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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 235941 times)

Impending Doom

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3285 on: May 21, 2012, 12:00:00 am »

"That's good to hear. Do they visit you often, down here?"
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3286 on: May 21, 2012, 12:04:50 am »

"Sometimes, but it still gets lonely..."
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms

Impending Doom

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3287 on: May 21, 2012, 12:15:25 am »

"I can see how it would..." She ponders for a moment. "Say, Jaxler? Would you like me to come sit with you every day? I could keep bringing water to you, and maybe some food if you like."
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3288 on: May 21, 2012, 12:21:57 am »

Jaxler's smile widened. "That would be nice, thank you."
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3289 on: May 21, 2012, 01:32:30 am »

And a appearance with and

(( 1st Hematite, 262 ))
(( Amor left before Jaxler’s assault on Jury, for the caverns to continue building the blocks to build the fortifications that barricade the forgotten beasts. So she is unaware of Jaxler’s jailing ))

Amor ascended to the surface and faced a minor case of vertigo and photosensitivity. She lays down, Amber was there overlooking her master as she too reaches the overworld. Confused by the curly mane pony’s actions; the younger Little Pony used every one of her breaks to return to the surface. Amor on the other hand labored feverishly, knowing that the more she got done, the sooner Dawnpick would be safe. The peach mane Unicorn set down before her master, not willing to go to her apartment.

The older Unicorn spoke up with her eyes clamped shut from the afternoon sun. “Amber, do you not want to see your family after two months of being apart?”

Amber’s eyes rolled at the mention of her family. “Oh them, I would rather go back down to the caverns then deal with them. If anything I would rather take my chances with the forgotten beasts then them.”

Amor was a little distressed about the comment. “Why do you say such a thing, Amber?” She questions looking in the direction of Amber’s voice.

The younger mare feels dejected but goes on the attack, extremely overstating reality. “Dad is too busy at work and when he gets home, he runs the family like a police-state, and mother is off getting drunk. He took one too many plates from me to even for me to call him my dad.” She tosses her head to the side as if hurt.

“I suppose that every parent loves their child; but I know, that in a large number of homes the love is hidden behind authority, or its expression is crowded out by daily duties and cares.” The legendary mason-pony said in trying to reason with her apprentice. “Amber, the reason they do the things they do, is for you and your siblings. They may not always get it right but they try.” Her voice kept its soft and comforting tone, as she did not want to lose Amber’s ear.

Amber is in disbelief at the idea of some pony defending her own family and rebuttals. “Oh, then ask my sisters and brother. Oh wait, they would rather stab me in the back like some sneaky Rainbow Pony, then agree with me.”

Amor was burrowing the tips of her fore-hooves into the clay-filled ground. “Amber, when it comes down to it, anypony could betray you, but no pony is going to stick with you like siblings.” Her eyes, no longer clamped as tightly by the harsh summer sun’s rays, she continues to keep them shut. “Any mare, when feeling down-in-the-dirt, rotten and feeling forgotten, is saved when her sibling comes to comfort her.”

“And what do you know, you haven’t put up with them for five years like I have. I would rather a sea to separates us and, and that still would not be enough.” Amber stomps the ground at her fuming, she could not put up with it any longer. The Unicorn turned around and trotted off towards the dining hall, to eat her stress away. “Stupid bitch, what does she know?” She muttered under her breath.

“Amber, friends love you for your intelligence, a lover for your charm, but your family's love is unreasoning; you were born from its flesh and blood. Regardless your family can irritate you more than any group of ponies in the world.” Amor says as she stands up and opens her eyes to the sight of Amber long out of earshot, she huffs. You insolent whelp, next time I make sure you are on the wrong side of the cavern barricades when we finish. The thought aches the mare’s heart; she huffs again and notes the deterioration of her saddlebags and masons’ smock. Maybe a good time to see how Cross Stitch. She thinks and then mutters at her apprentice. “Maybe visiting somepony thankful of their situation might get my mind off this.”

Trotting off past the kiln, craft-shops and jewelry shop, Amor finds herself at the clothier shop. She noted the missing fortifications that hung where the old north wall was. There was a busted quartzite block floor that once covered the old moat. Questioning Cross Stitch, he tells her that when the fortifications fell in early State, some of it busted through the floor. Also to the mason-pony’s dismay, the stallion tells her that some bins containing clothing fell in too. Her eyes also went wide when the mint green Unicorn told that no pony trawled the wares out yet. When she asked why, the stallion shrugged and said that nopony cared for some lost items here and there they could always make more. The exasperated mare was cooling off even if she disliked the idea but Cross Stitch had to mention that items made by ponies in strange moods were also counted lost in the moat.

Amor galloped at full speed at the black sanded slopes that substituted the missing floor, dropping her tools at the waterline, she dives in. And of their best riches, ignorance of their wealth. One after another, she pulls the bins out of the water and the blocks too. After she finishes, about thirty ponies were gawking at the silly pony who just took a dip in the moat. “Why did it take two months for somepony to do what I did in half an hour?” She said with her voice barely fit for the outsides, she looks on the staring and gossiping ponies, most rather get on with their lives.

The seething mare’s ears and eyes scan the on-looking ponies, her nostrils flaring and her voice still fixed at its level. “Concepts are not all so comprehensible and expressible as one would fool us to believe; most actions are inexpressible, taking place in realms which no word has ever treaded, and more indefinable than all else are works of art, mysterious existences, the life of which, while ours passed away, art endures.”

Cross Stitch tries to pacify the irate Little Pony but refuted by the mare. “Art is the symbol of the two noblest Pony efforts: to construct and to refrain from destruction. To let such treasured arts to be forgotten and destroyed, surmount to denying your own ponianity.” She says before bucking out the contents of a bin showing the waterlogged but still beautiful bandanas and handkerchiefs, many greatly adorn.

Other ponies join Cross Stitch’s attempts to settle Amor down, but it only resembled heckling and she recovers both the Wheeledcraft and Owlsport the Deviance of Deciding from their bins. She sighed thankfully at their good condition. “Every foal comes with the message that the Gods are not yet discouraged of pony-kind. Every artifact made by muse is a reminder that the same Gods have yet to abandon those of us without foals.” The mare vents, resorting to her father’s religious wisdom.

Many of the ponies continued and Amor lightly shouts. “In case you all have forgotten The Crown’s law or the expanse between Dawnpick and Coupledye made you lax. Recall that allowing a artifact or masterwork work to come to destruction is high treason in the eyes of our Crown. Especially, in Queen Buzat’s eyes and she would remind you why King Golud is favored so.” The crowds are quick to disperse at her calling on The Crown. The curly mane Unicorn huffs and thinks. Did all of these ponies go mad, as I was away? Does Virtue know about this?

Amor then lays out the articles and count up the cost, save the artifacts that were beyond her ability or will to calculate. …ten-thousand-ninety-three, ten-thousand-four-hundred and eight; ten-thousand-eight-hundred and fifty-eight. In her fury she forgets to count the bins too, but the mare lays all the items out to dry in the summer sun. She trots off for the Pele tower, still soaking in moat water. There she meets a red mane and white coated Pegasus, guarding the marble doors, Amor takes a deep breath and curtseys before talking. “Please excuse me, I have a matter for the Duchess and it is something Longshot has no ability to attain to.”

Falcata stares at the dripping, bedraggled unicorn in front of her, raising an eyebrow quizzically. “Um...why are you wet? And, um, muddy? Would you not like to clean up before meeting with Virtue?”

Downcast, the copper Little Pony huffs and returns her focus at the militia-pony. “Falcata is it? Forgive me but this is urgent. I just recovered two artifacts and masterworks that have been left in the moat for more than a month…” She said with a pleading tone but wears a dour scowl.

“Uh, it’s your call, go on ahead,” Falcata says with a small smile, stepping aside to let the copper mare pass.

Amor curtseys again at the Pegasus, opens the marble doors with her hooves and proceeds to Virtue’s office; there the Earth Pony appears to be doing paper work. The mason pony trots up to the desk’s edge and voice fit at room level she verbally lashes out. “Virtue, are you not aware of the tragedy that has unfolded outside your keep? There has been an incident and you just sit there with your snout in paperwork? How could Ponies let this matter go for so long without doing something about it?” By her rants’ end, the mare’s back hooves were in the air and with them she bucks the floor for effect.

Virtue is clearly startled by Amor’s fit and nearly hops to her hooves.  “Tragedy?” she asks with more than a hint of fear in her voice.  Had somepony been injured?  Killed?  “What happened?”

