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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 229814 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3555 on: July 26, 2012, 10:00:14 pm »

The following takes place a few days after Virtue's last diary entry.  Combat was simulated by DF.  There is at least one more scene for Virtue coming up, maybe Glaive too.


It was so quiet down here.  Virtue idly runs a hoof down the inner doorway to the monster trap in front of her, trying to picture what things must have looked like when the soldiers encountered the last monster.  There were still remnants of it lying around her.  Traces of mud.  How such a thing could live... much less be so dangerous... she could scarcely imagine.

She sighs and looks down to the cavern floor, into a small puddle of the mud.  Was it still dangerous to touch?  Would she die like Stiletto if she did accidentally set a hoof in it?  No, too many ponies had come and gone since then, and they were all fine.  Why couldn’t Stiletto be fine too?

Her ears perk up slightly as she hears a scuttling noise from inside the trap.  More vermin from the depths.  So much strange life was found down here... and much of it extremely dangerous.  If it wasn’t for the marble just below her, she wished they’d never set hoof down here.  Wool and Stiletto would still be alive if they hadn’t.

She turns to leave, dissatisfied that she hadn’t cleared her mind at all by coming down to the caverns entrance.  All she’d managed to accomplish was to depress her self again, and by now Glaive or whoever was on duty was probably looking for her.  She shouldn’t have come down here without at least telling somepony.  Maybe she’d make it back up before anypony knew she was even gone.

As she takes a step away, the doorway behind her buckles under the assault of something enormous behind it.  She whirls around in time to see the damaged door torn from its hinges and land on the ground just ahead of her.  Her blood froze in her veins as a hideous... monstrous... crab clattered into the mines.  Its body was covered in fine muddy feathers, and it let out a low rumbling cry as it started toward her.

Overcome with terror, Virtue finds her legs unresponsive.  All she could do was let out a horrified scream at the top of her lungs, and cower.

Meanwhile, on the surface, Glaive is in a near panic. He had showed up to relieve Stormcloud of his duty guarding the Duchess, that morning, when it was discovered that she had vanished during the night. Glaive and the rest of the Ducal Guard began searching high and low for Lady Virtue, when one of the miners said that they had seen the Duchess heading into the mines several hours ago. Glaive rushes to the mine entrance when he hears a blood chilling scream. He knows immediately that the voice was that of Lady Virtue and he runs toward her as fast as his legs could carry him.

The crab wastes neither time nor mercy on her.  She lets out another muffled squeak as its massive pincers reach down and grab for her.  She instinctively turns her face away, and a claw clips onto her ear.  She screams again as it cuts into her flesh, and her struggles to free herself are in vain.  The crab lifts her up and slams her to the ground, knocking the air from her lungs and dazing her.  The world spins for a few moments and darkness encroaches on her vision before she forces herself lucid again.

Glaive’s mad dash leads him to the Duchess currently in the menacing grasp of a giant feathered crab. The guard captain draws his axe in a flash of steel.

In a single fluid motion, the crab lifts Virtue into the air and hurls her down the hallway.  She sails through the air for what felt like an eternity before slamming into the stone ground halfway to Glaive.  She lands on her side, twisting a foreleg beneath her and again forcing the air from her lungs.  A weak cough passes her lips as she gasps for air and tries to stand, but the pain in her knee and being winded prevents anything but a half stagger.  She collapses back onto the ground just in time to see the crab looming over her yet again.

With all of the air she could gasp, she lets out a shrill scream of pure terror and kicks feebly at the monster as its pincers wrap around her limbs again.  “Help me!” she screams desperately, but not expecting anypony to come.  Nopony knew she was down here.  “Anypony!!”

Her screams are cut off as the creature drags her in toward its maw and bites down.  Blood spurts from the deep gash in her foreleg, and she redoubles her frantic kicking and bucking.  “Heeeeelllllp!!” she screams again.

Glaive rushes forward with all of his might, praying to all the gods that he would be swift enough to save Virtue. As he reaches the beast he leaps into the air and with all of his strength he swings his axe downward striking the monster in the forward portion of it’s body, cracking it’s exoskeleton and sending a large chunk of the front flying away from it’s body. The creature now slain, collapses to the ground it’s blood pools around its wound. Glaive, seeing that the fight has been ended, rushes to his Lady’s side. “Virtue!” he yells as he examines her wounds.

The crab’s grip goes slack as the life drains away from its body, and Virtue tumbles to the ground in a heap next to Glaive.  She cries out and clutches at the profusely bleeding wound on her foreleg, tightening into a ball on the ground.  She trembles in place briefly before Glaive calls out to her, and she looks up to see him standing over her.  But where was the crab...?  Then it all fell into place, and her eyes snap open.  “G-Glaive!”

Glaive drops his axe and starts pulling bandages from his saddle bag. “Lady Virtue, don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here. You’re going to be okay..” he says trying to convince himself as much as her, as he uses his magic to wrap up her leg, trying to slow her bleeding to the best of his limited ability.

Virtue stares in disbelief for a moment as Glaive began bandaging her leg.  Was she hallucinating this?  Had he really come to save her?  Finally convinced it was real, she immediately throws her legs around Glaive’s neck and hugs him as tightly as she can, completely oblivious to his attempts to tend to her wound.  “Glaive... th-thank the gods you came...” she says in a weak voice as she clings to him, trying to halt the trembling in her body.

“Virtue,” replies Glaive, silently happy that she was still well enough to clutch him this tighty, “you are hurt, I need you to stay still while I bandage your wounds, then I’ll get you to Panacea.”

At that, Virtue notices the blood still oozing from her leg, and she releases Glaive with a startled gasp.  The pain her adrenaline had been masking begins to reassert itself, and she grunts as her hoof touched the ground.  “S-sorry...”  She clenches her jaw to help fight through the pain, but the amount of blood running from the wound was frightening.  “I-it h-hurts... a lot... h-how bad is it?”

Glaive continues working, “It isn’t that bad.” he lies “You’ll be fine, we just need to get you upstairs.” he says hopefully.”Glaive finishes wrapping up the worst of it. “Okay, Lady Virtue, I’m going to carry you to the hospital now.” he says before lifting her onto his back.

She nods silently as he lifts her onto his back.  “It’s dead... isn’t it?  Th-the monster?  You killed it?”

Glaive nods as he begins walking back to the surface, with Virtue on his back. His axe floating beside him at the ready. “Yes, I killed it. I stuck it down with one blow to its head...It was distracted by you, I don’t think it saw me coming.”

Virtue whimpers something quietly before clinging to Glaive again.  Her leg aches and burns horribly, but she is too shaken up to really care about that right now.  “Th-thank you...” she mutters into his ear.  As the whole thing begins to come into focus... that she had come within a breath of being killed...  tears begin to well up in her eyes and she tightens her grip even more.  “Thank you...”

“There is no need to thank me Virtue...Had I done my job as well as I should you would not have been hurt at all. I am sorry I failed you milady.” replies Glaive.

“You s-saved my life...” she replies in a shaky voice, placing her head against his neck and staring blankly into the stone walls of the mines.  She couldn’t get any other words to form in her mouth.

