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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 236037 times)


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3435 on: May 25, 2012, 10:13:32 pm »

"You don't have to though, you have me and Flux to help you with this."
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3436 on: May 25, 2012, 10:17:10 pm »

"I guess..." Granite says. "So if you're my father, then Flux has to be the uncle."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3437 on: May 25, 2012, 10:19:22 pm »

"W-well I doubt he's you mother."
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3438 on: May 25, 2012, 10:23:25 pm »

"Heh, are you sure?" Granite laughs. "I'm going to try to drift off to sleep now... in the damp, dark prison. Out in the open hallway..."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3439 on: May 25, 2012, 10:29:06 pm »

"Night then." Jaxler then tired to fall asleep leaning on the bars.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3440 on: May 25, 2012, 10:29:54 pm »

"Night Jaxler." Granite says. He leans more closer to the bar and drifts off to sleep.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3441 on: May 26, 2012, 12:40:35 am »

This scene happened before the one with Granite

and Marilee

Marilee descends into the jail once more, carrying quite a bit more than usual.

“Jaxler? I brought something for you.”

Jaxler was sitting in the corner of his cell, like usual, when he heard Marilee come down. “H-hello Marilee, what exactly did you b-bring.” The stallion’s time down in the dark moldy cell seemed to be somehow more bearable whenever Marilee came to visit.

As she came to the cell door, Jaxler could see that she carried two extra buckets of water slung across her back, in addition to the usual clutched in her teeth.She sets it down and kneels, sliding the other two off her back before answering. “W-Well, I figured that it couldn’t be comfortable to go so long without a bath, so... that is, i-if you don’t mind...”

Jaxler sighed, then opened his eyes and took a look at his fur, which looked absolutely horrible. “Um... I d-don’t mind.” The pony then got up and trotted over to the far end of the cell, trying his best to ignore the walls. “how e-exactly am I s-supposed to do this, though?”

“Well...” Marilee produced a small cloth and a bar of soap from under her wing, “I don’t think they’ll let me just give you these, so... maybe if you came and stood over by me, I could do it for you?”

Jaxler sighed heavily, and got as close to Marilee as the bars would allow him. “f-fine...”

Marilee wets the rag thoroughly and lathers it up, before reaching through the bars and beginning to work on Jaxler’s mane. “So, I see they brought you a bed. Is it helping you sleep any better?”

“I-it’s been helpful and I’ve been sleeping better, though that’s probably because I’m s-starting to get desensitized to the whole claustrophobia thing.” The walls of the cell were still horrible, but they weren’t nearly as demonic as when he first got dumped in there.

Marilee smiles as she begins to scrub Jaxler’s neck and back. “I’m glad to hear that. Maybe by the time you get out of here, it won’t bother you at all”

Jaxler shrugged, maybe could get over his claustrophobia. “Maybe, b-but anyways, how have you been?”

“I’ve been very well, thank you. We got a letter from my sisters today. They were very happy to hear we were okay. And they’re sending some ponies to Dawnpick, to help with the defense.”

“That’s n-nice. Dawnpick could always use more troops, and it must be good to see your family again. What are they like, your sisters that is?”

Marilee gently lifts one of Jaxler’s wings and begins to gently clean each feather. “Oh, you’d like them.” She blushes, “And, well... they’d like you. They’re both very friendly. They’re also very interested in learning how to run the family business, and sometimes they even get to take over when mum and dad are away on business.”

“They must be nice, It might be p-pleasant if I ever get to meet them” Jaxler then gave a deep sigh “It must be nice having a family.”

“Yes, it is...” she finishes one wing, and moves on to the other. “You must have had a family once. Do you remember them at all?”

“I do remember them, but not w-well. I was only t-two when I lost them... but at least I got to live with my Grandfather, which wasn’t all bad, and I think I got my cutie mark because of the event to...”

“Could you... tell me about him? I-I can understand if you wouldn’t want to...”

“My... my Grandfather was probably the reason w-why I actually have some good in me. He was a great guy, but he couldn’t support us. He had lost his wings and use of his hind legs in the a-alicorn/pegasus wars. Foal l-labor was illegal and the orphanages were comparable to an animal shelter. So, I had to drop the whole ‘being a foal’ thing and d-do what I had to keep me and him alive. I don’t think there was a day my grandfather didn’t blame himself.”

Marilee finishes Jaxler’s wings, moving down to lather up each of his forelegs. “It always hurts when we can’t help the ones we love...”

“Yeah, but I h-hate that he felt the way he did. It wasn’t like any of it was his fault, and he brought his guilt to the g-grave. I honestly wish I c-could have helped him more.”

“You did everything you could, and that’s what’s important.”

“Yeah... but still, I wish I could have w-walked out of what was left of my hometown with more than a scar and my c-crossbow...”

“You have your memories of him.” she answers, taking one of Jaxler’s forehooves in her own.

Jaxler started to smile. “I spose’ I do.”

Marilee smiles back, before releasing his hoof and continuing. “So, what else... you said you had a few friends here in Dawnpick. Could you tell me about them?”

“Well, t-there’s Flux, who is probably one the nicest ponies I’ve ever met. Then there is Granite, he can be difficult at times but he r-really about as kind as Flux. Amor is pretty fun to be around. Then there is Midnight, and Silver Tongue, who are also nice, but I d-don’t know them nearly as well as the others.”

“I’ve heard of Flux before, and I think I’ve seen him around a few times. He’s always around that big, tall pink mare?”

“Yeah, the mare.. a-anyway, Me and Flux have been the best of friends ever since I s-saved him from a cave ogre and a flock of giant cave swallows.”

“Wow... that was very brave of you... could you roll over? I need to get your belly.”

Jaxler sighed and did as he was asked,“Yeah, I almost died when I saved him, I ended up with a cut lung, broken wing, 3 ribs and both my forelegs were b-broken as well.”

“Oh!” Marilee takes her hooves off Jaxler’s belly.  “Umm... I-It doesn’t still hurt, does it? A-Am I hurting you right now?”

“Um, no... It’s b-been years since then, but thanks for being considerate.”

“You’re welcome.” She relaxes, and continues scrubbing. “Tell me about Granite, please. I don’t think I’ve met him before.”

“Well, He’s a nice guy. He’s probably one of the best ponies I’ve ever met. I’ve known Granite sense he was only a foal, it seemed whenever he needed help he’d come to me. It was almost like I did more for him then his own father.”

“is he... not on good terms with his father?”

“I wouldn’t know, but it seems he just doesn’t care much for the guy, but that’s probably because his father more or less ignored him or couldn’t give him enough attention with all the little foals he had.”

“Still... even when I was born, mum and dad still managed to find time for all of their foals.”

“Well, I guess someponies must not have had his priorities organized.”

“Yeah... he was very lucky to have you around. Ponies who grow up with nopony to guide them...”

“Yeah, I honestly couldn’t see how somepony could let there foal be ignored, it just seems amoral.”

“Do...” Marilee appears to be deep in thought. “...Do you wish he was your son?”

Jaxler sighed and appeared to be in deep thought as well, “Well, yes...”

“Have you told him so?”

“I, don’t believe I have.”

“I, well...” Marilee blushes, grinning sheepishly. “I think you should tell him. I think he needs to hear how much you care about him.”

“He probably deserves it, though I really don’t know how or when I’d tell him.” Marilee looked kinda cute just then.

 “Just say it like that. Tell him you really care about him, and you wish he could’ve been your son. When, well... i-if you told me where to find him, I could ask him to come visit you.”

“No, it’s fine. He comes down and checks up on me every so often, so I can just tell him then.”

“Okay then.” Marilee smiles, and returns to her work. “Oh, and you can stand back up now.”

Jaxler rolled over and got back up. “So, I heard something about a family business, what exactly does your family do?”

“Well, we’re a trading and shipping company. Our caravans buy goods in one town, and sell them in another for a profit. It’s pretty simple,actually.”

“That must be neat. I guess you guys must travel around a lot... speaking of which how long are you planning on staying here in Dawnpick?”

“Until dad decides it’s safe enough to travel, and is sure that Dawnpick will be safe from the Shadowglaze’s thugs. Which might be a while.”

“Well, I’d hate to see this conflict drag on, but I’d hate seeing you leave.”

At this, Marilee blushed even harder, bright pink showing through her deep red fur. “A-And I’d hate to g-go... I’d at least like to stay u-until you get out.”

“Well, I’d like that too... I’m not sure if I’ve told you this but thank you coming down here everyday and just being kind, .”

“You’re very welcome, Jaxler. I really enjoy spending time with you down here.”

“I do to, oddly enough” somehow spending time down here wasn’t nearly as bad when Marilee was around.

Marilee smiled at him, and dropped the now-sodden cloth into the bucket, taking a dry towel from her back and beginning to pat Jaxler’s coat and mane dry.

“So, where are you going to go after you leave Dawnpick?”

“We’ll continue on our journey to Glitterglen, I suppose. It’s not like we can just turn back.”

“Have you been to glitterglen before, if so what’s it like?”

Marilee finished drying Jaxler’s hide, and proceeded to brush his mane into a more respectable position. “No, I haven’t. We’re going there because... well... because of my brother, Starkey.”

“Really, what’s he like?”

Marilee smiled warmly, and appeared to be lost in thought for a moment. “He’s... the most wonderful brother I ever could have asked for. We always did everything together, since before I could even walk. He’s...”

“He’s what?”

“Well, he left home quite a few years ago. I wanted to go with him, but mum and dad wanted me to go to school. He became a city guard in the capital of some foreign country. Then... something happened. He did something, and got banished to a penal colony deep in the jungle. He ended up becoming the captain of the militia there, and fell in love with a nice mare. He would always write to us about her, about Glitterglen... but a few months ago, the letters stopped coming.”

“Well, He seems like a good stallion, and I’m sure he’s fine.”

“B-But... I’m not. And not knowing for sure... it’s just killing me. I have to know for sure.”

“Then you should, and you will. All I can say is that he’s fine.”

Marilee sighed heavily. “I hope you’re right. I really do.” As she said this, she stepped back from the cell door and looked Jaxler over. “Well, all done. You...” the blush returned hotter than ever before. “ look very handsome.”

“Oh really? What makes you say that?”

“W-Well... now that you’re all cleaned up, I mean.”