Taken aback, the irate Unicorn just shakes her head at the ‘innocent’ mare in disapprove. She really is ignorant… maybe she is not fit for this charge, is this recent or… She paused for a quarter of a minute in thought. “No lives of ponies were lost but nearly some objects that approach proximity the level of significance of pony lives.” With her left hoof pointing towards the moat she raises her voice but a fragment of a yell. “I just recover the artifacts; Wheeledcraft and Owlsport the Deviance of Deciding from the moat. I know you know that allowing such objects to come to harm is seen as high treason by The Crown.”

Treason?  That struck a sore point in Virtue, being something she was desperately trying to avoid ever since the scathing response she got from Coupledye over Indigo’s letter.  “Wh-what?  The moat?  How did that happen?  When did it happen?”

Face-hoofing as she says. “Virtue, do you recall the fortifications built over the old north-east wall that was idiotically left when we removed expanded that part of the wall? Cross Stitch, said it happen then and do you not recall when they were taken down?” Amor returns her hooves to the ground along with her rump; she felt a little better from her outburst.

She did indeed remember the fortifications, and the ‘idiocy’ of leaving them up.  Something she might should have taken a bit more care to ensure was handled properly.  “I... do recall that, but I must admit I don’t recall when they were taken down.  How does that relate though?”

Amor recites what Cross Stitch told her, when the falling fortifications busted the flooring covering the old moat and took with it some bins. “I hauled out ten-thousand-eight-hundred and fifty-eight bits in items…” She pauses in reflection of the count. “And that does not include the bins and priceless artifacts.”

Virtue is silent for a moment as she considers the implications.  “That... that is shocking.  Thank you for retrieving them.  I don’t know why nopony else bothered to... or why nopony even told me they were missing.”  At least it wasn’t like they had lost something invaluable, like Glaive’s shield, but retrieving them was important nonetheless, she supposed.

“While our art cannot, as we wish it could, save us from conflict, deprivation, jealousy, voracity, senescence, or death, it can revitalize us amidst it all.” The copper mane Little Pony utters dejectedly but perks up after a time. “Thank you, lady Virtue. Being in the caverns for so long and the events that transpired while I was away makes this all alien to me. Is there anything else I missed?”

“Nothing that comes to mind, no,” she answers.  From the way it sounded, Amor was more on top of things than she was anyway.  “Please do let me know if anything else like this happens... I’m not sure how I managed to avoid finding out about it until now.”

The mason-pony excuses herself with a curtsey and leaves only to return after half an hour later. She was still in the same condition she did when she first got there. “And what of this about a pony assaulting a judge and being arrested?” She asked in a tone of absolute spitefulness at the Duchess who failed to mention such important news.

“Oh, sorry, that completely slipped my mind...” she admits, somewhat to her own concern.  How she forgot that was beyond her.  “Yes, Jaxler attacked Jury.  For reasons I gather were pretty insignificant.  He’s currently being held in the jail, since that little fight ended up with two ponies in the hospital, and injuries to two others...”

Amor’s nerves are getting the best of her, the tongue in the mare’s mouth clicked against her palate, but she shields the sound. Why would he have done something so obtuse? She steadies her tongue to speak. “Did you know I share a friendship with the Pegasus; may I go and see him?”

“If you want,” she replies with a bit of reluctance.  “He’s just down the stairs in the jail.”  Her expression grows a bit grave.  “He’s understandably not in a good mood...”

Curtseying again, Amor makes way for the marble door that leads to the dungeon’s stairs of the same material. The prison was cold and dry, causing the Little Pony’s lips to crack instantly. The walls, floor and ceiling were plastered and no doubt the silty-clay behind them should have been scorched if anypony had sense. The magical experienced Unicorn noted the x+magic suppressing wards+x in one cell. Foul magic crafting, did they get a poor foal to make this? ‘Saber’ the slate grey coated Pegasus mare with crimson and dark scarlet mare was between two of the cells, one being which hold the prisoner. She approaches the guards-pony and looks into the cell. She sees the stallion considered her friend, cowing in a corner of his cell. “Jaxler…” Amor was at a lost for words.

Jaxler opened his eyes to see Amor on the other side of the bars. He sighed when he saw her and immediately closed his eyes again so to block out the walls. “H-hello Amor…” The stallion fluttered his one good wing and sighed.

The goldenrod mane mare sets herself down close to the rough shale bars and looks over the Stallion. His mane and tail were matted, coat was splotchy and feathers have not been preened in awhile. Jaxler’s left wing was also in a cast, which makes Amor wonder when he got it. “I can’t find anything to say. I could ask you how you are feeling, but I know you feeling bad. Or ask you if you are well but I know you aren’t.” Saber was particularly uneasy at Amor’s closeness to the prisoner.

Jaxler tried sighed. He must look pretty awful right now. The guilt and stress must also be showing in his physical appearance. “yeah, It sucks r-right now… but I t-think I’ve been worse.”

The little mare’s day had been draining and terrible but seeing Jaxler whose had worse days, it caused her heart to descend. “Then you can live through this, but do you plan to?” Her voice came out soft as she looks down towards the ground and thinking. The dark spiral, even darker descent, our law. Labels criminals and outlaws and after the punishment dealt, still the labels bond and still criminals and outlaws the laws still makes.

Jaxler sighed. He honestly didn’t know if he planned on living. He was just a liability to Dawnpick and those who cared about him. “maybe...” The pony gave Amor an exhausted look.

The Unicorn looks up towards the Pegasus with mixed anger, confusion and sadness painted on her face. ‘Maybe,’ Jaxler, why have you given up, if that is the case? She thinks not willing to ask, she huffs. “Can you tell me what happen, where did it all go wrong for you to end up here?”

Jaxler sighed, the last thing he honestly wanted to do was recount what happened. “I blacked out in front of Jury’s door and when she walked up to me, she levitated my weapon away and called me a cur. I insulted her back and told her to drop me weapon twice and she continued to insult me. So, I hit her in order to cut out her magic so that I could get my crossbow back. A few hours later Partisan came to my room with a mob of armed ponies. I would have come out peacefully but he demanded that I give him my crossbow as evidence. I told him I wouldn’t loaf over my weapon repetitively and in the end I struck him in the face. Sarissa then lost her cool and tried to decapitate me. Falcata had to tackle the pony, in order to keep from ending my life, and I had to use my wing as a meat shield. I pulled a dagger expecting Sarissa to split my skull when Granite charged in. Kat fired at me in an attempt to end my life when Granite got in the way of the bolt and got hurt. I honestly thought my…  s-… best friend died in front of my eyes and I snapped like a twig and next thing a knew I had flung a knife into Kat’s chest and I was being forced to the ground. I woke up down here without my crossbow… And Jury said with a demonic smile that I was never going to see my most prized possession again and that I was going to be stuck in a little room for the next three months plus whatever I get for the rest of my crimes. I get claustrophobic... and I can’t handle things without my crossbow.”

Amor listens to her friend, confused and upset, she lashes out at the only pony she can. “Jaxler, sometimes a pony stops being right when they step out of the law, even if they set out to right a wrong. You should have went to another pony and deal with Jury lawfully then sucker-hoofing her.” She says in a harsh tone and head tilted looking disapprovingly.

Jaxler sighed and diverted his eyes. Amor had every right to be ashamed of him and probably wouldn’t even bother to associate with the problematic pegasus anymore. How could anypony be so quick to violence and be so belligerent. “I’m s-sorry...”

Sighing, the mare places her head on the rock cell bars, something she would not do if she was unsure of herself or Jaxler, let alone any other prisoner. “I know you are Jaxler but what is it about the crossbow that makes you do this to yourself?” She looks over at the Pegasus and he reminds her of a foal who lost their favorite possession.

Jaxler tried to keep a straight face as he talked. “That c-crossbow for a long time was my only possession. It’s the only crossbow I can use effectively. It accounts for 99% of my wealth. It’s the only thing I have left to remind me of what I o-once had aside from the scar on my side. It’s saved my life more times then one can count... and Topoireneisians are supposed to treat their weapons with the u-utmost respect....” The pony’s voice slowly got more stressed and sad as he continued talking.

A peculiar thought crossed Amor’s mind and she acted on it. “Your weapon, does it have a name?” Her voice comes out stern with command as she lifts her head up to look at the stallion. ‘Topoireneisians?’ Hold off on that; have we had an artifact weapon under our noses this whole time?

“I-it does…” Jaxler had almost forgotten his crossbow’s name. he spent fifteen seconds trying to remember the item’s name. “Its name is Ome, на счупената демон убиец на боговете.”  The pony couldn’t recount the meaning of the name. He hadn’t spoken Topoireneisian In over twenty years and had forgotten. Which made Jaxler even more sad.

