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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 229811 times)


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #90 on: December 13, 2011, 03:14:44 am »

Flux' Journal, Hematite 5

Things had been quiet for a while 'till a few days ago.  More of those crundle things showed up in the mines and the military took care of them.  Then, earlier today, somepony else decided they had to build something unique.  These moods are kinda weird, but they at least produce interesting things.  Castiron was the one this time, and he had to take a bar of pig iron among other things.  Makes sense, I guess.  I mean, pig iron basically is cast iron, afterall.  I just wish he could have waited for a bar of steel or settled for ordinary iron.  Whatever he makes might be too brittle to actually be useful.  He's yelling about needing some leather now, so I figure we'll have a new leatherworker's shop up soon.  Somepony around here must know how to tan a hide.

I've been doodling more advanced trap designs and setups in my spare time lately.  I call my latest "The Walk O' Doom" and I feel it's a fairly accurate name.  I'm trying to work a way to make it work better on those damnedable badgerpegasi before I show the designs to Virtue, though.  Not to mention that the wall needs to be finished before anything as fancy as the Walk will work.


Yes, Flux has more advanced traps in mind.  I tend to make mildly to moderately fancy systems of traps to defend my forts, so I figure Flux would love to try similar things.

As far as finding someplace to watch the episodes, hit up youtube.  For whatever reason, Hasbro doesn't seem to care about people uploading full-length high-def episodes of pony.  There are occasional instances of people getting nailed for it, but it looks to only be from trolls and not Hasbro themselves.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #91 on: December 13, 2011, 09:27:40 am »

Let's give this a try.

 Glyphs' glyphs, part 1

Okay, I know that's a bad joke but my sense of humor is a bit drained from working on these walls all the time
I'd ask for a different job, but, back home you were given a job and you liked it, or left. Maybe it'll be different here.

Glyphs' Journal, part 2

I finally worked up the nerve to ask Virtue for a different job, I had been wanting to join the militia for a while.
So there I was in the dining hall all of my arguments lined up ready for a full blown debate, but she was fine with it.
No arguments no debate just a "let me see what I can do". Man now I wish I'd asked sooner.

Glyphs' Journal, part 3

 I'm in the militia! Virtue shuffled some ponys around and split the squad into two.
 I'm to work for miss Naginata, oops I mean captain Naginata.
 I probably won't have a chance to write again for a while, I'll need to train pretty hard to be able to keep up with the rest.


By the way Telgin do you mind if i use that for my  fourum avatar? I'd like to have a picture there.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 11:51:25 am by JaxtalMK2 »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #92 on: December 13, 2011, 12:55:54 pm »

Sure, I don't mind you using it as an avatar.  And don't worry about the writing, I think it's great.

Quote from: Khenal
Yes, Flux has more advanced traps in mind.  I tend to make mildly to moderately fancy systems of traps to defend my forts, so I figure Flux would love to try similar things.

I was actually hoping to do something like this in this fort, partly because I've never really tried anything sophisticated and partly because it pains me to send out armed and armored ponies only to get them cheapshotted somehow.  A nice trap maze or something to soften them up sounds nice.  I plan on digging a moat, so a path leading to the draw bridge in a dodge-me-into-water trap path or something sounds fun.

Virtue would be quite interested in hearing about the plans.  The wall should be complete in another update or two, so she'll be able to get on it then.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #93 on: December 13, 2011, 01:06:41 pm »

It's a lot easier when you have something to react to, but thanks. And thanks for the avatar.

By the way I just watched the first couple a episodes of MLP... yep. Well I know I won't be bored for a couple of days.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 06:58:00 pm by JaxtalMK2 »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #94 on: December 14, 2011, 01:37:21 pm »

(Poke Poke) Anyone home?
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #95 on: December 14, 2011, 02:22:28 pm »

Got another update coming tonight.  And glad you're enjoying the show.  Have fun with ponies dominating your life for a while.  :)
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #96 on: December 14, 2011, 02:38:41 pm »

I've already downloaded every single episode so far onto my IPhone. What can I say, when I get into something I go all the way ;).
  Now if only interesting stuff  would stop showin' up on T.V :P.

