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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 236320 times)


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2550 on: April 17, 2012, 12:58:30 am »


Jaxler then tried to force himself up on the ground, only to realize that the lack of water had made him far to week to stand up.

"well buck, looks like I'm too dehydrated to even walk "
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2551 on: April 17, 2012, 01:09:18 am »

I sigh in relief, then carefully sling Jaxler over my back.  He protests the entire way back to the hospital, and Panacea looks worried at how dehydrated and malnourished he looks, but she say's he should be fine.  Well, physically, at least.  Mentally... I knew he was far from fine.  I leave him in Panacea's care as I leave.  I could only think of one thing that might help Jaxler out of this mess he's in: fixing his crossbow.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2552 on: April 17, 2012, 01:37:26 am »

, , , and

The Afternoon of 1st Granite, 260

Virtue was making her way to the trade depot to speak with the rainbow pony merchants and see what wares they had brought with them this year.  She didn't expect things to be much different than the last few years.  She'd trade some assorted crafts made in Dawnpick along with some of Skillet's best stews, which the rainbows seemed quite fond of, for a large supply of cloth, leather and a few exotic foodstuffs they couldn't make on site.  It wasn't a great deal of trading, but it kept the rainbows coming back every year, and kept a few ponies busy here.

This time though... something was wrong.  A few of the guards seemed to be missing from the trade depot, and more worryingly, she heard what sounded like quite agitated shouts coming from the dining hall.  Her heart picks up pace a bit as she tries and fails to make out the words.  Somepony was probably drunk and had started a fight.  No big deal... she'd just go locate Partisan if he wasn't there already and sort things out.  If the rainbows got involved, she'd offer to get any wounds looked after and pay for the damages.

As she sets hoof inside the dining hall, her heart stops completely for a moment.  Dozens of very irate looking ponies, as well as rainbow ponies of all sorts were standing around a dining table, and worse, Panacea was crouched over somepony who wasn't moving.  “He... he's dead...” the pegasus mare mutters at last, hanging her head.

“Murderers!” a darkbolt with an axe shouts, looking around the room with a hateful glare on his face.  “Who did it!?  Which one of you murdered him and why!?”  He glares at Skillet.  “You!  You're the chef here, you did it didn't you!?”

Virtue feels horror closing around her.  She had to do something fast or this was going to get out of her control and there would be no return.  She trots over to Panacea and sees a draltha pony lying dead on the floor, apparently devoid of any injuries.  “What happened?” she demands, looking at the darkbolt first, hoping to gain his trust.

“Somepony here murdered him!” he shouts.  “Poison!  He dropped dead after taking a bite of your chef's food!”

As Skillet sinks back, Virtue recognizes the dead pony's clothing as being that of the the rainbow pony diplomats.  And now it hits her what she was looking at.  He was dead...  Skillet shakes her head.  “I... I did nothing of the sort!  I'd never do that!”

“You!” the darkbolt exclaims as he looks at Virtue again.  “You... I know you.  You're the leader here... I'm going to go speak with the foreman, and you're coming with me.  He's going to want to know about this, and I'm not letting you out of my sight until he does.  You probably arranged this...” he hisses, reaching for his axe.

Virtue tenses as the blade comes dangerously close to her face, but she stands and nods, all but trembling.  Several of the ponies in the dining hall shout obscenities at the gesture, but she quells them with a hoof.  “I'll speak with him.  This isn't what it looks like, I can assure you...”

The darkbolt shoos her to the door and mutters through the weapon, “You don't have to assure me...”

Virtue follows the darkbolt to the trade depot where a dozen more rainbow ponies of all types were milling around, furious expressions on their faces and weapons loose in their slings or scabbards.  She was numb to what had just happened... did somepony poison the diplomat?  Why?  It had to be something else... maybe he was sick... nopony here would murder anypony else... never...  She feels a moment of relief as she sees Kat and Sarissa standing near the trade depot, sure that they would help quell any thoughts of brewing violence.  Then she sees similarly angry expressions on their faces...

As they arrive, a large gorlak pony strides forward to meet them.  “You.  Baroness Virtue, I presume.  You've got a lot of explaining to do.  You'd best start and no lies.”

She stumbles over her words for a moment and fishes desperately in her mind for an explanation.  She didn't have one.  “I-I-I didn't see what happened... b-b-but I-I assure you that this is j-j-j-just a mistake...”

The gorlak grimaces and raises a crossbow to a ready level.  “I'm not sure how much I believe that.”

Sarissa sees the crossbow come up, and a hateful glare forms on her face.  She storms over to the two and says in a less than nice tone, “You... I don't care who you are, nopony points a weapon at my lady!”

“And nopony kills my men!” he snarls back at her, raising the weapon to Virtue's face.  “How does this make you feel?  Huh?  If I killed her like one of you killed Tislam?”

