there's a lot more information we can get out of him than we can justify without telling him our nature, that we can get a lot of advice on the most prudent courses of action when it comes to magic and issues such as Fale and Bale, that he can help us better blend in and not look like utter foreigners, and that Order magic is potentially highly useful. Even if Eko isn't the most talented Order mage in the world, we're not likely to find someone with a more open mindset than him around here. If we can't trust in our judgement of someone's character enough to take even the slightest risks in order to find allies, we should probably resign ourselves to Omo being only companion for the foreseeable future-- not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but it's something to keep in mind.

EDIT: This one's less clear-cut of an example, but it's something we can use if he does default to the whole "burn the heretic!" mindset.

   Eko stares into the fire, nodding slowly. "Yes... it was so different from anything I had done before, anywhere I had been before. It was hard to adapt, at first, and I'm afraid I didn't make the best first impression. Still, it's been almost ten years now; I've gotten used to life out here." He looks up, smiling. "At the end of the day, people are people, whether they're village goodwives or wizarding acolytes or merciless merchants."
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 04:39:59 am by Deep Waters »
[23:14:34] <GameMaster> And so (...) a one-armed dwarf and a mage wearing a blanket walk into a tomb.
[23:14:42] <GameMaster> Sadly, that isn't a joke.

[20:42:03] <HailFire> our wizard tower just got smoked by projectile cats from space


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1917 on: April 02, 2015, 08:18:55 am »

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die."


But back on topic, I'd say keep it from Eko from a bit longer, at least until we make a somewhat stronger favorable impression on him.

On search plans though, I'm coming up blank here, specially since we can't use certain aspects of our magic to facilitate things.
"Why? We're the Good Guys, aren't we?"
"Yes, but that rather hinges on doing certain things and not doing others." - Paraphrased from Discworld.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1918 on: April 02, 2015, 10:15:30 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer! Rebooted
« Reply #1919 on: April 02, 2015, 11:22:12 am »

Keep it secret for now....but soon....

Did priest guy learn anything about the trees?

Oh, and we should use see vitality on the trees.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!
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