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Author Topic: You are a Necromancer! Chapter 2-36 Decisions, Decisions  (Read 680672 times)


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #210 on: January 03, 2012, 12:29:35 am »

Spoiler: Future experiments (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 03:20:27 am by DinosaurusRex_x »
Play my picture adventure games: Roll to Dodge Mr T and You Are Douchebag!


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #211 on: January 03, 2012, 01:37:43 am »

- See if you can use Raise Zombie to unraise a zombie that was brought up by you.
- Is it possible to re-raise an undead that was killed again?  Test by killing something you brought back.   Test it again to see if it works by the above experiment.
We already did this with crayfish. The more damaged a body is, the more mana it takes to revive.
- Test Steal Vitality's fatality.  Can you steal enough of something's vitality to kill it?  Or does the nature of the spell keep the target alive.
We already did that with the tree.


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #212 on: January 03, 2012, 03:20:47 am »

oh ok list edited.
Play my picture adventure games: Roll to Dodge Mr T and You Are Douchebag!


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #213 on: January 03, 2012, 04:51:24 pm »

Shopingwise, we're in a bit of bad shape:
Our total shopping list adds up to somewhere on the order of 1.4 gold. We have 6.6 silver. We're going to have to forgo buying some of the things that we'd like to have.

Step one is to ask Omo what he's bringing and strike any duplicates. If Omo is planning to bring a hatchet, 50' of rope, 3 spare ranger knives and a fully stocked medical pouch, we don't really need to be bringing the same. If it's still not enough, there' some other things to get rid of.


I recomend the following:
Spoiler: Shopping List: (click to show/hide)
We have 6.6 silver, so my proposed shopping list is...

Trail Rations(1.5)(5.1 remain)
Bedroll (1)(4.1 remain)
Rope (.8)(3.3 remain)
5 parchment + Scroll Case (How many pachments does a scroll case protect?) (2) (1.3 remain)
10xCharcoal (.1)(1.2 remain)
Wax Tablet (1)(.2 remain)

Also, another idea for stepping off the path to experiment on the way - we thought we saw some useful herbs. ;)

Will our parents be likely to show up at the fair? If so... MOOOOOOOCH

You rearrange your shopping list- a bit less food, since you can probably forage well enough on your own, lower priority on the rope since you don't plan on going anywhere particularly rugged soon... good enough for now. You get the bright idea to ask Omo what he has before you buy redundant items- that should save you some money, and he might have thought of things you've forgotten.

Spoiler: Shopping List: (click to show/hide)

How long a walk is it to the fair? I think, experimentation wise, we could do with laying low for a little while. And everyone we need to talk to and everything we need to do is there. Since we know we can use our magic on things we can't see (remember raising the crayfish), we can do some simple magic on the walk so as not to worry about it expressing itself during the night. Concentrate on trying to understand it, focus it, notice the details. Nothing particularly new or experimental, just going over what we know and see if we notice anything new.

Some simple spells we can cast on the walk:
Get some more dead crayfish or something else fairly whole in a bag.
Insure we can raise them through the bag like we did that night, but keep them in the bag. See if we can raise two at once.
How do they interact?
Command them both to remain still and calm. We haven't done much commanding, so pay careful attention to the experience.
Drop some silver in the bag and see if they react.
Finally, attempt to "Alter Golem" on one of the zombies. Is there anything we can change? Can we mash them together and make them one zombie?

That should easily drain most of our mana for the day, and it's all stuff we can do on the walk without being obvious about it.

You decide to take a break from running around in the woods by yourself, and take a trip to the Caravan Fair. Omo is probably already there, and you don't want to spend your limited cash without consulting with him first- besides pretty much anyone who is anyone will be there. After all, the Fair is the social event of the season! Songs will be sung, dances danced, strange items and stranger tales from the outside world put on display, and various mind-altering substances will be readily available for those so inclined.

Although, this is not to say you won't be doing some experimentation. After all, it would be most embarrassing to suffer Mana buildup in the midst of the greatest gathering of Elves short of the Fall Fair. The crayfish you already had are back at your little Grove (and probably rotted to goo, come to think of it,) but you know of a little pool not too far away that is too small to support larger fish, but is a ready supply of crayfish, toads, and other little creatures suitable for bait.