Virtue shrieks and cowers as the crossbow meets her face, and Sarissa reacts instinctively.  With a calculated kick, the crossbow sails into the air and discharges, sending a bolt into the trade depot.  Virtue feels her entire spine ice over as she looks up and sees a roiling mob of hatred and violence form.  There was a flash as the gorlak swings at Sarissa, then another flash of steel as his head is removed from his shoulders by her axe.  Virtue shrieks again and scrabbles backward as blood begins to pool around the corpse of the gorlak.

Furious shouts and the sounds of metal weapons being drawn meet her ears as she clings to the ground and covers her head with her hooves.  A terrified whimper passes her lips as the sound of a crossbow being discharged also reaches her ears, and she looks up to see things going about as horrifyingly as her worst fears.

Sarissa was all but gleefully dancing around the clumsy blows of the merchant guards, and each of her retaliatory strikes drew blood or worse.  Several rainbow ponies were already lying motionless on the ground or clutching profusely bleeding and surely mortal wounds.

Kat has a curious combination of a sinister grin and rage filled scowl on her face as she joins Sarissa in the madness.  She looses a bolt which strikes another gorlak squarely in the chest, spraying the ground with a fountain of blood.  The mortally wounded pony collapses immediately, and a slippy pony behind it scrabbles into cover.  Kat happily gives chase.

Virtue stares in abject horror at the blood strewn about the trade depot, not to mention the dead and dying rainbows.  She desperately reaches inside for the will to scream for them to stop, but nothing but a muffled squeak leaves her mouth.  Even as she watches, Kat descends upon a keshi hammer pony and lodges a bolt deeply into his rear leg.  The pony retaliates with a crushing blow from his hammer, mangling her wing with a single strike and hurling her through the air up against the curtain wall.

She is convinced she's about to watch Kat die horribly in front of her as the hammer pony leaps after her and raises his weapon to crush her skull.  Another bolt zips past and strikes the hammer pony in the chest, followed by him dropping his weapon and staggering about, gasping and wheezing.  The pony coughs spasmodically, spraying blood on the grass, and staggers backward until another bolt lodges itself in his chest.  Overcome with agony, the pony collapses, and a black pegasus swoops down next to  the motionless Kat.  Jaxler raises his crossbow and fires at another rainbow pony, scoring a hit if the confused scream was any indicator.

This... this was... madness Virtue thinks to herself as she continues to fail to comprehend what was going on around her.  Another rainbow pony died noisily, this time by Sarissa's axe if the solid crunch of splintering bone was what she really just heard.  She looks around, trembling as Sarissa laughs off a bolt that spangs from her armor before striking down a hovering darkbolt.

But through it all, one thing catches her eyes and ears.  Kat was beginning to stir, crying out as she rolls over and rests on her crushed wing.  Something stirs inside Virtue.  Something instinctive and desperate.  She sees a couple of rainbow ponies with axes spot Kat and charge for her.  But she was closer.  Without a thought she leaps to her hooves and bolts for Kat, snatching her up and throwing her over her back just as the axe ponies were upon her.

Both ponies swung their weapons, and Virtue knew she was dead.  After an agonizing moment and no pain stabbing through her, she looks up to see Jaxler firing at the two and drawing their attention. Sarissa then barrels into them, throwing one from his hooves and quite thoroughly distracting the other.

The instinct reasserts itself and Virtue gallops for the hospital, feeling Kat shift on her back and let out another pained cry.  "No..." Kat mutters weakly as she cracks her eyes.  "...the fight... it's not over yet... I... I can still... fight..."  Virtue ignores the pained words coming from the wounded pegasus mare and continues on.  This couldn't be happening... it couldn't be happening.  Ponies were dying.  She shoves the hospital door open to find Wool standing there, dumbstruck.  She places Kat on the nearest bed and says, “She's hurt... maybe bad.  There are going to be a lot more.”

With that she gallops back toward the trade depot where she hoped the fighting would be over and she could through some miracle salvage the situation.  She knew that wasn't going to happen, but she had to try.

Things were worse than she could have possibly imagined.  Nopony but Jaxler and Sarissa were left standing at the depot.  Both were inspecting the bodies of the fallen, and every last one Virtue looked at was clearly dead.  None were even just beyond help.  They were dead.  All of them.  Dead.  Her adrenaline charged trot peters out into a stumble as she stops in front of the bloodbath.

Sarissa catches sight of her and returns her bloodied weapon to its sling.  “My lady, are you alright?”  She steps over to her and begins inspecting her for injuries.  “You're not hurt, are you?”

Virtue stares in silence and does not answer.

“Lady Virtue?  Are you alright?” she persists.

Virtue finally manages a weak shake of her head and collapses to the ground, covering her eyes.  She tries to say something, but only soul-consuming sobs leave her mouth.  No.  No, she was not alright.  This was not going to be okay.  It couldn't.  So many ponies were dead.  So, so many.  And for what?

Sarissa gives Jaxler a nervous glance, but he simply returns the unsure look.  This was neither pony's forte.

A small gaggle of ponies begins to emerge from the dining hall and approach the scene.  Virtue ignores all of them and continues to bawl and cover her face.  This was not going to be okay.

