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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 236346 times)


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2820 on: April 23, 2012, 04:41:20 pm »

"You know back where I'm from, it's actually disrespectful to cry over somepony's death. I mean, why would somepony want their death to cause other's pain, and if you do cry it's supposed to be out of respect not sorrow."
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 04:45:50 pm by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2821 on: April 23, 2012, 04:55:48 pm »

"Then... stop beating yourself up over it?"
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2822 on: April 23, 2012, 05:01:15 pm »

Jaxler sighed and broken his gaze. "I probably should..." Jaxler paused for a second as he thought to himself "Ya know what? I haven't had any booze in like three days. In fact, I also probably should go get a drink right now."
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 11:26:58 pm by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2823 on: April 23, 2012, 05:04:08 pm »

I give my friend a small smile.

"A drink sounds nice.  Mind some company?"
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2824 on: April 23, 2012, 05:08:34 pm »

Jaxler smiled "Drinking always better with company."
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2825 on: April 23, 2012, 07:36:20 pm »

Hey, I thought I'd officially put in a request for a pony. Thinking bluish silver coat, whitish hair, green eyes. Colt. I wouldn't mind a pegasus, unicorn or earth pony. I was thinking I could call him Silver Tongue and make him a counselor, since that seems desperately needed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2826 on: April 24, 2012, 12:04:57 am »

((23rd Obsidian, 259))
((Amor and the Slayer))

In the central tenement, Sarissa’s room was above Falcate & Glaive room which neighbored Amor’s. The mare was puzzled over the axe-pony she meet a little over two weeks ago, who thrash the elephant sized fire-breathing monster in single combat. Amor’s curiosity of the magic that Sarissa used in fighting the dragon was also getting the best of her. Vision spell of some type but why did so much magic linger in her eyes? Miscast, short term spell, over enhancement or just poor selected spell. Maybe used something similar to my nervi-oculus. Although, she was unwilling to push the question and would only thank the mare again.

Before the Militia-pony’s apartment, the mason knocks on the conjured strawberry door with her left fore-hoof and announces. “Sarissa, it is Amor, care if we talk.” The mares shout with her muzzle near the doorsill mindful of the door and moves back.

The military unicorn was sitting on her bed at the time, drawing down plans for a dress with a quill. It was a rather audacious project, requiring a wide variety of materials to construct. It was of a rather macabre design, bringing to mind the elements of war. One could say that this was a dream dress of hers, so it didn’t really matter to her if others liked its form or not. She wondered if she’d ever be able to obtain the expensive cloth and gems needed for it to become reality some day. Her day-dreaming was interrupted by the knock at the door, to which she responded by rolling out of bed. Ponies don’t usually visit her; what could this be about? Cracking the door open, she peered out at her curly-maned visitor, “Yes? What is it?”

Sarissa opens the door and gazes out giving Amor a chill. The mason-pony backs up slightly but collects herself before to cause offense. “Sarissa… I’m not prying too much am in asking how you slayed the dragon? I was one of the last ponies into safety and if you didn’t hold off the monster long enough… Amber and I could have been ash.” The mare said unflinching to the imposing eyes of the militia-pony and adds. “Also to do so off duty, denotes that you went above and beyond your obligations.”

Scratching behind her head a moment, Sarissa finds it unusual, yet intriguing, that Amor wishes to know about this. “Well, no, I don’t see why it would be a problem for me to tell you what I know.” She opens the door more widely, now knowing that her guest wasn’t there for any malign reasons. Although not usually comfortable having other ponies in her room, she felt it was best to be courteous. Sarissa cut her eyes back towards the center of her room, “Umm, did you want to come in or something? Or did you wish to speak elsewhere?”

With the apartment door open Amor gets a decent glimpse of Sarissa’s endeavor. The uncanny similar looking mare to the mason had the basic furnishings to her room and it was well cleaned. Along many of the walls were skulls, badger-pony skulls and the mare fights the twin urges to recoil and vomit. Amor never planned to enter the militia-pony’s room before but now she was sure. Such a macabre collection; never believe such a misguided pony lived here in Dawnpick. Amor thinks as she reclaims composure hopefully before Sarissa take note. “If you desire, maybe somewhere more neutral?” The Mason Unicorn succeeds in not choke on her words.