“Well, I guess I am pretty stunning.”

“S-So... it’s about time for me to go. was there anything you wanted me to bring tomorrow?”

“Just some water and some food would be nice.”

“Okay then. Goodnight, Jaxler.” With that, Marilee gathered  her cleaning supplies and  headed for the stairwell.

“Night Marilee.” Jaxler then walked back over to his bed.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 12:51:08 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3442 on: May 26, 2012, 12:45:17 am »

Balisong makes her way toward the dungeons. When she opens the hatch down to the basement of the keep she hesitates, it’s dark and grimy down those stairs, and she was really comfortable going down there, but she pressed on anyway. Not being adept enough to light her own way the way her father did, she uses mundane methods to light a small candle which she carries by the candle holder in her mouth. Her dad had told her that Master Moral was not a well pony. That he was crazy. But Balisong wasn’t entirely convinced, she needed to talk to him herself again to know for sure.

Moral was sitting in his cell, with a smile on his face. All he was doing was playing the quiet game with Jaxler who was very good at the game, which was keeping him very interested. staying in jail was so fun. All he got to do all day was sit down and do nothing, it was like an endless break. the only downside was that he couldn’t use magic, but still when you're having this much fun who needs it and to make things even better a good friend of his was coming down right now.

Jaxler was laying in his bed, trying to fall asleep. The annoying giant alicorn who had moved in just wouldn’t shut up. The last thing the pony needed was an alicorn to be near him. though at least he was able to get the numb skulled pony to play the “quiet game” for the last 5 hours.

As the tiny filly made her way quietly and nervously down the dungeon hall, naught but a candle and the faint light let in from the tiny opening to the surface to light her way. Her horn lights up slowly and deliberately with a cerulean glow that matched her bright wings, as the candle began to float next to her, also wrapped in the same soft illumination. “Hello?...Master Moral? Are you down here?” she asked timidly.

Moral was happy to see his little friend, and she had even brought a nice little candle, which he fixated on. “Oh, yes dear Balisong. Also, it’s grand master.” Moral had some regret for forfeiting his chance at claiming the title of quiet game champion, but speaking with a friend was worth it.

Having located the Grand Master’s cell Balisong places the lit candle on the ground and takes a seat in front of the bars. “Um, Sorry, Grand Master Moral...Um, so, how are you doing?” she asks though one look around told her that he could not be doing well, locked up in this hole.

Moral thought for a moment. “Well, I don’t believe I have been in a worse hole then this moldy cell, but I digress, I could probably be in an improved situation.” Moral then scratched his head, while being mindful of his nice hat. “I must say, the only part of being in here that I find particularly dreadful is those wards that inhibit me from practicing my magic.”

Balisong nods, then looks pensive, “I, um, I wanted to say that I was sorry. I shouldn’t have told you stand up to miss Jury, if I had not done wouldn’t be in here.”

Moral sighed. “Well, please, Jury had it coming. She insulted my so blatantly and assumed it was justified.” Moral then gave a creepy/happy smile while still staring at the flame.

Balisong nods, “Well, she might have deserved something, but...but you still shouldn’t have used your magic like that....Daddy says that ponies with magic have an ob..obli...are supposed to use their magic to help ponies. Scaring her was mean.”

Moral kept his eyes on the flame. “She was going about being prideful, are you going to implying that scaring her and thus humbling her was not being assistive? Also, do you comprehend the nature of pyromancy?”

Balisong looks slightly confused, “What do you mean...the nature of pyromancy? Isn’t it just making and shaping fire?” she asks simply.

“No. It’s not just making and shaping fires. Pyromancy is taking threads of this existence and twisting, tangling, stretching and bastardizing them so that the only way the world can correct itself is to purge the object you’ve corrupted in a fire. Its destruction, refined into an art.”

“I...I see, you really think that scaring her like that, even if she was being mean, was the right way to do that? Do you really think she will change, now?”

“She’ll think twice before crossing me, and she inquired what I was a grandmaster at. So, why not show her. You know perfectly well I’m not good at arranging words”

“But.” begins Balisong a bit more forcefully than before, “Now you are locked up down here and miss Jury is sitting in her office. Won’t she treat this as a win? Wouldn’t she only be more prideful after this? Won’t she only look down at you more!?”

“This is a win. She won’t dare try to enrage me ever. She won, but do you honestly think she’d dare do that to me again. I got what I wanted, and so did she. We both won.”

Balisong shakes her head, “No it isn’t. Do you really want her and everypony else to be afraid of you!? Wouldn’t you rather everypony treat you nice because they respect you, not because they are afraid?”

Moral sighed. Maybe the idiot was starting to get to him. “Dang it... Yes? no... maybe? Why can’t I be both feared and loved...” Moral then made another deep sigh. “Depends, are you talking to the idiot or me?”

Balisong tilts her head lacking in understanding, “I...I don’t understand sir. What do you mean? What idiot are you talking about?”

“I divert my eyes from that flame for a second and you get to see the dumb sod.”

Balisong looks to the flame and then back to Moral. “You mean, if you can’t see a become an idiot?” Balisong thinks back to the few conversations she has had with him, and confirms that he was much harder to speak too when there was no roaring fire. His strange inconsistent behavior finally made sense. “But...why? What would cause that?”

“I blew my mind.”

“B...but how? Why?”

“Spells can backfire, especially when you are playing with your own being”

Balisong gulped, her father had instilled in her a healthy respect for magic and she knew that messing with the threads of fate always carried a risk, but to see what it could do to somepony’s mind, was still frightening. “Then...then what will you do when you are let out? If you need a flame to be sensible...What will you do if the id...if the other you starts more trouble?”

“The other me is safe, he honestly isn’t capable of hurting anypony but He’s still capable of doing my daily life. when I get out I’ll just go back to what I did before.”

“Which... which one of you was the one who started the fires to frighten Jury then?” asks Balisong.

“There are more than two... and the other one isn’t one that comes out often.”

“ many of you are there?” asks the filly cautiously.

“I can personally only count three, but it’s within the realm of possibility that there could be more... many... more...”

Balisong shudders at the thought of one’s mind being split into so many entities. “Is there... Is there no way put them all back together? To, I don’t know fix it somehow?”

“Oh, I’m not quite sure... but if there was, you’d have to make sure you don’t get the negative parts of each ‘me’ when you piece them back together”

Balisong scuffs her hoof along the ground, “Well, I wouldn’t even know where to begin...But maybe you should talk to the doctors here. Maybe they can help you. But in the meantime, you shouldn’t let him scare anypony else like he did Jury... and me. It won’t make you any friends at all.”

“Well, then you have my word that I shall try my best to contain ‘him’ to the best of my ability.”

Balisong looks around, “I...uh...I should get heading home now. Would you like me to bring you anything?..Would you like me to leave the candle for you?”
“Yes, that would be best, also thank you.”
Balisong nods, “You are welcome sir. I’ll...I’ll visit you again soon. I promise. Good bye for now.” and with that the young filly curtseys and then makes her way back to the surface.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 02:31:10 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3443 on: May 26, 2012, 12:47:25 am »

Silver strode into the jail hallway, nodding to the guard, then looking at Jaxler. “I heard what happened,” he says, his face impassive.

Jaxler opened his eyes, and was greeted by both Silver Tongue and the crushing walls. “h-hay Silver” Jaxler didn’t bother moving from the corner of the cell, he just sat there and tried to pretend like the walls had stopped shifting.

“Hey Jaxler. How’re you doing about the lack of alcohol?”

“I manage” the pony then forced eyes shut again. The horrible, horrible walls kept on shifting.

“I’ve been working on a spell that might help, so I thought you should know, seeing as how you won’t get any booze in here and, judging from the barrel I saw you with when I met you, withdrawal will probably be deadly.”

“It will, but I’m afraid that I.. I h-have a w-way around this problem”

“Oh? What?” Silver looks intrigued, but cautious.

“Investment from an anonymous third p-party” said Jaxler with  more stress than he had before.

“I won’t push you, but I doubt any investment worthwhile will let you weather that much alcohol withdrawal alone. Even the spell I’ve been working on should only help, not cure you. When one is facing near-insurmountable odds, every advantage counts, no?”

“Yes, but I’d prefer not to stop drinking. My current sponsor allows me to do so.”

“I don’t mean for you to stop drinking. I mean for you to cut down. From what I hear, unless you have at least most of a barrel it still will be less than you’re used to. The spell wouldn’t make you stop drinking, it would remove some of the dependency associated with such.”

Jaxler sighed “How exactly does this spell work, I understand that addiction has to work with the brain and I don’t want to end up like Moral.”

“What it does, specifically, is it ‘tricks’ the body into thinking it has more alcohol than it does have. Now, it doesn’t have any of the same effects, but it does allow the subject to not be constantly craving it, as the body already believes that it has ingested some.”

“F-fine... go ahead and hit me...”

“I won’t cast it on you if you don’t want it casted on you. I want you to think about it and decide rationally, not be pressured either way. To be fair, I haven’t tested it before, but it should work. I’ve checked and re-checked, but there’s no way to be absolutely sure without tests.”

“Please, just z-zap me”

“Alright then...” As he says this, Silver takes a more stable stance, then his horn begins to glow. He weaves the magic, keeping the journal’s work in his mind, a bit of spirit, mind and body each for the fooling, the clear-headedness and the physical element, then locks the spell and casts, washing a wave of magic over Jaxler.

Jaxler felt... strange as the magic took him. he really didn’t feel an urge to drink, which was foreign. “I think it worked.”

“That’s good. Hopefully you shouldn’t have quite so much problem now. I might need to come by somewhat regularly to refresh the spell, seeing as how I didn’t want to make an experimental spell last too long. Any particular preference on what time? I don’t want to be inconvenient.”

Jaxler thought for a moment. “P-probably around lunch, t-that’s usually when I wake up.. also have you been getting any better at being a p-psychiatrist...”

“Business hasn’t been picking up yet, so I’m still waiting on that. You working on your... Woodcrafting, was it?”

“yes I am a woodcrafter... seeing how I’m currently cowering in a corner on the edge of mental breakdown, m-maybe I should.. hire you...”

“Well, I’m not going to pressure you either way. Nopony else can make this decision for you. I can lend an ear, and give my advice, but I don’t know if I can do all that much more.”