The language was not completely alien to the mare as she had been to Grira Nizmennosti but the dialect was different to what Jaxler spoke. The only word in ‘Ome’s’ title, she could make out was ‘Demon.’ “Jaxler, I’m going now but I plan to visit you three times a week until you get out of here. Will you survive that long for my sake?”

Jaxler felt better knowing that Amor would try to see him. He honestly expected her to drop him as a friend and look for somepony less problematic “I’ll t-try... thank you amor, but why exactly did you need to know if my weapon had a n-name?”

The mare Huffs again and feels it best to tell the dark color Little Pony. “I have no suspect that you are lying to me. If your crossbow is indeed an artifact then it belongs to its rightful owners and… your custodianship over such treasure is more respectable than I can say for ponies here.” She delays as she gives Jaxler a good look at the filth that she accumulated from the moat. “I recently recovered two artifacts from the moat.”

Jaxler smiled a little bit. “d-do you honestly think you could get it back to me?” Jaxler looked at Amor with a hint of hope in his eyes. “please” If the pony had his weapon back he might finally be able to endure his time down here.

“Jaxler, just as you, my word is one of the only things I can own. No false promises or lies from me but I will make effort to see that justice is done right. Jaxler, please make it until then.” She said as she made way to see Virtue again for the third time that day.

“Thank y-you, Amor” the little pony then sighed a little bit. for some reason the walls of the room seemed a little bit less horrible. possible Jaxler could actually get some sleep tonight.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 01:34:47 am by Psalms01 »
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3290 on: May 21, 2012, 04:18:31 am »

Moral had just finished staring at the water wheel and talking with Ore and Golden Tooth. Oh, Moral just couldn't wait to talk with Green, the reserve captain. The Alicorn just loved using a spear, almost as much as magic. The smart pony simply walked up to the masons workshop (after about an hour of wandering about aimlessly) and finally found the blue unicorn. The Alicorn asked him about joining the reserves and told that he was very skilled in combat. Orange asked Moral a lot of confusing questions, but he answered them all and even set a bush on fire, to prove that he was not insane.

In the middle of their conversation, Purple shouted “GUARDS! INTRUDER ALERT!” and run off. Moral looked around for the intruder, but couldn't see any, so he wisely concluded that it was some kind of test. Meanwhile Blue came back with Axe and Guerilla and they argued for a while, with Black pointing his hoof at the Alicorn and a half-burned bush. They were all very impressed by Moral's little demonstration. In fact, Choppa told him, that Moral wouldn't need to worry about getting any weapons anytime soon, wouldn't even have to train and would be asked to fight when the need arises. This pleased the Alicorn greatly, except the other ponies forgot to give him a spear. But that was fine, Moral made himself a sharpened stick and all was well.

Indigo was working in the mason's workshop, when some Alicorn interrupted him. His behaviour was really weird and he seemed unable to remember Indigo's name, or Lady Virtue's for that matter. Finally Indigo was so fed up with this idiot that he asked him, if he was insane. In response the crazy Alicorn set a bush on fire and said, he was 'very sane'. Seeing that, Indigo called for backup and went galloping to fetch Halberd and Partisan. They were confused at first, but upon seeing the half-burnt bush and hearing a few badly mangled sentences from the new guy, they were convinced that he was a liability and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near weapons.

A bit later Indigo went to Lady Virtue and was almost refused entry due to being too upset. He verbally bashed her for allowing this Alicorn in the reserves, saying among other things: “I know you've been sending all your rejects to me, but this guy is just too much. The idiot can't even remember his own name, let alone anything I tell him to do. Jaxler was at least useful for something, but what the hay am I supposed to do with this guy? Give him a sharpened stick and tell him to stab invaders with the pointy end? I wager 5 bits, he'd stab one of our own ponies instead and say he's sorry. Or set a tree on fire. Or do something equally stupid.” Needless to say, the conversation made Virtue rather upset. And just for a perfect ending of a perfect day, Halberd came along later and argued with her about Moral too. At least he didn’t tell her to just chase the guy out of town, as Indigo did.

After that Indigo avoided the irritating Alicorn. Stiletto was bad enough, but this guy was an infuriating and dangerous idiot. After this event, Moral was discreetly watched by the guard for signs of further incidents. He didn't make it into the reserves or any other military squad.

(( In-game Moral should be assigned to Grapple’s squad, which is set to inactive. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3291 on: May 21, 2012, 03:55:59 pm »

Moral was having a great day! first he got to enjoy his day carving out wooden stuffs without that mean Jaxler around at the craftpony’s workshops and then he got to set a decent looking bush on fire, and he even made himself a cool looking pointing stick thing after work. the wooden weapon looked so cool, Moral couldn’t be more proud of himself. Now the little pony was just having a great time over by the wall. He was just sitting down with a nice dinner, some carrot juice.

Midnight was walking around the streets of Dawnpick. Not that he had a destination, he needed to keep his mind off of recent events. Out of the corner of his eye he catches sight or Moral. Midnight stopping in his tracks as he looks over to the Alicorn. He even started to wonder if they were getting to be less rare of a cast. It took Midnight a few moments to finally notice that Moral was sitting by himself. He wondered if the Alicorn would be up for a conversation. It couldn’t hurt to find out, he thought to himself. The idea making his smile widen as he walks over to him. “Hello?”

Moral got a big smile when he saw somepony walk up to him. “Hello there, Mr... um... I don’t think i’ve heard your name before...”

“No, actually. My name’s Midnight. It’s a pleasure to meet you, mr?”

“Oh... My name is Moral... um... Moral decay!”

“Moral... Decay?” Midnight cocked an eyebrow at the response. The choice of name causing a bit of worry to settle in the back of his head. “That’s an interesting the name. You don’t mind if I call you Moral, do you?”

“Na, it’s... ug... fine! everypony calls me Moral!”

Midnight couldn’t help but chuckle at the enthusiasm that this pony spoke with. “Well, as I said, it’s very nice meeting you, Moral. How have you been? If I may ask.”

Moral place his hoof on his chin as he thought. “Well... I’ve been pretty good actually. How have you been... Um... uh... Midday?”

“Ehe, actually it’s Midnight. And, well I’ve been a little stressed recently. But this talk is helping me take my mind off things.”

“Sorry Mid... um... ug... um... Midnight I’m kinda no good with names...” Moral’s tone deflated and his ears laid flat on his head. “But it’s good that you're starting to feel ... um... what’s the word... better?”

“Hey, don’t worry about it, I’m sure you’ll get to remember my name. And yes, I’m starting to feel much better, thanks to this conversation.”

Moral’s mood got a little bit better once Midnight reassured him that he could remember somepony’s name. “Really, you think I could remember... um... possibly recount somepony’s name?”

Midnight was a little surprised at the question. It was clear that Moral had problems with memory, but could they really be so bad? “I think so, it normally depends how many times you think about the name, or hear it said.”

“I guess... But I has a good idea to remember your name!”

“Oh? What is it?”

Moral pulls a book out from under his wing. The item’s cover was ornate and made of leather. as the alicorn started flipping through the pages a bunch of diagrams and strange symbols can be seen, until he reaches a blank page. “I’ll just... um... OH! I’ll just right down the names of ponies so I no have to remember!”

Midnight looks curiously at the book. “Well, that’s a good start, but you’d still need a way to remember which name went to which pony.”

Moral pondered for a second “I could just right the description each pony down. If I has the mane and fur colour down I should do rather well with names.”

“That’s pretty good, Moral. That’d narrow it down by a lot, though, if you used cutie marks instead, that’s a near zero chance of mistaking one pony for another.”

“I um...what was I doing... OH YEAH! I thank that could work”

“I really hope it does. Any idea who’s name you’ll put down first?”

“I’ll go with yours of course... what was your name again?”

“It’s Midnight.”

Moral’s horn starts to glow a dark red as his book is levitated into the air. some smoke rises from the book until suddenly the it falls to the ground with the word “Midnight” burnt onto the page next to an equally burnt picture of a moon, mostly blocked out by a shadow. “Um... what was I  doing again?”

Midnight looked at the book for a second, he never seen somepony burn words into a book before. The small feeling of worry in the back of his mind started to nag at him, as a few thoughts crossed his mind. “H-huh? Oh, You were were writing my name in your book, so you could remember it.”

“Oh, right... I think I just did that... Oh right! I still have to eat dinner!” Moral then picks up the cup of carrot juice and frowned slightly. “I think I’m missing something...”

“Huh? What is it?”

“Oh I know!” Moral’s horn once again turns a dark red and a sickening glow overtakes a bush that sat in front of him. The bush spontaneously combusted within seconds of being entombed in the red arua. The pony then started to stare at the bush. “I believe, any half decent outdoor eating required a rousing bonfire. wouldn’t you agree?”