Glaive says nothing more and makes his way cautiously back to the surface. He would have galloped but did not want to risk aggravating the Duchesses wounds.

The two arrive at the hospital without further incident, finding Lancet quietly sweeping the floor.  He looks up at Glaive as he enters and prepares a greeting when he sees Virtue clinging to his back and shuddering.  “Glaive... what happened?” he asks after a moment more, realizing he should probably be doing more than asking silly questions.

Glaive moves with haste to a bedside and places Virtue gently upon it. “Monster from the caverns. It attacked the Duchess, I decapitated it but not before she was injured. Mostly minor cuts and bruises but she has a major laceration on her leg. I bandaged it as best I could, but she needs Panacea, where is she?”

Lancet eyes the bloody bandages on her leg for a moment before stammering, “Um... mom is upstairs.  I’ll go get her...”

He rushes off upstairs as promised, and after a quick but agitated conversation Panacea comes gliding down the stairs into the room where Glaive has placed Virtue.  Her eyes go wide when she sees the shape Virtue is in, and she darts over to the bedside.  “Lancet!  Get some more bandages and sutures!” she calls to her son.  She begins inspecting Virtue’s leg and asks Glaive, “Is anypony else hurt?”

Glaive shakes his head, “No, nopony else, and the beast is dead.” He looks to his axe which is still covered with the beast’s blood. He then looks to Virtue. “Milady? Would you like me to fetch your husband? Or anypony  else? Or should I stay here with you?”

Virtue winces as Panacea prods at Glaive’s attempt at bandaging her leg and she stammers, “I-I d-don’t want t-to be alone...”

Panacea rests a hoof on her withers and says, “I’m right here Virtue, it’s okay.”  She looks over to Glaive.  “It might be best if you did go find Harvest Moon and tell him what happened.”

Glaive looks to Virtue. “Duchess, you are perfectly safe here in Dr. Panacea’s hooves. I shall fetch Lord Harvest Moon right away.” Glaive gives a quick bow and exits the hospital.

***The next day***

Virtue is resting on her hospital bed, half asleep but too worked up and too tired to actually sleep.  Harvest Moon is sitting on the floor next to the bed, resting his head on the bed next to hers.  Their two youngest children, Rampart and Serenity, are sitting huddled together silently a short distance from the two.  Virtue periodically lets out a distraught sigh as she replays the events of the previous day through her head, with each puff of breath waking her husband up enough for him to look over and make sure she was still alright.

Glaive arrives at the hospital where he finds Stormcloud standing guard outside. After relieving his subordinate of duty, Glaive steps inside, has a brief exchange of words with Panacea and enters the divide seperating Virtue from the rest of the hospital giving her a bit of privacy. “Good morning, Lady Virtue, Lord Harvest Moon, Rampart, Serenity.” says Glaive as he approaches, and takes a seat. “How are you feeling today?” he asks the duchess.
The four ponies look up and give Glaive a small nod or smile.  Virtue tests her leg briefly and answers, “Good morning Glaive.  I’m... doing better.  Panacea says I’ll be alright.”

Glaive smiles. “I am very relieved to hear that. When we were down in the caverns...I wasn’t entirely certain I would be able to get you here in time...But you are okay now and that is what is truly important.”

Harvest Moon, followed by his two children stand and approach Glaive.  “Yes, that’s what’s important,” Harvest Moon says as he lays a hoof on Glaive’s withers.  “Words can’t describe how thankful we are... how fortunate we are...”

Serenity nods and hugs Glaive’s leg, while Rampart stops a few steps short and awkwardly nods.  “Yes... thank you, sir...”

Glaive raises his free forehoof and touches it to Serenity's head as she hugs him. The stallion blushes under his fur at the way Virtue’s family was thanking him. “No...No, thanks are necessary. I...I just did my job.”

Virtue smiles softly and says, “You saved my life by risking your own.  You’re one of the bravest and most selfless ponies I know.  I never doubted that you would try to protect us... but risking your life...”  She trails off, unsure of how to finish at first.  “...I always knew you would do everything you could...”

“ is an honor to serve you.” Glaive looks around at everypony, “All of you...But Virtue,” Glaive’s expression turns rather serious. “I don’t understand, why were you down in the caverns at all, especially without an escort?”

Her ears droop a bit as she looks aside.  This had to come up sooner or later, and at least Harvest Moon hadn’t pushed it hard enough for her to tell him yet.  She had to sooner or later though, best get it over with.  “It... it’s because of what happened to Stiletto,” she began.  “It didn’t make any sense... it all felt so... surreal.  I... I thought I might get some mental peace if I saw where it happened.”  She sighs.  “It... it’s ridiculous... I know.  And I knew with all of the things that have happened underground lately... you wouldn’t let me go.  I thought I’d be back long before I was missed...”

Glaive sighs, “ were partially right. I would have tried to convince you not to go, but...if you ever want to do something like this again, please take me, or another one of your guards with you. I don’t... none of us want to see you get hurt. Dawnpick needs you.”

Virtue nods slowly.  “I... I’m sorry.  It was stupid of me...”  She sighs again.  “I don’t think you have to worry about me doing something like this ever again.”

The rest of her family have released or stepped away from Glaive by now and rejoined her at the bed.  Harvest Moon takes her hoof in his and says, “It’s okay, Virtue.  You’re alright, and that’s all that matters.”  Their children nod in unison.

Glaive nods as well, “Indeed it is.” he adds, “and I’m glad you won’t try to do something like this again. I suppose if you have no need of me at the moment, I should take up position by the door.” Glaive rises.

“Yes... I think I’ll be alright,” Virtue replies.  “Thank you again... and take care.”

***Several months later....***

Glaive is sitting in the front pew of the temple to the old gods. He believes he is alone save for the presence of the four golden gods before him. He rereads the letter held before him for what feels like the thousandth time. His face is long with sorrow. He looks up to the statue of Reg Keepersearches ((Male unicorn (loyalty))) “Why do you tempt me like this?” he mutters nearly inaudibly, before returning to staring at the letter.

Virtue cautiously enters the temple, trying to keep her entrance as quiet as possible.  Sure enough, just as Rampart had told her, Glaive was sitting alone near the front of the temple.  She didn’t come there often... not nearly as often as she probably should... so Glaive would probably be suspicious, but she wanted to keep this as low key as possible.

She makes for the front of the temple quietly, bowing before the statues at the front and going through what rituals she could remember.

Glaive seeing Virtue in the temple with him, rapidly folds up the letter and hides it under his cloak.

When she finishes, she turns and takes a seat in the pew Glaive is on, sitting a short distance from him.

Glaive nods in acknowledgement of the Duchess. “Good afternoon, Lady Virtue.” he says.

She returns the nod.  “Good afternoon.”  Now... how should she bring this up?  She didn’t want to look like she was prying, even if that’s exactly what she was doing.  “How are you?  I don’t think we’ve had much of a chance to speak for a few days now.”

Glaive hesitates for a moment before he answers, “I’m...fine.” though it was a transparent lie. “But, uh, what brings you here Virtue? How are you? If you don’t mind me asking?” asks Glaive in an attempt to deflect the questioning.