If the visiting mare had given off a vibe of disgust, Sarissa had not thought much of it. At least not consciously. “I guess I’m not particularly busy at the moment,” she realizes the dress wouldn’t be finished anytime soon, so she can leave the drawing for now. Walking just outside of her room, she shuts the door behind her, “Did you have anywhere in mind? The dining hall? Outdoors? Or just right here?”

Amor is thankful that Sarissa closed the door; she brings a hoof to her muzzle and thinks for a split second. The Meeting Hall usually gets nosy around this time; this corridor barely can fit two ponies; statue garden is too romantic and temple grounds are tolerable. The mare places her hoof flat on the floor. “Would the temple grounds be permissible for a discussion?” Amor shows the Dragon Slayer an understanding look if she rejected.

Sarissa shrugs in response, “I suppose that works.” She almost wanted to go back into her room and retrieve her military garb, but she resisted the urge. Surely she wouldn’t be gone that long, so such measures were likely unnecessary. Besides, she could fight pretty well even without armor. Or at least that’s what she liked to believe. “Leading the way?” Sarissa inquired.

The axe-pony’s apprehension for her armor was barely noted by Amor, being a appropriate observer. She was going to permit the militia-pony to retrieve what ever she wanted but she appears ready to move along. The two Unicorns remain silent until they finish descending the stairs and Amor speaks up. “If you were off duty, how did you get fully armed and armored so fast?

“Under most circumstances, I always wear my armor when I spend time outdoors. It’s a precautionary measure, since nopony can tell when trouble will show its ugly face. I like being well-prepared,” she answered as she kept a relaxed pace, “It seems that it payed off for once.” Sarissa looked in the direction of the bridge, reenacting the battle with the dragon in her mind. That really was an invigorating feeling.

“It seems so, but if we had the drawbridge up we would have been better prepared.” Amor appears to still employ her indoor voice as the two Unicorns trot past the cooing love ponies of the statue garden. The curly haired pony even with the ability to multitask, her instruction of etiquette keeps her silent. They arrive between the crossroads to the two temples and the mason-pony lays down under an earthenware statue of ponies in worship. “Also the impression is that the village caught more of the dragon fire then you did, was magic utilized?” The mare probes with a light voice.

“Magic?” Sarissa parrots, “Yeah, to some degree. However, I only used the basic telekinetic spell common to all of us unicorns when actually protecting myself. I just held my shield in place and hid myself behind it when I saw the dragon’s mouth open. Most of the blast was deflected around me, although I could certainly feel the heat. I later found that some of my fur was lightly singed.” She rubbed the tip of an ear as she recalled having seen blackened hairs there when looking into a mirror later on during that eventful day. “I suppose I’m fortunate that it chose to burn me instead of stomping me; I wouldn’t have been able to hold my ground against a blow from a creature of such size.”

The dragon-slayer continued, “Well, there was one other spell I used. It didn’t actually help, though. I kind of developed it myself after doing a bit of research on the magical arts. Admittedly, it still has weaknesses that I’m trying to fix.” As Sarissa sits on her haunches, she waves a hoof towards her eyes, “It’s a vision spell. Um, how can I describe this? It’s not really X-ray vision, although it does have similarities.” She eyes a small group of other ponies walking past the pair of temples for just a moment before elaborating, “It allows me to see blood. Well, mainly blood while it’s still inside of living things. With it, I can see the architecture of the circulatory system, including the overall shape and location of internal organs. The heart is particularly easy to pick out. Thus, I gave it the obvious name of ‘Vitalsight’, since it lets me see the vital organs. My original intention with the spell was to target those very organs in order to score more effective blows against my enemies, especially unconventional ones that we know little about.”

