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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 236448 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3195 on: May 14, 2012, 11:00:52 pm »

, and

“It’ll be okay, Dad!” says Friesden happily. “Go and have fun with Kit,” she continues with a smile.

“I’m not heading over there to ‘have fun’ Friesden, I’m just going to help her with her writing.” says Fauchard as he lifts a bag with a few books of varying sizes onto his back. “Now you are sure you can handle watching them alone right?”

“Of course I can!” Friesden says. “You don’t need to worry. It’ll all be under control, dad.”

“Allright Friesden, I’ll be back in a couple of hours. And if anything happens...well you know where Kit lives.” Fauchard goes to his grandfoals and says, “Now you two be good for your auntie Friesden, don’t go causing trouble.”

Balisong and Falchion in unison nod and chorus sweetly, “We’ll be good.” Fauchard kisses his granddaughter’s forehead and messes up his grandson’s mane with his forehoof and then without further delay he exits and makes his way to Kit’s home.

Friesden walks over to the pair and smiles. “So. What do you two want to do?” she asks brightly.

Balisong appears hesitant and looks to her bolder brother to decide.
It takes Falchion a moment to realise that all eyes are on him, and he hastily stops gazing dreamily at Friesden, instead flicking his gaze to the floor. "Um...we could- you could tell us a story! Yours are so much better than granddad's!" he says excitedly. Balisong nods, “Yeah, tell us a story.”

“Um...A story.... Let me think...” Friesden tries to think of something to tell them, a story they’d like.

Balisong is already making herself comfortable for story time, dragging a pillow off the bed with her mouth and sitting on it on the floor, with an excited expression, as she starts naming off some of her favorite stories, “Um... How about... the one about the Ursa Major? Or the Princess and the Toady One? Or...Three-Toe the Giant? Or Jack and Golden Swan? Or, one of the ones about Lord Kashez...those are my favorite ones."
"Yeah, one of those!" reiterates Falchion, swiping Balisong's pillow out from under her with his magic and seating himself on it.

Balisong falls to the floor with a thud as her seat is stolen by the dirty thief, as she pulls herself up, “Hey, that was mine, get your own!” she says nearly shouting.

Friesden hurriedly gets another pillow for Falchion. “Falchi, would you please give your sister back that pillow?” she asks him.

"But-" begins the boisterous colt, before remembering who he's talking to. "Okay, Frie!" he chirps, practically hurling the first pillow back at his sister.
Balisong resets herself on her pillow. I’ll get him back later, when he isn’t expecting it. she thinks to herself, before refocusing her attention on Friesden.

“That’s better,” Friesden says happily as she gives him the pillow she took. “So...A story about Lord Kashez, hmmm? I think I can do one...” she says as she launches into the tale.

“...and so that’s how Lord Kashez gave the elephant its trunk,” Friesden says as she finishes the tale. “What’d you think?”
"That was amazing! breathes Falchion in awe.
Balisong looks to her brother a bit, confused, before turning back to her aunt, “It was real good, although Dad and Grandpa do the elephant voice better.”
"They don't, though!" butts in Falchion hastily. "Bali's just stupid."
“Yeah they do!” retorts Balisong, “Dad does all the best voices!”

“Please Falchi, Balisong, no fighting?” interrupts Friesden, before she continues “I think that Glaive does the voices better, too.”

"Bu- okay," agrees Falchion, switching allegiances instantly. "If you say so, Frie!"
“Told you so, Falchi.” adds his sister.
"Shut up," he retorts, looking away in a petulant manner.

“Well...What do you two want to do next?” Friesden asks.

"I know!" cries Falchion before Balisong can so much as open her mouth, scurrying across the room and rummaging through the chest in the corner. After throwing most of the contents everywhere in his search, he comes across his goal.
"Look!" he calls, waving Friesden's old training sword about with his magic. "Excalibunny!"

Friesden smiles at the colt. “Yes indeed,” she says. “That’s Excalibunny. Do you know much about it?” she asks.

"It was the sword of a brave and strong and... and strong warrior!" he exclaims. "And pretty, too." he murmurs to himself, gazing at Friesden again from behind the floating weapon.

“Oh, she wasn’t that brave...or that strong....She was just an ordinary little zony mare who happened to be chosen by the bunnies.”

"Well, Ithink she was!" declares Falchion with a grin. "Super brave and strong!"

“Really?” Friesden asks, slightly amused. “How do you know?”

"I just do!" states the colt matter-of-factly. "I just know it!"

Balisong has a look of disbelief on her face, “You can’t just know somethin’. It doesn’t work like that! You need a reason.”

"My reason is that I'm not a big stupid like you are, Bali!" jeers Falchion at his sister.

“Falchi,” said Friesden, a slight warning tone in her voice, unable to get herself angry at the cute colt. “Don’t call your sister names.”

“Yeah,” adds Balisong, “stop being a big stupid stupider.”

"But what if they're true? he asks, as innocently as he can.

“Balisong and Falchi,” repeats Friesden, “please stop calling each other names. Even if you think they’re true, Falchi.”

“...but Falchi started...fine.” mutters the little filly. Her brother was always getting her into trouble like this.

"...okay." mumbles the colt, dejected. His sister was very stupid, but if Friesden wanted him to be quiet, then he would.

“Awww...Don’t be like that, Falchi,” Friesden says, not wanting to see the alicorn colt unhappy, and moving over to give him a hug.

Falchion lets Friesden pull him into the hug, smiling all the while. "Thanks, Frie," he murmurs, before pulling himself up to whisper right into her ear: "Bali is very stupid sometimes, though!" he whispers earnestly.

“I’m sure...But you have to be nice to her,” Friesden says with a smile as she continues to hug the young colt.

"I will!" promises Falchion, still clinging back to her.

Friesden eventually has to break the hug, and smiles at him. “Well...What do you want to do with Excalibunny, Falchi?”

“Do with it? But it’s a legendary arty- arte- weapon! I shouldn’t be doing anything with it!” says Falchion, looking shocked at the thought of it.

“I’m sure you could do something with it just this once,” Friesden reassures him.

Really? Like what?” he queries, eyes bright.

“Have you tried using a sword before, Falchi?” Friesden asks.

Balisong interrupts before her brother can speak, “He tried to get into the wooden weapons at the barracks once, but Daddy got mad, and sent him to bed without dinner.”

“Did not! She’s lying!” accuses Falchion, waving the sword around threateningly.

“Did too! Daddy said you’d hurt yourself and sent you home when you argued with him!” says Balisong countering her brother’s accusations.

“You’re a big stupid liar!” shouts Falchion, jumping at his sister.

As Falchion collides with his sister, the two alicorns collapse to the ground rolling in a mess of flying hooves, flapping wings, flashing harmless magic, and pulled manes.

“You’re the stupid liar!” retorts Balisong, clearly a master debater.

“No, you are!” ripostes Falchion elegantly, showing the same high level of skill.

“STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!” shouts Friesden.

She started it!” Falchion pipes up immediately, trying to disentangle himself from his furious sister.

“And I’m finishing it!” Friesden says, the anger in her tone fading. “You two- Balisong, why did you start saying things about him? Falchi, why did you start fighting with her? Both of you have made me very disappointed in you. You should be doing better than that.”

“This is your fault,” whispers the young colt to his sister.

You’re the one who started arguing,” whispers the filly back to her brother.

“No, you-”

“I said to stop this. Now are you going to stop, or am I going to have to take Excalibunny away from you, Falchion? And don’t think I can’t find some way to punish you, Balisong.” Friesden sighs. “You’re better than this, you two.”

Even though he knew it was a hollow threat - his magic would make it impossible to confiscate the sword - Friesden’s disappointment in him shocks Falchion into obeying. “I- sorry, Frie...” he mumbles, ears lowered.

While Balisong felt that it was unfair to mention punishing her when it was clearly his fault, Balisong complied, “I’m sorry,” she offered though it was insincere.

“That’s better, Falchi,” Friesden says, giving Balisong a slight look of disapproval. “Now why don’t I show you how to use Excalibunny?”

“I already know how!” Falchion says enthusiastically, giving the sword a swipe through the air and knocking a vase off the table. Luckily, he manages to catch it with his magic, though only a minute distance from the floor. “Oops...”

“Hmmm...Maybe we’d better do this somewhere with a bit more room, hmmm? What about if I show you how to use it after Dad comes back? Would that be okay, Falchi?” Friesden asks.

“That would be the best!” he says with a smile, lowering Excalibunny onto the table.

“Well...What else do you want to do, then?”

“Do we have to wait for Granddad, Frie? Can’t we go practice now?” asks Falchion, an idea he’d been nurturing for a while now coming into play.

“I...I don’t want to leave Balisong alone,” Friesden says, a little worry in her voice.

“Why not?” asks Falchion, unconcerned.

“Because something might happen to her,” Friesden says. “Or...What if Dad comes home and finds I left her? He’ll be angry.”

“It’s okay auntie, I’ll go outside with you and just practice with my harp. You and Falchi can play with the stick if you want too.” offers Balisong as a compromise.

“No!” interjects Falchion, a bit too loudly. “Um, no, Friesden’s right, maybe we should wait until tomorrow?” he quickly proposes, smiling.

“Tomorrow sounds like a good idea, Falchi,” Friesden affirms.

“Yay! Okay!” says Falchion with glee, grinning broadly.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 02:08:09 am by Dsarker »
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3196 on: May 14, 2012, 11:01:15 pm »


Two figures soar out from inside Dawnpick, one rusty orange, one yellow and stripy. The pair glide out a short distance, touching down together beside a couple of trees on the riverbank. While Friesden seats herself on the grass, Falchion prances nervously on the spot, filled with anticipation.

“So, um...” begins Falchion, having flown with Friesden to a certain pre-chosen spot beside the river, just outside the town walls. “Um... it’s a lovely day?” he probes, trying to kick-start the conversation. It wasn't even sunny, but it was something to talk about.

“It sure is, Falchi. I love this spot here. It’s so beautiful,” Friesden says with a smile.

“It is, isn’t it? It is!” chirps Falchion, getting a bit excited. “So are you!” he adds, without thinking. “I mean, er...” he trails off, lowering his ears instantly.

“I’m beautiful, eh?” Friesden asks, a hint of trepidation starting to show in her voice.

“Um...” says Falchion, wishing he could turn time backwards. "...yes?" he ventures, with no other recourse.

“Well...Um...” Friesden says, not having anything else to think of.

“...Friesden?” queries the young colt, after a period of near-silence, the only noise being the gentle bubbling of the river flowing along.

“Yes, Falchion?” she replies after a second.

“I-’re not mad, are you?” he queries in the smallest of voices.

“I...I’m not mad,” she says. “Just...Just...Confused.”

“C-confused? Why are you confused?” Falchion looks more concerned than anything, moving closer to Friesden.

