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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 236233 times)


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1890 on: March 18, 2012, 01:47:12 pm »

"Wait... why am I still carrying you?"

"Because you bucked me in the chest with a goddamn horseshoe! Meanie!"


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1891 on: March 18, 2012, 02:04:41 pm »

ug... I know you have a concision, so what I want to know is weather or not you can still walk straight. I really don't think that I should be carrying anything while I have a busted knee.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1892 on: March 18, 2012, 02:08:15 pm »

"Walking? Yeah I can walk just fine. I've been able to walk since I woke up, all I have is just a mild headache... I'll just get off of you now..." I roll off Jaxler's back and proceed to walk beside him.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1893 on: March 18, 2012, 02:10:59 pm »

« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 10:56:38 pm by Omicega »


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1894 on: March 18, 2012, 02:17:33 pm »

Ocean Breeze, Friesden

More scenes of interest... have fun reading.

Virtue knocks at the door. "Hello?  Anypony home?”

Glyph looks up from tickling Friesden. "Ba- Virtue? Please come in!"

Virtue steps inside with Ocean Breeze, smiling nervously. "Hello, you two."

Friesden flies into a tackle of Ocean Breeze, beaming with happiness. "MUM!"

Ocean Breeze throws her hooves around her daughter. "Friesden!  I'm so glad to see you..."

Friesden looks around in the corridor. "Is dad here?"

Ocean Breeze strokes Friesden's mane and lets out a small sigh. "No, he's at work right now."

Glyph seems a bit worried, but smiles when he sees Ocean Breeze's reaction. He walks over to the two. "Well, I wasn't expecting to see you, Miss Ocean, But I'm glad you came by. Malen'kaya odna propushchennaya vami."

Friesden's smile falters a bit for a second, then brightens back up again. "Can he see me later? I can't wait to see him again!"

Virtue and Ocean Breeze give Glyph a quizzical look at the peculiar language.  "Um, I'm... I'm not sure I caught that last part."  She looks down to her daughter and adds, "You'll get to see him soon..."  It's clear her heart isn't in her words.

"Sorry..." Glyph thinks a bit. "I said that Little one missed you..." He steps forward and puts a hoof on her withers, whispering in her ear so Friesden wouldn't hear. "But it's good you came, nice to see you're still her mother."

Friesden smiles even /more/ than possible. "That'll be the *best*!"

Ocean Breeze half-frowns and averts her eyes from Glyph.  She gives him a small nod, rather than say anything to upset her child.

Virtue steps over to the two embracing ponies and kneels down to Friesden's eye level.  "Hello, little one. How are you?"

Glyph bites his lip at that reaction, reminding himself to talk to Ocean privately later.

Friesden smiles at the nice mare. "I'm happy! I'm going to see dad later! It's going to be the best!"

Virtue nods and smiles, already dreading what that meant.  "I'm glad to hear it."

Glyph brushes Friesden's mane, then looks back at Virtue. "I'm glad to see you too, Virtue. I wanted to ask you some things."

"Oh?"  She looks to the door, wondering if it was private.  "What's that?"

"Yeah... I was hoping I could have time off from the guards while I'm taking care of Friesden." He looks at Friesden again and smiles. "I could still run the stables, but I'd prefer not to have to either leave her alone, or bring her to training."

"Oh, I see."  She ponders it for a moment.  "I'd have to talk to Naginata and see what she thinks, but that shouldn't be a problem.  If the badger ponies are on schedule, we shouldn't see them for a while yet."

"Good..." Glyph glances over at Ocean, "Have the others said anything about the stables? I know you said you were gonna ask..."

Friesden is busy hugging Ocean Breeze.

Ocean Breeze is still busy clutching her child and failing to withhold a few tears.  Virtue watches for a moment, nearly tearing up herself before turning back to Glyph.  "I did ask around, and all of the families I asked seemed to be supportive."

Glyph smiles at the thought. "I was hoping... I've been gettin' plenty of practice, haven't I little Friesdizzy." He smiles again, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Plenty of practice at what?"

"Watching Foals, silly." He reaches out, then stops, not wanting to disturb Ocean’s hug. "You seem to have been having fun at least."

"You're almost as fun as dad!"

Ocean Breeze makes a small noise and subconsciously tightens her grip a bit.

Glyph tries very hard not to tear up at that. "T-thanks malyutka..."