Rubbing the side of her head, Sarissa sighs, “Oh, but as I said before, it didn’t work on the dragon. I’ve found out that I’m only able to see the blood content of mammals. So far, I haven’t been able to figure out what I’ve been doing wrong. It would also seem that I can’t detect old, dried bloodstains either. Although I haven’t tested it, I’m also pretty sure that a magical force field would be able to hide a living creature from Vitalsight as well.” The messy-haired unicorn realizes that she had been rambling, something that she almost never did unless it was about a subject of particular interest to her, “Um, I apologize. That was probably a bit more than you wanted to know.”

Amor listened intently and never thought the martial pony would be so open about a spell let alone one of her own compose, even if unoriginal. It took her a better part of a year until her Old Master taught how to increases basic telekinesis. A part of Amor wanted to assist Sarissa in adjusting her spell for non-mammals but that would expose the former spy. Also the cost to animal life was something she also did not want on her conscience. “No need to apologize, Sarissa. I asked, and you delivered. The reason I did so was that I never been ‘good’ at magic and you could understand my curiosity.” The mason-pony said gleefully before smiling at the messy mane pony and adds. “I would advice you sharing that magic with wool and maybe the two of you can trade a spell or two. How best to know how to destroy a body then to learn about it from a doctor who heals it.” Amor thought it best to give her some manner of guidance.

Sarissa nods, “I’m not very good with specialized spells myself, so it took me quite a while to work out how to create Vitalsight. That was true even after reading up on techniques for spell crafting.” She puts a hoof to her chin in thought. It would be nice to be able to aid in the treatment of her fellow Dawnpickers, “I do suppose that you have a point. The ability to see internal bleeding could be useful for any of the ponies working in the hospital. I’ll consider speaking to him, as you’ve suggested.” The soldier knew little about Amor, but at least the impression she had gotten of her so far was positive. She was respectful and patient. Sarissa was still a bit a bit apprehensive about digging deeper, not knowing if there may be unwholesome habits in this pony’s life. Jaxler was a drunkard. Stiletto was ‘loose’. Amor could be hiding something as well.

The Unicorns set there for a bit in silence as a winter wind passes the two by and Amor speaks up. “I desire that you were not dragged away from anything important for a spot of small talk, did you have other obligations?” Amor was worried that Sarissa had other things she had to attend to. “You satisfied my curiosity and if you have any questions, I’m willing to tell.”

“I was only designing a dress when you showed up. It’ll probably be some time before I can afford to purchase the materials I need to make it, so you haven’t pulled me from anything really important,” she shrugged in response. She admitted to herself that she probably would have preferred to be back in her room continuing her plans, but Sarissa did not wish to be disrespectful. Questions? She might as well try to learn something more about her company, even if she was concerned about opening a proverbial can of worms, “Well...I suppose...what have you been doing whilst here? What is your job description?”

The mason-pony enjoyed the idea of answering the question. “I been working with the earth much my life, clay and stone mostly. I suppose that the reason the nickname Kiln stuck to me was that I suggested one to be built and some misunderstand took root. Never thought to clear it up because much of my life as a mason I journeyed around and never plan to settle here. But this may be my home from now on.” The mare stops a bit for a breather and questions: “So besides a member of the militia you desire dresses?”

“Masonry? That’s certainly a useful profession here. We seem to use stone for the majority of our constructions. I presume that you helped in the rebuilding of the bridge to some extent?” Once again, Sarissa looks to the drawbridge, which is raised for the moment. A smart move, after the dragon incident. She turned her attention to the next question. “Sewing, weaving, knitting, all of that has been a hobby of mine ever since I was a filly. If it hadn’t been for a certain event long ago involving a wolf and my mother, I imagine that my cutie mark would have reflected that talent today and I wouldn’t be here at Dawnpick speaking with you right now. Anyway, I don’t really have time to make clothing as I would like. My militia duties take precedence over that. Not that I mind that much, seeing as how I live for the rush of combat.”