It just wasn't.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 02:07:16 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2553 on: April 17, 2012, 02:28:30 am »

« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 02:32:07 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2554 on: April 17, 2012, 02:51:05 am »

(Set not too long after the fight in the Trade Depot, we join our characters in the middle of a conversation.)

"I.. I was supposed to stay in the fight until it ended!.."

"But you were seriously hurt, Kat!"

"I could handle it!"

Flux looks to the cast on her wing. "They... They almost killed you!"

"I could've handled them.."

"What if..." He hangs his head, barely whispering.  "...what if not..."

Kat sighs lightly.. then smiles "Do you not believe me Flux?"

"Of course... but... you're still a pony.  A... a more skilled fighter might come along... or just get lucky... I worry when you go out to fight..."

"It's my duty to go out to fights Flux.. to make sure i keep everypony safe.. to make sure i keep you safe.."

"I know, but... I still worry!  I wish my traps could work for everything, or we could just live in peace, or..."  Flux looks incredibly sad, wishing ponies didn't have to die.  "Why... why can't everypony just... get along..."

Kat sighs lightly then lay a little more onto her bed in the hospital. "Because we choose not to I guess..."

Flux sighs, then walks close to the bed to gently lay a hoof on Kat's.  "I think... it's because everypony has something they're willing to fight for..."  he says, looking at Kat as he does so, letting her know exactly who he'd fight for.  Kat sighs happily and smiles, squeezing onto his hoof softly with hers as she lay on her bed like that.. "Mmhmm.."

"I... should I try to join the reserves?"

Kat shook her head "No.. You might have killed something with a dagger before Flux, but I don't want you out there.. even in the reserves.. you can protect ponies better by smelting steel and making traps.. so that ponies like me can fight easier and wouldn't die easily.."

"I... I can do both, I think?  I just... I don't want to see you hurt if there's anything I could do to stop it, Kat."

"Then don't join the reserve Flux.. It'd hurt me more than any wounds anypony can give me to see you hurt."  Flux glances at Kat's wing, obviously feeling the same about her.  "But..."  Kat gives him a reassuring smile "I'll be fine Flux.. I'm a tough pony."

Tears well at Flux' eyes as he looks into hers.  "But... I... couldn't do anything..."

"You make the steel i wear, the bolts I shoot, the crossbow I use, and the traps that kept us safe Flux.."

"But not safe enough..."

"Well, I could've died without them Flux."

"You... almost died with them... There must be something else I could do?"

"well.. It kept me alive. That's what matters, right?"  Tears slowly fall as Flux has trouble describing just how he feels.  "I... I'm happy you're alive, my love, but... you're so hurt... what if... what if next time...?"  He shuts his eyes, trying to hold back the tears and not think of what next time might hold.  Kat squeezes onto his hoof a little more and pull him down closer as she pull herself up a bit as well to wrap her forelegs around him into a hug.. holding him tightly. "Next time.. they'll all have to go through your traps first."

Flux returns the embrace, gently nuzzling her and being grateful she's still there to nuzzle.  *sniffle* "O...Ok, Kat... just... just come back safe... next time..."

Kat nuzzles lovingly at him then sighs happily, "I will.. I promise."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2555 on: April 17, 2012, 03:59:36 pm »

24th Hematite, 259

((This is after the accident with the fishing pier, but before Panacea pronounces Amber a dead pony, so Virtue is depressed but not crushed at least.))

Indigo knocks on Virtue's door, then enters. He looks very upset. "Hello, Lady Virtue. I need to talk to you. Please."

Virtue turns her attention away from the work orders she had been pretending to pay attention to, to Indigo, as he comes in. Her expression is that of utter exhaustion, and she blinks heavily as she takes in his expression. He didn't look happy, that much was evident. "Oh, Indigo. What's wrong?" she asks in a similarly weary tone.

"The accident is wrong. I know, you care deeply about ponies getting hurt in Dawnpick. I can see that, everypony can. What happened to Cross Stitch and Amber was our fault, the masons', not yours. Well, mostly Mortar's, but I sometimes double-check his work and I could have prevented this accident. We... shouldn't have let apprentices do our jobs. Normally knocking down a wall is fairly safe, but not when there is a catwalk or a pier or some other construction above it. We've grown careless. I'm... I'm sorry." Indigo hangs his head low, looks at the floor and his eyes become watery.

Virtue's self-loathing dissolves a bit as she sees the remorseful expression on his face.  She wasn't the only pony hurting over this. "No... I'm sorry."  She sighs as she looks at a copy of the town's map hanging on the wall next to her, with the redrawn walls scrawled over the existing walls. "I shouldn't have asked you to relocate the walls. They weren't hurting anypony like they were..."

"No, expanding the walls was a good decision, Dawnpick is getting cramped. And you just told us to do it, not how to do it." Mortar should be here instead of me.