“You’re so young to be thinking of this sort of thing...” she starts, before trailing off.

Falchion looks confused himself, frowning slightly. “I- young? But... I’m not that young...”

“I...I...I...I’ll need to think...” Friesden says. “I...I don’t know...”

“Y-you... but...”

“What? What is it?”

“I just...” he trails off, staring into the water. “...never mind, Frie.”

“No, no, please, please, I’m sorry!”

“But you said...” Falchion looks both confused and slightly dejected, hesitantly meeting Friesden’s gaze.

“If...If...If you’re sure I’m...I’m...I’m who you want...I...Okay. I...You’re sure want me?” Friesden asks.

“I- I...” Falchion gets stuck, hesitating and overcome with nerves. “I- yes, Frie...”

“I...” Friesden finds the words sticking in her mouth, as if her throat was too small for them to pass through. “I...I...I...I don’t...I...I...”

“It’s okay if you don’t, um... I don’t want to make you unhappy...” mumbles Falchion, forcing a smile.

“No, no,” says Friesden hastily. “I...I...I just...I...Just don’t know why you’d want me...”

“You’re- you’re the nicest most kindest pony ever and you always play games with me for hours and hours and nopony else does that for me except my sister and that’s because she’s my sister and that’s what sisters are for and sometimes she’s annoying and she’s nowhere near as kind and interesting as you are and you’re really pretty and super extra nice and I really like you.” babbles Falchion in a single breath, not daring to stop lest he find himself unable to continue.

“I...really?” Friesden says, half disbelieving. “I...But I’m not a real pony...just a half-breed...And you’re an alicorn...”

Falchion screws up his face in confusion, thinking. “But...I don’t understand...why does that matter?”

“Because...because...I don’t know...But...” she tries again to find another reason why it can’t be so. “I...I’m too old, and you’re a young pony...Isn’t there somepony your own age who’s...Who’s prettier and nicer and kinder than me?”

“ There’s nopony k-kinder than you, Frie...” he murmurs, a sudden thought overtaking him. He shuffles a bit closer. “I,” The young colt swoops in like a condor, pecking Friesden on the cheek and retreating just as quickly.

Friesden blushes red. “Y-y-y-you...You kissed me...” she says, wonder in her voice. “You kissed me...You kissed me!”

“I’m sorry, Frie! Sorry!” Falchion goes into full reverse gear, ears flat to his head again. “I didn’t mean...”

“You...You kissed me...C-c-c-could...Could it again?” she asks.

Falchion hastily obliges, almost launching himself at the striped pegasus, again kissing her on the cheek.

“That...That’s marvellous,” Friesden says, savouring the feeling, as she gives the young colt a hug. “I...I...I think I like you, too...” she says with a blush.

Really?” asks Falchion, wonderment in his voice. He hadn’t expected this at all. “Does- does that mean...” He lifts his ears up again, waving his tail merrily.

“I...I don’t know...I...I’ll have to talk to Dad. He...He knows more about it than I do. Um...But...But I think so...” Friesden says with a happy smile on her face.

“Can I- can I kiss you...again?” Falchion asks, feeling a bit bolder and gazing in elation at Friesden’s smiling face.

“I...I...Yes, of course you can!” she says, her elation showing through her voice.

This time Falchion really does leap at her, barreling her to the ground and kissing her right on the lips, absolutely delighted.

Friesden is both shocked and overjoyed, holding the kiss and the taste of it for as long as she can, not wanting to break it for anything. Nor does Falchion, happier than ever to keep the contact going as long as possible.

Eventually, however, they begin to run out of air, and the kiss is forcibly broken. Friesden lies there on the ground, an ecstatic smile growing on her face.

“Wow...” Falchion breathes, slightly dazed with joy. “Wow...”

“That...That...That was...Just...Wow...I...Oh, my...that was good,” Friesden says, unwilling to get up for the moment.

Falchion presses up against her, nuzzling her affectionately. “That was...that was nice.” he says slowly, not really having the vocabulary at the minute.

Friesden returns the nuzzle, loving every second she was near him. “I...I...I think I more than like you, Fal...”

“You mean you... really like me?” he asks, grinning ear to ear.

“I mean I love you,” says Friesden, tasting out the word. It felt good to say it. It felt right.

“Oh...” mumbles Falchion, before what she’d just said hits him. “Oh! I- I think I love you too, Frie! I do, I do!”

“We...We have to go tell our parents about this...They’ll want to know,” says Friesden, still unwilling to move.

“Can we...can we tell them later?” says Falchion cheekily, thinking he was being subtle.

“That sounds good,” Friesden says with a smile.

“Do you- do you think they’ll be happy?” asks the young alicorn, with a hint of worry.

“I think they will be...and besides, I’m happy,” she says with a little grin.

“I am too!” he declares, giving an emphatic flap of his wings. “Super happy!”

“Super happy, eh?” Friesden says with a hint of teasing. “Only super happy? I’m extra super happy!”

The colt frowns, bringing more of his vocabulary to bear. “Well, I’m super duper extra happy times a thousand!”

“Well, prove it then,” Friesden says, leaning in for another kiss from the alicorn.

Falchion accepts the challenge with vigour, amply proving the magnitude of his delight.

Friesden holds the colt close to her, unwilling to break the kiss again, hoping just to hold on for even a single second more. Naturally, Falchion allows the pegasus to hold him tightly, wanting nothing more than to continue.

Friesden gazes deep into his eyes as the kiss unfortunately has to end. “This is the best day ever for me, you know?” she says, her joy apparent in her tone.

“The best day ever?” he gasps, trying to work out the maths in his head. “But you’ve had like...thousands of days! Is this really the bestest of them all?”

“Yes! It really is!” Friesden confirms happily.

“Wow. It’s the bestest superest most amazingest day ever for me too, Frie! I mean it! I mean it!” squeals the young alicorn, almost bouncing up and down with sheer happiness.

“That’s great to hear, my love,” says Friesden, smiling wide. “I...I don’t think that I could ever be happier than this.”

“Me neither! This is the most superest thing ever in the history of the whole big wide world!”

“I...I don’t think I want to go tell mum and dad just yet. Maybe we could stay out here a while?” Friesden asks.

“You have the best ideas, Frie!” agrees Falchion, settling down on the grass beside her again.

“And...maybe we can keep kissing while we wait,” she says, doing her own best to be subtle.

“The best ideas!” repeats Falchion, leaning in again with an immense grin across his face.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 02:09:07 am by Dsarker »
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3197 on: May 14, 2012, 11:02:21 pm »

, and

Friesden, with Falchion, walks through the fortress, heading for Falcata. Her sister would be so happy!

Skipping in Friesden's wake, Falchion bounces along behind her, grinning like an idiot. He's never been this happy before, and it was proving rather infectious.

Friesden spots Falcata, and happily runs over to her with Falchion. “Hi big sis!” she says happily.

"Hello, you two!" smiles Falcata as the excited pair scurry up to her. "Have you been playing together, then? You look like a pair of very happy ponies," she comments, smiling warmly. Her son wasn't renowned for being a particularly serious pony, and he usually had some sort of mischievous grin on his face anyway, but the expression of pure joy on both their faces is exceptional, and it makes her happy to see it.

“Yup! We’ve been playing,” says Friesden, still smiling.

"Playing out by the river!" chirps Falchion, obviously excited about something.

"I see," says Falcata, slightly suspicious. This was a bit much, even for Falchion, though she was hardly complaining that her son was too happy. "You had fun then? Lots of fun, judging by those smiles on your faces."

"Tell her, Frie!" whispers Falchion in an exceedingly obvious manner, somehow expecting his mother not to hear him.

"Tell me what?" queries Falcata, looking bemused but still smiling broadly.

“Um...You should tell her, Fal,” Friesden whispers back, filled with nerves.

"Um," pauses the young colt, glancing from his mother to Friesden and back again, slowly working up the courage. " and Friesden, we were sort of maybe doing some, um, kissing out by the river..." stumbles Falchion, turning an impressive shade of red.

“Um...Yeah. We were kissing...By the river,” Friesden says. “And...It was really nice. And...I...I...I think...Um...I think...”

Falcata says nothing for a moment, caught totally by surprise. Whatever things she had been expecting, this wasn't one of them. "You think what, sis?" asks the older mare, mind still racing.

“I think...” Friesden breathes deep, trying to work up the courage. “I think...I think I love him!”

"Me too," squeaks Falchion from his new position, peering out from behind Friesden.

Falcata looks at the pair of them standing there, one yellow, stripy and hopeful-looking, the other hiding behind her, orange and with a messy yellow mane. They go well together she thinks, the smile on her face reappearing. But the family tree is going to look weird...
"Falchi, Friesden, that's wonderful news!" approves Falcata, finally. "It really is!"

“See, Fal! I told you she’d be happy!” Friesden says to Falchion, the smile reappearing.

The alicorn hugs Friesden, overjoyed. "You did, you did! You were right!" he cries, filled with delight again.

Falcata watches the pair in silence, her smile growing. Both so young, really, but just look at happy they are.

Friesden daringly gives Falchion another kiss, the colt leaning joyfully into it as well.

Rolling her eyes, Falcata shakes her head, smiling but embarrassed. They would have to surface for air soon, at any rate.

Friesden eventually breaks the kiss with a touch of regret, but keeps smiling. “Now we’ve got to tell your dad and mine! I’m sure they’ll be just as happy! I can’t wait!”

"Glaive and Fauchard will be overjoyed," reassures Falcata, still beaming at the two of them. "I guarantee it."

"Thanks, Mum! You're the best!" exclaims Falchion, giving his mother a quick but tight hug before scurrying further away. "Come on, Frie! We've got to tell Dad and your dad!"

Friesden happily follows after him, the smile seemingly permanently fixed to her face. This is the best day EVER!

"Bye Friesden! Bye son!" calls Falcata as the pair scuttle merrily away, smiling gently in contentment.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 02:09:34 am by Dsarker »
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3198 on: May 15, 2012, 08:52:20 am »

The two stallions paused, a break in the fighting. They glared at each other, murder in their eyes. A charge, Glaive rushes forward, hooves scraping on the marble floor. Fauchard a bit disappointed in his foolish son’s tactic readies to intercept the colt with his own strike, when at the last second, Glaive’s swing stops, What? A feint! thinks Fauchard as Glaive's real attack a deceptively thrown hoof is quickly making its way toward his face, buck. Suddenly, just before impact they are interrupted by the sound of an excited foal, "Dad! Dad!" shouts Falchion. Glaive pauses. Fauchard seeing his chance attacks his son, from his right side, striking Glaive’s bad leg with his axe, while providing a bit of extra torque with his magic, causing Glaive to flip over and fall on his back onto the hard marble floor. Glaive looks up at Fauchard, his father's wooden blade at his neck. And he'd been so close this time too...