"I know!  I'll call you almost-dad!"

Glyph has to try even harder this time, closing his eyes for a second. "I.... t-thanks..."

Ocean Breeze fails to contain the tears that Glyph did, breaking into obvious crying.  Virtue dithers for a few moments before stepping over to her and laying a hoof on her back.

Glyph moves over as well, putting his hoof on her withers, and trying to remain strong.

"W-w-what's wrong, mum?"

She sniffles for a few moments and gives Friesden another gentle stroke.  "Nothing... I'm just so happy to know you're safe."  Which was true, but hardly why she was crying.

Glyph chews his lip a bit more, "Malyutka... would you mind playing outside with Miss Virtue for a bit while I talk to your mother?"

"Miss Virtue? Can I?"

Virtue gives her a warm smile and motions for her to join her at the door.  "Of course, honey."

Ocean Breeze reluctantly releases her grip on Friesden and says, "Yes, run along, we'll come get you in a bit."

Glyph brushes Friesden’s mane one last time. "See you around, Friesdizzy. Hope you have fun!"

"Okay!" Friesden goes and walks up to Virtue.

Virtue leads her outside.  "Let's go over here..." she begins, leading her away

Friesden follows Virtue happily.

Ocean Breeze stares into the floor where her child was moments ago, not looking up to Glyph

Glyph waits until Friesden is gone before turning to Ocean. "Now then, what's the matter? I... I know it must be hard on you but..." He sighs, moving over to put a hoof on her shoulder again. "You're still her mother... and you still want to be."

She sighs and continues to stare into the floor.  "Everything... everything is the matter..."  She places her face in her hooves.  "What have I done..."

"Maybe... maybe if you told me, I could help?" Glyph sits next to her.

"How much do you know?" she asks.  "About... about where she came from?"

"I... not much. I guessed that her father is a Zebra. But that's all." Glyph cocks his head, "Is there more?"

"Nothing that matters... Her father is a zebra.  Carmine is not."  She wipes her eyes and stifles more crying.  "I'm a horrible wife and mother... there... there's nothing I can do to fix this..."

"You..." Glyph thinks for a moment. "You care about Friesden. Even now, when her father won't even acknowledge her existence, you still wanna be her mother. That makes you a good mother. As for a wife... I don't know much about that stuff... but you still care enough about Carmine that you'll stay with him, even with how he's acting."

She remains quiet for a few moments.  "I love her just as much as any of my other children... I... I just... oh, gods help me... there's nothing I can do to get her back... I'd give my life if it would solve all of this..."

"What do you mean? You still have her, just look at how happy she was just to see you." He shakes his head. "Killing yourself wouldn't solve anything... but there are always ways."

"But what about Carmine?  He was a loving father... he might not be her true father, but he raised her like his own for years... what will I tell her, when she asks if she can see him again?  What about the next time she runs into him?"

Glyph 's head droops. "I... I know... I've been trying to think of what to say myself... but. That doesn't mean you can't have her as your daughter. She loves you, and you still love her. Carmine... I... I'm trying not to say anything bad... but... is he even taking care of your other foals now?"

She nods.  "He acts like nothing has happened.  I... I truly do not understand.  Carmine is not like this... I knew he would be upset about it... but I thought he'd be angry at /me/, not her.  He loved her so much, for so long..."  Her eyes stay fixated on the floor.  "But he still cares about our other foals, yes."

"I... I see..." Glyph chews on his lip as he keeps his hoof on Ocean's withers. Trying to think how to word what he wants to say... and failing. "If... if he's really sick... then..." Glyph sighs. "I'm no good at this..."

"I... I just don't know what to do..."

"I... I don't know..." Glyph takes a deep breath. "If... if he really still cares about the others... but... with how he reacted to Friesden..."

She sighs and simply shakes her head.  "I still hope that he will come around.  I don't understand why he acts like he does... but I have hope."  She looks up to him.  "...until he does though... would you keep watching Friesden for me?  And thank you for watching her so far..."

"Yes, of course.  And you're welcome."  Glyph lowers his head and mumbles something in a language she doesn't understand.  "I just have to keep happy... for her..."

"Yes... that's all we can do right now... I'm afraid..."   

“I... I suppose...” Glyph sighs. “I’m a horrible pony... when... when I heard Friesden call me almost-dad...” he looks away, closing his eyes.