Sad thing is I still have plenty of space on my IPhone after that.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 02:44:08 pm by JaxtalMK2 »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #97 on: December 14, 2011, 03:01:16 pm »

Plenty of space for pony musics, themes, backgrounds and so on.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #98 on: December 14, 2011, 03:56:03 pm »

I don't know, I'm kinda attached to my riolu background :P. (riolu is a pokemon in case you didn't know.)

Oh and Telgin, does Glyph have any friends? Well ones that I might recognize.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 06:22:50 pm by JaxtalMK2 »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #99 on: December 15, 2011, 12:30:30 am »

Sorry about that, didn't get around to updating tonight like I'd planned.  Will definitely get to it tomorrow.

Glyph has quite a few friends actually:

The other masons are there, along with a lot of other ponies.  He might even be mayor some day with a friends list like that.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #100 on: December 15, 2011, 09:01:01 am »

Don't worry about it as long as I know the fortress aint dead I'm good

Dang, that's a friends list. I hope he doesn't end up the mayor, Tyrant Glyph doesn't have a very good ring to it.
Actually I just looked at his likes again, what the heck is puddingstone? Not to mention
Yellow painted  conjured peridot lime wood. I can only imagine the conversation where he tells someone that tongue twister of a like.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 09:18:11 am by JaxtalMK2 »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #101 on: December 15, 2011, 09:58:43 pm »

And finally I have a moment to update this before I spend the next 3 hours writing a post for Glitterglen, hehe

I actually have no idea what puddingstone is, but if I had guess it's probably a block made from dough or something from the mod.  As for the conjured peridot lime wood, in case you didn't know, the mod adds in a new workshop that can transform plants into logs.  Very useful, if a bit... cheap.  The lime wood would refer to a lime ent: a new type of animal that was added to the game that can be sheared for fruit.  A hackish way to have orchards.  Put the two together and you get conjured lime wood, which is pretty specific.  Then adding dye on top for yellow...

Maybe he shouldn't be mayor,  hehe.

Virtue's Diary - 5th Malachite, 254

I'm not sure how they keep getting in, but the miners ran into yet another pack of crundles in the mines today.  No matter how thoroughly Halberd and his ponies search the mines and think they've cleared them out, more turn up.  The caverns are pretty massive, we've only explored a small fraction of them for fear of running into more monsters like that... vomit... thing.

I was pretty frightened to hear that Naginata's son Rondel was caught up in one the fights with the crundles.  From what the miners tell me though, he put up an amazing fight for a young colt.  His mother would be proud, even if she spent the better part of five minutes scolding him for being down there in the first place.  Panacea bandaged up his cuts quick enough, and he went off playing with his friends, who were quite impressed to hear of what he did.  I hope they don't get any ideas and try to head down to the caverns.

14th Malachite, 254

Despite my fears, I haven't heard any news of any of the foals getting into trouble with things in the mines.  Instead, I heard from Panacea this afternoon that Glaze gave birth to a unicorn filly named Purple Prose.  The foal certainly was purple, but I'm not sure if she was joking about the name or not.  I've never known Panacea to joke about something like that, so I'm putting it down as her official name in the roster.

In other news, I sort of hate to think about the fact that we still have close to thirty ponies without proper bedrooms.  They've been sharing bedrooms up until now, so I designated some new bedroom construction against the east wall of the settlement.  With a wall to work with, things should go a bit faster I hope.  Once that's done we'll be moving on to finally getting a town hall set up.  Carmine will be happy to know about that.

Speaking of Carmine, I asked him and Indigo to assist as masons for a while.  With Glyph now in the militia, we were short one mason, but adding two in his place should make up for their inexperience.  They both actually seemed pretty excited about the idea, since we don't have any use for their talents right now.  Who knows, maybe they'll take a liking to working with stone?

26th Malachite, 254

Today is a day to celebrate, for sure!  Carmine told me this afternoon that the last block had been placed in the wall, and we were now completely protected from sneaking thieves.  With the drawbridge Flux helped design, we should be able to keep the badger ponies out with no difficulty.  Of course, everypony that heads outside for any reason will have to remain vigilant, but it makes me sleep safer at night.  To think, it took four years to get us to this point.