"Dad! Dad!" cries Falchion, skidding to a halt on the polished stone floor. "Stop playing with Granddad and listen because Friesden has some super special great best ever news to tell you and it's going to be amazing and here she is now!" he babbles as Friesden comes into view. "Tell them, Frie!"”

Glaive rolls over and pushes himself back up onto his hooves. He looks questioningly at his sister, “Oh?”

Friesden pauses for a second, trying to order the words in her mouth. “Well, um, Dad, me and Falchion were out by the river and...And Falchion kissed me and he’s a great kisser and I love him and he loves me!”

Glaive and Fauchard just stand there for several seconds before uttering in unison, “...What?”

"We love each other!" chirps Falchion by way of explanation.

Glaive looks at his son, “You, you do?” he looks to Fauchard, “Father, what do we do about this?”

Fauchard looks to Friesden, and then to Falchion, he looks them both over closely, as if sizing them up, “Well, I’m not sure what we can do, they do seem to love each other.”

Glaive turns to his father, “But, Falchion is still too young, he’s not even 3 yet!”

Fauchard looks to his son, “Did we not talk about arranging this for them when they were older?”

“Yes, a decade from now at the least!” retorts Glaive clearly unhappy with this news.

“Listen, this isn’t how I would prefer it either, but they could both do much worse than each other.” replies Fauchard.

“I...well, okay, you’re right father, very well.” accepts Glaive.

“But there is one problem still, this could hurt the public image of the family.” says Fauchard with a sigh, “Friesden, Falchion, who else have you told this to, especially the part about you two kissing by the river?” asks the older stallion with a serious tone to his voice.

Friesden was confused. Both she and Falchion were happy, and so was Falcata...why wasn’t Dad and Glaive? “Um...We’ve only told Falcata...Why?”

Glaive speaks up, “Because Friesden, you are a full grown mare, but Falchion is just a foal, just last week he was crying over a scraped knee, he is too young for you, too young to be doing that with anypony, ponies will talk.”

"Ponies always do talking!" interjects Falchion, taking it literally. "And I was not crying, Dad! I'm a big colt now, I'm not too young for anything!"

“That isn’t the point Falchion,” says Glaive, “Ponies will think poorly of the family if this gets out. We must think of our reputations.”

“Why would they think poorly? I love him and he loves me. What’s so bad about that?” Friesden asks, sadness creeping into her voice.

"Repyutiateeon is a silly word! Why can't you just be happy like Mum was!" demands Falchion, moving to stand directly beside Friesden.

Fauchard looks to his grandson, "Falchion, we aren't going to stop you two from being together, but your mother isn't thinking about the bigger picture. She's...she's from a poor family, she doesn't know how it is for us. But appearances do matter, and the majority of ponies would think it is wrong for you to be kissing a pony this much your elder at your age, and it reflects poorly on all of us if we are seen to support it. If you want to be together...." Glaive finishes his father's sentence, "You two will have to keep it a secret for now. Keep this within the family."

“But...But we can still be together?” Friesden asks, the most important question at the moment.

Glaive and Fauchard silently nod in agreement to Friesden.

"But- I don't-" mumbles Falchion, confused and upset. Suddenly, he perks up again, looking defiant. "I'm going to tell Mummy how- how stupid you're b-!" he declares before being interrupted, throwing down the ultimatum.

Friesden, not wanting Falchion to get Dad any more angry in case he doesn’t let them still be together, stops Falchion speaking with a kiss.

The grown stallions shuffle a bit uncomfortably at the sight of Friesden kissing Falchion, but say nothing.

"I still think y-" begins Falchion loudly as soon as he can before being cut off again.

Friesden quickly locks lips with her beloved colt again, not wanting him to speak while he was so angry.

Glaive grumbles through gritted teeth with a forced smile, “Don’t you worry Falchi, your mother and I will be having a long talk about this as soon as I get home.”

"Good!" retorts the colt defiantly after Friesden backs off for air. "She'll show you!"

Glaive tosses his wooden axe to his father, “I’m going to go talk to her now,” he says with a hint of controlled anger, he picks up his real weapon as he makes his way toward the stairs down and out of the keep.


Glaive arrives at his home and carefully opens the door, looking for his wife.
"Hello, dear!" comes the greeting, Falcata busy picking some of her husband's clothes off the floor. "Please, Glaive, put these away in future? We have a cabinet for a reason..."

Glaive nods, “Oh, sorry about that, I’ll try not to leave them on the floor in the future.” Glaive closes the door behind him and moves to take a seat by the bed, “We, uh, have some things to talk about Fal.”

She glances over her withers at him, busy trying to sort the socks into quads. "Hmm? Like what?" she asks, curious.

“It’s about Falchion and Friesden,” begins Glaive, “they told me they told you already, but just to make sure we are on the same page, what did they tell you?”

"They came running up with big smiles on their faces and told me they were in love." says Falcata, sounding happy. "I think it's a bit, well, odd, but they look so happy together! I'm delighted for the pair of them. I guess they told you as well?"

Glaive nods, “Aye, they told me and father over in the keep just now. I admit, I’m not entirely comfortable with it, as young as Falchion is, but I won’t stand in their way of being together, unless you think we should.”

"Are you joking? They're doing nopony any harm, and if they really feel that way about each other, regardless of their age, then who are we to stop them?" admonishes Falcata, finally finishing with the clothes. "Just let them be," she adds, gently closing the cabinet.

Glaive nods, “Right, but I think, and my father agrees, that other ponies might be less understanding, Falchion is still a foal, while Friesden is not. If they were seen to be kissing in public, it would not reflect well on our family.”

There is a brief pause. "And we should care about that why?" queries Falcata, turning to look at Glaive. "If they want to do that and it brings them joy, why should they or we care about what anypony thinks?"

Glaive also pauses to collect his thoughts before continuing, “Because Fal, it does matter what other ponies think. If the family’s reputation is tarnished it affects all of us, not just them. The well being of the family as a whole is more important than any one part.”

The room's temperature seems to drop a notch, Falcata gazing first uncertainly, then more coldly at her husband. He's being serious? "The 'well being of the family'? You mean you and your father's old-fashioned ideals of, I don't know, all this honour and society stuff? Are you seriously suggesting some damn... moral code or something is more important than your son's happiness, Glaive?"

Glaive sounding defensive, “Old Fashioned? I assure you Fal, in the capital, where I was raised this, honor and society stuff is still of the utmost import, and a family that lost its respect would soon lose everything else with it.” Glaive pauses briefly to inhale, but continues again, more calmly, before Falcata can interrupt, “I don’t intend to stop them from being together, but they need to keep it discreet until Falchion is older.”

"Why should they? Does this look like Coupledye to you, Glaive? Do they or I look like we care even a tiny bit about what a bunch of stuck-up aristocrats would think about those two being together, even if we lived in the capital and not here in Dawnpick?" bristles Falcata angrily, beginning to raise her voice. "You and your father need to open your eyes, Glaive, because you aren't in Coupledye any more."

Glaive a twinge of anxiousness in his voice, “Falcata, please, ponies talk. We might not be living in Coupledye right now, but my father is still well known and my grandfather still lives there, and one day we will go back. My family, no, our family still needs to consider these things. Even out here, things can still get back to Coupledye. We are not as removed from all that as you think.

"Oh, shut up. You're only following these senseless rules because it's traditional, is that it? I don't care, Glaive; I care about my son and daughter and sister and you being happy! And you should care about the same!" Falcata is almost shouting now, and she forges on as another thing hits her. "Were you stupid enough to tell little Falchi that this is what you're restricting him and Friesden for?"

“Of course I told them why! What? Would you rather I lie to my son and sister!?” responds Glaive nearing the edge of yelling himself.

"I would rather you had even a bit of common bloody sense, but it looks like I'm out of luck, huh?" she retorts, furious. "You talk about how young he is and then expect him to understand that? Really?"

“I...I explained it as well as I could,” begins Glaive lamely before ramping his tone back up, “What should I have said then?! He needed some kind of explanation.”

"How about you and your damn father keep your overbearing, hidebound nonsense to yourselves and let the poor colt be happy, and be happy for him yourselves as well! Then you wouldn't have to explain anything, except to tell him and Friesden that you're delighted for them, as you should have done in the first place!" Falcata lets rip, no longer even slightly caring who might hear her.

After Falcata's little rant Glaive prepares to make his counterpoint, when they are suddenly interrupted by the sound of sobbing. Looking to their side the two ponies see young Balisong by the door, tears in her eyes, having apparently come inside a few minutes ago without them noticing and heard most of it. "Wuh, Why, are b..both y..yelling at each other?" she asks through her tears.

Falcata reacts first, quickly hiding her anger and shock at Balisong's early return as she dashes across the room, pulling her daughter into a hug. “It’s all right, Bali, sssh. Your dad and I are- we were just...fixing a problem. We got a bit angry at- at the problem, not at each other, because it’s very hard for us to fix. That’s all, dear.” she explains hastily, hoping it would be enough to fool the shy little filly. “It’s okay, dear.”

Balisong continues to sob, “Bu...but you called daddy always tell me and brother not to call ponies that.”

Glaive moves over and joins the hug. “It’s okay, Bali, your mother and I...we just had a disagreement, but all the yelling is done, we won’t fight anymore.”

“Yes, Bali, it’s okay. We’re sorry, dear, for upsetting you.” soothes Falcata, gently stroking her daughter’s mane to reassure her.

Balisong clings tightly to her parents burying her face into them. “ won’t yell at each other anymore?” she asks sweetly, her tears now being dried from her face by her father’s and mother’s fur.

“We promise,” murmurs Falcata, still clasping her daughter tightly to her. “We promise.”


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3199 on: May 15, 2012, 08:57:07 am »

« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 10:49:06 pm by Omicega »


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3200 on: May 15, 2012, 10:44:28 pm »

The writing is clear and legible, plain and unadorned.
Entry 1:
Well, I've arrived in Dawnpick, finally away from Coupledye. I won't have to deal with those complaining of tiny, superficial grievances such as one too-long stare as those nobles seemed so fond of, and I will actually be able to help people. However, I'll be stuck playing the waiting game until I'm fully in business.

Entry 2:
Met a couple ponies. Jaxler, for one, seems like someone I'll be seeing more of in the future, but I'll leave the specifics down in a more secure location, one less readily accessible. I've put in some requests and put up some pamphlets for now, and hopefully they'll pay off. I also met an alicorn, adorned like juggernaut, a veritable bunker. Must've cost a fortune, and weighed a ton at least.

Entry 3:
I finally got an office. It's quite nice, but I wonder why it's next to the judge's. Might be bad for confidentiality. I'll have to put tapestries against that wall, make it more resistant to sound. Perhaps some enchantments?
There are various magical inscriptions, designed to reduce sound. There are also some, interspersed among those, designed to help with addiction, strangely enough.