She simply sighs in response and looks down into her desk. At least this was just about Indigo apologizing on behalf of the masons, even if she didn't think an apology was necessary, at least not to her. Everypony made mistakes. No shortage of them from her. She was hardly going to hold him accountable for a mistake like this.

"Some of the masons may be eligible for charges of negligence. If it comes to that... I'm considering taking some of the blame." But just considering.

Her eyes go wide and she shakes her head. No. Absolutely not. She was not imprisoning anypony for this. "Indigo... it was an honest mistake. You and the others have done very well to say that nopony else has been hurt in nearly a decade."  Why didn't that help her any when she told it to herself? It probably wasn't doing him much good either. "The last thing I want to do is punish somepony for this... I think what happened was more than enough of that..."

"How... how could I possibly make this up to Cross Stitch and Amber and her family? They lost their horns, and may lose their lives. There is nothing I can do. I can apologise, along with Mortar and Amor, maybe give them some presents or visit them at the hospital, but what would I even say to them? There is just no way to make it up to them."

Virtue nods understandingly. "I wish I had an answer for that..." she begins, placing a hoof to her forehead. This was something she'd agonized for the better part of a day over. She didn't have much energy to be supportive right now, but she tries anyway. "...I'm afraid that's all we can do at this point." She offers the most sincere smile she could. "But showing support for them at the hospital... it means more than you might think. And... I've spoken with Panacea. She says that they will be okay."

"Living without a horn is not okay. But... if it's any consolation, I talked to Amor. She hardly ever uses her magic at all and she agreed to help them rehabilitate. To adjust to living without horns. I'm... I'm not ready to face them in the hospital myself. I'm sorry."

That was something she couldn't imagine herself, but she hardly doubted what he was saying. She avoids his gaze for a second. "This is tough on a lot of ponies... and I know I can't understand what's happened to them... not completely. But Panacea... she... she said they'd be alright. That's all I can hope for. They'll learn... at least Amor is willing to help them. I'm sure there are other ponies here who would do the same."

She sees the pained expression on his face at mentioning being unable to face them in the hospital.  "I'm going to go see them in the hospital soon. You're welcome to join me, if you want... but if you can't... I understand.  I can tell them whatever you want me to... or nothing if you'd prefer."

Indigo shakes his head "I... I can't. Not now. I'm sorry. Tell them... that the masons are sorry." He closes his eyes, and after a moment adds. "There is one more thing. When we need to pull down a building in the future, there is a safer way to do it." Indigo pulls out a piece of paper with a simple drawing. "Basically you replace some of the walls with supports, link them to a lever, remove the rest of the walls and pull the lever to collapse the building when there is nopony near it. Just tell architects and mechanics to do it that way next time." The paper has some wet stains on it, but is perfectly readable. "I know it is no consolation and comes too late, but we'll be more careful in the future. Mortar and Amor agree, that this way of demolishing buildings should be safer. It will take more time and effort, but nopony should get hurt in a stupid accident."

She takes a look at the paper and nods.  "Yes... that looks like a much better way to handle such situations."  She looks up to him.  "I know you'll be more careful in the future.  Nopony did this on purpose... but it's reassuring to know that this will never happen again..."

"I'm sorry. I... I'll go back to work now." Indigo gets to the craftpony's workshop. Without even fully realizing, how he got there, he works on another rock pot to take his mind off the tragedy. It helps a little, but he still feels absolutely terrible. Eventually, after over two weeks, he visits the patients with Amor. He sees dying Amber and feels sick and tired upon leaving the building. Amor handles the situation much better.

Virtue bids him farewell and turns her attention back to the work orders. She felt... maybe a bit better. Maybe. Seeing Indigo for once without somepony getting in trouble was a relief, but she was no happier for learning how upset he was at the whole thing. Trading one concern for another... but she brushes as much of the worry out of her mind as she could. Indigo would be fine... as would Cross Stitch and Amber. When they were fine, she would be too. She pushes the work orders aside and heads for the door, planning to go see Panacea and her patients. Hopefully there would be some good news there.

She feels a curious set of emotions as she exits and tries to maintain a bit of a straight face. It was reassuring to know that she wasn't the only pony who cared about what happened. Not that she really doubts it of course, but hearing it helps. Everypony would be okay. It would take a while, but they would all be okay.
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Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2556 on: April 17, 2012, 04:18:30 pm »


(Takes place... some time?  Obviously not the Rainbow caravan, probably the one before or after.)

Flux was nervous. It's not really unusual for him to be so, but he felt extra nervous this time. He had talked with the bowyer, they said they would be able to repair Jaxler's bow. They also said it'd cost a small fortune. They did, however, say they would accept the piccolo in trade. He walked towards Jaxler's apartment, still trying to figure out what he'd say as he raises a hoof to knock.

"Who's there?"  comes Jaxler’s voice.

"Um... It's me, Flux. Can, uh, I come in?"

Jaxler opens his door "Aye flux."  Flux smiles at his friend as he enters, looking around for his crossbow. "So, um, how are you doing, Jaxler?"