Midnight gulped as he watches the bush burn. He’d been sitting by a pyromancer the whole time, and didn’t know it. He could feel his stomach turn a little as old memories resurfaced. He quickly shakes his head, and clears his thoughts. “Heh, actually that’s a good point. A fire does add a nice touch to an outdoor experience.”

Moral continued to be fixated on the fire “Oh yes definitely, good Midnight, but I must ask you why exactly do you seem so tense right now?” How the strange pony could tell Midnight was stressed without looking at him was a mystery. “surely a delightful fire should help anypony loosen up.”

“Oh, um, don’t worry about it.” Midnight replies quickly.

“Fine, if you don’t want to tell me then I guess that is your quarrel.” Moral then started to nom on a carrot that he had laying around for his meal.

“Well, Moral. I think i’ll leave you to your meal now. As before, it was a pleasure meeting you.”

“Yes you it was a pleasure meeting you as well and-” Moral diverted his eyes from the fire to Midnight. “what was I... um... doing again?”

Midnight, again, was surprised at the question. This pony clearly had some bad trouble with his memory. “You were about to get back to your meal And you were waving me off as well.”

“Okay then have a nice day!”

“Thanks, you too. And enjoy your meal. I’ll see about running into you sometime soon.” Midnight says as he stands, and starts making tracks.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
  • thats not a red mage...
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3292 on: May 21, 2012, 04:13:13 pm »

It was morning again; time to get on with the routines of daily life as usual. Opening her closet door, Sarissa picked out the pieces of metallic black armour from their dark dwelling and ensconced herself within their protective shell. The top-most drawer on her nightstand slid open with slight provocation from her telekinetic magic. She pulled out a distinctively-shaped black box and unlocked it with the key she had recovered from its hiding spot. The box opened to reveal a red velvet-lined interior cradling the ax she had so valued, “Good morning, Elegy.” Her greeting went unanswered as the mare pulled it from its container. Since she had some extra time before her duties began, she thought that she would see how prison life was affecting Jaxler. After that less-than-pleasant encounter with Indigo last night, the mare could go for a little fun.

The door closed behind Sarissa, her thoughts on what had happened the other day when he had resisted arrest. I’ll bet he’s been having a real rage-fest, probably spewing profanities at everypony passing by his cell. It would be interesting, perhaps even enjoyable, to see just how miserable Jaxler was. Her steel boots clanked against the stone floor of the prison as the unicorn neared his cell. She took note of the strange silence present. Sarissa nodded to Saber, who was currently guarding the prison, “Don’t mind me, I’m just here to visit for a moment.” The area was dark, and the copper mare had trouble making anything out in the cell. “Hey! You awake, Jaxler?”

Of the four ponies jaxler hated in the fort, Sarissa had to be the one he hates second most and now she decided to come down in make his life horrible. The little pony hadn’t slept in days and was huddled in the back corner of the cell, and didn’t even bother to open his eyes for all he would see was soul crushing walls and an equally horrible unicorn. “I haven’t s-slept in 3 days”

Sarissa raised an eyebrow. Jaxler’s voice didn’t have the bite that she expected it to have. “Seriously? As dark as it is in here, I would’ve figured that sleeping would be easy as pie.” Where was he anyway? Time to shed some light on the situation; literally. Igniting the magic in her horn, a green light fills the prison and she quickly makes out a very dingy-looking pony curled away in the far side of the room. She wrinkles her nose, “...what are you even doing?” This wasn’t going as she had predicted.

Jaxler sighed. He had a feeling that Sarissa planned on him to be more abrasive to her, which he probably have be given they were meeting on any other circumstances, but as of right now the little pony was far too stressed to be insulting. “I g-get claustrophobic, and I can’t handle stress or fear without my c-crossbow...” The pony was dreading Sarissa’s response more then anything in the world right now.

Narrowing her eyes in disbelief, Sarissa inquired, “...really? You’re afraid of this little room?” She takes in the dimensions of the walls and floor, shining her light in every corner, “Oh please, you have plenty of room to move around. It’s not like you’re being held in the stocks. Also, what’s your crossbow got to do with this? Are you seriously trying to tell me that you need that thing like a little filly needs a teddy bear?” This was a very different Jaxler than the one she was used to.

The pony sighed and tried not to sound too stressed as he spoke “I c-could have an e-entire castle, but i-if I was trapped in i-it I’d feel the same way I do now.” The pony sighed again and started to shake slightly “And y-yes I do need my crossbow like a l-little two y-year old filly needs a t-teddy bear....”

Standing silent for a moment, the soldier found it hard to believe just how pathetic Jaxler looked and sounded. He had to be pulling her leg. Then again, why would he have allowed himself to get so dirty just for the sake of deceiving her? Sarissa groaned, “Oh come on, Jaxler...stand on your own four hooves and take it like a stallion! Since you got yourself into this mess, you should be pony enough to deal with the consequences of your actions!”

“I n-never said I didn’t deserve this p-punishment, or that I wasn’t going to take my time in here as b-best I could.” Why did Sarissa have to come down here. The pony was already picking himself apart with guilt and now this? “I’m sorry for making you have to lash out at me.”

The mare’s mouth fell open. Did he just say that he was sorry? To ME? Was this really the same pegasus that had smacked Partisan in the face? The same one that always answered adversity with anger? Her mood had switched from trying to get a rise out of the stallion to simply feeling disappointment, “Why do you do this to yourself, Jaxler? You had to know that you couldn’t fight off all of us by yourself.”

Jaxler tried to calm himself as he spoke. “I-I’d rather be d-dead then be t-the way I a-am right now. Y-you were going to t-take away my c-c-crossbow...” The pony placed his hoof on his face. “I-I-I would have gone peacefully of y-you wouldn’t have tried to decapitate me...”

Her mood began to go south again as she growled. Sarissa spoke through her gritted teeth, “Let me spell this out for you and every other pony on this planet! I was NOT trying to kill you! I had NO intentions of decapitating, murdering, mutilating or otherwise mauling you with that swing! I was using Elegy’s broad side! I wanted you down and out, not in the grave!” She caught her breath as she lowered her volume slightly, “Do you really think I’m THAT cruel?!”

Jaxler huddled himself a little bit tighter as Sarissa’s voice got louder. “I... I saw an axe coming at me a-after striking a n-noble. I wouldn’t have been c-cruel to strike me down...” Jaxler’s voice got a little quieter as he continued. “It p-probably would h-have been best if you would have j-just killed me...”

Sarissa closed her eyes and shook her head. What was she supposed to say to that? “Jaxler, as much of a nuisance as you can be, you don’t deserve to die. Plus, you’re not doing yourself any favors through self-victimization. Obviously, you shouldn’t have hit Jury nor Partisan, but that’s why you’re here right now.” The unicorn sighed, “If you ask me, you’ve been presented with an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. You’re going to be here for a while, so I suggest you use that time to reflect on your life. If anything, being cut off from alcohol will give you a chance to kick the stuff for good. THAT’S where a lot of your problems come from.” Sarissa was unaware that Glaive had been bringing intoxicating beverages to the imprisoned pegasus.

Suddenly, there was an unexpected noise of hooves on stone from the entrance; somepony else was coming down. "Hel-loo!" trilled a singsong voice from the stairs, Jury almost skipping down into view with a piece of parchment and a mug levitated before her. "Did you miss me? Somehow I imagine not, but I came back regardless!" She gave Sarissa a brief, haughty nod of acknowledgement before immediately turning to Jaxler again, looking very pleased with herself. "I brought you a present, too!"

Jaxler didn’t want to look. He already knew this was going to be horrible. Jury was here to make his life more of a living hell... “w-w-what i-is it j-j-jury” The little pony started to shake even more than he did before.

"Oh, Jaxler, do drop the traumatised act and clean yourself up; anypony with a brain can see right through your little charade. In any case, open those big, sad eyes of yours and behold!" The purple unicorn waved the parchment about enthusiastically. "Remember the last piece of paper I showed you? Guess how much this one is worth?" Jury gleefully asked, taking a deliberately loud drink from her mug. She screwed her face up in disgust, this particular beverage not being to her taste at all. Sarissa held her tongue, satisfied to simply watch and see what Jury had to say; it was about time she got to know what this judge was really like.

Jaxler just continued to shake for a few moments before speaking “P-p-please... just tell me...” He really felt like he didn’t need anymore humiliation. He was already filthy, sad and stuck cowering in the corner of a cell. “A-a-also can I please have my crossbow moved d-d-down here... even i-i-if it isn’t in my cell I’d like to at least b-be able to see it...”