Entry 4:
Jaxler was arrested today, thrown in jail after resisting arrest. I'm not quite clear on what happened, but I have a hunch it had something to do with alcohol. Looks like some of my work might be going into effect sooner than I hoped.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3201 on: May 15, 2012, 11:32:41 pm »

Dear diary.

I don't know how to say this.

Something's happened to me, something really good.

First. Somepony I didn't tell you about. Granite. There's a reason I didn't tell you about him. He took me out on a date, and it didn't go so well. And. Afterwards, well, he didn't really see me much again. We talked in the corridors, but I don't think it went even as well as I thought. Maybe. Maybe he was just too busy.

Anyway, I met a new pony recently, mum's sister, Kit. And it was just what I was hoping for! Somepony that dad would like! And so I went to ask mum if I could set the pair up, but she was in the hospital. She said yes, though. So I did.

I set them up on a date, and they looked so happy there! And Falchion was there watching me (which will be important later) watching them. Anyway, they looked happy, so I thought it was a success. I looked for Granite to say what had happened, but I couldn't find him where he usually was, so I just went home.

So the next day, Dad says he was 'going over to Kit's to help teach her how to read midpony', so he got me to look after Falchion and Balisong.  I agreed, and Falchion and Balisong were behaving as usual when Falchion asked me to teach him how to use a sword (Excalibunny), but we eventually agreed to do it the next day. So that day, we went out to a spot he'd picked out where we'd be able to train, by the river.

Long story short - He loves me! And he kissed me. And, well, Granite didn't seem to care about me anymore, and...he's such a cute colt and he's going to grow up to be a super stallion, and I think I love him, too.

Sis was really happy, but dad and Glaive were unhappy about it and it was all I could do to get them to let us stay together. They say he's too young. But I still love him.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3202 on: May 16, 2012, 01:37:41 am »

« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 10:48:45 pm by Omicega »


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3203 on: May 16, 2012, 10:58:02 pm »

((Well, this scene, I'm going to be honest, didn't work out exactly how I expected. Glaive kind of got away from me, and by the time I got him back under control...well he'd already said some things I hadn't counted on. Still I think this could lead to some fun really soon.))

Glaive makes his way down the stairs into the dark prison cells, he instinctively lights his way with his glowing horn. He came here straight after work the day after he heard about Jaxler’s arrest. Jaxler had already been down here about 2 days. Glaive understood why Jaxler had been arrested, but he still wanted to get Jaxler’s side of it all. He was still dressed in his steel armor, the metal boots of which clanged upon the floor as he approached, his darkly colored cloak billowing a bit behind him as he walks quickly to the pony standing near what he guessed was Jaxler’s cell.

Kit, noticing the duchess guard’s captain approaching, give him a quick salute. It would’ve been Kat who take guard of this position, but sadly /somepony/ put her in hospital and she have to do it instead. As of now, she still fail to connect the reasons of Jaxler being put in prison and Kat being put in hospital. Else she wouldn’t be feeling so casual like she is now. “Captain.” she greets, still in her salute that must’ve been corrected hundreds of times by her elder sibling.

Glaive notices the improper salute, but decides not to mention it. “Good evening Kit, this is Jaxler’s cell correct?”

Kit nods with a slight smile, before drown it down to keep her ‘professionalism’ as how Kat put it. “Yes captain, Jaxler’s held here.”

Glaive nods, “Very good. Go wait upstairs, I wish to speak to him alone.”

The pegasus mare tilted her head slightly at that questioningly, but knew better than to question her superior. Then gives one last salute with an “Yes sir.” before picking her things and walks up the stairs as ordered.

Glaive thinks to himself, ‘That was easier than I expected...’ He then moves in front of the cell Jaxler was held in and taking a look at the obviously worse for wear pegasus. “Hey Jaxler, how you holding up?” he asked, already knowing the answer he would get.

Jaxler sighed, he honestly felt like crap, but was pleasantly surprised to have a visitor. “Well, I think I’ve been worse.”

With a mischievous smile, “heh, then I guess you don’t need this little present I brought for you after all.” he says as he pulls a small unadorned tin flask out from under his cloak with his magic.

Jaxler’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of the flash. “What is inside that bottle?”

Glaive still with the same smile, “Oh, just a bit of the strongest moonshine I could find. I thought you might like some.”

Jaxler needed that booze, not because he was craving alcohol, but because he really needed to get his mind off what had recently happened to him. “Yes, yes I would like some.”

Glaive levitates the small flask into the cell to Jaxler, “Here you go friend. Enjoy.”

Jaxler chugged the contents of the flask in a matter of seconds. upon fishing he felt slightly buzzed. “So Glaive, I know this might seem a bit rude to ask, but why exactly have you acted kindly towards me? I mean we we rarely talk, and I’m sure that by now Falcata had told you about what happened.”

Glaive’s smile fades and is replaced with a more serious expression, “Well Jaxler, that’s simple to answer. While we might not be close, you have always been a decent pony to me, and you have saved the lives of several ponies here in Dawnpick, and I know first hand what it’s like to sit in a dark cell all alone, and well, I’ve read the official report and talked to Falcata about what she saw, but I wanted to get your side of the story too.”

Jaxler sighed again and closed his eyes. for some odd reason the walls of the cell seemed to be closing in on him. “Well, I blacked out in front of Jury’s apartment. when she found me she poked with my crossbow, and called me a useless cur. I was already angry to be insulted, when I noticed she was holding my crossbow. I told her to give me it back, and she insulted me again, so I put a sizable dent in her head.” Jaxler paused momentarily, obviously stressed by recounting the events. “I went to my room, and waited for Partisan or somepony from the guard to contact me, but instead of just one pony I was greated by a mob of armed soldiers. Partisan demanded that I give him my crossbow as evidence, I told him no and when he continued to demand my crossbow I punched him in the face. Sarrisa snapped at me and flung her axe at my head. Falcata tackled the mad pony, but not before I had to use my wing a meat shield.” Jaxler then rose his clearly broken wing. “I was then under the assumption that I was going to be killed on the spot for assaulting a noble, so I pulled a knife in self defense. Then Granite saw that I was in trouble and ran in, in hopes of helping me. Immediately after that Kat fired a bolt at me and Granite went in front of it and got...” The stallion took a few moments, trying to maintain his composure.  “and got hit in the lower body... and... and that’s when I snapped like a twig and hurt Kat.” Jaxler got less loud as he got closer to the part about Kat, in hopes that Kit wouldn’t hear.

“Falcata then knocked me out and I woke up here the next day. J-Jury... Jury walked down here with Partisan and gave me my sentance... I got three months just for hitting her... and... she took away my...”  Jaxler was unable to continue and keep a straight face. Granite and Kat almost died because of him, he had no chance of getting back in the guard now, Flux and Granite probably hated him, he was getting claustrophobic, he had a broken wing, he was probably going to die a horrible death due to withdrawal and had his most valuable possession stolen by the one monster that made his life hell. “She took away my crossbow and enjoyed it.” Jaxler placed his hoof on his forehead, covering his face. The poor little pony could hardly handle stress without his weapon. “why did this have to happen?”

Glaive hangs his head, “Ponies have been asking that for hundreds of years Jaxler. I don’t think there really is a reason things like this happen.” Glaive looks back at the caged bird, “But I can tell you this much, your story matches with what Falcata told me, and...I think I can help you. I can’t help you with your three months for hitting Jury, but I think I can keep her from adding any more time to that.” Glaive’s expression becomes more determined, “Sarissa shouldn’t have attacked you like that, even if you did punch Partisan, that is hardly enough to justify her trying to kill you. The fact that she hit your wing with her axe is powerful evidence of her using far more force than necessary. You were fearful for your life, and with just cause, everything you did after that was self-defense. Also, since it was you hitting Jury that landed you in this mess, I don’t think she should have the right to sentence you for that crime. A judge should be impartial and she is anything but. Virtue might need to step in. She might add a bit more time for resisting arrest, you did punch Partisan first after all, but I don’t think it would be too rough, what with the circumstances, another month or so maybe. If you want...I’ll take this to Lady Virtue, and tell her what I think about this. But if you want me to stay out of your affairs, I will respect that.”

Jaxler sighed. “well... thanks, If you could help me out of this hole I’d be grateful, but please, I need to know if i’ll get my crossbow back.” the pegasus was less stressed to realize that he may have a lessened sentence, but he still felt accountable for letting two ponies get injured.

“Understand that I can’t promise you anything yet Jaxler,” says the armored unicorn, “I still need to talk to Virtue, but I if that crossbow has sentimental value to you, I’ll do what I can to make sure it gets returned to you when you are let free.”

“thanks... could Jury be sentenced to jail as well?” the pegasus sighed “She did steal a weapon from the armed forces. Also can you please see about getting Panacea down here to work on my wing?”

Glaive looks more closely at Jaxler’s wing, shinning his magical light upon it. “They...didn’t have anypony look at your wing yet? They just tossed you in here with a broken wing?” Glaive stands up.

Jaxler sighed “Yep, but to be honest if my wing doesn’t heal correctly, it might be what I deserve”

Glaive stomps his hoof on the ground, “What sort of pony would do this! They had no right! Kit! Kit! I know you can hear me go fetch Panacea now! That is an order!” Glaive breathes heavily a few times before he calms himself down and takes a seat in front of the cell again, “To answer your question Jaxler, had they had you treated properly, I would have said no, we don’t have a chance of getting Jury locked up, but with have a case that could lead to Partisan losing his position if he’s lucky, and Jury at the very least paying a fine for her negligence, maybe having them both tossed in here, and if you’re really a lucky bastard...” Glaive smiles, “This just might get you out early.”

“I don’t want Partisan demoted.”

Glaive looks puzzled, “You don’t? Even after he would toss you in this hole with a broken wing and not even fetch a doctor for you?”

“I Have my reasons. My grudge is with Jury, not Partisan.”

“Well, honestly I don’t think we can get anything out of Jury for your wing. Getting you a doctor was the guard’s responsibility not her’s, it would be a stretch to pin it on her, especially without also involving Partisan’s no, if you don’t want to pursue that avenue then I don’t think we can get her locked up.”

“Fine then.”

Glaive stands again, “Well, Jaxler, I have asked what I came here to ask, and I have your side of the story now. Is there anything else that you want to say before I head out?”

“The withdrawal will kill me”

Glaive levitates out the now empty tin flask and puts it back under his cloak, “Jaxler, you have a problem with stuff, and it is going to get you into trouble again. That said, nopony can expect you to quit entirely at once. I will bring you this flask, full of whatever you like, at the end of my shift each day, for now, but no more than that, okay?”

“Thank you...”