Amor’s ears lay beside her head upon hearing the axe-pony’s comments on the drive for adrenaline and a story about a conflict between Sarissa’s mother and a wolf. The Unicorn thought best to avoid those subjects. “It is swell that you are able to still practice your hobby, keeps your magic dexterity up too. Although as for my work I’m no builder. The stone blocks and a few statues here are my work but beyond that others have our gratitude.”

Sarissa nods in agreement, “My life has turned out pretty well, all things considered. I’ve certainly seen darker days, but at least I love this place I call home now.” She yawns and stretches, “Perhaps so, but by providing those blocks to work with, I suppose you form a critical part of the chain required to keep Dawnpick in working order, right?”

The mason-pony struggles to keep from yawning too, but fails. “Glad that your life is in order, I enjoy Dawnpick too and plan to stay long as you will have me.” Amor said lethargically but shifts herself to keep from nodding off with her light-chatterer. “But sometimes blocks can get lackluster and some ponies such as myself strive to do more, though I am well aware of the dangers of overproduction.”

“I hear you,” Sarissa replies as she lays back and places her hooves behind her head, “I often get bored on duty, since we don’t get attacked all that often. If I’m having a slow day, I often spend time practicing my aim or day-dreaming. If your job becomes monotonous, have you considered looking for other activities to get involved in?” The pony was getting more heavily involved in conversation with Amor than she had predicted. Yet, she actually enjoyed it somewhat.

Amor shovels her fore-hooves slightly in the dirt as she lays there and thinks a moment before speaking. “Events lately have been engaging but not entirely right to feel good about. Remember that young mare with me when we met after you slay that dragon? Amber was involved in the accident of a part of the pier falling… she lost her horn and I am helping her adjust to living without it. Also it seems she is now my apprentice and from the trouble I gave mine, it is a full time job.”

“Oh yeah, I did hear about that. That truly is a shame. I can’t really imagine the effect such a burden would have on a unicorn. She has my condolences,” the axe-pony answers. Even though earth ponies seemed to get by just fine without so much as a sprinkle of magic, having had it one’s entire life and then losing it so suddenly would doubtlessly be traumatic.

The curly mane pony thanks Sarissa for the sympathy on behalf of Ambler and Cross Stitch. The two ponies talk more on the subject of how Amor was incorrect on the difficult it would be in adjusting for Cross Stitch. After a while they converse at lengths of their careers and hobbies for an hour or more. Not soon after the two Unicorns must part ways again. The mason pony was jovial that despite Sarissa’s imprudent trophies, the Dragon-slayer appearing to be a worthy member of Dawnpick.
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2827 on: April 24, 2012, 12:08:17 am »

((8th Granite, 260))
((Amor and Jaxler, bogey-ponies.))

The sun is down and incessant cackling fills you with fright, know now why you fear the night. Flashes of a wooden coffin, a Pegasus with dark pink coat with dark scarlet mane beaming a smile, the same Pegasus dead within the coffin and then replaced with a zombie blue Unicorn. By faceless ponies the coffin is lowered into the ground and a mare screams in hollow commands. “He is still alive, halt the funeral! Stop, stop, stop!” The Little Pony bucks, swings forelegs and jabs with horn at the apparitions. An invisible barrier bars her from action as the phantoms leisurely shovel silty clay down the hole. “Please, stop this, I desire not to do something regrettable…“ The Unicorn mare plummets to the ground weeping. “Why am I so weak and powerless?” I chose this just as he desired that on himself. Amor you are a damnable foal. Amor rises her head up, her horn become ablaze in an azure glow and the whole realm explodes. The cackling fades away and now to strive another day.

Amor tosses herself from the bed, saturated with sweat; panting and horn still an azure aglow. A heavy Spring rain pounds the window, draws the mare’s attention and she jumps at shadows. The Unicorn telekinetically seizes everything in the room and prepares to fling it at the unseen opponent. The metallic color mare realizing her situation lowers the contents of her room and reflects. Again I know why Tower Unicorns lock themselves away. To be knowledgeable and gifted would mark a pony as a danger and outcast. The night still reigns and the ivory moon is hidden behind black storm clouds. Amor desired that the stories her Old Master told her about were true such as Pegasi controlling the weather so she would know who to complain to.