“Y-... no... you’re not horrible...” Ocean sighs, trying and failing to stop more tears from forming in her eyes. “N-no horrible pony would... would ever do... so much good... help Friesden...”

“But I...” He sighs, still looking away from her, “when I heard that, I wanted to not hear the almost... I... I know she’s not mine... but still...” He blinks a few times, and Ocean can see a few tears hit the ground. “Sometimes... I find myself hoping that Carmine... that he won’t get better, so I can h-have her for my own... and I hate that. I shouldn’t feel that way...”

Ocean’s face hardens a bit as she tries to think of how to respond. “I... that doesn’t make you terrible... Friesden’s so sweet... I think most ponies would share your feelings... don’t worry... as long as you...” Ocean takes a moment to sniffle and blink away tears, “as long as you can keep taking good care of her... you will never be horrible.”

“T-thank you...” Glyph finally looks back at Ocean, his eyes still watering a bit. “Y-you’re a good pony... no matter what.” He swallows. “If... if you need anything, I’ll help... any way I can, and whenever you wanna see Friesden, you can just come by. You’re still her real family, not me. I... I’m sorry for... for feeling like I do about Carmine... I just... don’t wanna lose her. Not my first foal... even though she isn’t really mine...”

“Y-you’re a good pony, too... don’t you forget that...” Ocean smiles sadly. “I know what it’s like to lose a foal... Carmine, he’s reasonable... usually... I’m certain he’ll let you watch her when he gets better...”

Glyph sniffles again, moving closer and putting a foreleg over Ocean. “You... you haven’t lost her. She’s your daughter, and nothing, nopony, will change that.” He closes his eyes and takes a few breaths, trying to calm himself a bit. “I... I would like to keep taking care of her a bit... even then... and if you need help with your other foals... I’d love to help... even past what I’m doing with the stables.”

“Th- thank you...” Ocean returns Glyph’s embrace. “It means... more to me than you know...” Ocean uses her other forehoof to wipe her eyes of tears. “And it means more to Friesden, too, I bet... she really seems to love you... my mom always said that family wasn’t always about blood.”

Glyph chews his lip trying to keep his composure a bit. “Semʹya , ya ... YA ne dumal o nyeĭ nravit·sya , chto...” He sniffles. “Thank you... do... do you mind staying here for a bit? I... I don’t want Friesden to see me like this, it would make her worry...”

“It’s... no problem... perhaps we should wash our faces off, too...” Ocean smiles. “Th-thank you so much...”
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1895 on: March 18, 2012, 02:26:24 pm »

"Walking? Yeah I can walk just fine. I've been able to walk since I woke up, all I have is just a mild headache... I'll just get off of you now..." I roll off Jaxler's back and proceed to walk beside him.

"that's good, but you should still get your head looked at."
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 02:28:03 pm by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1896 on: March 18, 2012, 02:31:34 pm »

"I'm still going to the hospital, don't worry! But, I'm more concerned about getting kicked in the gut by a full grown pegasus wearing horseshoes!"


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1897 on: March 18, 2012, 02:37:13 pm »

"Just be happy I'm not telling your parents or partisan, and I'm sorry about the brass horseshoes but I kinda needed some sort of weapon seeing how somepony stole my crossbow."
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1898 on: March 18, 2012, 02:44:27 pm »

"Okay, okay Jaxler! Jeeze..."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1899 on: March 18, 2012, 02:46:34 pm »

Jaxler noticed that they had finally reached the hospital.

"Looks like we're here."

Jaxler extended his hoof and knocked on the hospital door.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1900 on: March 18, 2012, 02:48:18 pm »

"So, how are we going to explain the days events? Are we going to lie or tell the truth?"


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1901 on: March 18, 2012, 02:51:48 pm »

Panacea looks up to the door away from the ruined pile of wood that Stiletto had created in her rage.  She was going to make it a point to stay away from the alicorn mare for a while, and never ever do anything to anger her if she could help it.  Glaive too, come to think of it.  She steps over to the door and cautiously opens it, worried she'd find the enraged alicorn there.  Releived it was somepony else, she says, "Oh, Jaxler... Granite... c-come in.  What's wrong?"
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1902 on: March 18, 2012, 02:57:16 pm »

Friesden, Azikiwe (Random Zebra)

And Another scene! They just flow like water around here huh.