"Oh, are we coming out with the 'please's and other social niceties now? Time to discuss things politely like a pair of civilized ponies, hmm? No more threats and bashing other ponies in the face? Not now that somepony else is here to see you?" Jury taunted, not in the least bit empathetic. "You have tallied up another six months, my little pony, bringing you up to a rather lenient nine months total. Personally I think that's far too meagre a sentence, especially considering how easily you could have killed somepony, but Virtue made a valid point on your behalf. You should send her a thank-you letter; I shall even have the required materials sent down if you wish! Not the crossbow, though, it looks far too pretty on my desk to bring down into this nasty, cold, dark dungeon. I can really see why you like it so much, it is quite the beautiful weapon. Just think of all the many more months I will have to admire it, too!" She didn’t actually have the crossbow anywhere near her office, of course, but Jaxler didn’t know that. She offered the mug to Sarissa nonchalantly. "Would you like some? I believe it is one of Jaxler's favourites."

The copper unicorn twisted her face, “No thank you...” So this mare is a drinker. Strike one against her. “With all due respect, I’m a dry pony.” Why would it matter if it was one of Jaxler’s...oh... Sarissa continued, “Also, is it really necessary to be parading alcohol around in front of him? He’s a known drunk, you know.”

"No? I cannot say I blame you; it is a rather vile beverage. I suppose maybe it influenced him somewhat!" Jury giggled maliciously, tilting the mug so that the contents fell slowly onto the ground, the constant noise of liquid hitting stone loud in the confined space. "Oh, worry not, Sarissa. I will not be actually giving him any, naturally. Oh, he will not be getting this or anything like it for a good, long while."

Jaxler opened his eyes and gave Sarissa a depressed look. “Please Sarissa, you’re wasting your time. Jury gets her sick kicks off of making me suffer...” The pony shut his eyes. The room felt like it was constricting him again.

She raises a brow at Jury, “He’s...already pretty bad off in there. Don’t you think this is a bit excessive?” Sarissa never thought she’d see the day when she would give Jaxler any kind of defense, but the pony was suffering a lot more than she had originally thought he was. As much as the copper mare enjoyed the idea of justice being done, she wasn’t too keen on kicking somepony when they were this down. It’s not like he even had any fight left in him.

Jury's smile lessened slightly, and she shot the other mare a knowing glance. "He is a violent, unprincipled thug, and not a bad actor as well. I see this oftentimes; they always think I will go easier on them if they make themselves seem and look especially wretched, but I never let them fool me. There is not much to call 'a bit excessive' for ponies such as he, believe me."

“Well, no, I won’t disagree with you on that. I do believe he deserves to be in there and the sentence you gave him sounds fine to me. It’s just that...well...” the armoured pony rubs her chin, looking for the right words, “...personally torturing him like this seems rather unprofessional of you.”

Jaxler tried his best to stay stoic but his body fails to do so as he continues to shake. “I’m sorry S-sarissa, but you’re w-wasting your time. She’s going to make this as horrible for me as possible and I h-honestly think that humiliating ponies is the only way she can enjoy her life.” The pony then tried to control himself as he continued. “T-t-this is kinda a r-r-reason why it w-would have been better for y-you to have k-killed me.”

"Partisan said the same thing, you know.” converses Jury, talking with Sarissa as if the two were discussing something casually over a cup of tea. “Personally, I say spend a few decades working with scum of the earth like this one here, and then judge me if you yourself would still not do anything like this. I do not expect somepony in your position to understand, though." Jury taps the bars with her now-empty mug. "Now now, Jaxler, you are being quite rude. There are many pastimes I enjoy." She pauses for effect. "But this is my favourite."

Both eyes narrowed, Sarissa responds to Jury’s assumption, “Ma’am, I’m in the militia...” She wasn’t too pleased with the arrogance that this new pony seemed to have. Nevertheless, it was important to be respectful of somepony in her position. “I’m well aware of what kind of ‘scum’ lurks out there. I’ve seen action in the field. If anyone or anything needs to experience torment, it’s those on the outside that wish to do us real harm.”

“You are a militia pony, not a member of the guard. Believe me, I have dealt with far more of these kinds of ponies than you could ever have. And, at least those freakish rainbows on the outside have somewhat of an excuse - your doing, I believe? Parasites like him" - Jury gestures to Jaxler imperiously - "who are meant to be 'one of us', as it were, I find wholly abhorrent."

Sarissa felt a ball of rage forming inside of her as soon as the rainbow ponies were mentioned. She quickly put a cap on it, though. “Fine, forget I said anything...” she rolled her eyes as she bit her lower lip in an attempt to control her temper. The alcohol was gone anyway, so there was no point in continuing to discuss that little matter any longer. The brightness of the rising Sun was beginning to increase, a bit of it peering into the prison. Seems that time had gotten away from her. “Well, I’ll talk later...Jaxler...Jury...” The brown mare began to walk off towards the barracks. She had intended on going into the prison to make her feel better, but in the end she actually felt worse. Was she honestly feeling sympathy for that old drunk? She sighed and shook her head. As much as Jaxler is suffering, I suppose that since he made his bed then he’s going to have to lie in it...

"Farewell," said Jury in a tone that clearly stated she didn't care how well or otherwise Sarissa fared. “Well, Jaxler, as much fun as this is, I think I must be going as well. What a shame, I am sure you will agree. Still, we have plenty of time to continue these little discussions! Nine whole months! Will that not be fun?” Jury chirped brightly, tossing the arrest document into the cell for her own amusement and sauntering out after Sarissa.

Jaxler sighed. A few years ago his job had been to protect this fortress from monsters, and now somehow a demon had made its way into the top ranks. The pony had his guardian angel on beelzebub’s desk, his fire was taken by a leviathan of law, and now lucifer was his tormenter. This was it; this was hell and all Jaxler needed was a bolt and his crossbow and he could escape, but he was trapped, by one of the monsters he was supposed to protect this fort from.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3293 on: May 21, 2012, 04:43:01 pm »

+Balisong the Portrait-less.

“‘Et go!” cries Falcata, her voice muffled by the weapon in her mouth as she brings her training axe down in a reckless swing, losing her composure again. Glaive keeps grabbing her legs with his magic, and having to constantly flap her wings just to stay upright is driving the pegasus to the point of insanity. This is at least the twentieth time, and even though she knows she’s doing exactly what Glaive wants her to, she still lashes out with an unwisely aggressive swing, no longer caring about guarding herself, just wanting to score a solid hit on the irritating unicorn.

Glaive easily avoids the wild swing and in turn strikes his weapon onto Falcata’s head, gently tapping the target. Having won the match, he takes a step back and places his axe upon the ground, allowing him to speak unobstructed. “Falcata,” his magic is still grasping her legs, just in case, though no longer trying to unright her, “You lost your cool, again. That is going to get you killed out there one day. You have to learn to keep control, no matter what tricks your foe plays.”

Falcata spits her axe to the ground. "I'll control my axe through your spine!" retorts the white mare, having no eloquent reply to his assessment of her. Glaive is right once again, but the magical trickery had been getting on her nerves for some time now. She tries to lunge at him in mock aggression, but forgets about the enchantments round her legs, falling over with a suitably embarrassing thump. "Let go! Kashez damn your magic!"

Glaive with a sigh of mock indignation, says, “Very well.” and releases his wife from his magic grasp just before she makes another attempt to break free with pure violence, causing the white angry mare to fly forward, and with great speed, to crash into her husband with a mighty thud. A moment later, Glaive begins to realize what just happened as he finds he is on the ground with Falcata on top of him.

"Idiot," she smirks, perching on top of her husband like an eagle atop its nest. "Now I win! This is the bit where I snap your gods-damned horn off and defeat you fair and square, with none of your magical cheating." She pokes his horn with a forehoof, "disabling" it. "No more nonsense, dear. I know you mean well, and I know I might have to fight magically equipped foes one day, but..." She scowls at him. "It's so annoying. I would win every time if not for that spiralled pointy bastard."

Glaive smiles, Falcata spoke true and he knew it. She was faster than him, and was much lighter on her hooves, without his magic he couldn’t compete with her at all. “Aye, but dear, if I didn’t have my horn, that would hardly be a fair fight, not when you still have these lovely things.” he carefully brushes his right forehoof along her left wing, with a gentle touch.

"Are you suggesting you would have any chance if you were hornless and I was wingless, hmm?" Falcata arches her back like a cat, pushing into Glaive's stroking forehoof.That feels nice. "Because that's really funny. The funniest joke I've heard from you in all these years, in fact."

Keeping his forehoof to his wife's wing, "Why, you wound me my dear." Glaive continues in a suggestive tone, "Why, I dare say, if your fluttery little wings were, all tied up, then I wouldn't need my magic to deal with you at all."