Jaxler takes a seat on his bed and thinks for a moment. "Pretty good considering that I actually woke up in my bed today"

"That's a good thing, ya?"  Jaxler shrugs.

“So... I, uh, wanted to ask about your, um, crossbow."  Flux shuffles his hooves.  "Have you... tried to get it repaired?"

"I have tried getting it repaired... but I honestly don't have anywhere near enough bits to get it fixed"

"Um... I, uh, talked with the boyer about it. Um... part of a caravan.  If you want it repaired... he'll do it."

"If I were to get it repaired I'd need to talk to more than just a bowyer."

"Ya... he said he'd have to, um, outsource a fair bit of the work, but... if you want it repaired, you can."

"Well, regardless I doubt this bowyer knows what my crossbow used to be like before it got into it's current state."

"Well... maybe we should go talk to him and see?"

Jaxler shrugs.  "Might as well"

Flux smiles in relief at his friend. "Alright!"  Jaxler looks under his bed and brings out his crossbow. "So can you lead the way to this bowyer?"
Flux nods happily and holds the door for Jaxler.  He leads Jaxler to the trade depot and to a unicorn with a bushy mustache. The Unicorn perks up, recognizing Flux. "Ah, you've returned! This must be the crossbow you were talking about."

Jaxler walks up the the bowyer and shows him his decrepit weapon.  The unicorn nods at Jaxler. "Ah, you must be the gentlecolt Flux here was talking about. Jaxler, right? May I levitate your crossbow for a moment? I'd like to get a feel for the old gal, if you don't mind?"

"Go ahead"

"Thank you kindly. My name's Drawstring, by the by." He levitates the crossbow and gives it the once-over, checking the string and action, the draw and stock. He gives a low whistle as he examines it. "She was a beauty in her prime, wasn't she? Looks like a lot of bits fell off the poor girl over the years, despite the care you've taken."

He levitates it back to Jaxler, satisfied. "I'd be happy to repair your crossbow, though it'll take several days."

"How much is this gonna cost me?"

Drawstring smiles. "Nothing, your friend here already has it covered."

"Okay... then..." Jaxler pauses for a moment before realizing something important.  "Before you work on my crossbow you should know that it's stained brown. The wood it's made out of is blood thorn."

The unicorn nods. "Yep, figured that. The heft wasn't right for oak, pine or any of the more conventional woods. Makes her handle like an extension of your hoof, though, don't it?  You want it stained brown again?"

"Yes, but before I make this deal with you I need to talk to Flux, in private."

"Of course, of course." Drawstring turns back to his wagon, muttering to himself as he begins to choose tools to get to work if Jaxler agrees. Flux follows Jaxler a few steps away to talk with him, hoping Jaxler isn't upset.

Jaxler sighs.  "How much is this going to cost you?"

“Um... just a trade..."  Flux scuffs a hoof in the dirt, trying to avoid the question.
"What did you trade?"

Flux mumbles something, still not looking at Jaxler.

"What.  Did.  You.  Trade."

" piccolo..."
Jaxler pauses for a second, speechless.

" why did you do this?"

"Um... because you're my friend... and your crossbow means a lot to you..."

Jaxler looks a bit confused, still trying to process what’s happening.  "um... thanks"

Flux gives Jaxler a small smile. "So... um, are you... going to let him repair your, uh, crossbow?"

"Ug... oh, yes but I need to specify some things first."

“Um, ok?"

Jaxler walks up to Drawstring. "Before I let you fix my crossbow I want you to tell me exactly what you plan to do to it first."

"I'll be replacing the draw and mechanism to start. Steel is the typical choice, but doesn't look like what she originally had: Only rust from iron on her. She probably had Silver to start with? I'll be magically repairing the stock, it's mostly superficial damage and shouldn't be too difficult. Looks like she had some studs or maybe gems as well, so I'll see about replacing those, too. Oh, and I'll leave the inscription on her, looks important."

"The original draw and mechanism were platinum, and it did have gems encrusted into it, and if your going to replace the gems use black opal. Also, don't mind the studs, I doubt you have the original metal."

"Platinum, eh? What was it studded with, originally? More platinum?"

"No... and I actually know that you don't have the original metal"

"Well now my curiosity is piqued, good stallion. Would you be willing to tell me what the metal was? You'd be surprised what metals I have squirreled away."

"I'd tell you what it was, but those whom obtain such an evil metal are often prone to ill-fate"

"A certain blue and legendary material? Well, if so, the lack shouldn't throw off her balance hardly at all. I might put a few extra black opal to get her right. The platinum draw and mechanism cut into my profits a bit, but a deal is a deal, and I'll still come out ahead. So, shall I get to work?"

"Don't mess with the spots where the studs used to be, and if you’re willing to do that then we have deal."

Drawstring shrugs at Jaxler's odd condition, but big commissions like this tend to have odd requests. "If that's what you want, that's what you'll get." He holds out his hoof to finalize the agreement with a shake.