You easily net a pair of minnows, and let them air-drown on your way back to your home. Hesitating a moment, you decide to wrap them in a rag before putting them in your pack, sandwiched between your spare clothes. Securely buckling the pack shut, (after preparing a meal for later,)  you set off on your journey to Yicelafo.

Heading to the river, you walk westward along the bank. Elves aren't much on making roads, but between the frequent traffic and tall trees there isn't much undergrowth along the river's edge, making it the fastest way to Yicelafo if you don't have a boat. After you get about half an hour outside village limits, you feel alone enough to attempt some subtle Necromancy.

Focusing on the minnows in your pack, you attempt to Raise Zombie- no dice. Frowning, you think harder- you picture how they looked in the rag, imagine them pressed down by the weight of your clothing in the dark of your pack, and you Raise Zombie. You spend 1 Mana, although you don't feel any different. Casually, you unshoulder your pack, holding it in front of you- although you don't see any direct light, your Necromantic Sight informs you of the existence of a source of Necromantic energy within the pack.

Continuing along the riverbank, you shoulder your pack and try to imagine what it is like to be a minnow. You are long, you are swim, you have little fins and are half tail, you are wedged in a rag in a sack, and you Command Undead. You gain that peculiar double vision- before you you see the woods, the river flowing by, an elf in the distance, but you are also aware of cloth and dark and a nearby dead fish. The undead minnow is flopping about, and you silently command it to remain still. Carefully looking through the minnow's eyes, you are reasonably certain the minnow is still fully wrapped in the rag- good thing, too, since you'd rather not have your clean clothes smell like fish.

You amicably nod to the elf as she passes, and she smiles back at you. Whistling a jaunty tune, you continue upriver with your passenger, passerby none the wiser!

Once you're alone again, you prepare to raise the second minnow. You hesitate a moment- you've been maintaining the Command Undead spell on the first minnow, and you aren't sure whether you can cast a different spell while doing so. There's one way to find out!

You aren't in any rush, and carefully think about what you want to do, while maintaining awareness of the current minnow. When you feel prepared, you Raise Zombie. Through the eyes of your current minnow, you happily watch fire erupt from the other minnow's eyes, and it begins to jerk about in a mockery of its last moments of life. It appears to take no notice of its traveling companion.

You try to shift your awareness to it, but cannot. Thinking for a moment, you carefully cast Command Undead while maintaining control of your first minnow. You gain a general awareness of the other minnow, but you don't gain its perspective. You try to order it to be still, but fail. Thinking a moment, you try to shift your awareness again- this time, you succeed! You maintain a general awareness of the first minnow, but now you see through the eyes of the second minnow. You order it to be still, and it complies.

As you walk along, you try different experiments as it strikes your fancy. You try to directly control them both at once, but fail. You try to Alter Golem to merge them into one superfish, but fail. When you pause for dinner, you take a moment to poke them with a silver coin, with no noticeable effect.

After dinner, you decide to do some testing of the range of Command Undead. As you walk away from your pack, your awareness of the minnow (both through Control Undead and Necromantic Sight) begins to drop off rapidly- once you get more than a couple yards away from your pack, the spell ends along with your Necromantic Sight's awareness of the minnow's existence. Returning to your pack, you sense the minnows again, but don't regain control of them.

As you consider the results of your experimentation, you continue upriver. You soon encounter more and more elves, some slower than you, some faster. Many of them carry a pack with camping gear, similar to yours. With the setting of the sun, you arrive at the outer limits of Yicelafo. On the north side of the river (the side you are currently on,) you see lights twinkle into being as the Arboreal City winds down toward the night. Across the river, similar lights at ground level betray the presence of the reveler's camp- somewhere on that shore the Caravan itself is also resting, resting before the renewed festivities tomorrow.

You ponder where to spend the night. You could always crash at your Mother's house- she maintains an apartment in downtown Yicelafo. Meeting with her is probably going to require some catching up and explanation of your journey, explanation that you may want to put off until the next day. You could also seek out Omo or another of your acquaintances across the river for a no questions asked rest, or, given how clear the night appears, you could probably sleep in the open by yourself, perhaps a bit worse for wear since you lack a bedroll. You should also consider how (and if) you will dispose of your minnows.