The sound of hooves rushing down the stairs echos through the dungeon. “Ah, that must be Kit with Panacea. She’ll take care of you. I should go for now Jaxler, I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.” and with that Glaive turns and heads toward the stairs back to the surface.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3204 on: May 17, 2012, 12:06:08 am »

((this scene is for fun and not canon, it took place on the IRC channel. THIS IS NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY OR AS PART OF THE RP's TIMELINE))

Jaxler: "you must defeat the zony, or else you will dishonor your master!"

Granite: "But I could never hurt her..."

I will fill in for you Granite, noe  go hunt down that alicorn scum!"

Granite: “no"

I trained you to beat the crap out of alicorns, SO GO BEAT UP THE ALICRON!"

 "But he's too young; I would have to beat... Friesden..."

"He's an alicorn, he may be young but he can snap a neck with his magic

"He's not fighting Jaxler, Friesden... is..."

"that's why you need to hunt him down, while I distract Friesden"

"I promise I won't hurt her"

"No... I have to fight her... but I can't..."

"If she tapped in for the alicorn, you can tap in for me!"

"No, I have to fight her..."

"May I please at least beat the crap out the alicorn?”

"Knock yourself out, but do not get me involved."

“…We could do it together?"

"Sorry, I don't take pride in beating a foal..."

"He's an alicorn foal, he's like a few inches shorter then you. It's a fair fight."

"Meh, Friesden wants me to duel her... so be it..."

"Aim for the head and remember 'low blows are fair blows"

"Friesden, are we really going to duel?"

Friesden: "It seems we are."

"Friesden regardless of your choice, I don't want to hurt you..."

Jaxler: "YES YOU DO!"

Granite: "Why? I still love her damnit! That won't ever change! I can't bring myself to cause her torment!"

Jaxler: "she honestly deserves it"

Granite:  "She deserves better!"

Jaxler: " a 2 year old who can hardly speak isn't better"

Granite: "Tell that to her..."

Jaxler:  "look at what you did to Granite, Friesden. Are you not proud of your work?"

Friesden: "I don't want to hurt Granite. But I don't have the same quibble with you, Jaxler."

Granite: "Then... are you proud Friesden?"

 Friesden:  "Why would I be?"

Granite: "Friesden...why'd you leave me?"

Friesden: "Because I thought you'd left me."

Jaxler: "why did you think that?"

Friesden "He stopped talking to me."

Jaxler: "He was in the hospital after your mother shot him"

Friesden:  "My mother wouldn't shoot him!"

Granite: "I never left you, like Jaxler said, Kat shot me on accident. I took the shot for Jaxler, Friesden"

Jaxler:  "and what kind of pony doesn't know that there love got shot?"

Friesden: "Because we hadn't been doing things for a long time. I didn't know he still cared."

Jaxler:  "he loves you friesden, and the last thing he needs is for you to forsake him."

Granite:  "I always cared, even when I was unconscious"

Jaxler: "He got his cutie mark because of you"

Friesden: "I never heard about that. But it doesn't matter. Falchion needs me as well."

Granite: “He's two, does he even know what love is?"

Friesden: "He needs me. And I need him."

Granite:  "Then have him. Come on Jaxler, let's go..."

Jaxler: "sure friesden, well guess what? GRANITE NEEDS YOU!"

Granite starts walking away "I won't need anything where I'm going."

"Alicorns only harm the humble" Jaxler then follows after Granite 

Granite: "Huh?"

Jaxler:  "where are you going"

Granite: "To the quarry then the moat."

Jaxler: "please Granite, don't. Granite... I..."

Granite: "I figured out what my name means Jaxler."

Jaxler: "Granite... I.. I need you..."

Granite: "No you don't, I needed you. It was from my end only… Now all I need is a rock and some rope"

Jaxler:  "No... I.. if you go, I will too"

Granite: "Like hell you won't, Dawnpick needs soldiers Jaxler, Dawnpick needs you. It doesn't need me!"

Jaxler: "Granite... Dawnpick doesn't need a drunken mess who only harms those he tries to help..." Jaxler hugs granite "I-I need somepony to help me Granite, and if your gone I'll kill myself, this existence is hard Granite. I need somepony to make it easier, I need my son."

Granite: "You can find a replacement... father."

"I can't” Jaxler hugs tighter

Granite breaks the hug and begins tying a boulder to his leg. "Sorry to disappoint you..."

Jaxler "please granite... I can't..."

Granite finishes the knot

Jaxler: "I'm coming with you"

"No, go tell Friesden of my fate, tell her I'll still love her, Even in hell!” Granite dives into the moat with the rock weighing him down and sinks calmly to the bottom.

Jaxler tears up “ I-I needed somepony as strong as stone.” Jaxler aims his crossbow at his head and fires

Friesden knocks Jaxler aside as she hurries past him into the moat.

Jaxler’s corpse falls into the water

Granite watches as the last bubble of oxygen escapes him and passes out  and then fades away.

Friesden dives into the moat and tries to search for Granite in the water.

Granite is dead

 Friesden tries to lift Granite's body from the moat.

Granite 's lifeless body barely moves a muscle

 Friesden fails to lift it out and drowns as well.

Granite stands in purgatory, awaiting judgement

Jaxler sucker bucks Celestia the moment he spawns in purgatory "Why did you do that to HIM"

Granite stares at the floor, waiting the final decision. "So sister's, heaven or hell?"

"I know i'm going down, hurry up with the freakin' sentence sisters. you've sentenced me to hell before celestia, I know you'll do it again" Jaxler waits a few moments before exploding  "COME ON DAMNIT, I know I'm going to hell, stop making me wait!"

Granite: "Sister's, what is the sentence."

Jaxler: "Hurry up with it and send me to hell"


Jaxler: "yeah?"


Jaxler "fine, no need to yell"

Luna: “WE ARE NOT YELLING, WE ARE USING OUR ROYAL V-“ Celestia then gets up “Peace, sister! So, Jaxler Blackflutes, the noisy one, hell? Discord's realm of torment and anguish? That is what you seek?

Jaxler "nope, it's what I expect"

Celestia:  “Why, my little pony? Why do you expect us to deal with you in ways so cruel? And you, young one, barely a stallion and before us so soon. What is your tale?”

Granite: "My tale? Well my fillyfriend cheated on me after her mom shot me with a crossbow and put me in a coma. Long story short, I killed myself."

Jaxler: "you've sent me to hell before, and I know you two demons will do so again"


Celestia: “Luna! Peace! Hell before, my little pony? Why do you think it so?”

Jaxler: "My home was immolated in the fire of a thousand suns, and I was left as the sole survivor, my family was killed off, and I was forced into a life of crime... and no matter what, whenever I tried to do any good somepony got hurt because of me…. you let me torment myself"

Celestia remains impassive. "And you would call this your previous hell, then?"

Jaxler: "yes"


Celestia: “SISTER! I said p-“


Jaxler: "please, I'd love to my god blow a gasket"


Jaxler: "I'd say I’m sorry but I really try my best not to lie"

Granite sits there in awe as Jaxler pisses off the sisters.


Jaxler: "I'd rather not... Also where is Celestia, she seemed a bit more well-adjusted."

Granite: "Not so fast. Jaxler has done many good deeds in his life. He's saved mine twice and he killed himself because I was gone!"


Celestia is watching, impassive and silent, from a short distance away.

Jaxler: "Do I haft’ too?"


Jaxler shrugged "god, no need to be so loud." He then walks over

Luna pushes Jaxler towards the opening, forcing him to gaze through upon the unspeakable horrors and torments of Discord's realm; a thousand worlds aflame with the ashes of innocent foals, a thousand more laid bare and cracked open, billions, trillions of souls in anguish for the amusement of one god. The sight continues as far as can be seen in every direction; an infinity of despair.

Jaxler: "S-So, you... you honestly plan on sending me there." Jaxler pauses and looks down at his hooves


Jaxler keeps on looking at his hooves but eventually forces something out "M-My... My life w-wasn't hell, but was harder t-then it needed to be."

Celestia steps forwards again, leaving her sister to subside momentarily. "Your life was your life; we cannot change it now. It was as it must have been."

Jaxler: "I n-need to know why it couldn't have been easier"

Celestia: “We cannot answer that question, my little pony. Not for you, not for this young stallion, not for anypony.”

Jaxler: "Then... Then I'm ready to go to hell..."


Celestia taps Jaxler on the shoulder, the pegasus disappearing in a flash of pure white light. "Not hell, my little pony. Peace."

Granite: "So sisters, what's in store for me?"

Celestia: “For you? One so young? What do you think, my little pony?”

Granite: "I was hoping for heaven, but it depends on your decision..."

Celestia smiles. "Well, I would hate to disappoint you, young one."

Granite: "Thank you Celestia!"

Luna steps forwards this time, sending the earth pony onwards in a flash like a starry night.

I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3205 on: May 17, 2012, 10:23:36 am »

As Glaive leaves the prison block, he immediately heads toward where he left Virtue, as he felt this was not something to leave hanging in the air for long.

Glaive finds Virtue just leaving the dining hall, having finished eating what she could under the circumstances.  She hadn’t been hungry until early that evening, and even then didn’t manage to eat much.  Knowing what Jaxler had done was still weighing heavily on her mind, and right now she was planning on heading home and dropping into bed where she might be able to ignore it by sleeping.  If she was lucky.

Glaive approaches Virtue and her current bodyguard Fuscina and quickly bows, “Duchess,” he says before rising again, “I wish to speak with you in private about something if I may. It relates to our prisoner.”

The reluctance on her face is clearly evident, but she doesn’t shirk her duty, no matter how much she wanted to.  “Um, yes, alright.”  She looks at Fuscina and says, “Just wait outside, please.”  She leads Glaive back to her office where the two can get some semblance of privacy.

After taking his seat in Virtue’s office he dives right in, “I’m...very sorry to have to ask this of you, milady, but...I believe you need to get personally involved in the Jaxler case. It has become a real mess.”

Which was about what she feared he would say.  “Become a mess?”  From what she understood the entire scenario was an enormous mess, but the case itself was pretty clear.  “I’m... not sure that it’s a good idea if I get involved.   What can I do that Jury can’t?”

“Well to get straight to the point, I don’t think Jury should be allowed to cast judgement on Jaxler. She was the alleged victim, the judge, and the jury? How can she possibly be impartial in this? That isn’t how justice works.”

Which did make a lot of sense, come to think of it.  “That... that is a good point.  Now that you mention it, I’m not sure she’s even legally able to do that.”  Which meant this mess really was hers.  Fantastic.  She frowns slightly at the thought.  Maybe she could do justice for Jaxler, but somehow doubted it.  She’d buck something up along the way.  “What was his sentence?  Do you know?”

Glaive nods, “I’ve read the full report already. She gave him three months just for hitting her, the maximum sentence she could legally give him since nopony was seriously hurt. However, she is planning to review the evidence of the night of the arrest and apply more jail time for his accused crimes on that night.”