“Yeah... I... I think I-I should hire you once I get out of here...”

“Alright... After lunch tomorrow sound fine? I can swing by then and we can discuss a bit more, unless you’d like to now.”

“Well, right now would be nice... Though, I’m h-honestly more interested in the psychiatrist part...”

“That was what I meant.” Silver sits down into a somewhat more comfortable spot, then looks back at Jaxler. “It starts with talking. Explaining the whys, hows and whats of whatever problems you wish helped.”

“Well... I’m k-kinda huddled here in a corner, on the edge of a mental breakdown, because I don’t h-have my crossbow...”

“And why is this crossbow so important to you?”

“It... um... It kinda is the only c-crossbow I can use effectively, It’s worth about 99% of my personal worth. my crossbow has saved my l-life more times than I can count. It’s also um...” Jaxler cut himself off, he really didn’t feel comfortable sharing the rest.

“It’s also what?”

Jaxler was starting to wish he had a better understanding of what a psychiatrist did. “It’s um... It’s rather p-personal...”

“Alright then... How about recalling some good memories of it? Can you tell me about those?”

Jaxler paused for a moment. He always had his crossbow with him... no matter what... and he  was having a hard time recounting any good memories. “Um... w-well, I always kept my crossbow with me no matter what, so I g-guess all my good memories include it. From before I migrated here to when I saved Granite and even the night of drinking before I hit Jury... I-It’s always been there... no matter what.”

“Tell me about when you saved Granite, then.”

“Well, he’s k-kinda um... a good friend... he was the first pony here to treat me like a friend. It seems I alway help him when he needs me.T-The pony grew up before my very eyes and It seemed I was there for him more than his own father was.”

“Sounds like you were close, then.”

“Yeah, probably more so than any other pony in Dawnpick.”

“How’d you meet?”

“I saved him from a snatcher.”

“Certainly an interesting way to kick off a friendship. Can you tell me about him?”

“He’s by all means a Jackass, but he’s got a good heart. Though, he probably needs counseling more than me. He really doesn’t put much value on himself, and I honestly don’t like to see him that way.”

“Do you know why he might not put much value on himself?”

“I honestly d-don’t know...”

“Going back... Why are you in the corner?”

“... If feel like the walls are about to crush the life out of me, so I guess if I have my back turned to them, I can block out as m-much as possible. that and the fact that I want to get as far away as possible from the wall I’m looking at.”

“Why do you feel that way?”

“I dunno’ I just get c-claustrophobic when I’m trapped somewhere, and I really can’t handle stress very well without my c-crossbow.”

“That doesn’t sound like claustrophobia, though I’m not sure the exact term. Claustrophobia, however, is fear of all small spaces, regardless of any other quantifiers.”

“Maybe, but still, I c-can’t stand being here.”

“Can anything else help you handle stress?”


“And that’s not allowed in the jail... I’m beginning to understand your problem here.”

“Can you t-tell me what it is, t-then?”

“You’re trapped here, stuck without your forms of security and bravado and will be here for some time. As you are without them, you’re panicked. I’ve got a couple ideas, but I need to think on them.”

“Okay... I g-guess that makes sense, but do you have any ideas on how to help with the me s-stop panicking?”

“Variants of one: Find a new security item, a harmless one, or increase your own self-confidence, lessening the need for one.”

“I... I can’t just get another ‘security item’, much less a harmless one. How am I-I supposed to feel safe with some random item, w-when a crossbow can actually keep me safe. And my crossbow wasn’t just something that k-kept me safe, I kept it safe. I can’t just abandon it like a piece of t-trash...”

“It doesn’t mean you lose your old ones. It means you find something you can hang onto, something that gives you confidence, and pride, rather than let yourself deteriorate under adverse circumstances.”

“but how exactly would I find something to hang on to? And I still need to get my crossbow back...”

“And doubtless you will, but not while you’re in here. I would suggest something that reminds you how strong you can be, of your friendships. That would make a good ‘lucky charm’ as it were.”

“Like w-what? I’m not exactly allowed to have a-anything in here...”

“A locket, a drawing, an accessory, perhaps armor... They might let that in here, if it has no pointy parts.”

“They won’t. they w-wouldn’t even let me have a bed for a couple months, probably because they assumed I could kill somepony with a-anything... which I can...”

“Umm... Wow. That’s a skill.”

“yeah... I could kill somepony with s-small branch from a tree or a rock, .”

“Hmmm... I’ll have to think about what couldn’t be used as an effective weapon, regardless of skill, and we could start there. Or, we could try to increase your confidence, but that would probably involve lots of games. Winning is usually the best way to do that.”

“Games? L-Like what?” said Jaxler skeptically

“Well, we could play some card games, perhaps poker or something...”

“That m-might be nice”

“Anypony you would like me to invite?”

“Meh, Granite and f-flux I guess.”

“I could go out and talk to them now, if you like.”

“That might be n-nice.”

“Alright, I’ll go ask them,” says Silver, who then nods to Jaxler and goes off to see Granite and Flux about a poker night with Jaxler.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 12:50:33 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3444 on: May 26, 2012, 09:44:44 pm »


1st Hematite, 262 (( Same day as Amor’s visit Jaxler. ))
Ome, na schupenata demon ubiets na bogovete.

After seeing Jaxler imprisoned and coming to the conclusion that his weapon might be a artifact in one way or another; she seeks out Virtue for the third time that day. The Earth mare was at her desk and had yet to return to what duties she had left. Falcata was also present and staring at the mare with the same contempt she holds for Jury. Amor places herself before the Duchess. “Virtue, I believe the arrest for Jaxler was uncalled for and over escalated. As long as I’ve known Jaxler, he’s been a Paragon of Honesty and he just told me that he holds in his possession a Artifact crossbow. The ‘Ome, na schupenata demon ubiets na bogovete’ he called it and if true then it means that he was protecting an Artifice. In addition, asking twice and then punching a pony who was not willing to release possession of said Artifice Weapon does not seem so excessive.”

Virtue sighs mentally.  “The weapon might be an artifact... but that doesn’t change the fact that he attacked Jury when there were non violent ways to settle the dispute.”  Not to mention the fact that the weapon only dubiously belonged to Jaxler in the first place.

Amor nods in agreement and adds. “Jaxler, striking any pony was wrong but this time only to set right a wrong. Artifice-bearers are known for their bulwarked protection; Artifacts to them are loved ones. Ask the bearer of ‘The Touch of Leaves,’ ‘Glazedsmeared’ or ‘Waygrowth’ and they might consider that Jaxler exercised restraint. What if in Jaxler and his crossbow’s stead, it was you and one of your own foals that Jury apprehended?”

She’d be willing to exercise her noble authority to have Jury’s flank handed to her in a sack, that’s what.  But this was different.  “Amor... I understand that the crossbow is valuable and that he cares a lot about it, but that’s not quite the same thing.  No weapon is as valuable as somepony’s child.  And Jury had reason to withhold it from him.  He was intoxicated, after all.”

“Then it falls in the crime of Drunk and Disorderly Conduct, but can you measure how sober he was at the time? Anyway do you know why weapons named by their ‘attached’ owners are so important and why they are commonly placed in their owners’ grave, besides that it is usually in their ‘living will’ and the wishes of family?” Amor hums in a inquisitive tone.

“I suppose after a lifetime of wielding a weapon, somepony could grow to think of it as an extension of themselves in a way.”  She was fairly certain that Sarissa looked to her weapon as fondly as if it was a pet, and didn’t doubt that others in the militia did the same.  Fauchard after all was worried enough about not having his axe that he came to talk to her about it.

Nodding again in agreement, the Unicorn goes into more detail. “Also, some type of strong and old magic takes hold between a weapon and its bearer. This magic ties them together and makes both more sharp, hit-heavier, parry blows that they shouldn’t have. If the weapons’ master dies, then the weapon does too and they both leave behind a corpse. Artifact swords refuse to keep an edge, crossbows shoot wildly, that is even if they shoot at all and hammers pull their blows. If fortunate, the named weapon can bond with another user, typically of blood.” Amor huffs at her next statement. “As you may know, Artifacts are virtually indestructible. To attempt to explain why ‘Ome’ was in such a decayed state was that the weapons reflects the user and that the crossbow is sooner or later going to return to it past meager condition if Jaxler continues this state. I never met such a scared pony in my life and that even an artifact weapon would crack under his experiences.”

She hadn’t considered that,  it would help explain the dilapidated state of the weapon when Jaxler arrive at Dawnpick.  “I see...”

“With Artifact weapons that were made, keeping the maker alive is as important as the owners’ but that most items work long after their death. ‘Mundane’ Artifacts appear to follow the same rules; an Artifact mechanism has the possibility to stop working when it maker dies but an Artifact statue will only fade when the gods grow bored with the world.” Amor inserts.

“That makes sense...” she concedes, but the matter at hoof returns to the front of her mind.  “...but it doesn’t excuse what Jaxler did.  I don’t doubt Jury provoked him, but trying to keep a weapon from a drunk pony seems reasonable to me.  And of course there’s the whole matter of what followed...”

Amor continues about Jaxler’s case. “Jury is too accustomed to the hard city life of Coupledye and that many of their artifacts are locked in temples and museums. Therefore, she might not be innocent but she was ignorant of the fact of Jaxler’s crossbow was an artifact. As for Jury, I for one welcome the Judge’s presence here in Dawnpick and that it may have been a message from The Crown to shape up. As that it may be, he is still accountable for his actions, resisting arrest and attempted murder still stands but punishment for his protecting an Artifact is outrageous.”

Virtue looks aside and tries to recall what laws she knew regarding artifacts, but accepts what Amor says at face value.  “Perhaps.  I think Jury was mostly charging him with assault... he had a right to own the weapon, so I don’t think she tried to charge him for that in any way.”  There is an awkward silence that drags on for a few moments.  “You look like there’s something else on your mind...?”

The copper coated Little Pony huffs. “Yes, there is; I saw a dilapidated and mediocre ‘magic suppressing ward’ in one of the cells.”

