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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 236339 times)


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2715 on: April 21, 2012, 07:31:37 pm »

The following takes place right after the massacre.

Virtue leads her two guests inside her office and gestures for them to take a seat across from her at her desk.  She sits heavily and fights for words for a moment before saying, "...I... I want to apologize again... you... you just don't know how sorry I am for this..."

The stallion takes his seat across from Virtue, while the little mare pulls her chair close and sits leaning against her father. "I don't believe what happened in there was any fault of yours, milady."

The extremely stressed expression on her face eases ever so slightly at the words.  That was... unexpected, but she'd take whatever she could get at this point.  "...then I'd like to apologize on Sarissa's behalf... she... she was... she was just trying to protect me..."  She hoped, anyway.

"I... thank you.  I don't believe I've properly introduced myself." He reaches his hoof out across the desk. "Gregor Spreadstyled. This is my daughter, Marilee."

She is a bit surprised at the friendly gesture, but decides to snap up the opportunity to help repair the damage, no matter how minor those repairs might be.  She reaches out and takes his hoof, trying to give him a warm expression but surely failing at it.  "A pleasure.  I suppose you already know me..."   A pleasure?  Well, she didn't know what else to say.

"Aye, I've heard a little of you.  Dawnpick has been on the maps for a little while, and new settlements are always potentially lucrative ventures."

And look what that had gotten the traders who were alive yesterday.  "I... I suppose so.  We've traded a fair bit over the years, especially when we were still growing quickly."  Wait... "...but I suppose you've lost a lot more than just bits here... nothing can replace their lives..."

"Oh? No ma'am, as tragic as their deaths were, these ponies were not my employees. I did not come here to trade."

That was a relief.  Well, it didn't ease her nerves too much.  They were still dead, but at least she didn't have worry so much about the consequences right this moment.  "Oh... I see... were you just traveling with them then?"

"Aye ma'am. It wouldn't have been safe for us to travel alone, and drawing on company assets for a personal trip didn't sit well with my wife, so we chose to follow the caravan."

"I could understand that," she replies.  All of it.  Clearly traveling alone was dangerous, something they's just proven in spades.  "Where are you from?  Were you traveling far away?"

"We come from Laceabbey, one of the western provinces. We were travelling down this way to visit my son, in another settlement near here."

"Laceabby?  That is a fair ways away."  She extrapolates which direction they were heading and fails to guess where their destination might be.  "You were heading to visit your son?  I must admit I can't think of any large settlements nearby.  Nowhere that the caravans would stop at normally anyway."

Gregor's expression darkens. "I had feared as much. That Shadowglaze bloke claimed he knew where Glitterglen was, but more and more I began to doubt him..."

"Glitterglen?"  Now, that did ring a bell.  "I... have heard of it.  I thought it was a penal colony of some sort..."  Her eyes widen as she realizes that she'd just accused their son of being a prisoner, although possibly not wrongly.

"I am well aware of what sort of place it is, and why my son was sent there. I stand by his actions... though a part of me still thinks him a fool for going to that city..."

She nods and hopes to deflect the poor choice of wording on her part.  "Ah... yes, I'm sorry..."  She tries to picture the map of the area in her head.  "...but you were headed in the right direction.  Glitterglen is a two week journey from here... I believe..."

"You know the way? That's a piece of good news. Thank you. Though, as I'm sure you're aware, it may be a while before we can depart."

"It was on one of the maps the liaison brought last year..." she replies, fishing through a pile next to her.  She retrieves the map and sets it on the desk.  "...I... suppose I understand your concerns.  Even if I could spare the ponies to escort you to Glitterglen I understand that you wouldn't feel comfortable about it..."

"Oh no, no, it isn't anything like that. I would hate to put any of your ponies at undue risk."

She nods, thankful that he didn't seem offended the thought anyway.  "I suppose you'd prefer to wait for the next rainbow coalition caravan... or for your own people to come for you?  I'll do whatever I can to make sure your stay here is as comfortable as possible in the meantime..."

"I appreciate your hospitality. Though, I somewhat doubt you will be recieving another Rainbow caravan any time soon..."

She quirks an eyebrow.  "Well, it would be another year... I would think..."  Wait a second... was he saying...