After a few moments, Amor is outside in the rain galloping around on the soaked shale roads clearing her head. The mare was an early to bed, early to raise pony and no doubt in her mind that it was barely midnight. The Unicorn ran a good part of an hour and slows to a trot not to shock her body; she proceeds to the Meeting Hall. Amor notes her waterlogged socks and strips them off as she enters the Hall, also aware of her drenched robe but leaves it on. The soaked mare spots a certain belligerent Pegasus who appears somewhat entranced and she staggers beside him and weakly asks. “Jaxler, mine if I join you?” The mare sits down in her normal chair before hearing his reply.

Jaxler looked at the copper unicorn who managed to sneak up on him and break his lonely entrancement. “Oh, hay Amor. Sure drinking is always more enjoyable with company.” Jaxler then took a sip of booze and leaned back in his favorite chair.

The damp mare huffed, placed her head on the wooden table and inserts. “I’m having trouble sleeping, nightmares haunt my dreams, is that why you drink Jaxler?” Her voice trembles hinting at the chill she was experiencing.

Jaxler’s mood deflated at the mention of his drinking problem. “I drink because I need some time in the day where I can disconnect from the world around me and just be ignorant...” said jaxler with a somber tone in his voice as he drank some more booze “So, you were having nightmares, what exactly were they like?”

The thoughts in Amor’s mind still over-encumbrance her brain and could not fully compute the stallion’s question but she was more then willing to explain to get her mind off her dilemma. “Old Master told me dreams were caused by a sleeping mind still thinking and processing its day. She then went into how different the pony’s tribes are… maybe to cause me to look down on the others…” Amor paused and speculated that she may have misunderstood Jaxler’s question, she glances over to the Pegasus wearing a concerned look on her face.

Amor’s words about looking down upon others struck a raw nerve.“If you or your master sees the other castes as inferior then I pity both you and your master’s soul.  Of all the mind’s poisons pride is by far the most destructive and addictive.  Those who see themselves as superior will realize their ignorance when the false reality that they build for themselves is immolated by the world around them.”

Amor did not flinch at Jaxler’s anger and it was one that was imbedded deep in her too. “Sorry, Jaxler. I do too… pity my mentor’s soul, but hold off your judgments until you meet her. Because I do not know her intent, only guessed.” Amor picks herself off the table and sit fully into her chair. “The castes are different, but source for neither bigotry nor prejudge. Know this though that normally Earth Ponies’ dreams are colorless, Pegasi’ are metaphorical, Unicorns’ vivid and Alicorn’s are lucid. Most of all being a Unicorn has been such a burden… just as tonight.” The curly maned mare felt this was going no where, sadness painted her face and voice.

Jaxler sighed and tried to recompose himself. The pony sitting next to him obviously needed some help and him getting angry really wasn’t going to help. “Can you please tell me what exactly the nightmare you had tonight was like?” said Jaxler before he started to drink some more booze.

Amor was reluctant to start; she begins to clap her hooves together in front of her and begins after a moment. “The area was of the same size as this room, walls made of a dark void, if I was in a crypt. Outside, maybe in a night fog and the earth was the same silty clay as Dawnpick’s and ponies…” The mare chokes up a bit and she clears her throat. “They were lowing a coffin… containing my second love but…” The distressed Unicorn unexpectedly changes the subject. “Jaxler, would you think less of me if you were informed that I courted another mare before?”

Jaxler shrugged. “I’m straight but whether or not you prefer mare or stallion really doesn’t concern me.” Jaxler then thought to himself for a moment before continuing. “So, If I had to guess something nasty must have happened to your lover and you must have not yet been able to move on completely.”

Amor was confident that she was living past her lover’s death but Jaxler’s statement caused her reservations to increase. “The thing was I’m over… Ashler’s death. I may have not let her go fully or maybe a stallion here causes my thoughts to wade in the past. Indigo, he is my friend and nothing more but have you seen him? I do not know what to do, before he joins her too.”