Time for her to come up with her own lie.  “Rampart has been trying to get me in here more, which I suppose he’s right about.”  She extends her leg, brushes a hoof across the mostly healed wound and says, “I... thought I would come by, and thank Reg for sending a pony like you to protect me.”

Glaive looks up at the statue, “I promised I would always protect you Virtue and your family, and I will...” Glaive thinks to himself, ’Yes, you are right Reg, I understand, they need me here. Keeping Dawnpick, and the Duchess, safe is more important than this. I will turn down the offer.’ Glaive pulls the letter out from under his cloak with his magic and crumples it.

Virtue notes the letter as Glaive crushes it with his magic, but tries to feign as if she didn’t.  “Are you sure you’re alright?  You sound troubled.”

Glaive stands, “Yes milady, I am alright. You have...helped me to see the truth. Thank you. I am going to head home for the night now, if you do not mind.”
She nods and stands herself.  Something was troubling him... but he clearly didn’t want to talk about it.  “Of course... I should probably be getting home myself.”

Glaive makes his exit and as he walks out the door he flings the crumpled bit of paper into the waste bin by the door.

Virtue was following Glaive at a slight distance as they left, and she sees him discard the letter in the garbage.  She halts in place and waits for him to leave before approaching the garbage bin and checking to see what he threw away.  It was certainly none of her business... but if she could do something to help him... she was going to try.  She fishes the letter from the garbage and carefully unfolds it.

The letter reads as follows.

To the desk of Captain Glaive Regshetbeth the Admired Dish of Oats of the Ducal Guard of Dawnpick.

Tales of your valor and skill in battle, as well as your loyalty to your Duchess have reached us in the capital. Everypony here, in our court, knows of how you slew the Forgotten Beast Vemini to save your future wife, and how you defeated another beast, Cog Veildaggers with a single strike of your axe, to save the life of Duchess Virtue of Dawnpick. You have the makings of a Legend.

These stories combined with your families impressive service records stretching back the Zebra Wars indicates to us that you are a prime choice to be offered a position among our most trusted Elite Royal Guard.

I can promise you that your pay will be most sufficient, and the benefits to you, and your family, grand. I eagerly await your response.

King Golud

[Royal Seal]

Virtue reads the letter several times, letting the implications settle in her mind.  The king and queen of Coupledye were so impressed by his service here that they wanted him to guard them... an offer only the exceptional few would receive and none would willingly reject.  At first she can’t imagine why he would be upset... but it only takes a moment more to guess.  Glaive promised to protect her and her family...

She sits heavily and ponders the letter and what to do for some time.  Glaive deserved the honor... he had earned it a dozen times over.  Even if he wanted to stay here in Dawnpick she would want him to reconsider such an offer... but if his expression and tone were any indicator he did want to go.

It was a terrible position to be in, having to choose between your existing obligations and duty over the offer of a lifetime.  She could find more personal guards.  Glaive needed this.  She had to speak to him.

*** The Next Day ***

Virtue quietly waits next to the door to her office, waiting for the change of shift for her personal guard.  Glaive should be the next to take over, and she wanted to speak with him about the letter.  She had a reasonably good idea of how to proceed... she just hoped it went as smoothly as it did in her head.

Glaive arrives outside Virtue’s door, the doubts in his head from the previous day now quashed. He salutes his subordinate as he relieves them. As the other guard leaves Glaive enters Virtue’s office. “Lady Virtue, I am here to begin my shift.” he states.

She smiles at him and steps off toward her desk.  “Come in, and have a seat.  There’s something I’d like to talk about.”

Glaive hesitates for a second, before taking his seat. “Of...of course Duchess,” he begins, “What do we need to talk about?”

“It’s nothing bad.  Not at all,” she replies, hoping it would ease his mind a bit.  “It’s just related to a letter I received from the king and queen I received this morning.  I’m surprised you didn’t get a copy actually,” she lies.

“A letter from the King and Queen?” asks Glaive. ‘They sent something to Virtue about this? Why would they do that?’ he thinks to himself. “Well...why would I receive a letter from his majesty? What is it about?” he asks forcing a smile.

She raises an eyebrow and continues the charade.  “Oh, well... I think I’ve got good news for you then.”  She puts on the best smile she can and says, “The king and queen have heard of your outstanding achievements here in Dawnpick, and they want to offer you a position in their royal guard in Coupledye.  I don’t think I need to say what an honor such an offer is...”

Glaive’s forced smile cracks. “Ah, be honest. I did receive a letter about that. That was why I was in the temple yesterday. I wasn’t sure what I should do you see...But don’t worry Virtue. I promised I would protect you as long as you need me here, so I will turn down the job. It is enough of an honor to know that I was offered the position, in the first place, and I am still needed here.”

Virtue lets her true emotion show, and she gives him a concerned look.  “You... you’re going to turn it down?  Glaive, I... I really think you should reconsider.  I can find more ponies for my guard... but you’ll never receive another opportunity like this in your life.”

Glaive looks Virtue in the eye. “Lady, when you made me the captain of your guard I swore that I would serve you until either, I died or you dismissed me. I can’t just quit, and it would not feel right to ask you to let me go. I would not want to put you in that situation. I...had hoped to keep the knowledge that I was offered this position a secret. Even Falcata and my father don’t know about it.”

Well, she had put herself in that situation, and she knew how she felt about it.  “I understand,” she says, nodding slowly.  She stands and maneuvers around her desk to stand next to Glaive.  She lays a hoof on his armored withers and says, “In that case, Glaive, effective as of tomorrow you are dismissed from your duties as ducal guard captain.”  She hoped she was doing the right thing, and that this was what he really wanted.

Glaive’s face lights up like a foal’s on their birthday, while he dared not ask for this, it was what he truly wanted. “Thank you Duchess.” Glaive bows deeply before her, “If ever there was a pony deserving of being called noble it is you. Thank you for allowing me to take this opportunity.”

Glaive stands once more looking the duchess in the eyes. “And...” Glaive pauses considering his next move before suddenly hugging Virtue, “And thank you Virtue, my friend.” he says while still holding onto the mare.

Virtue accepts the hug with a bit of relief, happy that she had made the right decision.  She felt a bit awkward at being called a noble, even after all of these years, but that didn’t really matter right now.  “You’re very welcome Glaive,” she says, beaming herself.  “I just wish there was more I could do, you’ve done so much for me and my family that I can’t begin to repay it.”

Glaive releases Virtue and takes a step back. “No Virtue. You owe me nothing. It has been a pleasure to serve.” Glaive looks to the door and then back to Virtue, “I should go tell my family about this. We will have a lot of preparations to make before we move to the capital.”

Virtue maintains her smile and nods.  “Yes, of course.  You and Falcata are free to go whenever you want.  Friesden too, if she wants to go with you.”

Glaive nods, “I’m looking forward to finally being able to show Falcata and my foals around my family’s home. Friesden too, if she will accompany us. It has been too many years since I was last there. Virtue, if you are ever in the capital, for any reason, please know you and your family will be welcome in my home.”