I was also happy to hear that we've got a few bee hives set up south of the dining hall.  Sweet Nectar was happily setting them up and tending to her new... pets.  I'm eager to get a little honey to eat with my bread or tea, or some mead with dinner, but I know I won't be straying anywhere near the hives if I can help it!

Naginata tells me that Glyph has been working pretty hard at his new position in the militia.  I saw him headed to a practice session on my way back to my room this afternoon, and was pleased to note that the armor and weapon orders I put in for him have already been completed.  He looked pretty happy, trotting around in the plates of steel, and I'm glad he's found something that he enjoys.

Naginata's Diary - 25th Malachite, 254

Things have been shaping up around here lately, that's for sure.  With the new wall complete, we can finally start doing our job properly by monitoring the only choke point into the settlement: the drawbridge.  I'm pretty confident we can keep it secure in the event of another attack by the badger ponies.

I hope we don't see any signs of those thieves again for a long time.  Virtue asked me to take over my own squad, picking up half of our old squad plus a new recruit: Glyph.  He's got a long way to go learning to fight, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm.  And I have a lot to learn about leading and teaching.  I just hope I can keep him out of trouble in a fight if it comes to that.  I'd hate for him to get hurt because I haven't taught him properly.

I've also made quite certain that Rondel doesn't head anywhere near the mines again.  He's got a lot of energy, but he's biting off far more than he can chew.  He doesn't know how lucky he was to only get scratched up in that fight, and it would crush me if he got hurt badly.  I think he understands though, he's a good colt and smart enough to know what could have happened.

I am a bit proud of him though, I must admit.  He's got a bit of his mother in him, I suppose.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #102 on: December 15, 2011, 11:10:46 pm »

Yah I knew about conjured and painted wood it just seemed very specific. not just lime wood but peridot lime wood and it has to be conjured, and yellow. Yah that will be very easy to get.

 Glyphs journal 4

  Well journal, I've been working hard at my new job. I never knew how tough training was.
  Hauling stone, building walls, I thought I was pretty tough, well first time I put on that armor I practically fell on my face.
  That stuff is HEAVY! Still it's better then working stone all day.

 Glyphs journal 5
  Apparently captain Naginata's colt snuck into the caves while nopony was looking.
  I don't think that I've ever seen the captain so freaked out. Luckily he wasn't hurt but After the tongue lashing he got
  I bet he wished he was. With any luck he will have learned his lesson but maybe I should watch him for a bit.

 Glyphs journal 6

  The captain told me I was making some progress. I'm definitely getting the hang of movin' around in armor, but
  I still don't think I'm good enough. I've got to keep working, I have to be good enough to make Naginata proud.
  To show that Miss Virtue's trust was not misplaced, I can't let either of them down!

  Yah a little bit of hero worship for Naginata and Virtue.
  Hopefully he'll prove himself without getting hurt. Too bad Naginata's married already.
  Darn Glitterglen hogging all the epic, although it can keep the insanity :P.

  BTW if you have any advice about my writing I'd love to hear it.
  I love writing but I always feel I've left something out
« Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 12:01:07 am by JaxtalMK2 »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #103 on: December 16, 2011, 03:48:35 am »

Flux' Journal, Malachite 26

The wall is finally finished!  Even better, it looks like the military is almost fully equipped as well!  I'll be showing Virtue my new entryway design.  It'll be a bit complicated, but I think it'll be a huge step up in security.  Bridges and blade traps, I'm so excited!


The trap I love for all my forts is what I call the serpentine gate.  Channel out a single tile wide winding path leading to the walls.  Place blade traps in a line across the entire entrance and fill the channeled tiles with retracting bridges.  When open, it gives a nice, wide entryway for trading and traffic.  Retract the bridges, and it becomes an instant choke point and lethal dodge-me trap.  I'll dig up a few screenshots later if you want.


I had a pair of pics already uploaded, so here's the design.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 04:16:30 am by Khenal »
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #104 on: December 19, 2011, 11:49:00 am »

« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 11:24:55 pm by Omicega »
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