Glyph and Friesden walk into the trade depot. The Zebra caravan is there, although they'll be leaving soon, which is why Glyph had chosen now to come and find one to speak to. 'If I need to know something... after all, a zebra is different than a pony... and a... what would the word even be.. Zony? Whatever it would be, they might react badly to some things... can't take the risk of Friesden getting hurt by something that should help her... or anything like that.'

Friesden is happily flying in circles around Glyph's head as he thinks, he looks up at her. "Careful Friesdizzy, make sure you don't run into any of these boxes."

"I won't!” About one second later she does, knocking a large crate to the ground.

Azikiwe hears the crash, and comes to investigate "careful, young one, your parents might not be pleased should your lack of care cause injury, or break some item of far-off-lands."

Friesden eeps and flutters back over to Glyph.

"I'm sorry sir, my malyutka didn't mean to hurt anything." Glyph puts a foreleg around Friesden. "Actually I came down to speak to one of you... umm... did anything break?"

Azikiwe watches the filly get up, and then straightens the bumped box, before pausing and looking over at her. "it should be fine, that box was filled with fabrics." he pauses, contemplating his wording... "such a lovely filly, she is.."

Friesden remembers her manners. "Thank you mister Zebra."

Glyph smiles. "That she is. But I should ask your name, can't just call you zebra."

Azikiwe smiles to Friesden "you are quite welcome, young one. and, most call me Azikiwe"

"Um. Thank you mister Azikiwe."

Glyph chuckles. "So Azikiwe, do you have time to talk? I know you're all probably busy but..."

Azikiwe nods. "I can spare some time, Of what did you wish to speak?"

Glyph thinks a bit, trying to find some... tactful way of putting it. "It's about um..." He glances at Friesden. "Well, zebras really..."

Friesden perks her ears up. "Why do you want to talk about Zebras, almost-dad?"

"Well, you are special malyutka..." Glyph smiles at her.

Azikiwe nods. "Ah yes, it's not terribly uncommon for one to have questions, I shall, try and provide answers as best I can."

A female zebra is watching the foal playing, and comes closer. "Ah, you must be the filly, Indigo told me about."

Friesden 's eyes boggle. "Ponies are talking about me?"

Glyph looks at the new zebra. "So, you know about Friesden then. I hope you don't mind me coming by looking for answers miss...”

“I'm Sekashi. You would be the second pony to ask me for answers recently. I'm not an oracle, but only a simple trader. You can ask your questions, and I'll answer what I can." She then turns towards the foal and says "Yes, ponies are talking about you. It is uncommon for a pony to have stripes like yours."

Friesden looks at herself. "I only got these stripes recently..."

"Well, they are quite beautiful, aren't they?" asks Sekashi

"...I liked how I looked before..." Friesden looks a bit wistful. "Why do I have these stripes anyway?"

"Maybe you have a zebra ancestor, little one." says Sekashi.

“Well I think your stripes are beautiful malyutka.” Glyph looks back at Sekashi and shakes his head. "Name’s Glyph, don't really need an oracle, just basic information. I want to make sure Friesden is taken care of right, and I don't want to mess anything up because of a lack of knowledge."

"I see, so you are looking after her now, and you want to know about foals, yes?" asks Sekashi.

Friesden scrunches her head in thought. "Why do you need to ask the zebras about how to take care of me? Can't you ask mum? Isn't that what you were talking about?"

"I've had my foals, and your mum isn't here. I can answer his questions, if he wants me to." Sekashi looks at Glyph, then at one of their wagons, then at Glyph again.

Friesden 's face is marked with confusion. "But... But... Mum was talking to him!"

"Glyph is concerned about you, child. He wants to learn as much about upbringing foals as he can. From your mum, from other mums, and from me. If he wants to learn about the zebra way of rising children, who am I to deny him the knowledge?" asks Sekashi.

"Not about foals in general... I remember enough... actually I'm acting as a stabil'nyi˘ otets for the foals here. Just about Friesden... I don't know if I'll need to do anything... different." He rubs the back of his head. "Mainly medical stuff probably."

Azikiwe smiles to Friesden. "It is rarely harmful to seek the advice of another. And, if you are as special as you might be, it could be helpful for your.. caretaker, to understand more of our kind."

Friesden has confusion on her entire body now. "But I'm not special. I'm just another pony."

Azikiwe chuckles "As we all are."

Friesden has still got confusion all over her. "Aren't you a zebra?"