“Thank you.  It’s been many years since I’ve been in Coupledye, but I have been considering visiting my family.  It would be nice to meet up again there.”  She rests a hoof on his back again and continues smiling.  “You and your family have been a shining example for everypony in Dawnpick.  Until we meet again, I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too Virtue.”
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3556 on: August 22, 2012, 06:58:16 am »

(( Maklak says: Psalms disappeared, so I’m wrapping Indigo and Amor stuff by myself, using some scraps from unfinished scenes. This is going to be much less polished than what I usually do, but I just want to finish it already and move on. Some of these scenes will be somewhat in the void and may even contradict each other, sorry. I’ll post each scene in separate post. ))

(( Early 264 Of ethics and magic. AKA: Show me yours and I’ll show you mine. ))
(( Before Generic insulted Amor. Before Stiletto’s death. ))

Indigo and Amor are sitting and talking in his room, as they often do. At some point the topic of their conversation changes to Generic and his attempt at being everything for the good of everypony. “We all have our limits, Amor. For example I can’t beat Sarissa one on one and you aren’t much good at magic.” Ugh, did I have to touch upon that subject?”
(( There is something of an inconsistency here in that Indigo likes him and believes in “filling the holes”, so that others may focus on what they are good at, so let’s just say that Indigo has the ability to double think and lives in a world of half truths. ))

Amor did not mind being looked down upon for her unwillingness to use magic, and was alright with it being mistaken for disability, but his comment hurt her nonetheless. “You are right, I’m not good at magic and it may not be my element, but I can still use it and in fact I’m not much worse at it than you are.”

Indigo gives her a quizzical look and smirks. "Oh, really? Amor, you don't have to lie to me to impress me. I know you can't do much more than some basic telekinesis. In fact everypony in Dawnpick knows that, so you don't have to pretend.” He looks her in the eyes and adds. “I'm not impressed by such easily dismissed lies and if you speak the truth, then prove it. Lift me with your telekinesis or do something else impressive."
(( Joke: They would have to be outside for this, but with her TKP, Indigo’s reaction to his request might be “Hey, I didn't know, I could fly. Whee... Put me down! Put me down!" )) 

“I am not so easily goaded into showing off Indigo, but I am not a one trick Pony.”

Thought so. She has a horseshit answer to everything. Now to punish her for lying so badly. “Oh yes, as cruel as it sounds you are a no-trick pony. Come on, would you really expect me to believe that a unicorn who was any good at magic would shun it and deny who she is for some reason?”

Enough talk Indigo. If your coat was dark red, you could be mistaken for a giant fisher berry that trolls up on a fisher’s hook. Luckily this time it is just about answers, not fish. If you are going to get something out of it, then I will too. “If you show me one of your spells first, then I will show you mine.”

She knows most of them already and expects me to show off. Very well, it will give me an opportunity to see her reaction to what I can do. I just really hope she won’t ask me about the forgery and the bin incident. Indigo sighs. “Alright. I’ll show you my signature spell then. You have already seen the others.” He gets a pen, quill, paper and some dyes, then writes ‘I can change colours of things,’ with each letter having a different colour. Then he draws a picture of the well in Dawnpick surrounded by ponies. The picture itself is rather crude, but the colours look pretty life-like.

Amor looks over Indigo’s spell craft and its faithful coloration and almost forgets that it is her turn to hold the deal. Her horn glows azure, pulling the strings of fate and rectifying the reality of the dyes and ink, effectively dispelling Indigo’s work. “Are you happy now? Also, forgive me for ruining the beautiful drawing.” The paper now contains the original ink, but flaks of powdered dyes are protruding out of it in a colorful cloud, as this type of alteration was not her talent.

Indigo blinks. “Huh? You can do alchemy with spells? Separating mixtures into their basic components? That seems useful.” Although, you were rather clumsy with it. He removes the scattering dyes with his cleaning spell. Should I be angry about it? Did she do it just to spite me? Well, maybe I deserved for what I told her. Still... Amor can do magic?! 

“It seems to be useful, but not as much as you think. Your spell is more appealing and graceful than what I did. Can we keep this just between us?” Amor utters, with a slight pleading tone, and she shifts a bit away.

Indigo frowns. “I can keep a secret, but... why? Why do you refuse to use your magic beyond basic telekinesis? Is it a way of having a hidden advantage when you are threatened? Is it to not scare other ponies? Is it to punish yourself for something? To be prepared if you somehow lose your magic? I just don’t get it.” 

The copper Unicorn shifts in her seat some more, and regrets ever being born what she is. “All of that is true, but mostly, when I was taught magic, it was to gain an advantage over everypony and to know more about how to destroy than how to create.” 

Indigo begins to understand. “So, you are just afraid of what you could do if you embraced magic? You fear power would corrupt you? Is that it?” 

“Indigo, while magic is not inherently evil, it can bring the worst out in some ponies, and I know what evils I can sow with it. I could use spells and learn new ones, but that would just make me even more dangerous.”

"The way I see it, you are needlessly crippling yourself. You like metaphors and analogies, so let me show you one." Indigo picks up his weapons with telekinesis and drops them on the table in front of Amor.

The axe, crossbow and quiver of bolts plummeting on the table about make the mare jump, but she controls herself, and just looks at the stallion questioningly. If he tries anything, I can toss the table at him, escape out the door and gallop to Jury’s or to Kat’s appartment. Her mind races to determine Indigo’s intent, but her curiosity keeps her from exercising any escape and besides she trusts him a great deal. 

The blue pony ignores her reaction, gathers some of the tools he owns, puts them on the table in a heap and speaks in his parental voice "All of these are tools. Now this," he picks the axe, "can be used to hurt somepony or cut some wood. The crossbow's only practical use is as a weapon, but I suppose it could be used for something else, like a makeshift leg for a table. The rest of those are tools, but some of them are sharp enough to pierce a pony's skin, like a knife or this chisel, for example." He lifts it in front of her. "Tools, even weapons, are not evil in and of themselves. Only their uses can be. Besides, take a look at this pile. The fact that there is an axe here doesn't taint the rest of the tools in any way, nor do they make the weapon any less deadly. Do you understand, what I'm trying to tell you?"

“I believe so; conjuring a flame could be used to keep a pony warm, or burn them; a spell that coagulates blood can stop bleeding, or stop circulation; a combat spell used to flay skin could be used to remove gangrene, saving the limb and life.” She shifts in her set, and looks away shamefully in her knowledge. “And I understand that some spells are more tuned to spectrum of bad deeds then others.”

He nods "The fact, that you learned some spells that you don't ever want to use, doesn't mean it would be wrong for you to learn new ones. In fact, already knowing other magic makes it easier to learn spells. Having more versatility is usually a good thing."

“It is just that ponies are never very wise and select in the exercise of a new power. In addition, magic should never come easy; else it would be exercised when other alternatives are there.”

"I disagree. Magic is a part of who we are. There really is no reason to shun it. And it doesn’t come easy. It takes a long time to learn to do it reliably. After this initial ‘cost’, spells do become something of a convenient shortcut for doing certain things and sometimes even the only practical way of doing them. If magic didn’t come easy, even after training it for a long time, it wouldn’t be worth learning."