"Is that a challenge?" she murmurs in reply, lying even lower on top of Glaive in a half-amused, half-predatory manner. "Tied up or not, without your magic I think you might find yourself dealt with, rather than the other way about..."

Suddenly before Glaive could respond the silence of the Ducal Guard barracks was shattered like so much glass, “Daaaaaad! Falchi HIT ME!” shouted the usually quiet Balisong as she rushed up the stairs, her hooffalls heavy upon the marble staircase.
"Did NOT!" comes the instantaneous response, more galloping audible as Falchion pursues his sister. "Mum! Bali's telling lies again!"

Glaive lets out a heavy sigh, “...Back to work I guess.”

Falcata quietly curses something unspeakably rude, rolling off of Glaive in a huff. "Not again..." she mutters darkly, very much unamused by her foals' antics.

Balisong skids to a stop in front of her parents, crocodile tears in her eyes, “Falchion was being mean to me again and I told him to stop, and...and he HIT ME!” she says accusingly.

The accused party tumbles through after his sister, outraged. "I didn't do anything and now she's saying I hit her but I didn't do that and I would never do that ever ever and she's a great big liar liar!" Falchion presents his defence in a flurry of rapid fire counter-allegations, his sister's fake tears worrying him no end.

Glaive get onto his hooves, standing over his two young foals. Something he knew he wouldn't be able to do for much longer at the rate they grew. "ENOUGH!" Glaive's voice echos like thunder upon the marble walls. "You two are always fighting about something. One of you tells us one thing and the other one the opposite. We can't keep settling all these pointless disputes. You aren't babies anymore, and you are family, start acting like it!"

Falchion shuts up immediately, retreating to the staircase, lowering his ears in a display of contrition."Sorry, Dad," he quickly apologises, before his sister can.

Balisong’s fake tears immediately stop as her father raises his voice. It wasn’t going to work this time. As he speaks she hangs her head and lowers her ears in shame, when he finishes she apologizes, “I’m sorry Dad.” and she turns to her brother, “And, I’m sorry I said, Friesden only pretends to like you because she feels sorry for you.”

"It's okay, Bali," says Falchion in a tone of voice that suggests exactly the opposite, but he lets the point drop. "I'm sorry I called you a super duper hyper maximum stupider times a million, too..."

Balisong, in an effort to appear to be the bigger pony in this, goes up to her brother and hugs him, “I forgive you.”

Falchion barely returns the hug, already thinking of ways to get back at his sister.Spiders, maybe?

Glaive smiles confident that he has done well and says, “See, that wasn’t so hard. This is how siblings are supposed to act.” He turns to his wife, “Fal, did you want to add anything?”

We got interrupted for that? "Yes, next time just sort it out between yourselves and don't come running to us, because your father and I are sick of it!" snaps Falcata, still a bit irritable at the unexpected incursion by the two troublemakers.

Balisong, releases her brother, and bows her head again, “Oh..okay, Mommy, w...we will.”

"You'd better," confirms Falcata grumpily, heading across to peer out the window with a vacant sort of stare. Sometimes I hate parenting...

"Were you and Dad practising?" Falchion asks tentatively, hoping that changing the topic would cheer his mum up.

You could say that, yes...oh, go away, you and your sister!
"Yes," replies Falcata through gritted teeth. "We were."

Balisong speaks up, “I was practising too Daddy, I was trying to make this leaf float like you taught me...but...It’s really hard...Could you show me again?”

Glaive looked a bit disappointed, I really hoped me and Fal could have some alone time...I guess duty comes first though. “Sure Bali, I can go over the basics again.”

"Me too! Show me too!" pipes up Falchion, not wanting to be left out.

One change of scenery later and the four ponies, three magical and one tagging along for lack of anything better to do, were seated upon the roof of the keep, with nothing but open skies above them. Glaive sat before his two children, a small silver spoon, borrowed from Virtue’s dinning room, lay between them.

Glaive looks pensive, “ to begin? Well...You see my children, magic is the most powerful tool we ponies possess. Those of us fortunate enough to be born with the ability to work it are  thus obligated by the gods to use our powers to help ponies, in whatever way we can. That is why I, my father, his father, and his father’s father, use and used ours to protect the ponies of this nation. And one day, you will do the same.”
Oh, here he goes...poor foals don't know you have to interrupt him early else he goes on for hours... thinks Falcata to herself, lying on her back and staring up at the sky. All the magic stuff is going over her head, sure, but it was still nice to just be with her family.
Glaive begins to pace back and forth before them. “Before you can work magic you must first understand, the world is like a grand tapestry, all things are intertwined, by the threads of fate. To most ponies, these threads are hidden, the connections among the parts of the world obscured. Unicorns like me, and alicorns like you, are capable, however of detecting these threads and by expressing our will upon them, we can alter the world as we see fit. However, such power can be dangerous. The web of the world is more complicated than anypony can understand, and changing one thing, always affects something else. Thus we must never try and change something we do not first understand. For doing otherwise can have deadly or disastrous effects. Do you understand?”

Balisong nods. “Yes.”

"Yes?" Falchion confirms, with a bit less confidence. His father has just said a lot of words, and he hasn't really been listening.

Glaive doesn’t pick up on his son’s lack of confidence and takes his seat before them, again. “Good,” he says before continuing, “Now. Look at the spoon I brought here. To use your magic, you must first see it for what it is. This is not just a spoon. It is a part of everything. It is connected to me, to you, to the fort, to those trees, to the clouds and the stars. Everything.” Glaive’s horn begins to glow. “When you concentrate, you can feel these connections. Both of you. Close your eyes, and open your minds, try and sense the threads of fate.”

And I thought flight school was boring... thinks Falcata, now with eyes shut, half-asleep.

Balisong does as she is told. She closes her eyes and tries to reach out. It is difficult for her at first. Her horn flashes faintly, slowly, like a candle flickering in the wind, before finally turning bright with a cerulean glow. And then she can see it. Though see wasn’t truly the right word. She could sense what her father was trying to explain. All the threads of the world. She opens her eyes again, and drops her concentration. She has a wide grin across her face.

Seeing his sister's apparent success, Falchion, as usual, determines to do better. He shuts his eyes, a look of intense concentration on his face. Nothing at all happens for about ten seconds, before his horn suddenly flares russet and the spoon on the table melts into a puddle of sizzling molten metal. He opens his eyes, wondering what the noise is.

Glaive had a look of surprise upon his face, but it was a pleasant surprise. “That...that was quite impressive Falchion. Tell me did you intend to do that? I knew you were more advanced in your magic then your sister, but I didn’t know you had learned any tricks other than levitation.”

"Um...I, um, felt those strings you were talking about, so I pulled one..." offers Falchion by way of explanation. "I didn't know it was going to ruin your spoon, though..." The young colt smiles anyway. Better than Bali! Yes!

Glaive nods, “I see, and don’t worry, I didn’t expect the spoon to come out of this in one piece, though I didn’t expect it to melt...However, Falchion you have provided us all with a perfect example of what happens when you do something wrong.”

Balisong smiles possibly even wider than she had been a few seconds ago. Falchi had messed up, and she had not and she was feeling quite smug about that.

" can always get a new spoon? Or can I fix it?" Without waiting for his dad to reply, Falchion tries again, his horn flashing for the second time, causing the pool of molten metal to solidify into four miniature spoons, all utterly useless due to their tiny size. As he releases his concentration, though, three of the spoons melt again, leaving just one thoroughly useless tiny spoon lying in a puddle of liquid silver.

“Falchion! Stop!” says Glaive nearly shouting. “No, Falchion, this isn’t about the spoon. The example you provided was why we never pull on threads without first understanding them. You got lucky. You could just have easily caused it to blow up sending molten metal or jagged shards at all three of us. Magic is powerful, but it is treacherous. It isn’t a toy, and you must never treat it as one. You would hardly be the first Unicorn to hurt himself or others by accident like that.”

"Oops...sorry." he mumbles, looking dejected. "I only wanted to help, Dad."

Glaive give his son an assuring smile. “It is okay son, just please don’t do it again.”  Glaive turns to Balisong, “Well, we’ve seen your brother try his hoof at it, are you ready to try some real magic Bali?”

Balisong suddenly looks much less sure of herself, “Um...If...if you think I can.”

Glaive smiles, “I’m certain you can, now close your eyes.” She does so. “Reach out with your mind again.” Her horn begins to glow, as it had before, with much less flickering first. “No, see if you can find the tiny spoon your brother made. I shouldn’t be hard to find after...after he altered it.” Balisong’s face is contorted in pure concentration, until after about 10 seconds, the tiny spoon was enveloped in the same bluish light as her horn.