"It matters not, if you are special. Just if you are happy with it. And yes, we are zebras. We are not so different from the ponies." Sekashi looks intensely at the filly, than adds "I see this is a difficult time for you, child. Just have faith that things will turn out for the best for you. Ponies care and look after you. As for your friend, he looks for his answers wherever he can find them." She then looks at Glyph, and walks off towards one of their wagons.

Glyph looks at Friesden. "Do you mind just playing with your new friend here? I think Sekashi wants to talk to me privately."

"Um. Okay." says Friesden.

Glyph tousles her mane, then goes to follow the zebra

Azikiwe smiles and nods "Yes, tell me more about yourself, young one while Sekashi and your friend talk."

Friesden tells him about her mum and dad, and almost-dad and her siblings. Azikiwe smiles and listens, sometimes asking her questions. Eventually she gets excited, and starts flying around in circles again.

Sekashi walks towards one of their wagons, jumps inside, looks through a chest, and emerges with a book. They are both still in sight of the filly, while Azikiwe keeps her occupied. “Talking about zebra foals confuses and upsets her. It is better for us to talk alone.” She taps the book with her hoof. It looks rather old and used. “What would you like to know? There are some differences, brews we make for the foals to make them stronger, trials, exercises. None of these things is truly essential."

"I just want to make sure I don't cause problems. I... I don't know a lot, but I know some medicine and other things will even effect the different kinds of ponies differently..." He looks back at Friesden. "I don't wanna hurt her by accident..."

"Ah, I see. Yes, some kinds of potions work differently with ponies and zebras, but regular food and drink are the same. If her mother was able to hide her here this long as a Pegasus, I wouldn’t expect any problems. Do you know how much zebra blood does she have exactly?"

"How much?" Glyph cocks his head, "Um... her father was a zebra... is that what you wanted to know?"

"Yes, that is what I was asking about.” Sekashi nods, then asks "Do you know if she has wings after her mother or father? Ibises usually keep to our homeland."

“Her mother was a Pegasus.” Glyph shrugs, “Dunno what her father was... didn’t think I should ask... does that change anything?”

“No, it shouldn’t change much. She has wings either way. But why is her being a half-zebra such a problem to ponies? She looks healthy, if unhappy for a child." asks Sekashi after a moment of silence.

Glyph shrugs. "I don't care. I love malyutka's stripes, and the rest of her. Although I think the fact that her mother is married might be a part of it."

"Ah, I see how that would cause a problem. As to your questions, she could be more vulnerable to some herbs, but nothing that should matter. There is a chance of sterility, and other disabilities, but she looks healthy, so that shouldn't be a problem either. I've seen only a handful of zonies in my life, and most managed just fine. As for zebra foals," she opens her book. It is in zebra, but there are some illustrations. "I can tell you a lot, but it will take some time. From what I have seen ponies teach their foals to rely on each other, while my people consider self-reliance and ability to survive a great virtue. So we teach our foals the basics of survival before they are sent on a journey to discover their glyph.” explains Sekashi.

"I see, so the glyph... that's what you have instead of a cutie mark right?" He looks at the pictures. "Dunno which one she'll have... though she probably won't wanna learn too much about zebra culture... she still doesn't seem to understand what she is."

"At some point you will have to tell her, but now is not the time. Yes, if she wants to be a pony, and grows among ponies, then bring her up as a pony. The cutie mark is what you ponies have instead of glyphs, true. But glyphs are more symbolic in meaning, and only clear to those who can read them. She will be raised by ponies, so she is more likely to have a cutie mark, than a glyph. Not that it matters, as both are just external representations of our special talents." She looks him in the eyes "You are now her caretaker, yes?"

Glyph chews his lip. "I suppose worst case I can always ask the next caravan questions... yeah I’m acting as her father now. Why do you wanna know?"

"You are taking care of her, that is good. But what about her family? Her mother?"

"Her mother..." Glyph gets a faraway look in his eyes for a moment. "She... she still cares deeply for Friesden, and she will try to spend as much time as she can with her but..." Glyph shakes his head and sighs. "Her father... that Smert' rog... he threw Friesden out, and there are the other foals, Friesden's siblings, her mother can't just leave them..."