Jaxler shakes Drawstrings hoof, agreeing.  He then gives Drawstring his crossbow. "Also, if this weapon is harmed in anyway when you give it back to me, I... won't... be... happy..."

He smiles. "Should take just a few days, pretty sure that Lustre has some black opals around somewhere. No worries, my fine stallion. I've been doing this for a long time. You'll have your crossbow back in prime condition, I guarantee it!"

"Good."  After replying, Jaxler walkes back over to Flux. "Flux, I need to talk with you some more."

Flux looks slightly confused, but doesn't refuse. "Uh, ok?"

"I... if you did this because you feel like you owe me something then you should go call off the deal."

Flux thinks for a few moments, then shakes his head. "I did it because... I think you need your crossbow, Jaxler. It means a lot to you."

"Okay... So, I need to know something, how good are you at smelting?"

“Um... alright, I guess? I don't hold a candle to Cinders, but I'm not too bad. Um, why?"

"If, we're going to get this crossbow repaired, I'm going to need something. I have the raw material but I'd need a furnace operator like yourself to refine it"

"Alright? What do you need smelted?"

"I'll tell you in a less 'public' place than this, like my apartment."

"Uh... alright. If you say so, Jaxler."

Jaxler and Flux make their way back to his apartment. After Jaxler enters the room, he grabs two keys; one hidden under his bed and the other hidden inside his journal. He then walks over to his coffer (which bears two key locks and a combination lock) and unlocks it. "This coffer has some things in it from before I came to Dawnpick."

Flux raises an eyebrow at the security Jaxler has on this particular coffer, but says nothing.
Jaxler starts pulling out random oddities from his coffer and puts them on the floor next to him. He takes out numerous daggers, a long chain chain made of gold, a long spiral horn, and many other strange items before he pulls out a wooden box with another lock on it.

Flux looks at the various things curiously, hoping he's wrong about where the horn might be from.  Jaxler also grabs a set of lock picks and starts picking the locked box. "I threw away this Box's key a while ago. This could take a while so if you have any questions about the various items on the ground feel free to ask."

Flux gently prods the horn. "Um... this one?"

"It's a relic from my grandfather's service during the pegasus/alicorn wars"

Flux retreats from the horn like it tried to bite him.

"Grandfather never told me exactly what happened but that horn probably had something to do with him losing his wings and getting paralyzed below the waist."

Flux has no real answer for that, so says nothing.  After a few minutes of awkward silence, Jaxler finally picks the box open and pulls out another smaller granite box. Jaxler then takes out of the box a clear glass jug filled with little cyan metallic strands. "Flux, guess how much the contents of this jug is worth."

Flux gapes at the strands, knowing exactly what they are. "Sweet Celestia..."

"What you set your eyes upon at right now is truly the most unholy metal in known existence. This metal is the work of wars. To bring just a single bar of this god-forsaken element from the depths of fire cost an uncountable number of lives . This blue abomination is a true demon. Now Flux, guess how much this jug is worth"

"... a lot? I... more than all of Dawnpick?"

Jaxler laughed and added "Now guess how much my crossbow used to be worth."

"...Even more?"

"Yep now, guess who's supposed to melt these metal strands down."

"Um... me? Are you sure you wouldn't rather Cinders do that? He's a lot better than I am. I've only heard theories about how to work with adamantine."

"Why would I trust Cinders with something like this? I don't even know the pony."

Flux is speechless for a few moments. Eventually, he finds his voice again. "And... um... after I m-make a wafer from the strands?"

“I'll need somepony to make it into studs for my crossbow"

"Studs? Um... I think I could cast those?"

"Good." Jaxler starts putting the jug back into it box. "If you don't mind I'm gonna hold on to these till I get my crossbow back. It's safer with me." Jaxler moved over and started putting all his oddities back into the coffer except for the gold chain.

"Um... ya. I'll need to get a, uh, special crucible for it also. I don't want to lose any of... that by sticking to the sides."

"If you need to buy one then I'd be happy to pay for it."

"I'll ask Glaze. I don't think he'll charge if I tell him it's for the smelter."

"That's good... man, these next couple days are gonna be so weird without my crossbow"

"Um... you're gonna be alright?"

“Yeah, I still got my brass horseshoes and this chain as weapons.  It's just kinda strange, not carrying around my crossbow everywhere I go. The last time I went more than a day without my crossbow was when I was in the hospital, but even then I was unconscious for half the time."

“Well, um... just think about how nice it'll be after it gets fixed up?"

"I will, and thanks"

"Any time, Jaxler. Um, you're my friend. I like to see my friends happy."