“Good,” says Glaive, “now if you carefully examine the item you should be able to tell which ‘threads’ are keeping it held to the ground. By gently pulling against them, you can make it move upward, try it now.” As Balisong concentrates a faint hum is heard, seemingly coming from the spoon. However after a couple seconds it stops and the item begins to float.

“Open your eyes darling.” says Glaive a proud smile across his face.

Balisong opens her eyes and sees the spoon floating in the air between her and her father. She had done it. She drops the spoon to the ground, and begins to bounce on the spot in joy, “I did it!” she cries several times, before calming herself.

“That was very good Balisong.” says Glaive approvingly before turning to his son, “Now Falchion would you like to try it?”

"Okay, Dad..." the colt says, somewhat nervously, eyeing the now-motionless spoon. He keeps his eyes open, glaring at the spoon as if it had insulted him viciously, focusing all his attention on it. Both the spoon and his horn spark into life at once, and the small silver object gently hovers above the floor, though the hum produced is much louder and more disconcerting than with Balisong.
"I did it!" he exclaims, keeping the spell active and looking away from the spoon towards his father. "I d-"
There is a huge bang and the spoon shoots off at an angle, disappearing over the edge of the roof.

Glaive lets out a low whistle. “...That was...very good. You have a lot of power in there Falchion. More than I had at your age anyway. With practice you’ll be better able to control the amount of force you apply so that won’t happen unless you want it to. But with that much magic strength already...You will be a very fine warrior one day.”

"Whussat?" mumbles a sleepy Falcata, having dozed off and been rudely awakened by the bang. "Runs in the family, fine warriorism..."

Falchion simply beams wordlessly, smiling with joy at his parents and sister.

Glaive stands a look of sheer pride in both of his fine foals upon his face. “You have both done well, I’m proud of both of you. But,” he looks at the puddle of cooling silver, “it seems our prop is gone for now. So I think we will end the lesson here for today. I want both of you to keep practicing on your own. Falchion, work on your control, and Balisong, work on putting more power into it. And remember, don’t try anything else without first talking to me or your grandfather about it.”

Both foals nod in unison, “Okay Daddy.”

"Right, so enough of the snooze cruise, I think." smirks Falcata as she pulls herself to her hooves. "How about learning something which isn't mind-numbingly, soul-crushingly boring?"

“I..I don’t...I don’t think magic is boring...” mutters Balisong quietly.

"Yeah, because we haven't started yet, dear. Trust me, when you have this to compare it to and your father starts making you read half a library's worth of magic books you'll see what I mean." assures Falcata with a smile.

Glaive nods, “Go with your mother Bali. I’m going to go find the other part of this.” Glaive levitates the now much cooler blob of solid silver. “...and explain to Virtue what happened to her good silver...” Glaive begins to walk toward the hatch to head back downstairs.

“Um...okay. What, are we going to do?” inquires Balisong.

"What do you think, Bali, Falchi? Flying, of course!" exclaims Falcata, flaring her wings for effect.

"Yay!" enthuses Falchion happily. "I like flying!"

Balisong lets out a nervous squeak.

"Bali? What's wrong?"

Balisong murmurs something too quiet to hear a look of fear upon her face though she tries to hide it from her mother by not looking her in the eyes.

"Bali?" Even Falchion looks a little concerned, not competitive as usual.

“...I...I’m afraid of flying...” she finally manages to squeak out, just barely audible to her mother and brother.

"But...there's nothing to be afraid of, Bali! You were doing magic just there; that's way more dangerous than any flying could be!" says Falcata, aghast.

Balisong’s voice trembles, “b..b..b.but I d...don’t have to be so h...high up when doing m..magic. It isn’t f...f...flying that’s’s being so h...high up.” Balisong braced herself to be laughed at by her brother, she knew he suspected her of being afraid of heights but she’d always denied it before.

Falchion trots across, gently hugging his sister, seeing that she is genuinely upset. "Aw, Bali, it's okay! Flying is super easy and safe, even high up; Mum will show you!"

Balisong nods, comforted a bit by her brother, “oh...okay...I...I’ll try.” She is still visibly nervous about the whole affair, but seems genuinely willing to try.

“Right, now, both of you flare your wings, and do it properly. Flying starts on the ground; remember that. Preparing to take off is just as important as everything else, if not the most important part of flying.” Falcata spreads her own wings to demonstrate.

Falchion likewise unfurls his wings, the colt’s wingspan already comparable to that of his mother.

Balisong hesitates and then copies her brother and mother spreading out her wings as they do.

“Okay, now, if you’re sure that you’re all set to go; no trees around to bump into, plenty of space to take off, etcetera, then just bring yourself up gently. No flashy takeoffs at this stage, yeah?” Flapping her wings gently, Falcata hovers gently above the ground in demonstration, Falchion following her into the air.

Balisong does as instructed, starting to hover into the air, a bit wobbly from her nerves but competently. She was still comfortable so long as the floor wasn’t too far underneath her, but she knew what was coming next, and she wasn’t looking forward to it.

Falcata glances at her daughter, making sure she’s still all right. “Now just pick up speed as you go, and follow me. We’ll stay at the level of this roof for now, okay?” She drifts forwards, slowly at first but gradually moving more rapidly.

“You go first, Bali,” offers Falchion, feeling sorry for his sister and valiantly surrendering the proud position of second place.

Balisong flutters into position behind her mother and follows her closely, as they make their way toward the edge. You can do this, Balisong. Flying isn’t scary, you have wings, you won’t fall. Just follow Mommy and it’ll be okay. Just don’t look down. Don’t look down. Don’t look down.

As they get a few yards out past the edge Balisong looks down. The ground looks so far away, she panics, her legs flailing uselessly. She makes a squeak as her wings lock down onto her sides in pure terror.

“Mum!” calls Falchion, panicking a bit. “MUM!”

Falcata snaps around, having anticipated something like this, but her daughter is already falling too fast and the ground is too close by to catch her. For the second time today, she says something indescribably rude, jetting towards the falling filly despite knowing she couldn’t even hope to break her fall.

Glaive makes his way out of keep and walks in the direction that the spoon fell. He hoped it was still where it had landed. After a few moments of searching he finds it sticking out of the mud and he says, “There you are. Let’s get you ho-” his sentence is interrupted as a filly almost as tall as him falls from the sky onto his back with a suitably loud thump. As Glaive face first in the mud beings to sort out what hit him, he realizes that for the second time today he has been slammed into the ground by a flying mare.

He rolls out from under his daughter and prepares to scold her for slamming him so hard when he sees that she is shaking, her hooves are hiding her face and something appears to be very wrong. “Balisong....What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he says as he examines his daughter for any obvious injuries.

Balisong stands up she could feel the eyes of everypony in the fort on her, they were all watching she was sure, she knew they must have seen her fall like that everypony would know, and they would laugh at her, she was certain. Her eyes were full of tears, her face blushing with embarrassment though her fur. She galloped frantically as fast as her legs could carry her away from her father, away from everypony toward her parents home.

“Bali, wait...” calls Glaive as she gallops away.

Falcata dives after her, having seen the collision from above. “Bali! Balisong!”
Falchion continues to perch on the roof, looking concerned. His mum would have it under control, though. She always did.

Balisong pays no heed to her parent’s calls and continues dashing toward her home.

“Balisong!” Falcata calls again, going faster so as to catch up with her daughter. “Balisong! Stop!”

Balisong stops just short of the dorms, she turns to her mother, tears streaming down her face. “I...I c..can’t do it..I..I’m sorry m..mommy...I c..can’t.”

Falcata touches down, skidding to a halt beside her daughter. She wraps her in a huge embrace, reassuring her as best she can. “It’s okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to.”

Balisong holds on tightly to her mother, “No..It’s n..not. I s...should be able to, b...but I can’t. WHY can’t I do it!?” She continues to cry, increasingly loudly.

Gliding out of the sky, Falchion lands beside his mother and sister, joining in the hug. Sure, he loves to annoy her, but seeing his sister really upset made him unhappy too. “Bali, please don’t cry! At least you’re great at magic!”

Glaive gallops up to his family, he wasn’t sure what was going on, but he knew his daughter was upset, so he joined in the hug.

“’m not...y..your b...better at that t..too.” stutters Balisong though the tears.

“Balisong,” interjects Falcata, still holding her tight. “It’s okay, these things just take time for some ponies. You can do it, I know you can, but nopony is going to make you start flying until you’re ready. I- I’m sorry if we pushed you too soon...”
Balisongs cries beginning to fade a bit, “But...A...a winged pony afraid of h...heights...I..I'm an embarrassment! I can't do anything right! A...aren’t you d...disappointed in me?"

’Flying? Is that was this is about?’ Thinks Glaive to himself. ’I’ll get the full story from Falcata later.’ He decides.