The mare thinks it best to lighten the mood. “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going, and much of the time, the journey is worth more than the destination.” She says, sticking her tongue out to display that she half jest. “Thank you Indigo, but I do not feel comfortable learning any more magic, maybe later.”

Indigo sighs and looks at the clutter on his table with a frown. “It is up to you. But I don’t think you would abuse magic.” Though there are still a lot of things I don’t know about you. “I will keep your secret, just as you asked me to.” It is not like anypony would question me about it anyway.

Amor leaves after saying goodnight and goes to her room, where she ponders on her magic. She has already done harm with it before and learned it under a wicked master. She was always worried that she would one day become like her Old Master or worse, but having Indigo believe in her was a boon. After that day she is slightly less concerned about using her magic, and even asks Indigo to teach her the ‘Transmute plants to wood’ spell, so she could turn food scraps into fuel for the charcoal makers. 

After she leaves, Indigo puts all his tools back into place. He told her what she needed to hear, but feels somewhat uneasy about learning that there is much more to Amor than meets the eye. While he has some idea, why she decided to shun magic, the concept itself is still alien to him. Over the following few days he wonders, what other secrets is Amor hiding. She doesn’t seem wicked to him, just screwed up and afraid of herself.

(( Maklak says: This scene was difficult to get started / triggered. Amor was very reluctant to reveal that she can do magic well. ))

(( Maklak says: Well, Amor has some right in that if she gets used to relying on magic too much, she could find herself on a slightly slippery slope of using less and less ethical spells to further her ends. Not using magic at all is an effective, if exaggerated, defence against it. )) 
(( A tale: There was a man who uses a well to water his garden, but pulled the bucket on a rope by hand and refused to use a crane, which would make it easier. He was questioned about it and answered. “I’m afraid, that if I start using machines, I will begin to think like a machine and then my heart will become like a machine. I can’t allow that.” ))

(( Maklak says:Indigo doesn’t question, why and how she learned “evil” spells, even though for him mostly utility ones exist. Maybe he should, but let’s just leave it at: he decided not to push her this time and was confused. He was also more of a jerk than usual to her, but that’s what it took to make this scene even work. ))

Here is Dawnpick’s magic system, in case you haven’t seen it. In reality, Amor is much better at magic than Indigo.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3557 on: August 22, 2012, 07:14:56 am »

(( Galena(?) 264: Three cups, one chain. ))
(( For this to happen, Amor would have to tell Indigo, that she is a noble. What Generic said to her on 6th Galena 264 could work, with Indigo overhearing the conversation.  Otherwise, he may have asked her about how she learned magic or maybe she just told him about her father. ))

After learning about Amor’s ancestry, Indigo was astonished, why she did manual labour, rather than work under her father or marry some noble and move to his estate. He decided that he needed to talk to her very seriously about how she was wasting her potential. Being a believer that some anvils need to be dropped, especially on somepony as thick-headed as Amor, he made a few preparations. Including a visit to the forge. 

In the evening he walks to her door and asks her to talk to him in his room. There is nothing unusual about this request, so she comes along. He sits at his table, looks at her and frowns. “I need to talk to you about something. Why are you working as a mason, when you are clearly overqualified for the job?”

Amor’s ears swipe back for a moment and return forward as her friend speaks; she worries as to where this would go, but answers calmly. “Cause it is something I love to do, and I have been barred from pursuing any form of management. Besides, I do not think that I would enjoy replacing masonry with any other job, Indigo.”

Indigo wasn’t quite prepared for this as the conversation was supposed to go differently in his head. He opens his mouth, closes it, then asks. “Barred? What do you mean by that? Why and by whom?”

“Well, I have asked Lady Virtue for a management position here, but everypony seemed to have a place, and I was comfortable where I was at. Even then, I do not like the idea of having too much command. What is this all about, Indigo? Why do you ask?” The mare questions, tapping her hoof on the table.

“That’s not barred. That’s just... those sound like excuses to avoid responsibility for others. I’m sure you had a choice earlier...” Indigo stumbles for words. 

Placing her left hoof upon the table as to get some kind of leverage, she states “I have had responsibility before, and I had done it well, but I had to move on. We promise according to our hopes, and perform according to our fears. I’ve also worked with you on making Dawnpick more efficient, which could be seen as management responsibility.” Having said that, she takes her hoof off the table.

“So, you failed and gave up? Is that it? You once told me, you were a military engineer for 12 years, but those were unpleasant memories.” 

Amor sighs, “No I didn’t give up, I changed my strategy, what should I have done?” She looks at Indigo pleadingly, asking with her eyes if there is something he knows that she does not. 

Nothing, but a wall of excuses. I won’t be able to get through to her. Indigo sighs and closes his eyes, then looks back at her. “I don’t... Fine, have it your way. I won’t talk to you about it again. Now leave, I want to be alone.” Yet another one of my failures. 

Amor feels hurt, and looking at Indigo hurts her more. She slightly huffs. “Sorry Indigo, but there is more to this, and I am willing to hear a friend out.” 

Indigo looks up at her again. “Are you now?” He fetches a few items from his chest. “Here, let me show you something. Look at these cups. One is made of stone, one of wood and one out of steel. All three of them can serve their purpose, but steel can be forged into something much more valuable, such as a tool or a piece of armour, while stone and wood cannot. There is only so much steel to go around, so tell me, would you rather make tools out of it, or say... statues?" Without waiting for an answer, Indigo shows her a piece of paper. "Now take a look at this. It is a picture of a chain made out of all kinds of different metals..."   

Amor eyes the paper. “A drawing? Really, Indigo?” She says, smirking. 

Still trying to avoid the issue here, are you? "Oh, give me a break. I'm on a budget here and an actual chain made from alloys of gold, steel, silver and so on would cost over a thousand bits. For that matter, this 'steel' cup is made of pewter and painted by me to look like steel, but that's beside the point. Focus." 

She gets more comfortable on her docks, obviously wanting to hear Indigo out and focuses as he asked.