Jaxler was shocked to hear that a mare actually was interested in indigo. “Indigo? Well I’m in the reserve, and he is my captain. So yeah, I have seen him. why do you ask?”

The mare trembles and sneezes before beginning. “So you have no concern for his shrunken eyes or his sluggish manner?” Amor becomes agitated and shouts her words which scarcely travel past the two Little Ponies’ table. “Do you see what he is doing to himself?” Amor calms herself before seeking apology. “Sorry Jaxler, just I was not able to stop one death… and this time is different.” The copper Unicorn looks to the Pegasus for answers.

“I don’t concern myself with others’ problems until they either ask me for help, or there problem affects me. But seeing how Indigo shared his problem with you, and you’ve came to me for help, I guess I’m now inclined to help both you and indigo. Also, I really don’t know indigo all to well. If he’s destroying himself with sadness then I’d probably just tell him to start drinking. In my experience it’s the most effective way to handle depression.”

Amor was piqued by Jaxler’s words and a kernel of regret for her being there, germinated in her heart. “Indigo and I have a working relationship; we contemplate methods to improve Dawnpick and present them to the Lady. After his joining the reserves… he has been drifting from not only me but everything, I am afraid. After the Rainbow Pony massacre he appears worse and I do not know what is affecting him more about it.” The mare returned her head to the table.
Jaxler thought to himself before responding. “Maybe the reserve is too much for him to handle.” Jaxler continued to ponder his thoughts looking for a way to help indigo. “Maybe he should have a second in command to help him around or just drop the reserve all together.”

Amor raises her head up and connect her eyes to Jaxler’s. “Can you look after him regardless if you are his Executive Officer or not until I find out more from him?” Amor asks with hope in her voice.

Jaxler smiled and nodded. “Sure, I’ll look after the pony.” Jaxler then took another swig of booze.

Amor was pleased that Indigo was going to be attended to and that Jaxler was such a friend. “Thank you, Jaxler, from both Indigo and myself.” The mare’s mind may have been relieved about one problem but suspicion that she may not be over another. “Do you not mind if I speak of Ashler?” The Unicorn retracts her gaze and returns to clapping her hooves together.

Jaxler raises an eyebrow at the mention of the pony’s past lover. “No, I don’t mind, feel free.” said Jaxler enthusiastically as he drank some more booze and once again leans back in his chair.

Amor discontinues her silent clapping and moves a hoof to her muzzle in calculation to the very day but just tells the years. “It has been fifteen years ago the last time I saw her alive. Remember that road to Coupledye and New Saddle, which was when I met Ashler.” The mare places her hooves flat on the table and pauses to think about if best to tell Jaxler. “We were not any masons but drafted of sorts into the Crown’s Royal Mason Corps, my third tour and you could know how close soldiers can become.” The Little Pony peers at the stallion and gives him a sly smile but frowns a bit and returns facing forward. “It was maybe a little too innocent; others would have confused us for sisters then lovers, maybe we were.”   

Jaxler smiled and said “She must have been a good friend.” Jaxler really didn’t know what to say. It seemed that Amor must have really loved that mare, and probably still misses her. “So, What was she like?”

Amor was very willing to talk about her second love and the warm feelings she received from talking about her seemed to starve off the cold. “She was everything I was not; she was content in being a Pegasus and didn’t pretend to be anything she was not. The mare was more a filly, always energetic and had little concept of personal space. We had a good part of four years to get to know each other… and one day to change it all.” At the end of her words all the warm ambiance dies like embers of a fire.

Jaxler noticed the sadness in the mare’s voice. “Back where I’m from, it’s disrespectful to feel sorrow for the dead.  Why would the dead want their passing to bring those around them strife? Every moment you spend thinking about her and feeling sorrow for doing so is hurting both yourself and Ashler.” said jaxler simpethedicly.