Amor takes a breath and ponders how best to sum magic up to a pony that would never experience it. “How magic works; the world is made of strings that only Unicorns and other magical beings can see, if willing and trained. The idea of ‘weaving spells’ is not misplaced, Unicorns can manipulate these ‘strings of fate’ with their horns to get a desired effect. Magic is done by expressing one's will upon them, tugging on them and if talented weaving them, if you will. Reworking a objects’ reality to make a effect. Usually, spells are benign to objects they are attached such as alarm sigils or illusion magic. Others on the other hoof are malignant, such as a trap sigils or destruction magic. Short lived spells are easy to maintain but long term enchantment are a hassle, with each sigil a Unicorn must focus on maintaining it and most can do it in their sleep…”

The Unicorn takes a short tentative pause. “Understand that magic seems connected to a Unicorn's special talent, a shield cutie mark would be better at using a real shield and casting magic ones. Spells must be learned from both the natural world and the magical one that only Unicorns can only vaguely see. Most spells are link to their caster and some knave of a Unicorn can use this against them. A silent alarm spell can be turned against its composer and cause brain raking sound in the poor pony’s head. Also, wards and such are no substitute for a Unicorn ready to dispel magic and to post one when dangerous magic-users are arrested such as Glaive, Stiletto and… myself. Even other Unicorns imprisoned if your resources are not limited. Any normal Unicorn desperate enough can break the spell with enough strain. A gifted Unicorn could break it effortlessly.”

Amor hold her head downcast with watery eyes and says. “And a Unicorn like me could use the wards to hold the ponies that made it prisoner. The Crown has actively suppressed malevolent magic and have not support benevolent magic. Queen Buzat even being a Unicorn herself also does not support any school of magic but does support sciences of law, medicine, physiology and technology. Even having a college named after her; Queen Buzat’s University for Gifted Ponies.”

Virtue listens and blinks a few times blankly.  Sure enough, she couldn’t really picture what the world must look like to unicorns.  “I... think I understand.”

The curly mane pony is a little winded. “Gratitude for hearing me out, my Lady Virtue, if that is all you want to hear. Please excuse me.” Amor does her customary curtsey and leaves.

Virtue smiles and waves her out of the office, with new concerns weighing on her mind.  Above all, what Virtue really understood now was that they needed to rework the magical wards, if it was so simple to break them.  There surely was a way to set them up so that nopony in Dawnpick could defeat them.  There was little point otherwise.  Perhaps Fauchard would know something... from what she understood he had a fairly large breadth of knowledge and had brought a veritable library with him.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3445 on: May 27, 2012, 12:07:06 am »

((Sienna's Pic Coming soon...))

Midnight was standing in the meeting hall, staring at his reflexion in a cup of juice he had. His hood mostly hiding the glum look plastered to his face, The recent news was starting to weigh heavily on the pony’s shoulders, and it showed.

Sienna, Splinter’s daughter, saddles up next to Midnight, wearing an equally sullen face

“Seat taken?” she asks with a sigh

“Hmm, oh, of course not.” He replies as he looks over to the mare. His expression seeming too lighten up a little, as though he didn’t want her to see him frowning.

She sets her plate down and wolfs her food as only a teenager can. “So- why does everything you love end up hating you in the end?” she asked midnight through a half-full mouth, venting to no one in particular.

Midnight was surprised at the question. “... Not everything does. Sometimes things can get bad for a pony, and it’ll feel like everything was against them, or hated them. You just have to remember that that isn’t true.”

Sienna snorts “Ha, It’s kinda actually really true. See, I really liked a colt, then really really I liked his friend, then I tore them apart, then they saw I was the problem. Everything hates you in the end." she said grimly .”Oh, where’s my head? I’m Sienna!” she said in a cheerful one-eighty.

“My name’s Midnight, it’s nice to meet you.” Midnight says as he smiles at the mare. He sets his drink down, freeing up his hoof so he can pull his hood down.

“Midnight. I wish I had a name as cool as Midnight. Sienna doesn't even mean anything.” she muttered  “So, what’s your story, Midnight? Got any Ambitions, any terrible fears? What’s made you low, what's gotten you high? Tell me everything!” she said excitedly.

Midnight smirked. “Everything? That’s a bit to tell. I’ll start with your questions. First, my story is a fairly happy one, with few, but notable tragedies. My ambitions, hmm. I try to make friends, make them happy, keep them safe. And my fear would be losing them. I’m... Sad because I feel like that’s happened. Well, at least they’ve had some bad luck, and I can’t help them much. And as for what cheers me up? This. meeting new ponies, and having nice conversations with them.”

Sienna grins “yeah, I’m one of those ponies who just can’t seem to shut up either. Just chatting  the time away inanely until everyone just walks off. Like you!” she smiled

she nervously bites the curl on her mane when she realises how that could seem a little rude.

“I-I mean I’m not saying you’re a boring person or- no that’s not - *sigh* I’m saying talking’s fun. She made a nervous smile SO Dark past huh? A horse of mystery? ”
Midnight chuckled. “I wouldn’t call it dark. I’ve been through some tough things, but fortune has generally been on my side. And as for mystery. I’m not sure. What makes me seem mysterious?”

“Oh,  I Don't know, maybe the fact you wear a hood over your head? or maybe it’s the fact I Know everyone in this fort, and I don’t know you. It’s not a bad mysterious though, It’s a good ‘ Can’t keep the mares off you’ mysterious.” she said matter-of-factly.

“So did you hear what happened to Poor Jaxler?”

Midnight’s expression drops a little. “Y-yes... I’m well aware of what’s happened to him.”

“Yeah, what Idiots, both him and Jury. Don’t they know we’re at war? That we have bigger problems?”

Midnight shakes his head. “They both acted on their emotions, and without thinking. But what has been done is done, and there is no way to change that.” Midnight says as he looks into his drink again, clearly not enjoying the topic.

“I just ... ” She sees he's uncomfortable “ One of them was your friend? Sorry.” She scrapes the last bit of food in her mouth “Ha, see what I’m talking about? Big mouth.” she said with a grin.

She picks up her plate “Well It’s been interesting, Midnight,  Stallion of mystery, really Interesting. see you around!”

“Until then, Sienna. It’s been a pleasure meeting you.” Midnight says with a smile as he waves the mare off.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 12:52:36 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3446 on: May 27, 2012, 01:27:13 am »

, , , and

Takes place the day Stiletto fought and nearly died to the FB underground.

Stiletto stands in the pooling ichor of the slain beast, breathing heavily, a ragged gash through her eye. Deep tears and dents scar her thick black steel petryal, and her left wing is a bloody mess. Her Zweihänder pulls itself from the massive horror’s corpse and is wiped clean by its wielders magical aura.

Naginata charges down the halls of the mines, desperately trying to close the distance between herself and the alicorn she knew was just ahead.  The sounds of combat were all but deafening in the enclosed space, but had just ceased.  She knew she’d heard Stiletto’s cries among the chaos, and she feared she would find her corpse and something horrifyingly powerful standing victorious over her.

She and the ponies trailing her screech to a halt as they round the corner and see ichor and blood painting the halls, and Stiletto standing in a half limp over the corpse of a massive serpent.  The axe in her mouth nearly falls away as she takes in the scene.  Finally, she motions for the other soldiers to cover the entrances to the hallway and approaches Stiletto.  “Stiletto... gods above... are you alright?”

“I... I am.” she stops to spit the blood out of her mouth “I am alive Naginata.” she pulls her hooves from the sticky remains of the cave Troll’s skull. “I, I can’t feel my wing. Is, is it still there?”

It takes Naginata a moment to snap out of her surprise.  If Stiletto had fared so poorly against this monster, the rest of them would probably have been slain.  She stows her axe in its sling and visually examines Stiletto’s mauled wing.  Blood flowed freely from where a broken bone penetrated her skin and Naginata feels chills run down her spine.  How Stiletto was conscious through what had to be incredible agony was beyond her.  “It... yes, it is.  We need to get you to Panacea right now...”

The heavily wounded amethyst Alicorn stepped forward into the light and her hooves almost slip out from under her. With a supreme effort, she catches herself “That, that sounds like a good” she coughs hard “a good idea.”  shakily, Stiletto’s Zweihänder lifts into the air and slides carefully into its sheath upon her withers. The magical aura then envelops her wings to keep them still “I can not see very well. I, I will need you, your help.”

“Yes, of course.”  Naginata looks sharply to the two stallions to her side and says, “Guisarme, Voulge, secure the paths.”  She looks behind her to the unicorn mare still standing awestricken at the scene.  “Kris, help us.”  Kris’ horn glows brightly as she helps lift some of Stiletto’s weight from her hooves telekinetically, and Naginata guides her along.  “Kusari, check up ahead and make sure nothing else is down here.  Be careful, and shout if you see anything larger than a rat.”

Stiletto walks painfully down the tunnels to the stairs. As she trots up them, her back legs stumble and her large body falls against Naginata’s. “Oh, I, I just need, a second.” she breathes heavily and deeply, fighting through the pain of her eye, leaning upon the mare she called her captain.

Naginata had braced herself for just such a possibility and pauses long enough for Stiletto to regain her breath and balance.  She was every bit as heavy as she looked, especially in her heavy armor, but Naginata stands firm.  “Kris?”

At the mention of her name, the unicorn mare nods and intensifies the lifting spell she was using on Stiletto.  The alicorn feels the weight of the world lessen further, and Naginata gently but firmly encourages her back to her hooves.  “Are you alright?  We need to keep moving.  Should we bring Panacea down here instead?”

“I can make it. This, is, nothing.” Stiletto grits her teeth and forces her legs to obey. Again they move her up the stairs and propel her to the hospital. The magic aura flickers away just as she steps inside. “Panacea, I am sorry to, to bother you, but my wing, needs you to, to look at it.”

Panacea’s eyes widen as she sees the blood-soaked mare stagger inside with the support of Naginata and Kris.  She immediately sets aside the book she was casually perusing and trots over.  “C-Come over here,” she instructs, motioning toward one of the beds.  As Stiletto obeys, Panacea hurries upstairs to locate Chestnut.  She was going to need her help.

“Sorry, to be, a bother.” Stiletto struggles to speak between pained breath.

Panacea returns with Chestnut just as Stiletto speaks, and she raises a hoof to forestall any more words from her.  “Nonsense, it’s what we’re here for,” she says with obvious urgency and concern in her voice.  “Chestnut, if you would?”