Gregor ponders for a moment. "...Say. Seeing as the Shadowglazes won't be doing business with you anytime soon... might I be able to interest you in a deal?"

"A deal...?"  She maintains the inquisitive expression.  "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, Dawnpick is an up-and-coming settlement, and a prosperous one at that. If I could get a letter back home to my elder daughters, perhaps we could work out a contract that would be profitable for both of us."

Virtue considers the offer for a second.  If it would remotely help their relations with the other rainbows... specifically those harmed today, she'd accept.  She was still a bit surprised he trusted them after what just happened, though.  "Of course... I... I suppose normally we'd send such correspondance with the caravan.  But I'm sure we could find a way.   There are aways things we need... and I'd do anything to help repair relations at this point..."

"Repair relations? With the Shadowglaze family? That will be incredibly difficult, I think."
"I... was afraid of that.  I take it you have no relations to them... and I'm at a loss on what to do..."

"I am not sure what to tell you. I never had much experience with the family until this trip, to be honest. I don't know how they might react."

She lowers her head slightly.  "I see... I don't even know who to speak to about it.  Or what to say."  She lets out a small pained sigh.  "But... I suppose if you don't know them then can't I ask anything of you.  Not that I'm in much of a position to anyway."

"Believe me, milady. If there were anything I could tell you that would be of use, I would do so without hesitation."

"Thank you... there may be little I can do about the caravan at this point... but at least you and your family are alright."  She forms a tiny smile.  "Your wife will be okay.  Panacea is an amazing doctor."

Gregor smiles at this. "Thank you, that eases my mind greatly."

She considered for a moment offering to go see his wife, but Panacea was probably still busy tending to her.  Best not to interrupt that.  Then she notices the young mare clinging to Gregor has nodded off to sleep, and another idea strikes her.  She makes a small motion toward her and says, "It... it's been a stresful day for all of us.  Perhaps we should go see about finding someplace for you to stay while you're here?  We have a few unoccupied rooms you're welcome to."  And she'd pass word to Partisan to assure that nopony bothered them.

Gregor looks down at his daughter. "Aye, I believe some of us could use the rest." He gently nuzzles her awake. "Come on Mari, let's get you into bed."

Virtue stands weakly and leads the two outside.  "They're right this way.  Sorry, but they're on the third floor..."
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2716 on: April 21, 2012, 09:04:25 pm »

Sarissa's Diary - 6th Granite 260

I've learned that Lady Virtue now has a personal guard as per Glaive's suggestion. If he's right, then there may be some attempt on My Lady's life in the near future. I truly hope that he's wrong. If it turns out to be true, and those mutants
do make an attempt on her life, then I'll fight tooth and hoof to bury Elegy's chipped blade deep into the guilty party's cranium. Very deep. I'm going to be keeping an eye on those mutants that are currently dwelling among us. I don't like the idea of them spending any more time with us than absolutely necessary. They could be the ones wanting to make an attempt on Lady Virtue's life. Even if that's not the case, they might still end up wanting revenge against us. Or worse, they could be spying on us and working out our weak points. I know I'm in no position to speak against them after my little "mistake", but I really would like for their stay to be shortened as much as possible.

As far as the personal guard itself goes, I'm a bit disappointed that I was not even considered for the position. Disappointed, but not really surprised. I suppose after what I did, Lady Virtue has probably lost any trust she may have had in me. At least Glaive was a good choice. Speaking of which, I still have not heard what, if any, my punishment will be for attacking the Darkbolt. I can take being locked up for a while. I can even take being lashed. What I
cannot take is losing my position in the militia. Losing Elegy. At least there's no indication that such will happen so far...

20th Felsite, 260

Unfortunate happenings today. A forgotten beast showed up, and several others in the militia were exposed to the effects of that cursed dust it had. Now Naginata, Partisan, Kris and Kukri are sick in the hospital. At least they managed to kill it, but I never got a chance to fight it myself! Maybe if I had made it there in time, we would have been able to take it down before so many ponies were affected. Perhaps I should be grateful that I was not among those harmed, especially after having finally gotten over the effects of that wound from that weird mutant weapon. I still feel a bit guilty for not having gotten there in time, regardless. If only I would have had a chance to slash into that things flesh...