Flux smiles at Jaxler, who returns with his own slight smile.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 04:46:39 pm by Khenal »
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2557 on: April 17, 2012, 09:09:02 pm »

This takes place before the last update

((1st of Timber in the 258 year of the Mythic Age))
((Amor & Jaxler “Bar” Scene))

The Dining Hall was empty, lone for ponies down on their luck, Amor was one such luckless pony. The Mare was drowning her qualms with the worse liquor for the job, water. The thing that raked the Little Pony’s mind was that giving up her alias as Kiln was not the hard part, it was reclaiming herself. By the Crown’s will she had taken the pseudonym in the year 249, traveled to places like Bangkolt, Gecekondu and many others. Here In Dawnpick she wanted to be free from it but unfortunately, a pony was making her regret it; learning of her new friend’s involvement in the reserves had left her mind disquiet.

Amor’s heart was at command of her body but her mind raced with visions of rage. Curse the water purifier, flood this place; cast a sinkhole under Virtue’s keep or simply stab that asinine blue Unicorn in the back with a crossbow bolt. The mere thoughts ached her soft heart as she peered down into the mug of water. “Old Master was right; we sow our own sorrow.” The mare whispered into her mug before finishing its contents in a swig. She usually avoid setting in a belligerent Pegasus’s chair but her mind was too clouded.

Jaxler entered the meeting hall with a barrel of booze. He had put with a day of long patrols and target practice and was ready to go drink away another night. But as soon as he reached his favorite seat he was surprised to see another pony sitting there. “Aye Kiln, that’s my seat.”

Amor was too deep in her own world to hear the Pegasus behind her, not to add that calling the mare by her abandoned alias was in vain. Maybe I was mistaken, to give-up what I had and detachment was better then this pain. She thought, ignoring the stallion behind her and looking into her empty mug.

Jaxler poked the back of the mare hoping to get her attention. “HAY, Kiln this is my seat.” Jaxler figured that if she wouldn’t respond to that then she was probably drunk as a dwarf. “Are you smashed or something?”

The metallic mare was dead to the world and stuck between two chores: fill up her mug or set there and think. One day there is going to be a siege and he is going come back with a bolt jammed in his skull. Amor was busy reflecting over her century plus life as to why things still do not go her way, too deep in thought to notice the actions of the stallion behind her.

Jaxler was starting to get fed up with Kiln’s unwillingness to respond. Jaxler slammed his forehoof into the table infront of her. “KKKKKIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLNNNNNNN!!! ARE YOU THERE, THAT’S MY BUCKING SEAT!” He then started shaking his seat violently hoping to snap kiln out of her trance. “YO, DA’ BUCK AREN’T YOU RESPONDING!”

The world outside Amor’s mind is disturbed and an unstable equilibrium follows, the mare jumps up and lands to Jaxler’s right. Where am I, whose present, what weapons are… The mare reflects until she sights the guards-pony’s crossbow and is traumatized. He may as will be the one who killed her. Considering but her heart and knowledge of the truth gets the best of her. “Sorry, I… was distracted.” She says before grabbing the empty mug with her teeth from the wooden table and heads for the exit. “Also, I prefer Amor.” The mare mouthed.

Jaxler sat down in his seat and laid the barrel of booze to his left. “Before you go ‘Amor’, do you mind telling me what’s bothering you? If I could yell at you that much without a response then either you’re drunk, or something is really troubling you.” Jaxler then took a swig of booze.

The mare turns back around, pondering at the situation and how best to proceed. She then ambles to the opposite of Jaxler’s barrel, takes a chair and places her mug on the table. “Understand I care not for boozes…” Amor speaks but her voice trails off. “Are you certain you want to know my troubles?” asking as she stares at the mug and turns to face Jaxler.

Jaxler took a swig of booze. “I know of trouble and knowing yours really wouldn’t bother me too much.” Jaxler took another swig “So go ahead and tell me what;s on your mind. For all you know I might be able to help.”

Amor takes an inhale and talks. “Ok… just learned that my only friend in Dawnpick has become a part of some reserves. I know he can handle himself, but I thought that before and lost somepony… dear to me.” The mare said with wet eyes as she rolls the mug around on the table with her left hoof. The wounds were old making it not too grueling to talk about, but it was the fresh ones she would sustain if anything would happen to Indigo.

Jaxler took a long swig of booze and started to think. “So, what you’re telling me is that you’re worried about your friend will get hurt. Well have you talked to him about it, and if so what did he say?”

The Pegasus’s words pains her as she thinks of all the things to say against Indigo’s involvement into the reserves. Death, maiming and mental trauma could come out of it; He could spill innocent blood or that of his companions and worse that he may never come back. She looks at the boozed stallion and answers. “I can not argue with someone I believe in and he just wants Dawnpick to proper in the only way he knows how… This world does not revolve around me, I can not deny others’ what they will just because I see the least bit wrong in their actions.” Her voice rises above her usual level but as always not carried but a few hooves span away. “And he has a temper and I do not want our friendship to end because of a petty desire of mine.” Amor lays her head on the table and huffs.

I’If you’re this concerned about it then I wouldn't call this pettey. You should talk to him, but if it makes you feel any better I haven’t died and I’ve been in the guard sense it was founded, and I haven’t killed anypony yet. Also, you forget that nopony in the militia or guard have ever died.”