The unicorn mare nods and her horn flickers with a brilliant gold for a moment.  Stiletto feels most of the pain in her body vanish over the next few seconds, leaving her feeling numb.  A second flash of her horn later, this time wisps of red, and the blood oozing from the gashes across her body begins to congeal and the bleeding slows.

Panacea inspects the cuts and nods approvingly before darting off to locate something to clean and close the wounds with.  “Just try to relax, you’re going to be fine.  Are you feeling faint at all?  Try to stay awake for me...”

Stiletto holds out a forehoof “I feel very tired, but it can, keep awake, for you.” her lungs fought to keep air in them. “I might, be easier, to work, if you, took, my armor, off.”

Panacea nods as she returns with the supplies.  She had been putting that off for the moment at the risk of injuring her further or causing her undue pain until things were under control, but they were now.  The two mares meticulously remove her armor, piece-by-piece, taking even greater care around her mangled wing.  The armor had thankfully absorbed most of the damage, but her wing was going to take a very long time to recover, if it did completely at all.  And her armor did little to save her eye...  “Yes, try to stay awake, for now,” she says as she begins examining the fractured bones in her wing.  That was going to take some work to fix...

“My mark!” her horn glowed and a magical pulled the linen over her flank “I’m sorry, please do not look at it. Its vulgar.” Stiletto looks around her, remembering where she is. She closed her good eye and pressed her head into the pillow. “Did, did you, see it?”

Both mares are confused and stare at each other blankly for a moment.  “I... no, we didn’t,” Panacea assures her as she tries to gently coax her face from the pillow.  “Stiletto?  Can you look up?  I need to check on your eye.”

Slowly, the great Alicorn lifted her head and offered the left side of her face to Panacea. “I can barely see from the other one. It would be no shock to me to hear the worst, Panacea.” The eye was a mess of blood and torn flesh, a ragged, gaping wound on Stiletto’s face.

Panacea’s first reaction was to recoil and turn away from the mess, but more than a decade of working as a doctor and seeing a number of quite horrible wounds had hardened her to the sight.  Chestnut was a bit less stoic and immediately averts her eyes.  “Oh...” Panacea says after a moment.  “We’ll do everything we can.  Chestnut?”

On command, Chestnut rallies and again uses her magic to mend the wound as much as she could.  Stiletto’s vision doesn’t return in the eye, but the wounded flesh knits together partially.  “That’s the best I can do...” the unicorn admits as she begins to search for something to cover the injured eye with.

“Thank you, Chestnut. I am very glad to hear that anything at all could be done.” She tries to smile at Chestnut. “How is your brother? Is he still learning to be a smelter with meine freundlichsten Liebe?” Stiletto was starting to sound quite delirious.

Chestnut gives her the most sincere smile she can and says, “Yes, he’s working hard, but he enjoys the work.”  She carefully wraps the makeshift eye patch around Stiletto’s head and adds, “It’s an important part of Dawnpick’s economy.”

Panacea recognizes the mild slurring and confusion creeping into Stiletto’s voice and knows she must hurry to finish staunching the bleeding.  Chestnut had helped put an end to it with her magic, but there was far more to do to make it permanent.  The shattered bones in the alicorn’s wing and the wounds associated with them were the worst culprit now, and Panacea immediately begins inspecting how to set the bones.  At least Stiletto shouldn’t feel much of the pain.

“That is good to hear Chesnut, he used to have real problems, or so I was told. I wish I had more time to spend with which to get to know other ponies. Might I ask a favor from all of you?” She breathes in “Please do not let Lady Virtue worry about me. She has too many burdens already. Tell her, tell her I will recover fully. Ich sie liebe zu viel, zu ließ ihre sich verantwortlich fühlen dafür.”

“And you will,” Chestnut assures her, hoping that what she was telling Stiletto was true.  She was gravely wounded, but the two were going to do all that they could.  Again, Chestnut averts her eyes and tries to ignore the sound of Panacea resetting Stiletto’s crushed wing.  The gash on Stiletto’s chest looked like it needed her attention, so she turns to it and cleans the wound before stitching it closed.  It didn’t penetrate deeply enough to be of any serious concern, at least.

“I will be able to fly again soon? Ponies might worry if I can not fly.” her mind was a mess of thoughts and now they were all fighting to reach the surface, but talking was all Stiletto could do to remain conscious.

Panacea continues to fight with the ruined bones for a moment before getting them into some semblance of a correct position.  This was going to take a long time to heal indeed.  She needed to get some plaster for a cast...  “You’ll fly again,” she says before locating what she was after.  “It won’t be for a while though, I’m afraid.  Your wing is going to need time to heal.”

“How long? I, i, had just gotten fast, now, now I will be too slow, again...” she trailed off and tears started to well up in her good eye “I was too slow, again.”

“I... I don’t know.  A few months to heal fully, I think,” she says as she begins to apply the cast.  Chestnut seemed to have done a decent job of stitching the cuts elsewhere on Stiletto’s body, so there was little else they could do but wait and hope her body healed.  She gives Stiletto the best reassuring expression she can and lays a hoof gently on her back.  “You weren’t too slow... you lived, I think we should all be grateful for that.”

“I lived, others not so lucky. I so sorry Panacea, I should have been here, should have saved him...”
Her breathing was slowing, but becoming steady. Stiletto laid her head back to the pillow “Should have been here...”

Panacea bites her lip as she realizes that Stiletto is referring to Wool.  Nopony could have saved him.  Nopony even knew he was in the caverns until he was dead.  Nopony even knew why.  “Don’t... don’t beat yourself up over him.  There’s nothing anypony could have done...”  Keeping the injured wing steady while she applied the cast was turning out to be a chore, but she focuses harder on the task to divert her thoughts from her late friend.  She’d lost a lot of sleep initially wondering just why the stallion had gone down there.

“I could have slain the beast, if I had gone into the caves first. I wanted to, you know, go into the caves and hunt them all down. Instead, I left, left you all, I should have stayed, to protect you, I was away so long...”

“Nopony could have known... and nopony can do everything...” Panacea says as she applies another layer of the cast, reflecting on how much of a help Chestnut was being right now.  After Wool’s death she tried to be the sole doctor again, which was really more than she could handle.  Stiletto was a great warrior, but nopony was strong enough to face all of the beasts underground alone.

“I just want to keep you all safe, safe from these things. My head is so heavy. I am so sorry Panacea, do not wissen, wie lange ich wach bleiben kann...” she slipped back into her native tongue, her mind no longer able to form the words in Midpony.

“It’s okay, Stiletto,” Panacea says as she finishes the current layer.  Stiletto didn’t appear to have any significant head trauma, so it was probably alright for her to go to sleep now. Chestnut could awaken her later magically if it turned out to be problematic.   “If you can’t stay awake... it’s okay.  Just try to relax... you’re going to be okay.”

Stiletto shut her eye and curled her forelegs in “danke dir, mein sanfter ein, ich liebe dich.” With those words, she drifts off to a sound and deep sleep.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3447 on: May 27, 2012, 03:33:21 am »

(( 18th Moonstone, 261 ))
(( Amor and Sarissa cavern scene ))

Amor was lounging atop the wooded scaffolding that was part of cavern barricade project. Her only company was a lantern, flask and a cold bowl of celery soup. Where she rested, the entire caverns sprawled out before the mare and her eyes watched an aggregation of Dralthas. Two foraging young adults and two juveniles, who are engaging in ‘play necking’, which reminds the Little Pony of the surface's Giraffes. To establish dominance male giraffes use their necks as weapons and calves mimic this behavior in play, which the two dralthas are doing. The Dralthas were very similar in body shape to Giraffes but twice and a half more bulky. Amor is broken from thought as one of the older Dralthas begins to bellow at the pony-made wall. We are invaders to an alien realm that is not ours, but we establish a hoof-hold and make its resources ours. She thinks with a huff; her ear glide backwards at the sound of steel clad hooves ascending the scaffolding behind her.

“Hey, shut up out there!” the new unicorn shouts at the disgruntled monster, “Don’t make me come out there and hush you myself!” Sarissa’s threat wasn’t all that serious, but she was getting tired of having these creatures hovering around all the time. The mare knew that she could never fully relax down here, and being in a constantly tense state was beginning to work her temper. It was her break, though, so she tried to make the best of the time she had to herself. Slumping down some distance away, the axe-pony retrieved a small sack from between the clefts of her armour. Reaching in telekinetically, she pulled out a red, juicy cherry and popped it into her mouth. It was one of her favorite snacks.

The mason-pony was unsure which was worse, Dralthas bellowing or Sarissa’s blaring back, but regardless it caused the annoyed Draltha to walk away, that is after it bellowed back one last time. The caverns had an eerie silence to it at times, which caused the events like now to be an enjoyable break, but the distance loud noises could travel were a frightening concept. Only the gods knew of what forgotten beast could be awakened by echoing. “Hello Sarissa, thank you for dealing with the Draltha, but it could have been uncalled for.” Amor talks lightly; in the caverns a careless whisper can reverberate.

Raising an eyebrow, Sarissa spat the cherry pit back into the bag, “Uncalled for? You got a soft spot for that beast, Amor? I don’t think I hurt its feelings, honestly.” Her tone was joking, although a hint of annoyance could also be perceived in her voice. “Best look away if I have to lop one of their heads off.”

The curly mane Unicorn softly laughs at the militia-pony’s jest. She then waved off Sarissa’s last comment and recompose herself to say; “better to have you as company then Dralthas, instead of you jumping down three stories to engage the animals and get stuck down there.” The two mares after their first talk seemed to enjoy each other’s company and preceded to converse once a week. “So, how are the patrols going?”

“Eh, nothing big happened,” she sighed, “So far all I’ve done is walk around looking for anything that might be itching to stir up trouble. All the critters down here are either minding their own business or are too scared to fight right now.” Sarissa was almost disappointed that nothing was willing to test her mettle in combat. Then again, attacks from the cave-dwellers could always mean injury or death to the unarmed workers. It wasn’t worth having ‘fun’ at the expense of others’ safety if it could be avoided. She began chewing on another one of the round fruits as she kept her eyes peeled for any signs of trouble.