Several days earlier, I learned that the stripy hybrid named Friesden accidentally earned her cutie mark via the actions of a strange mood. This is the first time I've heard of such a thing happening. I find it a shame that her talent was something that she found so distasteful. She's already of mixed heritage and appears to be mentally disabled because of it. She has my sympathy. I've thought about talking to her about the bone-carving thing, since I can relate to her plight of getting an unexpected cutie mark. At least I was able to adapt to and embrace mine. Perhaps I can teach her to do the same.

On an unrelated subject, I'm starting to worry about Lady Virtue. She seems to be under chronic stress and almost always looks weary. It's not surprising, given her position and all of the less-than-pleasant things that have happened around here as of late. I wish I could help, but I don't know if I can approach her about it. She's my superior, so speaking to her about emotional matters just doesn't seem appropriate. Not to mention that I'm not the best pony when it comes to such matters.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 09:12:35 pm by Kryptid »


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2717 on: April 21, 2012, 11:39:16 pm »

She have made it.. Months of sea-journeying and Months more of sniffing around, tracking and looking for clues.. She have finally made it. She was Heartbroken when her sister have ran and left her family.. Not because that she ran, Kit understood that if her sister didn’t run away, she’d be dead already by now.. No.. She was Heartbroken because Kat didn’t bring her with her.

But that doesn’t matter anymore, She have waited and worked long and hard enough and now she’s here.. In Front of the hospital in this strange new lands in this strange new fort.. At Least the ponies here seems nice. Talking with the Lady of this place was pleasant, Even though she came to knowledge of her sister now hurt in the Hospital.. But she knew Kat.. She’ll.. She’ll go through this and stand up.. She always do..

Mustering her courage, With a deep breath and a determined mind, Kit steps into the Hospital, Looking for the patient’s ward.. Looking for her elder sister who she left everything behind for.. And there she is, Laying in boredom with a bandaged wing and hoof. heh, she didn’t change one bit from what Kit can remember her.. She wanted to shout out her name, she want to jump and fly and just pounce her sister right then and there.. It’s been so long.. Her hooves walked towards her elder sibling without her even realizing it.. her eyes welling up with tears of joy..
..she made it..

“Kat?” Kit worded out, finally after just sort of stand there for a moment longer than she wanted.. Her words shaky and filled with happiness.. Now she knows what wordless feels like.

There are Moments, Moments that stops a pony’s heart for a beat, Those moments can be fear, those moments can be shock.. and today, Kat knew it came in surprise and blissful happiness aswell.. Her heart skipped a beat when she hear that voice, her face slowly turns around to see the owner of that voice.. She didn’t want to believe it.. She even consider this being hallucination from Panacea’s medicine.. “Kit?” She worded back, a foreleg reaching out only to be accepted and held by her younger sister, confirming that she really.. is there..

They both share a little tearful smile together.. Words failed them, Words escaped them, words had no place for them.. not today.. not now.. right now, it’s time for hugs. And hugs they did.

All those times being apart, all those memories they shared, It all rushing back together as they held each others, never again wanting to let go.. But eventually, Regretfully, they did..

Kat was first to break the silence. “Kit.. w-what.. why are you here?” She ask, wiping some tears from her eyes.

“Because I want to see you again!.. silly.” Kit replied, she’s not quite fluent with this strange new language yet, but she always have had ways with word and must be speaking a lot better than Kat have had at the same time as her learning.

“Silly filly.. you shouldn’t have came after me..” Kat said with a smile, ruffling her little sister’s mane slightly, producing an eep.

“But you told me yourself to always follow my heart! and make my own decisions and never let anyone control my life!... so.. So I left and looked for you.. and.. I found you now.. I’m glad you’re still alive Sister..” Kit said, smiling happily and giving Kat another hug and nuzzles happily at her.

“I’m glad you followed your own choice..” Kat said softly, embracing Kit in their hug and returns the nuzzles..


It would be hours before they finish talking to each others, Mainly about things and how things have been both back there and here.. Kat having somepony to share stories with and telling of the wonderful ponies here in Dawnpick.. Kit was Eager to meet them.. But there’s one thing she’s also eager about that she didn’t tell her sister as she walks out..