“Three months...” she replies, trying to recall as many of the relevant laws as she could.  “ is a valid sentence, but excessive I would think.  After speaking with Partisan though, even ignoring that he could have easily killed Kat, and he assaulted Partisan as well.  He may have resisted arrest too, the details are a bit fuzzy.”  She cuts her eyes to the tome of laws in the bookcase to her side.  She had a lot of reading to do.  “I’ll have to review everything.  I have no idea what is appropriate, but I don’t think a light sentence is justified here.”

“I do not believe the wounding of Kat should be considered at all, in this ordeal Milady, at least not without more evidence. While he admitted to having struck Partisan, with his hoof, first, it was Sarissa who drew the first blade. According to both him and Falcata, Sarissa tried to kill him, but Falcata tackled her and he took the axe to his wing which was then broken. He only pulled a knife when he thought he was about to be killed anyway. He injured Kat in self-defense, after she tried to kill him and his...I’m not sure what their relation is but they seem close...After Granite got in the way and was wounded by her.”

He clearly hadn’t been exaggerating about this being a mess.  “I see...” she replies, although she didn’t really.  Not completely anyway.  “This is all very complicated... I think I’m going to have to speak to everypony and gather their testimonies myself.”  She blows out her breath, already dreading it.  This was going to end poorly for somepony, if not several.  “I should probably start with Jury...”  That would certainly be fun.

Glaive nods, “Understood. But if I may be so bold as to offer one last recommendation. I think the fair thing to do here, is let the three months stand, but don’t don’t add anymore on. The details are fuzzy, but the arresting ponies clearly went too far,” Glaive wished he could bring up their negligence about treating Jaxler’s wing too, but wouldn’t break his promise to Jaxler on that note.

“I’ll have to review the laws to be sure, but I’ll consider it,” she says.  There was no way she was going to step outside the law again.  Doubly and triply so because Jury was here and because the mare already hated her.  “I think a lot of ponies went too far.”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3206 on: May 17, 2012, 02:10:58 pm »

(( 15th Sandstone in the 258th year of the Mythic Age: Amor and Indigo visit Virtue ))

The Autumn morning sun illuminates the central dormitory. The room in south-western corner belongs to Indigo. Its door opens and a pair of unicorns leave yawning. They walk up the stairway to get a decent overview of Dawnpick from the roof. As the ponies go to their work, Amor and Indigo admire the sight, they rarely ever observe. Amor yawns again, from sharing Indigo's exploits throughout much of last night and this morning. Indigo made an appointment with the Baroness today, but they ate breakfast first. "Alright, let's do this." says Indigo, and they go to see Virtue. They knock, enter the keep and greet her. Amor held mixed feelings about seeing Virtue again; but since Indigo was using some of her proposals, it was for the best.

Virtue turns to face them from the things she was organizing. Indigo and Amor? This... probably isn't going to be a pleasant conversation. "Oh, um, hello, you two. How can I help you?"

Indigo casts a short look at Amor and speaks. "Let me begin," he turns to Virtue. How best to start this? "As you know... Some ponies' time is more important than others'... No, let me rephrase that, using an example. A master and an apprentice mason can both go fetch some blocks for a wall in about the same time, but the master can build the wall much faster, and that's not even getting into the quality. If the master focuses on building and the apprentice just fetches him blocks, both the total sum of work done and the quality increase..."

(( "As you know" is the polite form of "I don't know, if you know." ))

This has taken an interesting direction. Virtue nods slowly, unsure of quite where this was going. She can't see an accusation about anypony coming of it at least. Actually, maybe she can. Is he going to suggest that she demote somepony? Is this somehow related to Stiletto again?

Indigo stops to see, if Virtue is following him so far and upon seeing her expression asks. "Excuse me, has something happened? You look sick."

She perks up and shakes the daydream from her head. "Oh, no, sorry, I'm fine. I think I follow you so far."

"Alright then..." Indigo opens his saddlebag, pulls out a stack of papers made into a book and puts it on Virtue's desk. "I did this in my spare time and evenings and double-checked it with Amor. I think you'll find it interesting." As Virtue looks at the papers before her, her guests wait.

Virtue gives the cover a quick glance, noting the title of  "Notes on placement and management of stockpiles, workshops and the allocation of labour as well as economy of work" by Indigo Swiftdined. She flips a few pages filled with notes, rectangles, arrows and numbers. This is all quite comprehensive, and she is impressed by the effort put into it.

"We're still here, if you want to ask us something." says Indigo. "And those are just some suggestions, team leaders should look over them and approve, if this is going to be put to use."

Every glance of Virtue's eyes makes Amor's stomach tie itself in knots and makes her guts feel tighter, but the mare hides the sickening feeling well. Worse yet, this meeting feels akin to a reverse interrogation. Indigo is the interrogator, but instead of extracting information, the stallion is feeding it. Old Master would like him, thinks the unicorn mare. She occasionally points out ideas, that she helped the most on, but she is mostly silent, not to steal her friend's spotlight.

After taking a moment to look through the suggestions, Virtue calms down considerably. She feels a bit guilty of expecting trouble now. "Oh, yes, um... let's see..." These notes are well organised and detail various improvements to crucial industries of Dawnpick. Much of it is about some general principles of saving space, which will come in handy, whenever Dawnpick grows. The key industries have schematics on how to place workshops and stockpiles with several variants, and the trade-offs between them. There are even some notes about refuse and something about a trash compactor (no schematics provided, though).

The three of them spend the next several hours looking at the notes. Amor proposes a watchtower close to the gate and presents a floor plan for it. When they are done, the two masons say their goodbyes and leave for lunch. This time Amor eats instead of filling her whole day with work. In the afternoon they go to their daily tasks.

When the two leave, Virtue tucks the notes away into her drawer and decides to give them a more thorough look the next morning. She feels more than a bit relieved that there was nothing else to the meeting. Maybe all of the trouble really is behind them. And all of the information looks good, and she would try to put it to use soon.


(( I used the 261 save to make screenshots, so some things are outdated. While the conversation above happened in 258, Indigo and Amor continued to make suggestions and updates to previous suggestions in-RP. To make them sound better in-RP I'd have to add some fluff to them and make them more muddy. Therefore assume, that while the suggestions were similar, in-RP they were worded differently. Even doing this took me over a month, so I just publish it as is, without trying to make it as good as possible. ))

First Rule: Distance from any workshop to input stockpiles is important, while distance to output stockpiles much less so. Therefore input stockpiles should be as close to related workshops as possible. This is because craftsponies fetch their own materials to workshop, while haulers refill stockpiles and carry away produce.

Second Rule: Stockpiles are made so that they can be walked through. This means completely surrounding a workshop by stockpile is a good idea. It also saves much space. Therefore something like this is desirable: (W - workshop, p - stockpile with input for that workshop).
Code: [Select]

Third Rule: Work time of specialists counts, so let the haulers do their jobs.

Note: Clutter starts at 15 large items (furniture, stones, meals) or 45 crafts. It is important only for abattoir and if there is no room in output stockpiles. This is not meant as an excuse to put related workshops on the other sides of the camp and, for example, smelters should still be reasonably close to the forges. These rules are meant just as a pointer to what should be prioritized: putting input stockpiles close to workshops.  While work time of specialists is about a factor of magnitude more important than hauler time, you should optimise for both in the end.

Note Stockpiles using bins or barrels are filled top to bottom and left to right. Therefore it is best to have your workshop close to the NW (upper left) corner of such a stockpile.

Metal Industry:

Metalsmith's forge: Place between charcoal and metal bar stockpiles.

Smelter: Uses pig iron/iron; charcoal; flux; iron ore stockpiles.

Wood furnace: Inside the main wood stockpile, obviously.

The fuel stockpile is between smelters and forges, because both use fuel for each job, and this way it is close to both types of workshops without creating two separate fuel stockpiles. 1 tile wide and directly adjacent to both forges and smelters would be best, I think.

The Flux and iron ore stockpiles should be 2-wide and without the 1-wide gaps.

The metal bars stockpile easily overflows, so maybe it should be bigger.

The 2 3-tile iron and pig iron stockpiles are there to accelerate the production of steel.

Unless you want to make thousands of steel bars, all these optimisations, except a plant stockpile next to wood painting workshops and a much bigger wood stockpile, matter little at this point.

Food Industry:

I would place the butcher outdoors, together with tannery and surrounded by a refuse pile, accepting only corpses and body parts (It only accepts corpses of untamed non-sentient animals, so for fine-tuning you may want to disable diamond dogs and badger ponies). At the very least expand the refuse stockpile next to the butcher and change its settings to only accept corpses and body parts. Keeping all of this outdoors wouldn't produce miasma, but the distance to food stockpile would increase.

Kitchens: They are reasonably close to other stuff, and you have too much food anyway, so not much to improve here. 
Carrot, celery and star stalk stockpile could be next to the kitchens as those plants are processed.
Maybe put liquid (royal jelly, dwarven syrup) stockpile next to the kitchens too. Or just add royal jelly to the stockpile with items to d->b->d->atom smash.

Bakery: place next to kitchen and experiment with making various breads and cakes. You need flour, booze and oil/tallow. Eggs and sugar and syrup are useful for more advanced recipes. I don't see royal jelly being used for cake. On the plus side: bread and cake is treated as cheese and the bakery allows to make cheese figurines and statues. Therefore you can make a cake statue, which is funny! I think it works by first making dough and then baking bread or making it into a statue or figurine. In either case, worth trying out.

Millstone (or Quern, but Millstone is preferred.) It could use a Bag stockpile and Plant stockpile with: Blade weed, Cave wheat, Dimple cup, Hide root, Longland grass, Rock nut (optional), Sliver barb, Sweet pod (optional, better put it close to farmer's workshop), Whip vine and a dozen of plants introduced with wood painting workshop.

Screw press: Jug stockpile (finished goods) and Honeycomb + Rock nut paste stockpile.

Stills: Barrel and pot stockpile, honey and brewable plant stockpile (Honey, Plump helmet, Pig tail, Cave wheat, Sweet pod, Muck root, Bloated tuber, Prickle berry, Wild strawberry, Longland grass, Rat weed, Fisher berry, Rope reed, Sliver barb, Sun berry, Whip vine, ...)

Farms: Add 1-tile stockpiles for seeds of whatever you plant in that plot.

Disable cooking booze. Enable cooking carrot seeds or atom smash them or something.

Farmer's workshop: Have 1 or 2 of those. Place them inside the pasture, and surround it with a plant stockpile with: pig tail, rope reed, quarry bush, milk, wool, yarn. 
Give it another stockpile with bags (used for quarry bushes) and barrels (used for sweet pods), if needed. (You don't farm these crops, so they can only turn up by plant gathering in the caverns.)