“Conflict is the most bravura contest in which a pony can indulge. All of our best is amplified and our lesser selves are expunged. King Golud said that back in the Zebra wars when he was a general, but so many attribute the ‘conflict’ part with only martial conflict. Others like myself see it as all conflict; with nature and ourselves. Sarissa, why are you so itching for conflict?” Amor asks, eyeing her cold soup, still anxious about eating.

Well, that wasn’t a question that Sarissa was expecting to hear. She paused from her chewing, “To me, there’s nothing quite like a good fight. It’s rush that it gives your system; the opportunity to exercise justice against any being that would dare to harm those you care for. Plus, it’s good exercise.” That probably didn’t cover all of the bases, but to tell Amor that she enjoyed the raw sense of personal power it gave her would have probably been a bit off-putting.

Amor could sense more to Sarissa motivation then what was said, but felt no need to push the converse in mud. “If your main reason is in defense of self or others, you will have no qualms from me.” The mare then deflects the discussion. “So how have your magic studies been progressing.”

“Slowly...” The blonde mare spun one of the cherries around in the air as she thought, “Okay, so I’m practically at a standstill. I’ve mostly just managed to discover a couple of dozen ways to not make a spell work. I guess that happens when you don’t really know what you’re doing beyond practicing basic trial and error.” Sarissa felt sort of like a novice violinist trying to figure out how to pluck the strings to produce an original masterpiece symphony. “At least I haven’t hurt myself,” the pony noted as she literally knocked on wood with a hoof.

Practicing magic was a dangerous endeavor, pull a dozen strings, getting no effect and pulling one wrong, making an explosion or some other catastrophe. “Magic is a remorseless art and most have to be gifted or possess a teacher who is, to even learn a hoof-full of basic spells. Usually a Unicorn’s magic has much to do with their talent. Sarissa, you have made progress outside of your talent, take pride in that.” Amor said with concern, she pauses as a sly idea crosses her mind, she adds; “You use the gym, right?”

“Technically speaking, Vitalsight could, sort of, be seen as an extension of my talent, since it can help me kill things more easily.” She glanced over towards her armour-covered flank, imagining the tombstone cutie mark placed there. Although in a strict sense, Vitalsight in itself could do no harm to an enemy. It might even be helpful instead of harmful in some situations. Perhaps that’s what made it more difficult to perfect than the militia pony had anticipated. To the second question, Sarissa wonders aloud, “Yeah...but...what’s the gym got to do with anything?” She wasn’t sure where Amor was going with that.

The mason pony ponders a moment, she knows where this was going, but to put it in words that Sarissa would understand. “Also, it is good to have a spotter, with the heavy equipment, lest you harm yourself or others. It is the same with magic and also best to have a proper place to practice.” Amor then starts to silently slurp down her soup.

Sarissa understood the analogy, “I see what you mean.” She swallowed another cherry, “I do take some safety precautions. I only work on one eye at a time, for example. If something goes wrong, I’ll still have one good eye. I also only mess with one of those magical strings at a time. The consequences are more predictable that way. Other than that, I don’t know anypony around here who can give me proper guidance in how to do this any better than I already am.”

Nodding at the concept of finding another more advanced in magic was challenging. “There are two ponies I know of that could assist you, although I suspect that you only want one name. Glaive is a Unicorn; I believe is the most knowledgeable about the subject of magic and good at it too.” Amor says and then finishes her soup.

“Glaive, huh?” She tapped a hoof in contemplation, “Don’t know if he’d be willing to help or not. I get this feeling that he’s not all that fond of me, especially after...” Sarissa felt a brief spurt of grief and anger, “...after I attacked that mutant.”

The employment of the word ‘mutant’ left a burning sensation in Amor’s ears. “The past and future are veiled; but the past wears the widow's veil; the future, the maiden's.” The mare huffs, wanting to bite her lip to keep from saying more.

Giving the curly-maned pony a look of confusion, Sarissa inquired, “What’s that supposed to mean? That some philosophy thing you got from a book or something?” She literally didn’t know what Amor meant by the statement.

“That is a quote by Gnädiger Kleine; Gracious Small her name would be in our tongue, a Deuchmeiner novalist. The quote as I see it refers that the past is separated from us, similar to a widow and that the future is untouched. We still have a control over our fates that the past has no ability to bar us from.” She said with a parched mouth, the mare opens her ☼«-Triffle Pewter Flask- »☼ and takes a sip of lime juice.

“Oh, okay then. I think I get what you mean,” Sarissa nodded, though she wasn’t sure what bearing that had on the original conversation, “Well I’ve certainly changed my path in life from what it used to be when I was a filly.” The golden-maned unicorn took a brief glimpse of her memories, recalling how she was bullied in school for her weight. She was weak back then. These days, she would never put up with such garbage. She almost wanted to track those ponies down and get revenge on them, but she knew she was better than that. Time to change the subject lest anger build due to excessive reminiscing. “So’s progress coming along with the wall? Everything going according to schedule?”

Amor look at the barricades, examining them and returns eye contact with Sarissa. Dejectedly, the Little Pony answers; “we are only half done and at this rate, the barricades would not be finalize until early Galena of next year.” She looks towards the mason’s camp, which only consisted of a few bedrolls, bonfire, mason-shop and small block stockpile.

“So...that’s bad, right?” the other pony asks, “If I can do anything to help speed construction along, I won’t withhold my service. Admittedly, I don’t know much about building things, but I might be able to help with transporting needed material to where it belongs.” The axe-lord finishes the last of her cherries, returning the now pit-filled bag to the clefts of her black armour.

Thinking with her fore-hoof at her chin, the idea of Sarissa transferring blocks from the surface to the caverns below undermined the militia-pony place in protecting the masons. Any other way, Sarissa would be in the way or her duties suffer, but Amor thinks she can manage. “You can help with that, but even then, it might only shave off a few days.”

She shrugs, “If I’m ever having a slow day, and I can get permission, I’ll see what I can do for you.” Standing up, Sarissa stretches her back as the vertebrae crack, “Well, it’s been nice chatting, but I think I’m gonna go see how the others are doing.” She turns to head off, “I’ve still got some time left on break; you need me to fetch anything for you?”

Amor gets up, curtseys and replies; “no thank you Sarissa, I’m fine. Also it was pleasant chatting with you; please do take care.” The two go their opposite ways for now, Amor back to working on the blocks for the walls and Sarissa guarding the gaps in the barricades. They talked many more times in the caverns and continue the habit on the surface.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 06:54:31 pm by Psalms01 »
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3448 on: May 27, 2012, 03:38:22 pm »

Early spring, 262.

Pony relationships
This is a list of married and engaged ponies in-game. I double-checked it, so there should be few mistakes. Players are not required to stick to the letter to what happens in game, and single ponies in-game being lovers in-RP is perfectly fine. This list here is just for reference and as a starting point for roleplay, as well as for keeping track of who is related to who. For a list of players controlling ponies, and which ones were renamed, see the first post.

I included surnames, because some are funny. Dates of birth are included to know the age of ponies and when they can organise birthday parties. I occasionally added other comments; in particular "Young adult" are children, who have grown up in recent years. They joined the workforce, but the eldest one is 14 and it is best not to romance with them in roleplay. But then again, Firesden and Falchion are a couple in-RP and Telgin didn't scram.

The list is divided into categories: Married with children, Lovers, Single Males, Single Females and finally Dead. Coulpes are listed with stallions first. Children are sorted by birthdates, and everything else is sorted alphabetically. Some ponies are listed twice where appropriate, but I omitted young adults in the lists of single ponies. Enjoy.

Briney Deep Onionchamber (EPM, 1st Granite 154)  and  Kusari Gleamsense (PPF, 22 Moonstone 163) (Good stats)
Carmine Owlmatched (UPM, 24th Obsidian 178)  and  Ocean Breeze Waxyprairies (PPF, 24th Sandstone 183)
-> Peridot Willfuldawns (???) (I was unabble to acess in-game data.)
-> Friesden Sparklewomen (PPF, 13th Timber 255) (Young adult)
-> Chestnut Lovemushrooms (UPF, 7th Opal 256) (Young adult)
-> Crimson Poetspoken (UPM, 20th Obsidian 257)
-> Gust Front Nestshimmered (PPF, 25th Granite 258)
-> Cross Breeze Lustrousglisten (PPM, 4th Sandstone 259)
Cleaver Tinpear (PPM, 13th Granite 180)  and  Glaze Raindonkey (EPF, 24th Hematite 178)
-> Purple Prose Hillgangs (UPF, 14th Galena 254) (Young adult)
-> Granite Owlpastime (EPM, 22nd Slate 255) (Young adult)
-> Brownie Bits Stylecloaks (UPF, 5th Galena 255) (Young adult)
-> Wisteria Chasteglitter (UPF, 9th Timber 256) (Young adult)
-> Tangerine Beesplanted (UPF, 23rd Felsite 257)  (Great stats)
-> Violet Wispypoet (PPF, 14th Slate 258)
-> Fine Silver Inkylanterns (EPF, 25th Malachite 259)
Glaive Straytwinkles the Admired Dish of Oats (UPM, 26th Galena 145)  and  Falcata Basinsnacked the Golden Pride of Verses (PPF, 22nd Galena 151) (Great stats, both)
-> Falchion Glowteach (APM, 20th Obsidian 259) (Alicorn)
-> Bailsong Trickflashes (APF, 20th Obsidian 259) (Alicorn)
Harvest Moon Trickshoppers (PPM, 26th Moonstone 153)  and  Virtue Cookales (EPF, 26th Slate 159) (Duchess)
-> Rose Citywinter (UPF, 28th Hematite 256) (Young adult)
-> Valor Trailhopped (EPM, 21st Granite 257)
-> Rampart Nurturedharvests (EPM, 21st Granite 258)
-> Serenity Tinbasin (EPF, 28th Hematite 260)
Marbles Shinpartner (UPM, 23rd Limestone 172)  and  Naginata Searchplanted the Glowing Yor-Wad of Secreting (PPF, 15th Felsite 179)
-> Rondel Snackstrayed (UPM, 7th Felsite 253) (Young adult)
-> Verdant Flash Healedflutes (PPM, 19th Felsite 253) (Young adult)
-> Aurora Woodbunny (PPF, 8th Obsidian 255) (Young adult)
-> Floral Hallblossomed (EPF, 13th Malachite 256) (Young adult, lovers with Storm Cloud)
-> Estoc Beardedtaken (EPM, 13th Malachite 257) 
-> Espadon Hopswamps (EPM, 12th Obsidian 260)
Redwood Lightbutter (PPM, 3rd Opal 186)  and  Loom Cultbee (PPF, 15th Limestone 186)
-> Maize Embraicedcloisters (UPM, 8th Hematite 256) (Young adult)
-> Cypress Snackedtoast (EPM, 16th Hematite 257) 
-> Heliotrope Peekbaked (UPM, 6th Slate 258)
Savory Fairbear (UPM, 28th Obsidian 164)  and  Detergent Yawngrove (UPF, 26th Galena 168)
-> Whirlwind Fairmouth (PPM, 24th Hematite 248) (Young adult)
-> Storm Cloud Buttonedmornings (PPM, 6th Moonstone 250) (Adult, lovers with Floral)
-> Sandstone Satinoiled (UPM, 15th Opal, 252) (Young adult)
-> Copper Trim Supperslulls (UPF, 22nd Galena 253) (Young adult)
-> Azurite Brightcrafts (EPM, 3rd Limestone 255) (Young adult)
-> Blue Moon Cookedgifts (EPM, 19th Opal 256) (Young adult)
-> Daisy Primclan, (EPF, 7th Limestone 257) (Young adult)
-> Summer Velvetpeppers (PPF, 24th Obsidian 257)
-> Autumn Shimmerflier (EPF, 6th Galena 260)
Saw Dust Relievedlarks (EPM, 5th Malachite 148)  and  Panacea Amusedinner (PPF, 28th Hematite 143)
-> Lancet Breadloved (EPM, 21st Malachite 258)
-> Peppermint Woodpastime (UPF, 21st Malachite 258)
Splineter Thinnedcherished (PPM, 21st Timber, 182)  and  Hickory Torchplates (EPF, 21st Granite, 142)
-> Sienna Dinnerwatchful (UPF, 13th Malachite 253) (Young adult)
-> Amber Snackeddresses (UPF, 12th Obsidian 254) (Young adult) (Good stats) (Lost her horn in the fishing pier accident.)
-> Patina Georgeweakened (UPF, 10th Galena, 255) (Young adult)
-> Sheer Delight Musicnest (EPF, 17th Granite 256) (Young adult) (DVNO incorrectly refers to her as a male.)
-> Clear Skies Prophetsweet (PPF, 24th Sandstone 256) (Young adult) (DVNO incorrectly refers to her as a male.)
-> Alpine Catcrowds (UPM, 16th Hematite 257)
-> Peony Dinedbrims (PPF, 24th Obsidian 258) (DVNO incorrectly refers to her as a male.)