 "This chain symbolises our society. Masons and carpenters are needed to build shelters, farmers to grow food, smiths to make tools for others, soldiers to keep external and internal threats at bay and nobles to oversee and coordinate everything. All of them are needed and arguing that some are more useful than others is like thinking which of the internal organs are more or less important than others. Remove one and the body dies or at the very least gets very sick." ((Well, untrue in Dwarf Fortress.))
 Indigo continues "So now, thanks to working as a mason, you understand the labouring ponies much better, which in and of itself is great. If this is what you want, then I suggest that you take up as many jobs as possible for a while. Well, those where you won't do any damage due to lack of skill anyway. In particular, I'd leave metalworking to smiths."
 "But that said, this is not what you are here to do. To put it simply, you are wasting your potential. If you keep dodging your true responsibilities and work as a mason, then all your years of grooming were wasted on you. There was a time when I would kill to get a chance at your kind of education and possibilities. That’s why it pains me to see you throw them away.”
 “Yes, your stone blocks helped build this place, but you can be so much more and you owe it to the rest of us. Anypony can make blocks for construction. They may not be as smooth as yours, but a little mortar and they will serve their purpose. Not everypony can rule over an estate and not ruin it. You, on the other hoof, were trained for it and born with certain obligations."
 "Oh sure, once you end your little rebellion, you can still sculpt a statue from time to time. You have developed quite a talent for it and if I understand The Society correctly, you may even earn some renown for making works of art But your days of making blocks till you can't no more will be over."
(( This wasn’t supposed to be a long rant, but back and forth, but we didn’t finish it. Given the possibility, I’d edit the part about rebellion and her answer would be less severe. )) 

 Amor takes a deep breath; her friend was on the right track until his last statements. “Rebellious acts exhibit wistfulness for purity and strive to return to youth, but I’m no foal Indigo, this is no rebellion of mine, this is dissent. All noble and inspirational things are made with the hoofs of those that done so in freedom. All ponies are born free, and die free, even though born in chains.” Amor points at the picture, her left hoof shaking. “You should have kept with the cups.” (( Maklak says: ??? ))
 The infuriated mare gives the stallion no pause to fire back. “Also our kind is a great deal more complicated than timbers, rocks and metals. Furthermore, it does not take smelting down a pony to make them into something else; once we learn, it can be hard to forget. And Indigo; to know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasures, we must go to those who are seeking it: the pains of power are real, its pleasures imaginary. The yoke of power can make a better guillotine.”
 Continuing her rant, she stands on all fours, adopting a stance that she picked up from her days as a military engineer. “It is similar to your responsibility as reserve captain and like the ponies who sought to remove you from the position, what you are doing now, aiming to remove me from my career preference. I came here today, and you dropped an anvil on me, but any good metalsmith would tell you it’s the hammer you drop.” Amor had the desire to whip her tail in resentment, but unconsciously kept from exposing herself.
 The unicorn’s emerald orbs moved back and forward to the other unicorn’s purple ones, and she calms down. Her friend struck a nerve, and the subject had been a sensitive one for the mare. She returns to her docks, casting her gaze away from Indigo and returns eye contact. “Sorry Indigo, I did not mean to snap at you, just that this is a difficult subject, and I just can’t trust myself. You’re not wrong, but the delivery was flawed. I have to think about it, this is not going to be easy, and it scares me.” Amor’s words drop along with her head.

For a moment Indigo struggles for words. “I told you what I thought you needed to hear. And I know ponies are more complicated than inanimate objects, but I thought you would enjoy the metaphors.” He briefly looks at his cups and chain. “I know there are some downsides to ruling others and it is going to be a difficult decision for you. Now... I believe we both need some time to cool off and think this over.”

Amor leaves shortly after that and has trouble falling asleep.

(( NOTE: Have a quote from Good Will Hunting. ))
Chuckie: Look, you got somethin' that none of us-
Will: Oh, come on! Why is it always this, I mean, I fuckin' owe it to myself to do this or that? What if I don't want to?
Chuckie: No. No, no, no. No, fuck you. You don't owe it to yourself. You owe it to me. 'Cause tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50. And I'll still be doing this shit. And that's all right, that's fine. I mean, you're sittin' on a winning lottery ticket and you're too much of a pussy to cash it in. And that's bullshit. `Cause I'd do anything to fuckin' have what you got. So would any of these fuckin' guys. It'd be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years. Hanging around here is a fuckin' waste of your time.

(( NOTE: There is some irony in Indigo using a cup made of fake steel to prove his point. ))

(( Maklak says: Well, at least we managed to get them to argue this time, so yay on that. ))
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3558 on: August 22, 2012, 08:06:59 am »

((Late 264(?): Elveda Amor ))

Amor was unexpectedly summoned to the Pele Tower, which she abided. While she was following the guards-Pegasus to the marble tower that was home to both the families of Falcata and Virtue, the Unicorn’s mind wondered. What made it peculiar was that this likely was not about Indigo’s and hers ergonomic improvements, as the other pony in question was not there.

Fuscina greets Amor as she reaches the tower and makes room for her to enter.  “Virtue’s waiting for you.”

Inside, Virtue looks up from the stack of papers on her desk and greets Amor with a smile and a small nod. “Hello, Amor. There were a couple of letters to you from Coupledye,” she says, raising them to the eye level.”

After a polite curtsy and greeting, Amor takes a set before the Duchess, the Unicorn slips the letters between the slit of her hooves and mason-shoes and breaks the royal seal. she then gives Virtue the notes addressed to her and opens her own.

Thou newest Duchess Amor Kurollodel

Upon reading this, thou are hereby appointed the title of Duchess over The Mire of Shadow, being the matriarch and heiress to the precedent Duke. We demand Thou to make journey to Coupledye to receive thy title in ceremony.

Sorrowfully, We must impart remorseful news at the loss of Duke Dux Kurollodel; he was a leader among peers. There was no surprise as to why he died, being over two-hundred and sixty years old. Rest easy in knowing his passing was quick and painless as he prayed in silent prostration within the Temple of Usen. We will to tell you more on your arrival, as the depth of this type of news is not the best to be imparted in a letter.

Your beloved Crown

A horn glows an azure blaze and the letter does the same, turning into dying red ember over the floor. The unicorn stares off, while tears stream down her face. After a moment, she realizes her actions. “Sorry Lady Virtue, I just… just.” Unable to speak, Amor breaks down then and there.

Virtue finished reading her copy of the note just as Amor sets hers ablaze.  She looks up in alarm initially, but when she sees Amor’s expression, she calms immediately.  “Amor... are you alright?”

“I just... I have nopony anymore, just me alone.  What am I going to do now? She asks while playing with the ashes with her left hoof, looking down and not willing to face Virtue. "Dawnpick has been the only home I wanted. Do not get me wrong, I expected to take over for my father, but this is too soon.”

Virtue sets her letter aside and stands. She steps over to Amor and gives her a small hug.  She isn’t entirely sure what to say. The name in the letter makes sense now. She couldn’t imagine losing her own father, and having this on top of something like that must be quite terrible. “I’m sorry Amor...”

The mason-pony can do nothing, but accept the hug, as the whole world seems to be set on fire and her psychological issues pale in comparison. “I’ve always been a selfish mare, but I tried so hard not to be and I don’t want this… not like this.” She cries into Virtue’s shoulder.

Virtue lets her cry all she wants, but says nothing for a while. She repeats, “I’m so sorry Amor.” She wished there was more she could say or do, but nothing comes to mind.

For a moment the mare hugging Amor resembled her father, even more so than she already did. Amor forces her to break the hug and wipes her eyes with her forelegs. “Thanks, but can I stay in Dawnpick until the next Coupledye caravan?”

Virtue nods and offers her the most reassuring smile she could. “Of course, you can stay in Dawnpick for as long as you want and are able.”

Amor gets fully up and asks, “can I keep all my things, the carpet and furniture; it is all I have of Dawnpick?”

Virtue nods once more. “They’re all yours.”

Looking at the slate grey mare she raises her voice to room level. “Thanks Lady Virtue, you are a paragon of generosity.” After more chatting, Amor leaves and reluctantly sets about getting packed.