Orchard workshop: Obviously place inside the pasture as well.

Place the butter making workshop near the farmer one, and close to milk stockpile.

Fishery: Currently not needed as there are no fish, but to the left of the dining hall, surrounded with raw fish stockpile would be good.

Other workshops with high or medium throughput:

I moved all the finished goods into the central stockpile, added another floor over it for half-products (thread, cloth, dye, leather, gems) and put workshops on the roof. I also added extra doors and staircases to the warehouses.

Carpenter: place inside the central wood stockpile, together with 2 or 3 wood burners.

Clothier: place on top of the main warehouse. Make the top level stockpile the only one to accept cloth and not accept finished goods.

Dyer's workshop: place on top of warehouse, along with Clothier, and enable dye in the topmost stockpile. (Indigo makes these suggestions and he is a Dyer and wanted one of those for years.)

Leather's workshop: place on top of the warehouse, make only the top stockpile accept leather.

Loom: Either on top of the main stockpile OR close to it. On top is good for plant fibre, but bad for spider silk. Not that we use a lot of spider silk.

Mason and Mechanic: inside the main stone stockpile, obviously. Consider disabling marble as economic stone and using that instead of normal stone.

Craftpony's workshop: Build 2 of them close by, surround with stone stockpile and bone (refuse stockpile, but only bone allowed) stockpile. Optionally add a small wood stockpile. This will make making stone pots as well as crossbow bolts faster.

Jeweller: only one is needed. Surround with a stockpile for both cut and uncut gems. I use gems to encrust furniture and place a stockpile for high quality furniture (that takes from all other stockpiles) accepting only beds, chairs, tables, and whatever else I need, but not barrels, bins and the like.
Alternative: Move gems to the central stockpile and jeweller to the roof, but if you want to encrust furniture with gems this is worse.

Glass Furnace: Needs four stockpiles: bags; sand; fuel; glass.

Wood painting workshop: Surrounded by 2-wide stockpile with all plentiful plants (carrots, berries, whatever).

Out of the way workshops:

These are hardly ever used, so it is fine to place them somewhere where they won't get in the way, disregarding efficiency.

Ashery and Soap maker: together, surround with lye and ash stockpiles. Since it is too time-consuming to separate tallow from fat, keep all your tallow and fat close to the kitchens.

Bowyer: put a small wood stockpile close OR place it not far from craftponies' workshops, so it uses the same wood and bone piles.

Siege: This is barely used at all, move it out of the way. It only uses wood and balista arrowheads if you want to give it a stockpile. Stockpile for finished balista arrows should be close to a balista, if any.

Kiln: I don't think you do much with it, but close to the glass furnace would be good.

Kennel: Good to have, even if you hardly ever use it.

A stockpile for shells: a few are good to have for moods. Maybe skulls, horns and ivory too, but shells should be enough.

Handling refuse:

Default refuse stockpiles don't work well, especially as small as those close to your butcher's shop. Some things categorised as refuse are corpses to be processed by butcher, some are half-products and some are useless and only take up space. Worse yet, cartilage doesn't rot and can completely clog a refuse stockpile. It is therefore prudent to sort refuse into different stockpiles.

Butcherable: Corpses, body parts and skeletons of wild animals. A good approximation is all corpses and body parts. This should be next to the butcher's shop. If you have a tannery nearby (highly recommended) add raw hide to this pile. Only corpses and skeletons of wild animals will be processed. Everything sentient will just lie there, rotting. 

Meat, fat, organs -> food stockpile close to the kitchens.
Bones -> Craftpony's workshop, make bolts for crossbows on repeat.
Skin (Raw hide) -> Tanner close to the butcher.
Wool -> Spin into yarn by farmer's workshop.

Get rid of those
(D) Hair -> Thread, but can only be used in the hospital.
(D) Skull -> Totem, but obsoleted by other industries.
(D) Cartilage, Nervous tissue, Feather, Scale, Chitin -> nothing
(D) Vermin remains: rot by themselves, but with almost no cats and no order to gather vermin refuse, these can be ignored.
(D) Horn, Hoof, Teeth, and other such items, except bones and shells.

Mist generator / pony auto shower.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Use wooden parts to make water pumps. This is much faster and cheaper than green glass. Move exit from the dodge-me trap, see SCREEN with z-1! Second water reactor is unnecessary, but see how I make them. Place social zones over and under the 4 grates, it will make ponies train swimming. You'll have to turn one of those social zones into a pond until you'll have 7/7 water. Grate over the area around well, otherwise the well is going to be full of dropped buckets.

In-RP the design is provided by Flux.


Small, specialised stockpiles, vs bigger, generalised ones.
Small, specialised stockpiles have two benefits: Firstly, it is easy to see at a glance, how much of something is available. Secondly, they will never have only one type of needed resource to the exclusion of everything else.
Bigger stockpiles have the benefit of wasting less space. For example if you have 3 input stockpiles for some workshops, one may be full, while two others have a lot of empty space.
A hybrid solution is possible, where workshop has a big pile with all its inputs enabled, while surrounded by smaller piles with all types of commonly used items. This has the downside of being more complex, less FPS-friendly and wasting some space. It is also only possible to implement correctly with 0.34.08+ version, where stockpiles can give items to more than one stockpile.

Building a wall can go faster with a temporary stockpile of stone or wood or blocks. That way haulers do most of the work and masons don't have to go as far to fetch building materials.

GZ on building a room around the trash compactor. It is much safer that way.

Moving the armoury to the second story, next to the gym, would free up some more space in the barracks.

Smooth much more of the iron mine. 5k tiles or something like that.

Pasture should encompass the workshops.

Dodge-me trap is still connected to the mines, leading into your fort. Fix it.

Workshop profiles are unused. This is good for training mechanics, masons and carpenters and bad for getting low quality items.

Psalms says: It appears that everything is in order, but Telgin has been telling me that 'Oil Mace-pony' has been getting trapped around the bee hives. I experienced this too and at the oddest times too and because of this randomness, it makes it hard to fix. All I can suggest is making sure that the hives are away from trees and buildings.
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
Dropbox referral


  • Bay Watcher
  • The last Übermensch
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3207 on: May 17, 2012, 03:00:32 pm »

(( 14th Sandstone in the 258th year of the Mythic Age ))
(( Amor and Indigo's 'date' Before visiting Virtue ))

(( 14th Sandstone in the 258th year of the Mythic Age: Amor and Indigo's first date ))

The Autumn sun has already dropped behind the horizon, and most ponies were having supper in the dining hall or in their rooms, while others were still finishing up their work. The leaves of acacia and highwood trees turned red and yellow, while the palms just folded their arms. The nights were growing colder, but still not enough to leave ice and white frost in the morning.

After finishing his evening routines, Indigo packs his recent project into a saddlebag and goes to see the somewhat eccentric mare, he befriended. Her room is downstairs and close to his. "Amor, are you in there? Can I talk to you?"

Amor is resting after work on her palm bed and digesting her dinner. Her ears follow the sound of hooves on the rough shale floor outside her room. It is followed by a surprise trapping on the green-glass door. Fortunately, the door is opaque and only shadows are visible through it. The Little Pony tosses herself from her bed, bewildered by the concept of receiving a visitor. "Wait Indigo, let me unlock the door." The mare places her face to the glass door, so as not to yell. She has never been keen on raising her voice; out of the headache it gave everypony.

Amor reaches out with her magic to the occult lock in the door. The hidden bolt makes no sound and Amor stops using her horn, unlocks and opens the door. The mare's emerald eyes swiftly adjust to the difference in light between her room and the open-ended hallway, and the stallion comes into her focus. "Indigo, is anything the matter?" The mare asks with a slightly concerned tone, as she joins the other unicorn outside.

Indigo is a bit surprised by her coming to talk to him outside of her room, but gets out of her way. "Um… can I come in? I'd like to talk to you in private. And do you have a free evening? It may take several hours."

Amor looks apprehensive at the stallion, his question is odd. She cringes at the idea of inviting him into her apartment, not out of fear of him finding something that would single her out as a spy, but simply because she lived a very ascetic lifestyle. "Sorry Indigo, my room lacks the luxuries for hosting and I was not expecting visitors, so I neglected to tidy up..." The copper unicorn says with mixed deceit as she barely shields her room from sight.

"Ah, I understand. We can go to my room, then. I mean, if that's alright with you, I know my visit is unexpected."

"You do not mind me in yours, even if I do not allow you in mine?" The mare asks with a hint of sympathy in her voice. "And, tell me, what it is we will do in your room?" Amor tilts her head to the side, a bit puzzled.

"Well, I can understand you not wanting uninvited guests... My room is open to those I invite and it doesn't really matter which room we go to as long as we have some privacy."

Reassured, the mare straightens her head and asks with a light coo. “Should I dress up?” Ironically her crimson beetroot silk nightwear could pass for formal dress. Better his room, even if it feels unfair, not to invite him into my own. A little doubt laces the mare's mind, recalling the recent incidents involving the Zebra caravan; the Crown held much criticism in how things transpired. Indigo may not be innocent, but he is not a bad pony, so I should not have to do anything regrettable.

“If you want to change, I can wait, but this dress is fine.” He looks at her, and turns to leave.

The mare forgets about changing, locks up her room and follows her friend to his room, which is just a short walk to the second story. Amor hides her nervous feelings. Indigo unlocks his room, casts a light spell, then lights up two lamps. Amor is amazed by Indigo's restraint of pyromancy, in using just enough fire on the lamps. Her own magic is controlled, but oriented more towards conflict, as she would never escape her Old Master's conditioning. Indigo enters his room and the mare follows. Passing the doors, she mentally goes over her list of safety precautions. Exit behind me, window in front of me, but this is second story and must use magic to break the glass... Walking over to the table, Amor looks around. "Your room is more furnished than mine... It is pleasant."

Indigo looks around his room; it is tidy, and a bit empty. There is a bed, a table, two chairs, a cabinet, a chest and some shelves. Two lamps are illuminating it: one under the ceiling and one on the table. "I guess it is. As for what I wanted to do..." He pulls a stack of papers covered with rectangles, arrows and numbers out of his saddlebags. "You once told me, you had some kind of management experience, and I wanted to double-check these before presenting my work to the Baroness."

The mare's muzzle twitches with a slight grin at the stallion's idea of private talk. "Was that all you wanted me for Indigo?" Amor asks laughing. "I'm happy to help you in your work."

Why is she laughing at me? "I... yes, if you want to talk about something else, we can do that some other day. Let's start with transmuted wood production."

Indigo's stack of papers is quite well organised. It includes general guidelines and suggestions about division of labour and placement of workshops and stockpiles, as well as separate sections on key industries: Steel and food. It even includes some notes about refuse.

Amor is impressed with Indigo's care and work, he put into his propositions. She is content to share her experience as a royal army engineer for twelve years, even if they were uneventful and at times painful. She finds a hoof-full of ways to improve things further.