Ashwood Wondrousbothered (PPM, 7th Opal 155)  and  Diamond Shard Mastersmiles (PPF, 26th Slate 146)
Barley Brightpeppers (EPM, 15th Opal 171) (DEAD!)  and  Sushi Wireembraces (PPF, 19th Opal 167) (Mourning?)
Castiron Kinflights (PPM, 26th Slate 161)  and  Balsa Grownlarks (UPF, 21st Malachite 157)
Cinder Charmedflicker (EPM, 17th Timber 177)  and  Alum Bulbcrested (UPF, 19th Opal 183)
Grapple Creaturerights (EPM, 5th Timber 144)  and  Quartz Riverlocks (PPF, 21st Malachite 148)
Longshot Wheatsnakes (PPM, 10th Galena 143)  and  Willow Strawdistant (PPF, 10th Slate 136)
Midnight Braidbud (EPM, 1st Timber 142)  and  Oil Macepony Mansnacks (UPF, 19th Opal 140) (??? Midnight should have no lovers ???)
Powder Miner Flingpines (EPM, 23rd Opal 162)  and  Oil Macepony Mansnacks (UPF, 19th Opal 140)
Powder Miner Flingpines (EPM, 23rd Opal 162)  and  Pewter Dressvines (PPF, 24th Obsidian 170) (??? Pewter should have no lovers ???)
Storm Cloud Buttonedmornings (PPM, 6th Moonstone 250)  and  Floral Hallblossomed (EPF, 13th Malachite 256) (Both young adults)
Wool Bridespices (UPM, 19th Felsite 176) (DEAD!)  and  Corkscrew Matchedsnack (PPF, 19th Opal 176) (Mourning?)

Single males: 
Arableast Riteharvests (UPM, 9th Malachite 146)
Bardiche Passwarmth (UPM, 26th Galena 154)
Billows Silkenspirit (EPM, 21st Timber 156)
Chisel Gullyheaven (EPM, 6th Galena 163)
Cross Stitch Poemwax (UPM, 11th Felsite 154) (Lost horn in the fishing pier accident)
Fauchard Glittersong (UPM, 11th Limestone 150) (Glaive's father, but younger than Glaive) (Great stats)
Fleece Wealthgarnish (EPM, 13th Timber 160)
Flux Cherishedamazed (EPM, 1st Timber, 140)
Glyph Tailsponges (EPM, 6th Slate 155)
Guisarme Voicedglossed (UPM, 20th Hematite 160)
Halberd Crowdedday the Soaked Quickness (EPM, 12th Hematite 165)  (Grudges with Ashwood, Saw Dust and Virtue.) (Great stats. Highest ranking military.)
Indigo Swiftdined (UPM, 2nd Moonstone 137)  (No in-game friends)
Jaxler Blackflutes (PPM, 8th Sandstone 183) (Very good stats)
Moral Howlhailed (APM, 14th Slate 164) (Alicorn)
Mortar Longgleams (UPM, 16th Hematite, 177) (Good stats)
Partisan Bridevens (PPM, 24th Obsidian 179) (Great stats)
Pine Needles Harvestwheat (PPM, 5th Granite, 192) (Good stats)
Silver Tongue Fealtylizards (UPM, 9th Timber 155)
Spool Hoofstyle (PPM, 16th Sandstone 169)
Totem Fastengrottoes (EPM, 21st Malachite 176)
Voulge Adorestoked (UPM, 16th Obsidian 186)
Zearoth Glistencactus (EPM, 23rd Felsite 171)

Single females:
Amor Embracedated (UPF, 17th Timber 150)
Bevel Vallytile (EPF, 18th Slate, 136) (Good stats)
Bubbles Glovedlute (PPF, 19th Opal, 189)
Cherry Pop Cloudneutral (EPF, 17th Malachite 171)
Chic Glimmerbreakfasts (UPF, 1st Timber 156)
Fuscina Walledhoof (EPF, 22nd Moonstone 181) (Good stats)
Jury Voicesang (UPM, 14th Moonstone 153)
Kat Blossomwilt (PPF, 19th Limestone 183) (Good stats)
Kit Watchgloss (PPF, 7th Limestone 166)
Kris Shimmeredcourage (UPF, 20th Obsidian 140) (Good stats)
Kukri Braidedwaxed the Brave Eater (UPF, 25th Timber 144) (Great stats)
Quilt Glitteredbeans (PPF, 9th Timber, 184)
Saber Sparkledabbles (PPF, 9th Timber 193)
Sarissa Tubestrim, the Glen of Fortresses (UPF, 24th Obsidian 165) (Good stats)
Skillet Lighttrance (PPF, 13th Malachite 137)
Stiletto Tressedgood (APF, 13th Granite 165) (Great stats) (Alicorn)
Yari Pearsatins (PPF, 1st Timber 189)

Babbling Brook Shunkhairs (EPF, 18th Slate 171)
Barley Brightpeppers (EPM, 15th Opal 171)
Wool Bridespices (UPM, 19th Felsite 176)

Sushi is still grieving Barley and hasn't moved on. Same with Corkscrew and Wool.

Rename Friesden to Friesden. No one uses other aliases anymore and her custom name is too long.


These pictures show where everypony lives. I know they are ugly, but they are readable. 

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I used my old xcf files to quickly make two of the above pictures, without the hassle of taking new screenshots and perfectly cutting and aligning them into a new image. Editing and adding text is easier and quicker. All the windows in the main dormitory were replaced with clear glass, the hole in Rondel's room was fixed and the old wall and fortifications to NW of the second dormitory were removed. Still, this should be sufficeint information for people to know where everypony lives for RP purposes without fireng up the save.

If you want to add windows to rooms adjacent to a wall, you can do this:

I also suggest that you put a drink stockpile in the basement of central dormitory. Now ponies need to walk a long way to get a drink.


Dwarf Therapist dump for 262. Skills go from 0 for Dabbling to 20 for Legendary+5. An actual 0 as opposed to empty space means the pony has some XP in that skill, but not enough to make it to Novice. Blue square means the labour is enabled. Much to my surprise skills seem to actually decrease over time and leak XP. I thought they were just going rusty and then very rusty, which gives a penalty.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Social and Miliraty:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fauchard is a cheater. Friesden has a great teacher.

====== EDIT =======

This is what Telgin had to say and some additional notes.

I meant to get to this earlier, but first a big thanks to Maklak for organizing this information.  I've added a few comments on some things I noticed here:

For a list of players controlling ponies, and which ones were renamed, see the first post.

That list is massively out of date, unfortunately.  Well, the player list is up to date I think, but the pony list is many updates old.  I'm determined to fix it after the next update, which should happen tonight barring catastrophe.

I included surnames, because some are funny. Dates of birth are included to know the age of ponies and when they can organise birthday parties. I occasionally added other comments; in particular "Young adult" are children, who have grown up in recent years. They joined the workforce, but the eldest one is 14 and it is best not to romance with them in roleplay. But then again, Firesden and Falchion are a couple in-RP and Telgin didn't scram.

Pony ages are all kinds of screwy, and I wish I'd fixed this like I intended before embarking.  Kind of late now though.  Anyway, somewhere between 5 and 6, ponies are effectively adults so it technically shouldn't matter if they romance at this point.  Strange to think about though.

And I'll admit the Friesden / Falchion thing is still kind of strange, but the players involved seem okay with it so I won't gripe.  Of course, Falchion was only 2(!) at the time, so he was even younger than I thought, but it's kind of late to change anything about it. :)

-> Peridot Willfuldawns (???) (I was unabble to acess in-game data.)

This I think I can shed some light on.  I'm pretty sure she was abducted many game years ago.