Seeing Kat there wounded in the hospital’s bed, Kit wanted to do something about that.. And she have always wanted to be like her sister.. She wants to follow her hoofsteps.. Kat never liked that.. But she’s making her own choice here.. She know that Kat’s in the guards here in Dawnpick, she wants in too.. She have travelled across the ocean and across strange lands, meeting ponies and learning languages to find her.. And to find her hurt, she wants to do something to help.. And she figured that if she could help her sister work.. that would help things out. Finding Partisan’s office and Tapping on his door..

“Hello, I’m Kit. And I’m here about joining the guards.. May I come in?”

Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2718 on: April 21, 2012, 11:42:38 pm »

The foals and Jaxler made there way over to the hospital to check up on Kat. it took them a while to walk there, mainly because Jaxler made a detour around the depot. one the pony reached the hospital Jaxler knocked on the door. "HAY PANACEA, CAN I COME IN!"
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2719 on: April 21, 2012, 11:48:25 pm »

Friesden peered through the hospital, slipping past Jaxler. The...The warrior she knew as the lady of terror was here, wounded...

She had cared for Friesden when nopony else would. She should know what was happening. Friesden owed her that much.

She walked up to the lady of terror's bed, and bowed to her. "Good day."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2720 on: April 21, 2012, 11:51:34 pm »

"well that's one way of doing it... Okay then foals come in!"

Jaxler then walked on in with the rest of the foals "Yo, Kat"
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2721 on: April 21, 2012, 11:54:32 pm »

Kat sees the approaching Friesden, Although she's on the bed and still wounded, she doesn't look too bad. Been feeling great lately even, She beams Friesden a kind smile and chirped "ah Friesden! Good day to you too!" oh how have she grown.. She'll probably wouldn't be seeing her around the Stable anymore, But it's still great to see the filly that she used to care for visiting her.

And then there's Jaxler, Kat was surprised to see him leading the foals in, He's the Penfather today? well that's a surprise. Although after that visit, he doesn't really seems like such a bad guy. "Hehe, What's up Jaxler?"
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2722 on: April 21, 2012, 11:56:08 pm »

"Miss Kat. You may be unaware, but I have been adopted by my master-at-arms, master Fauchard."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2723 on: April 21, 2012, 11:57:32 pm »

Granite waited for Jaxler and the foal train to enter the hospital before he went in. During this period of time he started playing with his chain... and managed to cut himself. He sighed and then walked in after the last foal. Granite then watched as Friesden and Jaxler each greeted Kat. "Wow, this is actually pretty deep..." Granite says to himself, examining his wound.

Impending Doom

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2724 on: April 21, 2012, 11:58:06 pm »

Germaine awakens to the sound of shouting. She sits upright, surveying the room briefly before her eyes rest on the little grey mare in the next bed over, currently being swamped by a mass of foals. She can't help but chuckle at the rather odd sight.
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2725 on: April 21, 2012, 11:59:26 pm »

Midnight watched, have confused, and half smiling at the parade of foals walking to the hospital. He smiled more as he noticed Rose among them, and decides to follow for a bit. And see what every pony was up too.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2726 on: April 22, 2012, 12:03:48 am »

Kat didn't think it was possible to feel any better today, She was proven Drastically wrong. Smiling wide as she's being swamped by foals and ponies alike
"Aww, Hello too all of yous!" then Friesden says that.

"Oh? well that's nice Friesden! you having a proper family again. I'm sure he'll do you a great father, hehe, might even teach you a thing or two aswell who knows? But from those bruises I'm seeing.. He really have been teaching you stuff haven't he hmm?" Kat asked with a smile.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 12:06:08 am by vkiNm »
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2727 on: April 22, 2012, 12:05:29 am »

"Wow, I am literally getting blood on the floor, damn..." Granite says, noticing his cut bleeding heavily and watches as it drips in a small pool under his feet. He then looks over to see Kat smiling at all the foals. Granite starts feeling light-headed.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2728 on: April 22, 2012, 12:08:05 am »

Jaxler looks down at Granite who's bleeding... badly

I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2729 on: April 22, 2012, 12:10:01 am »

Rose quickly works her way up to Kat's bed, and gently hugs the pony. Midnight slowly working hiy way through the crowed, easily noticing the injured Granite. Quickly looking around for medical staff.
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