The two work together for hours. Considering the amount of work they manage to do, they finish surprisingly quickly. When they are done, Amor goes back to her room to get some sleep. She wakes up before sunrise and performs her normal morning routines, such as cleaning and getting dressed. She then grabs some old watchtower blueprints from her coffer and finds Indigo in his room, sorting the papers. They both double-check the work during breakfast and head off for their appointment with the Baroness.

(( Psalms says: Trolling shippers is magic. ))
(( Maklak says: Take that, people who joked about me doing calculus for fun. ))
(( Chronologically this is their second scene ever, but it got delayed. ))
« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 03:13:55 pm by Psalms01 »
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3208 on: May 18, 2012, 01:21:43 am »

« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 10:48:22 pm by Omicega »


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3209 on: May 18, 2012, 09:24:46 am »

Fauchard carefully closes the book which he and Kit had been reading from with his hoof. “You are really improving quickly, but I think that’s enough work for one day, don’t you think?”

Kit perk her ears up and smiles, nodding happily that her teacher compliment her quick improvement. “mmhmm! Can’t wait for the next lesson!” She chirped cheerfully with a flutter of her wings. She have been learning quite a lot, yes. Enough to properly read and probably write mid-pony aswell.

Fauchard smiles, Kit was a very eager student, and a very sweet filly. She reminded him a bit of his late-wife. Not in appearance naturally, for where his wife was dark in color, Kit was a lighter grey, not to mention her fluttering wings and lack of a horn, but it was her personality, and her mannerisms that weren’t that different from his Morning Star. “Well, at this rate, I’m not sure how much more I have to teach you. You really just need more practice, and I can’t really help with that.”

Kit seems to frown slightly at that. “aww.. okay..” She nods and paw slightly at the floor. The thought of not getting to see the elder pony seems to sadden her somehow.. She’s not sure why, But it’s just.. nice. To be around him and let him teach her stuff.. She liked to be around him. “But.. We still have things to learn, yes?”

Kits question made Fauchard very pleased, “Of course, Kit. There is always more to learn. I’ve lived over 100 years and still I learn new things every day.” Fauchard laughs a bit, “If you have an interest, I could teach you much more; history, mathematics, the sciences. I am no great thinker, but I do possess books written by ponies who are, and I would be very happy to share them with you.”

Kit perks back up cheerfully again, smiling at the thought of getting to learn more things with the elder pony. “That sounds good! oh I’d love to learn more things from you, and, would you teach me other things besides from the books?” She asked curiously. Wondering if he’ll share her a thing or two he knows personally about as well.

“Aye, if you really want to listen to an old fool like me, then I think I could share a thing or two I’ve learned over the years.”

Kit giggles cheerfully “You’re no fool.” She said with a slight blush, still happily smiling at him. “you’re an amazing wise unicorn who have experienced the world!”

“That is a very sweet thing to say, Kit. You flatter me.” says the elder unicorn. ‘She really does remind me of her...’ “Kit, it is a very nice night out tonight, would you care to take a walk with me along the wall?”

Kit perk her ears up, interested in the idea of a walk with the unicorn. “That sounds nice!” She chirped and nods “Okay, should I bring anything?”

Fauchard shakes his head no. “No, I don’t think you’ll need anything, you might want to bring a cloak in case it gets cold, but I don’t think we’ll need anything else.” Says the old unicorn as he pulls himself to his hooves.

Kit nods as she pick herself up from the floor as well, prancing happily over to her cabinet to fetch her coat.. then debates whether or not should she bring her crossbow with her. “hmm.. Kat always say that I should be armed wherever I go.. Should I bring my crossbow?” Asked the young Pegasus, curious of what the older pony thinks.

As Kit asks that question she sees the Unicorn picking his axe from the ground and securing it to his side, “Better to have it and not need it, then to not have it need it.” he says, “That’s why I never go anywhere without her.” he nods toward his axe.

Kit nods again happily as she slings her crossbow and straps the bolts quiver onto herself. Before walking over to his side, smiling cheerfully “Kat had the right idea then.” she chirped again

Fauchard opens the door for Kit and allows her to walk out first, closing the door behind them. The sun has already set and the full moon is high in the sky providing a pale illumination to guide their way. The two ponies shortly reach the walls that surround their small town. Looking out beyond the walls, they see before them the moonlit fields, now showing the softer shades of the world, revealed by the gentle starlight.

Kit seems to be enjoying herself, smiling and enjoying the nice scenery of the incoming night. Walking close by to the elder unicorn.. She sighs softly with a smile at the gentle field “You know.. I’ve looked out there for so many times when I was on guarding duty.. but tonight it just seems so.. beautiful. somehow.”

Fauchard drifts, only really half here, in his mind he was reliving a similar night to this that happened 40 years. He was a younger stallion still in the military, a Major at the time. He had just recently been promoted and transferred back to Coupledye after spending several long hard years on the border.

That night Fauchard was in the gardens with a young unicorn mare from a good family named Morning Star. They had a long walk together chatting pleasantly and ended it by sitting upon the wall. Fauchard had only met the unicorn mare a few times before that night, but he was already in love with her. He knew he wanted to spend his life with her. As they sat together on the wall Morning Star looked out and said, "Tonight it just seems so.. beautiful. Somehow.”

When she said that Fauchard had leaned in and kissed her upon her cheek, and whispered, "That is because we are together, Morning Star."

With that thought Fauchard is pulled back to reality, sucked from his dreams he remembers that Morning Star is dead and he is not with her, but with another mare, Kit, and...he realized he had just kissed her upon her cheek, and called her by his late wife’s name. He panicked a bit unsure of what would happen of what she would think, and Fauchard takes a step back, "Kit...I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me..."

Kit blinks, her eyes wide and her face blushing brightly, her mind seems to be trying to catch up with what just happened. “It’s.. it’s.. um.. okay..” She squeaks as she folds her ears back, pawing a hoof at the ground shyly as she turns her face slightly to the side. She was unsure what just happened, or who Morning Star is, but she’s more than a little too shy to ask the matter further.

Fauchard lowers his head blushing through his fur, How could I do that? I’m such a fool., “No, it isn’t okay. I...I shouldn’t have done that...I was just lost in my own memories, and...and you reminded me so much of her. Perhaps I should just go now.” He looks to the stairs.

“um.. w-wait.” Kit called out, she knew something wasn’t right and she’d be damned if she wouldn’t try to help it. “Is there.. um.. anything you want to.. talk about?”

Fauchard looks up at Kit, "Kit, you are a very beautiful young mare, and you are very kind to me...The name I said, Morning Star, that was my the name of my wife and the mother of my children. reminded me of her, and I guess I was just...lost in time, for a moment."

Kit blushes lightly as she nods from hearing Fauchard explaining.. somewhat happy about being called a kind beautiful young mare. “Um.. t-thank you.. I’m.. um, glad I.. Reminded you of someone that you love.” Kit said awkwardly, still unsure of how to handle this situation.

Fauchard is unsure how to proceed. Kit was a very attractive and kind mare, and smart too, and he would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about pursuing a deeper relationship with her, though he was convinced he had just royally bucked up any chance of that happening now. "Once again, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this uncomfortable for you. It won't happen again. Unless...unless you want it to."

“It’s.. um.. okay.. It wasn’t so.. um.. bad.. and.. if.. if you don’t mind.. then.. Then I don’t mind it happening again..” Kit confessed with a blush so bright it could probably be seen through her furs. Afterall, Fauchard is a very nice kind and attractive aged stallion who have experienced the world far more than she have had.

Fauchard's surprise if evident upon his face. "You, you wouldn't?" Facuard moves closer to Kit, "Then, it...It would make me very happy to." He leans in and kisses her again. "Should...we continue our walk now?" he asks, unsure.

Kit lean just that much closer to Fauchard, slightly surprised that he kisses her again, but her smiles widen as her blush begins to lessen. “yep! we should.” Kit chirped cheerfully, not at all bothered or feeling uncomfortable in anyway by the elder unicorn. She actually is feeling pretty happy about this ordeal.

The two ponies spend the rest of the evening traversing the defensive walls around their home, quietly enjoying the sights, and each other’s company under the moonlight. After a few hours they return to Kit’s home. Stopping outside the door, Fauchard says to her, “I had a wonderful time with you Kit, I hope we can do this again sometime.”

“Mmhmm, I’d love to do this again with you sometime.” Kit said happily, blushing as she opens the door to her room.. and then, gathering every ounce of courage she have within her, turns around and, while blushing heavily, presses her lips against his for a kiss. Her eyes closed and her ears flopped, time seems to stop for her.. Her kiss was sweet and innocent, she’s not a skilled kisser at all, in fact, this might very well be her first.

Fauchard froze at first, surprised by the sudden kiss. When Kit stops, she sees the stallion, blushing and smiling like a school colt. "I...I'll see you again soon, Kit. Have...Have a good night." he says with a stupid grin on his face.

Friesden silently cheers as she watches the pair. Dad was going to be so happy to have a fillyfriend! And maybe they’d get married...and then maybe she’d have some more sisters or brothers or both!

After Fauchard and Kit finish their farewells the stallion turns to make his way towards home, but before he makes it very far he spies somepony hiding in the shadows. He tries to mask his uncontrolled smile with a serious expression. “Friesden, I know that’s you hiding there, come out. What were you doing?”

“Hi dad!” says Friesden happily as she bursts out of the shadows. “Is she a good kisser? Are you going to marry her?”

“Were you following us Friesden? I thought I taught you better than to eavesdrop on ponies.” says Fauchard, mock disappointment in his voice.

“Da-aad! I just came by and didn’t want to disturb you!” Friesden says.

Fauchard’s mask breaks, his smile showing through, “Of course, Friesden, as you say.” He continues walking past her, still ignoring her questions, “It’s late, dear and you have work in the morning right? We should head home.”

“Dad? Are you going to marry Kit?” Friesden says, in a tone that suggests she won’t be put off.

As Fauchard continues walking he answers her question, “It is still too early to be thinking about that Friesden... but she is a very sweet mare, maybe one day.”

Friesden squees in happiness. “So you like her? I told you you’d like her! I told you she’d like you!”

Fauchard nods, “You certainly did, Friesden...Thank you for setting up that blind date Friesden, you are quite the little matchmaker.”

“No problem, dad!” Friesden says.

Fauchard stops walking and with one foreleg hugs Friesden to him, “No...really. Thank you. You are a wonderful daughter and I’m very grateful. Now. Let’s go home.”

((End Scene))

Minor Edit: Changed "this" to "her" when Fauchard was talking about his axe. He is supposed to always refer to it as a "her" not an "it." Though, I'm sure I've made that mistake again elsewhere.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 11:51:48 pm by KingStrongbeard »
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