"Ah, that must be hard for all of them.” her smile disappears briefly. “I have an advice for you. The most important thing to teach her is the ability to be grateful for the gift of breathing. To endure and thrive in any conditions. That, and not standing in the way of what she is to become. But those are lessons for later, she may be still to young to understand."

"The importance of breathing huh..." Glyph thinks a bit. "Not sure I even understand fully... but like you said, that can wait for now."

"Are you happy? Or are you worried now?" asks Sekashi, cocking her head.

"No, not worried...." Glyph watches Friesden flying around Azikiwe's head. "Not for me at least... I want to do everything right for her... no matter what she feels... she's my daughter now... my first..."

Meanwhile, Azikiwe sits back with a smile, watching the filly circle happily.

"There are always some things you must do. Some trials you must face. Some things to prepare for. But as long as you know you can handle them, you don't need to worry. You are still young and healthy. You can handle life. Teach her that. She is now your responsibility, and you need to take care of her. Look after her, and learn what you can about foals, but don't worry. You don't need to." Sekashi looks Glyph in the eyes, and then at flying Friesden.

"I... I will." He smiles a bit. "Thank you. I may know how to take care of foals... but this is different... this one's mine. I won't worry, I'll just be there for her... always, just as I promised."

"I see that this is difficult for you and her family, but things will work out in the end. Trust in that, and take care of her. As for her mother’s husband, bucks sometimes value their honour above their responsibilities. From what I heard, he took his wife's infidelity very badly. Try to convince him to let his wife and children see the filly."

"Let them?" Glyph chuckles darkly. "He doesn't have a choice in the matter. Besides, she now has a father in the militia, and two mothers, one guard and one militia. I don't think he he'll be refusing her anything."

Sekashi notices the change in Glyph's mood. Two mothers? "So you are going to threaten him? He took this hard. If you push him too much, he may snap. The blue unicorn said, he doesn't even recognize the child."

"He doesn't seem to. But that's no excuse. There is absolutely no excuse for hurting a foal. Especially this foal." Glyph smiles grimly. "But no, I won't threaten him. Not unless he does something intentional to harm Friesden."

"Yes, he did hurt her, and his wife and their other children. That is his crime. But did he do it to hurt them, or because he himself was hurt? How long has he known, she is not of his blood? How did he find out? Do your laws say he can abandon a foal that is not his? Consider these questions. It is good that you seek only to protect the child. Hurting the old fool further won't do any good to his wife and the foals, and it won't teach him anything."

Glyph shakes his head. "I just said, I'm not going to threaten him. I'm just angry at the hurt he caused. You may be right, and I doubt he did it to be malicious, but it's still not something easy to forget." he scuffs the ground with a hoof, "But I won't hurt him. It wouldn't solve anything, and it would break Friesden's heart."

"Good, so you understand this is about making things better, not revenge.” Sekashi puts a hoof on Glyph’s withers. “Tell me about the blue unicorn, Indigo. How is he involved into all this?"

"Indigo... he works with Carmine apparently, and Carmine asked him to do something about me and Friesden." Glyph shrugs. "Like I said, he really doesn't seem to remember her."

"He came to me asking if we lost a foal. He then told me there is a striped foal in the town, that wasn't here before, but she knows things about the camp, as if she were here for a long time. He mentioned this Carmine only briefly. Perhaps I should talk to him again. He wasn’t malicious, but rather apologetic for even asking. He seems concerned about his friend, and the foal as well, and most of all confused. I told him to help his friend if he asks, but let other ponies handle this otherwise." Sekashi sighs. "And that we didn't lose a foal, and would notice an Ibis following our caravan."

"Are you telling me to stay out? Or... why are you telling me about this?"

“Because you need to understand the situation well to handle it well, and there are a lot of ponies already involved. You said, the blue unicorn is working with Carmine. It may be so, but I do not think he will be causing you trouble, or trying to hurt the filly. If he tries, explain things to him alone. He means well, but is confused." Sekashi laughs "Otherwise the silly pony wouldn't be asking me about a lost foal."

Glyph looks confused. "Of course he doesn't mean harm, he was trying to help me, and her. At least it seems like he was... even I could tell he wasn't trying to hurt anypony."

After a pause Sekashi adds "The biggest thing of concern about him is how he reacts to the mother. From what I gather he finds infidelity to be a great crime."

"Oh... I hope he won't cause problems there... or for me, some ponies might see Stiletto, Kat, and me as... wrong. Maybe... still don't understand a lot of that stuff." says Glyph with concern.