(( Some time afterwards. ))

Within Amor’s apartment, the resident mare places her saddlebags upon the gabbro table, and sets about packing up loose notes and clothes that would be needed for the trip. She takes a look at the room and momentarily breaks down. She thought it would be easy if the furniture could go with her, which would make her more willing to leave, but it didn’t help.

Her thoughts are interrupted by knocking on her door and a familiar voice “Amor, are you in there?”

Picking herself from off the ground, she ambles to the door, and unlocks it to allow Indigo in. The mare returns to packing without a word.

Indigo wanted to invite her to his room to talk with her, as they often do, but open door to her room seem to be an invitation. He walks in and notices her bad mood and that she appears to be packing. “Amor, is something the matter?” he asks after closing the door behind him.

The frazzled mare looks over to her friend; she then looks for the note in question, finding it in her saddlebags. Amor garbs the letter with her hooves, as she is even more unwilling to use her magic than usual. “I must leave Indigo, I don’t want to, but I do not think it would turn out good either way.”
(( Maklak says: Well, she burned the letter before, but I said these scenes are unfinished. ))

Indigo half-expected her to leave someday after she told him that she travelled from town to town before coming to Dawnpick. He didn’t expect anything like this, though.  He finds the letter quite shocking. Her father just died, so she inherits his estate? “Oh.” is all he manages to say at first.

“Indigo, I have known this day would come, but not so soon, and I pulled the wool over my eyes. It hurts, and I don’t know if I’m up for it. My father was all I had left.” She weakly utters, packing for a bit, and then lays her head on the pile of bags.

Indigo doesn’t like seeing his friend so distressed. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

Amor continues to lay there in silent reflection at first, but after a moment she speaks “Indigo, have you ever thought seriously about leaving?” She lifts her head up and looks over to the blue stallion.

“Sometimes, but I never quite got around to it. I’ve been to some other places before and everywhere there are some good and bad things. Dawnpick is actually better than most. Sure, I still dislike a lot of things here, but where would I go?” asks Indigo rhetorically.

“I’ve not been home in Coupledye in a long time, and could use a friend, maybe I even would have a need your for aptitude for economics there. My dad gave much expense for my tutelage, enough to gain debt, and I have been a waste.” She returns resting her head on her bags, and tries to hide her face.

“I... Are you offering me a job? I need to think about it and know more.”  They talk for a bit more and Indigo leaves. He gives her his answer within a week.

(( Maklak says: Well, this scene is unfinished, but Indigo agrees to leave with Amor and it makes her feel better. There was supposed to be a joke here in that Amor would be thinking, that Indigo goes with her out of pure loyalty, while he had some other reasons, explained in the epilogue. ))
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3559 on: August 22, 2012, 08:19:03 am »

(( 265 and beyond. Indigo and Amor epilogue. ))

In case you were wondering, there were some hints in the thread about Indigo’s capability to forge the unfortunate bin warrant. Well, he had at least some of the abilities (he could carve a seal and make ink be the appropriate colour), but he had no motive. He didn’t do it. If his special talent for colours was taken into spotlight, he wouldn’t have any real way of proving his innocence and it had a potential to end badly for him. So understandably, while he slipped a few times, he didn’t boast of his talents. As a side note, he did have a set of marked playing cards, but no opportunities to play them.

As for Indigo’s cutie mark story, I was lazy. I (Maklak) got a dyer, so I made his special talent to be dye and colours. As a bonus, he can see female scale of colours instead of just the male one and is quite good at alteration. His cutie mark are four bolts of cloth in the colours of DF dyes. One of them is almost the same colour as his coat, so it is barely visible. He got it for making costumes for a foal’s theater more interesting by using some of his father’s chemicals on some cheap cloth. His parents are alive and lower-middle class. His father is a tanner and mother a spinner. They live somewhere in a crowded district of Coupledye. Indigo’s formal education was limited to equivalent of four years of elementary school, but he read some books, has been to a few places and picked some knowledge “on the go”.

Amor got her cutie mark when she was punished for painting a graffiti. (( Psalms would have to explain this. We were going to do a scene where they swap cutie mark stories, but obviously we won’t now. ))

Shortly after learning about her heritage, Indigo begins treating Amor like a lady. This means no more hugging, among other things (but then she was always cold to him anyway).  It also means talking to her with much more politeness. She protested at first, but he told her, she should start getting used to how her subjects are going to treat her, so she reluctantly allowed it.

Amor leaves Dwnpick to take over her father’s estate and Indigo goes with her. This is partly due to his emotional attachment to her, partly because he believes, he will be better off with her and partly because he thinks, Dawnpick will only get worse over time (Well, less so after Stiletto’s death, but still.). He advises a few other ponies to leave with them, and those who want join with a caravan in early 265 (I think this is the correct date.) There could be a place for them at Amor’s estate, or not. Most likely yes, if they want one.

For the journey to Coupledye, Indigo obtained a wooden crossbow, lots of bone bolts, an iron axe and bronze or leather armour. Steel belongs to Dawnpick and he can't really afford it anyway. Well, maybe a few pieces if he spent almost all his savings. His reserve uniform belongs to Dawnpick too, so he can’t legally take that without manipulating Virtue into selling it to him well below its value. He decided to travel lightly and sold or gave away most of his things. The furniture obviously was a part of his room, so he left it for the next pony. Then again, Amor could make Virtue give him armour and furniture and make Indigo accept it, if she wanted to and she would likely be inclined to do it.   

Indigo kept training with weapons, but never quite made it to the level of a professional soldier. His skills were more than enough for commanding a few dozen ponies and not shooting them in their backs with his crossbow, though.

After they got to Amor’s house in Coupledye, she made Indigo her second in command.  He didn't become a great manager / majordomus / butler, but quite a proficient one nonetheless. Amor was quite happy to cede a lot of paperwork on him. A few of his ideas failed, but others more than compensated for it. A good example is making coloured statues. They sold quite a few of these until they went out of fashion. Eventually Amor’s estate went out of debt.

Amor owns an estate, some quarries and villages producing food close to Coupledye, but Psalms would have to make up his mind and verify this. Amor’s father was a member of Coupledye parliament. His prodigal’s education, especially hiring a Tower Unicorn as her private tutor, costed Amor’s father enough to put him into debt. 

Indigo likely tried and did some businesses on the side, but nothing that would directly hurt Amor’s income.

There is a strong possibility that Amor and / or Indigo were in contact with Glaive and Fauchard family, after Glaive moved to Coupledye.

I guess Amor and Indigo continue to have occasional arguments, but due to her position, she is able to tie-break them in her favour.