“…I could talk more about it with him… just for the last decade he is the only friend I can claim.” Her upper jaw weighs on the lower jaw pressed against the table suppressing her speech. That record of no causality could change at any time. The mare huffs at the thought. “And I do not want to lose him to something stupid such as resentment delivered by a bolt of one of our own…” Amor picks her head up fearing what she just said and where this conversion could take her.

Jaxler started leaning back in his seat.“As long as Partisan is commander of the guard and I’m the second in command, I can promise you that we will not shoot at our own troops out of malice.” Jaxler took another swig of booze before continuing “Also, If you’re lacking in friends, I’m always willing to make a new acquaintance.”

The mare peers at the stallion beside her and loses herself. “Can you promise me that he wouldn’t catch a bolt from some irate hunter who holds a grudge… or… promise me that he won’t die from something more stupid than a Badger-pony theft?” Amor seemed incapable or unwilling to raise her voice barely above a talk in the rant. Why do ponies fight wars when they are just as busy fighting each other in the homefront? She contemplates and snaps out of it by Jaxler’s observation remark. Once I spied this Pegasus as a broken stallion but now see a booze-fueled fire in his eyes. Friendship would be nice, and is this too far along to excuse myself and curtsey out of here. Amor dwells in her mind for a moment. “Jaxler, is it? Making a friend sounds nice at this time, but forgive me for saying; it could just make my problems worse.” The Unicorn’s voice returns to her normal but see returns her gaze to her mug.

“Meh, your loss. Also, I can’t promise you that he won’t get hurt, but I can promise that as long as i’m second in command of the guard I will personally try by best to ensure that your friend will not get hurt. And seeing how my best has kept this fort safe for the last 3 years, I doubt your friend will get hurt so long as I’m a guardspony.” Jaxler took another drink of booze.

The metallic colored Unicorn ponders as she spends her mug. “Thank you Jaxler, for your consideration and the talk… maybe later we could have a friendship, but at this time I would like to focus on keeping one first. Her hoof stops the mug and the mare gets up from the wooden chair. “Jaxler, it has been a pleasure, but it is very late for me. It… would be nice to talk with you again.” Amor said sheepishly as she curtseys, than grabs the mug and heads for the door.

Jaxler took note that Amor was leaving. “Tell Indigo I said hi”

Amor does not even mentally flinch at Jaxler’s perception, turns around and she mouths with the mug between her teeth. “That Jaxler says hi, I will.” The mare sets off once more for the doors.

- - -

Jaxler spent the rest of the night drinking, as usual and didn’t stop until he blacked out. He didn’t think twice about his encounter with Amor, or how strange it was that she changed her name all of a sudden, but he figured that he wasn’t one to complain about others changing their name. Jaxler woke up the next day with a splitting headache and a strange bruise on his foreleg while laying in a pine tree.

- - -

Amor leaves the Legendary Dining Hall, proceeds to the well for a drank in the autumn moon-lit night and back to her room thinking along the way. Within Dawnpick’s walls is a different realm than what is experienced outside, no pony here holds a grudge against the military. In her bed the mare thinks more on the dilemma before finally getting sleeping. The next day she finds lying in a pine tree the same dark colored Pegasus she had the pleasure of talking to the night before. The Unicorn finds herself speaking more with the guards-pony but avoids the stallion at best.

- - -
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 09:19:21 pm by Psalms01 »
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2558 on: April 17, 2012, 09:19:08 pm »

I head towards Jaxler's apartment, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.  The custom crucible was no problem, and I had managed to take a mold of a stud that the armorers use.  Drawstring had finished with Jaxler's crossbow, and just in time, too.  Their caravan was waiting on me to pick it up so they could go.  I'd miss the piccolo... but Jaxler needed his crossbow more than I needed the piccolo.  With the bag of studs and the crossbow in my saddlebags, I knock on Jaxler's door.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2559 on: April 17, 2012, 09:24:37 pm »

Jaxler yelled from inside his room "WHO'S THERE?"
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2560 on: April 17, 2012, 09:28:23 pm »

I jump a bit at his yell, but answer.

"Um... It's Flux.  Can I come in?"
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2561 on: April 17, 2012, 09:34:44 pm »

Jaxler had until recently been in bed resting, but upon realizing that Flux was outside he was filed him with excitement. He got up out of bed instantly and completely ignored his splitting head ache. But, before walking up to the door Jaxler grabbed a dagger out from under his pillow. "You made sure you weren't followed here, correct?"
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2562 on: April 17, 2012, 09:44:37 pm »

I look around, seeing nopony paying attention to me.

"Uh... yes?  Er, no?  Um... nopony followed me, I mean."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2563 on: April 17, 2012, 09:48:36 pm »

"Good" Jaxler then opened up the door, but still had his dagger out. "Come on in"
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2564 on: April 17, 2012, 09:53:39 pm »

I quirk an eyebrow at the dagger, but follow Jaxler inside anyway, closing the door behind me.

"Um... they finished with your crossbow, and I, uh... have the studs, also."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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