The truth in Jaxler’s speech causes the copper mare’s ears to fall beside her head, not just grief filled her heart but anger too and it mixed in her voice. “I know Jaxler, but death is unfair and hers maybe more so. I am selfish and would have been perfectly willing to take Ashler’s place in the grave instead… the bolt was meant for me anyway.” Amor tries to hide her face in shame.

Jaxler sighed before responding with sympathy in his voice “Back where I’m from, it’s also disrespectful to hold disdain toward a gift. If she died in your place then you should be regretful but don’t beat yourself up over somepony taking a hit for you. Dying in somepony else's place is the greatest gift one can give to another, and to wish that you weren’t given such a gift is both self destructive and disrespectful.”

The mason pony strangely felt relief by the Pegasus’s words and she reside silent for a moment. “Sadly, Jaxler we are not from where you hail from, but… they are sentiments that should be universal.” The mare huffs and returns her eyes to Jaxler with a sad expression. “Just it gives the impression that history is repeating, and Ashler did not deserve to be shot in the back by the very ponies we serve. I believe that because of the shadows of war with the Rainbow coalition, somepony here is going to do something regrettable.” Amor slams her hoofs into the table but holds back from damaging the wooden furniture. “Maybe, it would be best to state why she died… if you want to hear.” The mare continued her staring at the stallion and shivering from the cold.

Jaxler looked Amor in the eyes in replied “I’d like to know what happened.” Jaxler then took another sip of booze.

The Unicorn was now internally beating herself up from not being friends with Jaxler sooner. “Have you asked yourself why Dawnpick has never received a Buffalo caravan; we would have if they were not removed to reserves. The road I worked on had a sliver of their territory and somepony did not like that, so the Crown’s army forcefully removed them.” Amor holds her head in hoofs as she props on the table. “Yet my entire unit was only told to be aware of allies and strange Buffalo. Not until back home, I realized what took place and after I was deceived about the nature of the military parade.” Amor withdraws from her hooves and looks at Jaxler with tears in her eyes. “They paraded us around because we won a skirmish war, not for some road we reconstructed and the ponies cheered for us Jaxler, they cheered for us and they were deceived too.” The mare jumps from her chair and paces around a moment as she clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth, soon she sits back down and huffs. “But not all of them cheered… we found ourselves in the slums, my old stomping grounds and they known of what we done. They jeered at us and we thought it was just their way; who cares what a slum-pony thinks we told ourselves?” As the word slum-pony cast from her lips in repugnancy for the word, she gives a hint that it was not her own. “We were coming to the end of the parade and stopped in the old market district… and Ashler was cantering towards me and…” Amor reclaims herself, remembers where she was and who she was talking to. “And an livid old veteran marks-pony turned huntress aimed a crossbow at me, she chose me because my leathers marked me out as an officer and Ashler just happen to ran into the bolt’s path…” The distress mare places her head back on the table and exhales.

Jaxler sighed. He really didn’t know what to say to that. Amor seemed like she needed somepony to help her with this, and Jaxler was starting doubt in his ability to do so. “Amor, that’s horrible what happened to her” said Jaxler with a hint of compassion and sadness in his voice.

The mason pony jerks her head up, still with a clouded mind. “What happen to Ashler or the huntress? Ashler was hit in the neck and slowly suffocated in my hooves. She still held a smile the whole time, and passed on a few moments later. The huntress escaped and was not caught until the morning after… and she was exiled for the crime.” Amor’s low voice was almost drowned out by the rain pounding the roof of the Legendary Dining Room.

Jaxler’s was running out of comforting words. He didn’t know what to say, or how to react to Amor’s story. So, Jaxler just decided to say what he was thinking. “This world is horrible isn’t it?” said Jaxler somberly.

The metallic painted Unicorn could not agree entirely with the question and hesitated for a second. “Not completely, no. It is not horrible all the time when sincere actions and words are worked, but I am sure if we try hard enough history will not recur.” The words have a weak strength in them and Amor sniffles.