For years, Indigo tried to find a suitable match for Amor, so she could have a heir, but she rejected all suitors for some reason, saying “I don’t have time for this.” as an excuse. There were some rumours about them having an affair, which didn’t help Amor’s reputation. In about 15 years Indigo pretty much gave up trying to get Amor to marry, but after about 40 more years he made a last ditch attempt, prepared a list of candidates and confronted her about her estate falling to pieces if she dies without a heir. She asked him, why he wasn’t on the list. This took him aback and he explained that he wouldn’t dare and is of too low a birth in any case. She accepted him anyway, so he agreed and was quite happy about it. The wedding went quite awkward and their sex scene even more so.  ((Maklak says: I have it written, but Psalms didn’t approve it and I don’t think it fits in this forum anyway.)) Their marriage worked and they got foals. To Indigo, this was about the best he could ever hope for. For Amor... well her husband was at least loyal.
(( NOTE: Alternative to this is that at some point Indigo starts getting along with some mare serving Amor and they get married, to Amor’s silent discontent. Another alternative is "neutral ending": neither of them gets married, but they remain friends.))

(( NOTE: This concludes the storyline of Indigo and Amor. They got something of a happy ending. ))

(( If you really want to see that sex scene, it is buried somewhere in here. ))
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 01:48:48 pm by Maklak »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3560 on: October 31, 2012, 03:57:21 am »

Flux frowns slightly as he looks in the mirror, trying to get his unruly mane to listen to him for once.  Sure, he can change his form, but that doesn’t mean he can get his mane to listen!  As he tries to deal with it, his mind wanders to the past, remembering the events that lead to today.

He and Friesden ran to the crypts, he knew Kat had to be there.  Stiletto... was gone, and Flux was worried what Kat might do without her.  The details were fuzzy now, time and the adrenaline of the moment making the details fade.  He remembered Kat hugging her loaded crossbow, and being terrified of what she might do with it.  He and Friesden had managed to calm and cheer Kat slightly, and then Flux took the greatest risk of his life.  Even more than revealing himself to be a changeling.  He knelt before Kat and presented her with the bracelet, and asked her to marry him.

The door to his room opened and Kat walked in, her wings spread as she muses herself to make sure that her dresses is fitting nicely. It’s that Beautiful red dress that Flux brought for her years ago, she still treasures it and kept it nice to this day. Although frowning in worry that she might not be fitting in it as well as she could before and worried that she might be losing shape or not looking as nice. “Flux, dear. Do I still look okay in this dress?” She asked worryingly. It’ll be a big day soon where her sister Kit visits, and she wants to look the best for her family, coming all the way from the capital. And she has decided that dressing in full Guard’s uniform isn’t going to cut it.

Flux turns to smile at Kat.  “You don’t look ok in it.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look just ‘ok’ in anything, Kat.  You look lovely, as always.”

She smiles and D’awws at that. Walking over to Flux’s side to give him happy loving nuzzles, radiating her love brightly for him. “You’re always so sweet.”

He sips at her love and smiles broadly, loving her in return.  He nuzzles her back and gives her a gentle kiss.  “So, how do I look?  Presentable at least?”

Kat giggles and lick her own hoof and use that wet hoof to smooth out Flux’s mane to be more presentable. “There! Now you are!”

He smiles and rubs noses with Kat.  “Thanks, my Angel.”

She lovingly nuzzles back in return, radiating her love ever so brightly for him. “Anything for you, my heart.”

He gives Kat a loving hug, then looks around.  “Is Flak ready yet?”

“I think so, you should go fetch her.” Kat said, nuzzling into his hug lovingly.

He holds the embrace for a few more moments, then goes off to find Flak.  “Flak?  Are you ready yet?”

The little mare trots over to him and give him a happy excited hug! Squeezing onto him as she looks up at him with her sky blue eyes, clearly very excited. “Yes Daddy!” she squeaks adorably at her father.

He beams at his daughter, sipping at her love as he nuzzles her.  “Good!  Are you excited to see your Aunt and Uncle?”

She squeaks excitedly and flap her little wings adorably. “Yep yep! Aunt Kit is always so fun!”

“Yes she is!  Come on, lets go show your mother you’re ready.”  He picks up Flak and places her on his withers and carries the little pony to Kat, chucking the entire way.

Flak snuggles into her father’s withers as she’s placed there, squeaking excitedly and flapping her wings. Kat smiles and gives both her husband and daughter loving nuzzles when they arrive, smoothing out her daughter’s mane. “mm.. I love you both, so much.” she coos.

Flux smiles at them both.  “And I love you both also.  With everything that I am.”  He can hardly believe that he’s a father and husband.  Things have hardly been easy, but they seem to have turned out alright.  They both still miss Stiletto, and their other friends who either died or moved away, but moments like this make it all worth while.

For Kat, things have gone pleasantly for her. Sure some of the ponies she love died or left her, and her sister left her for a stallion, but she’s still proud that she can be a mare of her own now instead of being in her shadow. She gained Captain of the Guard’s position, A loving husband and an adorable daughter..
Unlike what they say about pony fortresses, She thinks..
Everything’s going to be juuust fine.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3561 on: January 19, 2013, 01:37:05 pm »

Have a new pony fort, here, and just want to invite people over there RP is Encouraged.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 04:06:35 pm by Paaaad »
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3562 on: January 31, 2013, 01:57:48 pm »

Billows      Male      Earth Pony    Armorer
Could I claim as Xaren with the profession Runesmith?
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3563 on: January 31, 2013, 02:14:28 pm »

Dawnpick is over.
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3564 on: January 31, 2013, 02:45:50 pm »

Yes, Dawnpick has been over for a while now, sorry.  However, check back in a week or two.  I'm planning on starting a successor fort to it soon.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3565 on: January 31, 2013, 03:16:08 pm »

Ok, cool.
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3566 on: January 31, 2013, 04:39:25 pm »

Telgin, if you haven't decided on the mod yet, consider Fallout Equestria. It is pretty much guaranteed to have lots of chaotic combat.
I don't plan to join, at this time at least.
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3567 on: January 31, 2013, 04:47:50 pm »

If I knew more about Fallout: Equestria I'd possibly do that.  I'm almost completely ignorant of it though.  Well, I know ponies and I know Fallout, but it's not quite the same.  :)  The other snag is that it's directly related to Dawnpick, so Fallout: Equestria wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

It will be using a modified version of Nidokoenig's pony mod with some of Sorcerer's mod mixed in with it.  I'm taking extra care to make sure things are much more lively than Dawnpick, at least on the combat front.

I understand not joining, but if you ever change your mind I'd be happy to have you in it.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3568 on: January 31, 2013, 05:17:22 pm »

Well then, the spiritual successor for 34.11 would be Loosing is Magic, but it seems to be somewhat buggy at the moment. There is also Vadiku's Rampage, but to me it is far too dark.

Last time I joined, it resulted in some arguments with other players and took a lot of my time. I've had my fun and !fun! in Dawnpick and you were a great, if too lenient, GM, but I don't think I'll have the time and will for more. I'll probably read it, but my preliminary decision on joining is a no.

If you'd like to have a quick look at the FoE mod, it is here:
List of posted reports from Stables, including mine (Ponderplanned) is here:
Finally a currently semi-abandonned community game by Replica is here and has amazing narrative parts:

I wish you and your new fort well.
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3569 on: February 01, 2013, 12:37:01 am »

Completely understandable, believe me, there's a few reasons I've waited nearly half a year before starting this one.  I hope you enjoy reading it at least.  :)
Through pain, I find wisdom.
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