Glaive wipes the tears from his daughter’s face. “No Bali. No. We love you, and you tried...That’s all we can ask for. We aren’t disappointed in you, and you aren’t an embarrassment. We all love you. And you don’t have to do it again, until you are ready to.”

Falchion squeezes his sister even more tightly. “Bali, you’ll be the bestest superest best flyer when you’re older, I mean it! You’re gonna be super fantastic! You should come and let Frie and me help you, too, because flying is super best when you do it with somepony you l- really like!”

“We would never, ever be disappointed in you for something like this, Bali. Like I said, some ponies just take a bit longer to get comfortable with flying than others, that’s all. Same with a lot of things in life.” Falcata soothes, stroking her daughter’s withers to calm her.

Balisong has seemed to have calmed down enough to stop crying. “O...Okay, can...can I go inside now?” she asks meekly, still worried that other ponies would be less accepting of her foalish fall, should they have seen it.

“Of course you can, dear,” says Falcata, bucking the door open for her. “As long as you want, Bali. In fact, Glaive and I will see about getting you...shall we say, some fried turtle? Maybe with some lemon marmalade of a certain type, hmm?”

Balisong perks up a bit at the mention of her favorite foods. “y..yes please. The pink kind please, that’s my favorite.” She walks inside their home. “Um...I’ll just wait here, if...if that’s okay with you.”

“Certainly. Why don’t I go and get something for all of us from the dinning hall, and we can eat dinner at home tonight?” says the little filly’s father.

“That sounds splendid, doesn’t it, Falchi?” Falchion nods in agreement with his mother, recognising his sister needed the support. He smiles at her, moving in to give her another brotherly hug.

Balisong gladly accepts the hug, from her brother, while Glaive takes his leave to fetch dinner for his family. Once the door is closed and they are waiting, Balisong moves away from her brother and takes out the harp her mother had given her, and begins to play a slow melody.

((End Scene))

Powder Miner

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3294 on: May 21, 2012, 07:59:51 pm »

Powder Miner looks around to make sure none of the scarier ponies of Dawnpick are around before quietly heading towards Jaxler. Jaxler was messed up. Way more messed up than Powder Miner thought he'd be. Dang, what was going on here? "I brought you this." Powder placed a mug of alcohol, namely moonshine, on the floor in Jaxler's cell. "Thought you might need it. I'd heard that you'd been put in jail with no drinks or anything, so..."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3295 on: May 21, 2012, 08:15:01 pm »

Jaxler was still curled up in the corner of the cell. He had been doing less horrible then normal though. Earlier in the day some ponies hauled a bed into the dank cell. Though being held at crossbow point as a peace of furniture was brought in was less then pleasant, having Marilee visit him daily had made his time down there much more bearable. "Oh... h-hay powder... um... what's that?" Jaxler pointed his hoof at the mug.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3296 on: May 21, 2012, 10:01:01 pm »

+ Balisong the Face-less.

Balisong has found herself a quiet corner of the town where she can concentrate undisturbed. She has floating before her a small rock no larger than a newborn's hoof. With all the power she can muster she flings it hard into the air trying to toss it over the wall, in an attempt to emulate the power Falchion showed with the spoon atop the keep. But try as she might it never goes more than twice her height before falling to the ground uselessly. After what felt like the hundredth time this had happened she was getting visibly frustrated with it.

Moral was circling the walls of the fort for the last hour. He honestly didn’t remember why, or if he had any reason to be doing so, but one thing was for sure, he’d know why he was by the time he got to the end of this wall! But Just as the alicorn was about to do his third circuit around the fort he saw a sad little filly who just couldn’t do her magic right. So, Moral felt like being a good little pony and trying to help. “Hello um... there? whatcha’ doin’?”

Balisong jumped as the large strange alicorn pony began to talk to her. “Um...trying to toss the stupid rock, the way my brother can...” she answers barely above a whisper.

Moral looked at the little filly with concern. “How much you know about magic? um... what was I doing again... what the? OH! The more you inquire about magic the greater your ability should be, perhaps I could assist you.”

Balisong shuffles her hooves, “Um, I only know a little bit, but...” Dad said to ask him or grandpa before doing any other magic...but he really meant ask somepony who would know, and this guys an maybe he could teach me. “Umm, maybe could brother, he, when he picks things  up he can make the fly off like a rocket, but when I try...well they just don’t.”

Moral smiled a little bit “Oh um... UG... what’s the word.. GOT IT! really... what was I doing again... Oh yeah! I can teach... um...  you who’s to make the rock fly, and this way you won’t even haft to make um... what? give me a second I need to clear my mind through Immolation.” Moral then looked at a nearby bush. His horn flashed dark red and the bush immediately caught fire. “My dear filly, would you appreciate knowing how to make that stone relocate with little to no effort at all?” said Moral without taking his eyes off the fire he just caused.

Balisong jumped as the bush burst into flame. “Wh...why did you set that bush on fire?...Who are you?”

“I set that bush on fire because I felt like it. Also I’m Moral Decay, Grand master pyromancer, and I believe that that should imply that I’m quite capable of assisting you with your little issue.” Moral then smiled as he stared at the fire. “Also whom might you be?”

’He’s a...a Grand Master Fire Mage?’ thinks Balisong with more than a bit of surprise. Balisong, knowing she is speaking with somepony of obvious import, ’An alicorn and a grandmaster!’ bows her head and rattles of her name as her father had taught her, "I'm am Balisong, daughter of Glaive, Captain of the Ducal Guard of Dawnpick, and Falcata the Golden Pride of Verses. Granddaughter of Colonel Fauchard the Wall of the East, and Great-Great Granddaughter of Guisarme he who carried the legendary axe Widowgrief." after she gives off the lengthy list of names and titles she looks back up at the Alicorn standing before her.

Moral looks confused and stressed as Bali goes on about her family. “Well, you must have some amazing ancestry, but I digress, are you willing to partake in my offer?”

Balisong nods, surely such a learned alicorn could teach her some amazing things, “Yes. I would be happy to learn from you.”

“In that case, I think I can teach you how to cause that rock to soar like a rocket.” Moral thought for a second not taking his eyes off the fire for a second. “Focus on the ground under that rock, try to have the earth repel the stone, as apposed to having the stone repel itself from the ground and if that doesn’t work, I guess I’ll have to teach you how to cause confined combustion. ”

Balisong nods again and begins to focus once more. This time she tries something more drastic She searches and finds the threads of fate binding the stone to the earth. Instead of pulling against them as her father had taught her, she instead 'cuts' the 'thread' and reverses it, this act causes the the stone accelerates rapidly into the sky as if falling upward. After a few seconds she ceases to concentrate, the cerulean glow of her horn fades, and threads of fate correct themselves causing the stone to fall back to the earth.

“That did it!” she chirps, cerulean wings fluttering as she lifts herself a few heads off the ground before landing again as she continues, “Thank you sir!” she says with a small curtsy, “I never would have thought of that on my own.”

Moral’s horn glowed red as the bush in front of him suddenly stopped burning. The alicorn then diverted his eyes over to the little filly. “That good. Maybe no um... uh... maybe you show your brother who’s boss! Also what was your name again?”

Balisong looked confused for a second, Do I say the whole thing over again? Dad never said what to do if they ask again...He probably just wants my name, right? “Um...My name is Balisong. Thank you again for your help, Sir Moral-Decay.” She says with a bow of her head.

Moral smiles stupidly and levitates a little book out from under his wing. he flipped through the pages until he found the section where he kept pony’s names. within moments the name Balisong was burnt into it, along with a description of the pony. “Now I will no forget you name, also if anypony hurts you please tell me, I’ll boil their skin off!” chirped Moral cheerfully.

The thought of Moral boiling the skin off a pony made Balisong more than a bit uncomfortable. “Um...o...okay. A..anyway. I should probably get going. It was nice meeting you sir.” Balisong turns to head home, she had a new trick to show Falchi, and she couldn’t wait.

Moral was so happy, the little pony just got himself a new friend. He really hoped he could teach bali some other tricks, but right now Moral was going to continue with... what ever he was doing before he talked with Balisong. So Moral just followed the wall once again.

Powder Miner

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3297 on: May 21, 2012, 10:44:04 pm »

"It's moonshine, for you. I figured you wouldn't like having nothing to drink."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3298 on: May 21, 2012, 10:55:25 pm »

"O-okay..." Jaxler then drank some of the moonshine. "Thank y-you"
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3299 on: May 22, 2012, 12:45:38 am »

Read every page of this thread so far and I love it. Can I be ponified? I don't want any of the foals, I would prefer a migrant that I can shape a story around.
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