Jaxler saw holes in the unicorn’s logic. Part Jaxler honestly wanted to show Amor why the world wouldn’t get better, but he felt best just to drop it, for he was far more concerned about how Amor was feeling at the moment. “So... are you gonna be okay?”

The mare adjusts herself in the sit and dwells on the stallion’s question for some time before answering. “This is neither the first nor last time I act foalish with a friend and I do feel better. Last pony I talked like this with was before coming to Dawnpick.” Amor said as she rubbed her eyes with fore hooves. “Thanks Jaxler.”

Jaxler was happy that Amor seemed to be feeling better. Jaxler smiled and responded. “Feel free to talk to me whenever you have any problems. And if you have any concern about talking to me about something, it’s worth noting that I’m incapable of lying.” Jaxler then sighed and once again leaned back in his chair.

Amor yawns with a sneeze at the end as she listens to Jaxler. “I figured you were not one for fraudulence; Jaxler, you are a paragon of honesty… I desire for me to be able to say the same. But thanks again for the talk.” The Unicorn comes to the realization of the downpour and the time as she gazes towards the exit. “Would you be willing to walk me to my apartment…? I did not bring anything to shield me from the rain too.” The still rain soaked pony looks earnest at the stallion.

Jaxler shrugged. He really didn’t have anything to shield her with, aside from his wing. But Jaxler figured that it was better than nothing. “Sure I’ll walk you home, but i really don’t know what I’d shield you from the rain with. Well, I guess I could try to use my wing as a makeshift umbrella or something.”

The mason pony placed a hoof before her muzzle in thought and responds with her more common unstressed voice. “Considering that I’m barely dry, just want to keep it that way, so a little rain getting past your wing would not be an annoyance.” The Little Pony pauses and speaks again. “If you are willing, the wing will make due… Thank you Jaxler, you are a real gentle-colt.” Amor gets out of her chair and the two ponies head for the door. The rain was worse now then when Amor first woke up, but Jaxler’s wing made a decent umbrella until they made it to her room. The mare expressed her gratitude and seen the stallion off from her door. Safe in the privacy of the apartment the Unicorn disrobed from her clothes and climbs back into her bed for dreamless sleep. The next morning Amor awakes with a dire headache and runny nose but she was more at ease about her current dilemmas.
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2828 on: April 24, 2012, 01:07:35 am »

Friesden continued through the corridors, thinking. Falcata had put an idea into her head. The grate...Well...Maybe somepony would like it. Maybe it could be use- *OOF!* She bumped into something and fell down. With a shock, she got herself up and looked what she had bumped into - another pony.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."

Impending Doom

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2829 on: April 24, 2012, 01:20:20 am »

Germaine looks down at the familiar young mare. "Oh! Hello there, Friesden. What are you up to?"
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2830 on: April 24, 2012, 01:23:26 am »

"Oh, um, hello lady Germaine!" Friesden says, happy to see another friendly face. "I...I made something," she continues, pointing to the grate. "I...I don't like it, but maybe somepony will."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."

Impending Doom

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2831 on: April 24, 2012, 01:28:42 am »

"I see..." Germaine examines the grate closely, noting the engravings along the bars. "So, you plan to sell it?"
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2832 on: April 24, 2012, 01:32:47 am »

"I...I don't know," says Friesden. "I...I was going to talk to my father about it. I still don't know what to do about it."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."

Impending Doom

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2833 on: April 24, 2012, 02:09:03 am »

"Well... it's your creation, little one. I couldn't tell you what to do with it."
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2834 on: April 24, 2012, 12:46:25 pm »

Hey, I thought I'd officially put in a request for a pony. Thinking bluish silver coat, whitish hair, green eyes. Colt. I wouldn't mind a pegasus, unicorn or earth pony. I was thinking I could call him Silver Tongue and make him a counselor, since that seems desperately needed.

Sorry i didn't get to this yesterday.  I'll take a look through my list of ponies and give you some suggestions when I get a moment.  A counselor is most definitely needed.  :)
Through pain, I find wisdom.
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