Spoiler: You (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Spells (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Omo Thunderjaw (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notable Figures (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Planned Experiments (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Maps (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #214 on: January 03, 2012, 06:04:11 pm »

Eat one of the minnows. Does it taste like it's spoiled at all during the time it's been zombified, or did the unlife preserve and protect it from bacteria and mold growing on it?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #215 on: January 03, 2012, 07:03:37 pm »

Steal their vitality and eat them.


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #216 on: January 03, 2012, 08:07:49 pm »

Steal their vitality and eat them.

Eat them before stealing their vitality.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 09:24:37 pm by Cellmonk »


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #217 on: January 03, 2012, 08:38:20 pm »

We've got two minnows. Why not try both?

We should probably go find Omo. If we're going to be camping with eachother for who knows how long, we may as well find out if he snores.


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #218 on: January 03, 2012, 09:25:44 pm »

I very much doubt either would have enough vitality to be worth the effort. Veto, if possible.

I agree with finding ohmo though, but dispose of zombies first.


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #219 on: January 03, 2012, 10:56:54 pm »

   Go find your friend at the fair and talk about what traveling supplies you'll bring along today or tomorrow, whenever it's convenient and then buy them. If possible, some time over the next few days find Pevo and learn how to make mana potions, this is practically a must have skill, we need it and leaving before learning how to make them would suck.
   I doubt we'll be able to/ have time to do any experiment during the fair so we'll have to put that on the backburner.

EDIT: Also don't forget to eat the fish, other wise they'll smell.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 11:50:37 pm by DrVoltron »
I'm a man, and I can change... if I have to... I guess....


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #220 on: January 04, 2012, 12:36:53 am »

Alrighty then, didn't expect that course of action. For clarification, are you swallowing the minnow whole, or dissecting and eating the edible portions like the fish from way back in Part 2? And although I normally refrain from suggesting possible actions, I can't resist- are you casting Command Undead to "accompany" the fish on its way down?

As a side note, if you were to drain both of them with Steal Vitality you'd get 1 HP. This isn't very exciting apart from the potential Science to be performed, since you'll regain your last HP with a good night's sleep anyway. [The author does not guarantee that you will get a good night's sleep tonight or any night]

As a bit of bookkeeping, I've done a couple things. For those who haven't realized, the OP has links to each update in case you're just lurking for the story and don't feel like reading the suggesty bits. The new thing is that I've added some rules to the second post. Nothing terribly exciting- think DnD but somewhat simplified to make it easy on me, and based on a d12. They mostly only apply to combat, so if you are thinking about suggesting violence as a solution to your problem you now have a means to evaluate how likely you are to succeed. Again, the vast majority of your suggestions will continue to be based on narrative logic.

I've also got an Equipment list up there so you can get an idea of what's available without specifically asking every time. Also so I don't have to refer to my notes, in the event I'm away from the home computer, but that's really a side benefit. Lord knows we don't need another spoiler at the end of each update, and I'm debating moving the Notable Figures bit to the Rules post as well. Definitely older maps, as they become less immediately needed.

I'll probably throw up some overland travel guidelines and other junk like that eventually- timed events don't flow at the speed of Plot, so neither should travel. Any questions, inconsistencies, vagueness or typos? Speak up!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #221 on: January 04, 2012, 12:44:09 am »

Dissecting the fish will kill it anyway, so we should probably just do the drain vitality test on both, unless we can Command Undead to make them remove their bones without destroying themselves.


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #222 on: January 04, 2012, 12:57:13 am »

Dissecting the fish will kill it anyway, so we should probably just do the drain vitality test on both, unless we can Command Undead to make them remove their bones without destroying themselves.

I was actually opting for the "swallow them whole" route. I mean, we can nibble on their fins for a taste, but imagine seeing inside your own anatomy. We might even see something important.

Before we do that, though, we should see if we can make them self terminated. Don't want to try the whole "steal vitality" trick on something that's INSIDE you...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #223 on: January 04, 2012, 08:24:04 am »

Yeah, I just meant eat them properly like fish (although, they are minnows. Swallowing them whole IS the way to eat them properly.)

I actually want to go with "command undead, see if you can tell it to stop being alive" for now. Command undead is cheaper than steal vitality, so its a better way to magically get rid of the zombies if it works.


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Re: You are a Necromancer!
« Reply #224 on: January 04, 2012, 09:22:38 pm »

We definitely want to have a reliable way to de-animate it before we swallow it.
Soaplent green is goblins!
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