Sekashi raises her brow at that, but decides not to inquire about their relationships. Instead she says: "Well, your responsibility is taking care of the filly now. You can't protect every pony in this place, but other guards could keep a discrete watch on Carmine's family, for a few weeks at least. You also have other things to consider. You should find out what your leader has to say about this. What does pony law say about dispossessing and adopting a child? These things may not seem important to you, but it is good to handle them properly, so that nopony will cause her trouble."

"Maybe... I've talked to Virtue... but everypony seems to think Carmine will get better, and just... take her back." Glyph looks over at Friesden sadly. "I... I'm not so sure... and I'm even less sure which would be better..."

"Perhaps he will. Perhaps he won't. Indigo said, Carmine doesn't even seem to remember her now. He could by lying. He could be insane. He could be shielding himself from shame and hurt. In any case forcing him to take her back will do her no good. You can't make him love her."

"I..." Glyph sighs. "I don't want him to take her back really... um... don't tell anypony that though. I... I really shouldn't act like that..."

Sekashi looks at the circling filly. "I understand, and your secrets are safe with me, as long as they endanger nopony or zebra. You care about the filly, and want the best for her. Adopting her might be a better course of action than giving her back. Just make sure, she can see her mother, and play with other foals. This won't be easy for her, but in time she will understand."

"Of... of course, I wouldn't take her away from her mother... never. But... I don't know if the others would allow me to adopt her, like I said, they all seem to think he'll get better and take her back."

"Time will show. My best advice is to be ready for both. For now just take care of her as best as you can, and talk to your leader about adoption.” After a pause Sekashi adds “Now, is there anything else you'd like to ask me about?"

"I... I don't think so. Like I said, mainly I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to hurt her by accident."

"Would you like to buy something then? Or did you just come to us to talk?" Sekashi speaks with a sudden spark in her eye.

"Buy something? I kinda just came to talk... didn't know there was more to do..."

Sekashi puts away her book. "Well, you asked me for advice, and I gave it to you, but our main service is trade. Just look around if you want anything. We have cloth, food, jewellery, herbal medicine, some curiosities and other things." She gestures towards their wares and smiles.

“Trade..” Glyph shakes his head. “Why would you... nevermind. I should probably just head home. Or maybe take her to see her siblings, Carmine should be busy at work right now.”

“Of course. Come back if you need anything or have further questions. As for why would you... buy something from us, is that what you wanted to ask? We are a trade caravan. Shall I explain you how this works?” asks Sekashi with a playful smile.

Glyph chuckles slightly. “I think I get the idea, just still don’t understand why, I have food, shelter, my clothes... and now I even have some family... why should I get anything?” He shrugs. “Guess this is what Stiletto has to deal with a lot. It was nice meeting you Sekashi, you think you’re going to be in the next caravan?”

“Ah, a pony of little needs, are you now? That is commendable. As I told you, our people consider self-reliance to be a virtue.” she smiles and looks into Glyph’s eyes, then adds. “Lady Virtue does most of the trading with us, but some ponies have special needs and want various trinkets for themselves. And yes, if the gods are good, I’ll be back next year. Goodbye to you, then.” Sekashi walks Glyph and Friesden out of the depot, and waves her hoof at them, while Azikiwe bows, and says “It was a pleasure to meet you”.

Glyph walks home, smiling as he watched Friesden flying around. ‘She might not understand what she is... but she’s still happy. With what Sekashi said, looks like I won’t have to worry about doing anything wrong because of her heritage either.’ He trots forward, next to Friesden. “I bet I can beatcha back home!” He chuckles and runs forward, happy to have made a new friend in the caravan, and happy to have his daughter.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.


  • Bay Watcher
  • thats not a red mage...
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1903 on: March 18, 2012, 02:57:30 pm »

"All we haft to do is not lie."

After replying to Granite, Jaxler noticed that Panacea had come to the door.

"Hay Panacea, I kinda got shot in the leg and sprained my wings while trying to chase a thief. Oh, and Granite got a concussion from the very same thief."
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1904 on: March 18, 2012, 03:01:36 pm »

Her eyes go wide and she ushers them inside.  "Come in, let me take a look at you."  She begins fishing for things in a nearby chest.  "Are we still under attack?  Is anypony else hurt or fighting?"
Through pain, I find wisdom.
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