Way back when Dawnpick hit 100 ponies, it mysteriously went back to 99 and I couldn't figure out why.  I thought maybe I just imagined we hit 100 ponies, but I also suspected that it might have been an abduction, but couldn't figure out how or who it was.  Peridot never grew up though, and her information isn't available.  I'm pretty sure this is what happened to her.

It happened so long ago and was never mentioned that I decided to just sweep it under the rug.  Something like this should have gotten a lot of attention when it happened, but I goofed and missed it so it's probably for the best to ignore her very existence.  Or say she left Dawnpick peacefully at some point if it ever matters.

Ashwood Wondrousbothered (PPM, 7th Opal 155)  and  Diamond Shard Mastersmiles (PPF, 26th Slate 146)
Barley Brightpeppers (EPM, 15th Opal 171) (DEAD!)  and  Sushi Wireembraces (PPF, 19th Opal 167) (Mourning?)
Castiron Kinflights (PPM, 26th Slate 161)  and  Balsa Grownlarks (UPF, 21st Malachite 157)
Cinder Charmedflicker (EPM, 17th Timber 177)  and  Alum Bulbcrested (UPF, 19th Opal 183)
Grapple Creaturerights (EPM, 5th Timber 144)  and  Quartz Riverlocks (PPF, 21st Malachite 148)
Longshot Wheatsnakes (PPM, 10th Galena 143)  and  Willow Strawdistant (PPF, 10th Slate 136)
Midnight Braidbud (EPM, 1st Timber 142)  and  Oil Macepony Mansnacks (UPF, 19th Opal 140) (??? Midnight should have no lovers ???)
Powder Miner Flingpines (EPM, 23rd Opal 162)  and  Oil Macepony Mansnacks (UPF, 19th Opal 140)
Powder Miner Flingpines (EPM, 23rd Opal 162)  and  Pewter Dressvines (PPF, 24th Obsidian 170) (??? Pewter should have no lovers ???)
Storm Cloud Buttonedmornings (PPM, 6th Moonstone 250)  and  Floral Hallblossomed (EPF, 13th Malachite 256) (Both young adults)
Wool Bridespices (UPM, 19th Felsite 176) (DEAD!)  and  Corkscrew Matchedsnack (PPF, 19th Opal 176) (Mourning?)

I finally took a moment and addressed a few things here.  Namely, I cleared it up so that Sushi is no longer mourning Barley and might take another lover.  Same with Corkscrew.  I also cleaned up Midnight's lover entry, since it shouldn't have been there any more.  I forgot to do Pewter, so I'll fix her next.

I also started working on getting Longshot to marry Willow by secluding the two together.  I didn't have the patience for Ashwood and Diamond Shard, who have also been dating for a decade, so I went ahead and changed their lover link to a marriage link.  All in the next update, of course.

I haven't yet set up Falchion and Friesden's link.  I'll wait until he's an adult.  There's another link I need to clean up for her before I can do that anyway, since she and Estoc decided to get together when they weren't supposed to.  :)

Rename Friesden to Friesden. No one uses other aliases anymore and her custom name is too long.

I used the long name like that at Dsarker's request, so if he wants me to change it I will.

There are going to be a few other shakeups in the lists above, which most of you already know about.  For those that don't, I won't spoil the surprise.  You'll see in the update tonight (hopefully).

If you want to add windows to rooms adjacent to a wall, you can do this:

That's not a bad idea and is something I might try.  I didn't get around to it in this game year, but maybe in the next one.  I also considered just putting windows in the outer wall, since they're indestructible to siegers anyway, but it does kind of grate with the RPing.

I also suggest that you put a drink stockpile in the basement of central dormitory. Now ponies need to walk a long way to get a drink.

Didn't get around to this either, but I'm starting to come around to the idea.  If nothing else I may just make another path to the kitchen area that's accessible from the dorms.

Fauchard is a cheater. Friesden has a great teacher.

Yeah, pretty much.  It seemed wrong for somepony who was supposed to be a legend to actually suck at being an axepony.  Since he's not going to actually see any action it doesn't really matter.  His teaching skill isn't bad, but it actually doesn't come into play much since he only teaches Friesden and she uses a sword.  She skilled up extremely quickly, but that was mostly due to the two of them sparring day and night for a long time.

-------- MIGRANTS ----------

It was quite some time ago when Gregor sent word back to his associates to send some of his personal guards to help bolster our defenses.  I admit I wasn't sure if I should accept at the time, given the possible political repercussions, but it's a completely personal matter, and I suppose he can have personal guards here in Dawnpick if he wants them anyway.  In any case, a squad showed up today:

A gorlak stallion(?) named Kor'tann
A unicorn stallion named Prickly Pear
A unicorn mare named Desert Rose
A darkbolt stallion named Fyodor    DEAD
A zebra stallion named Mbalo
And a slippy pony mare(?) named Tikkiri

They're all equipped with some moderate armor and crossbows, so I'll see about giving them permission to train in our barracks.  Halberd probably won't like it... but I don't want to turn down the offer for help just yet.

In reality they're all regular ponies of course.  I might be able to change the actual castes, but that would probably introduce stability problems if I did.


I was a bit surprised to see a new group of ponies arrive at the gates around lunch time today.  At first I thought Coupledye had sent more soldiers for our protection, but it turns out they sent mostly masons and carpenters.  To help bolster our defenses, I suppose.  Here's who arrived today:

A unicorn mare mason named Breccia
A pegasus mare carpenter named Acacia
A pegasus stallion carpenter named Band Saw
An earth pony stallion mason named Cobblestone
An earth pony stallion named Generic

The last one, Generic... he claims he can do a little of everything.  We'll see what he can help out with.  In the mean time, I think we'll be setting the new arrivals to work building some new housing for themselves.  We've run short again, with the new ponies arriving.  At least there's room to sleep in the hospital in the mean time.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 03:24:47 am by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
Dropbox referral


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3449 on: May 27, 2012, 11:54:50 pm »

    (Clear Skies and Alpine coming soon)

Clear Skies and Alpine trudge down the stone steps to the dungeons. Clear strode down to Jaxler’s cell with a cocky confidence, while Alpine stayed a step behind him nervously

“Are you sure we’re supposed to be down here, Clear?”

“Shut up, Alpine”

Clear rattled Jaxler’s bars with his torch

Jaxler was laying in bed. The pony wasn't really as scared of the walls as much as he was stressed about losing his crossbow. The last couple months had worked him down, and now he really didn’t fear the walls anymore. “ug.. please just go away...”

“So this is the mighty Jaxler? I thought you would be taller.” Clear laughed

Jaxler sighed. “What if I told your dad about this?”

“Pfft, Splinter doesn't care.”

“Clear, Don’t make enemies with the nice stallion with friends in the guard, okay?”

“It’s just...this!? This drunk mess is what everyone is worrying about?”

he leans closer to the bars 

“you know, I could be a better guardsman than a waste like you.” he said smugly

“Maybe, I mean you don’t know how to use a crossbow and you probably can’t fight for shit, and would probably do a better job dying the ground red if you ever got in a fight with anything half your size.” Jaxler then sighed once more and pulled his covers over his head.

“you um... what was it... you not being nice to Jaxxy, stop it!” exclaimed Moral from the next cell over.

Clear skies closed his eyes and grinned “Oh, no he didn’t. No he just didn’t.” He picks the keys off the rack “Alright, tough guy, you want to do this? Let’s do this! Let’s go!”

Alpine snatches the keys away

“Oh no you’re not!”He looks at Jaxler apologetically “ He’s not a total jerk all the time! He’s really nice when you get to know him!”

Clear bucks alpine in the side “Give me those keys!”

He slides the key into Jaxler’s cell door and swings it wide open

Jaxler got out of bed. He really didn’t want to fight him, but he wasn’t just going to sit there and let some foal beat the snot out of him. “Come at me bro.”

“Hah, I can see it now; Clear Skies the brave, First notable kill, Jaxler Blackflutes! The bards will sing about it!”

The Colt lunges at Jaxler

Jaxler doesn’t move.

Clear collides with a mass twice his size and stumbles back

He squints, puts Jaxler’s head in a headlock without any significant pressure to do anything, and slowly moves his neck up and down, trying to do the mental math on how to do this.“Hmm, hold up, I’m gonna kill you, just have to figure out how...”

Jaxler sighed, usually he was pissed when he beat this shit out of somepony, so he had to fake his rage when he told Clear skies his lesson. “You shouldn’t be harsh to those who share your blood.”  Jaxler sighed, and threw the back of his head toward the forehead of the pony on his back.

Clear skies is flung into the back wall of the cell, giving him mighty strong concussion

“Aw, Buck! Buck, Buck, Buck!” he cried, grasping his skull

“See Clear? See what you get? Idiot!?” Alpine jabbed in

“That’s it? That’s all you got?” a dazed Clear mumbled through a cracked tooth. He takes a terribly aimed swing

The swing hits jaxler square in the face, but the pegasus didn’t even move an inch. “Alpine, you got a problem If I knock your brother out?”

Clear looked back at his brother, pleading with his eyes for him to say something, So he could back out of this with a little grace. Alpine looked at Jaxler and shook his head in a negative, he wasn’t going to cover his brother's ass for this one

“Son of a...” Clear growled

Jaxler shrugged and threw his forehoof toward the Clear skies’ head

Clear’s jaw is raised six inches straight up, and knocked him out cold

Alpine Sighs “you sure got ‘em good, Clear.”

He picks Clear up by the hind hooves and drags him out of the cell

“I am so sorry about all this...”

He closes the cell door and locks it

“Personally, I think you’re the best, you shouldn't be behind those bars...”

Jaxler sighed and walked back over to his bed. “It’s fine, I did stab somepony... Still, you shouldn’t let your brother treat you like that.”

He smiled at the thought “yeah, that would be amazing..” He lifts his brother onto the first step of the dungeon stairs “Really, he’s nice when you get to know him.”

Clear snapped back to life

“you are dead Jaxler! Dead! I’m going to tell my dad! And Jury! and Virtue!”

“...That you almost let Jaxler out of the dungeon?” Alpine quipped as he drug him up the steps

“Shut up!” Clear hissed

“You also tried to kill me.”

“Yeah, that too” Alpine agreed

“Alpine, could you once, just once take my side? This isn’t over!”
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 12:09:19 am by DVNO »
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