The past Knowledge of the past, especially the battles that took place in it, is very important for being a commander.
A single dust particle Hmm... I suppose a very tiny enemy could choke on it? Maybe you're fighting... evil bugs.
The very bottom of the deepest ocean Send your enemies there, see how quickly they pop.
Philosophy Existential crises are good for distracting weak willed foes.
A coma That's a golden opportunity to inflict damage. It's also the end result of some damage. Though a person in a coma can be used as a bodily weapon, they'll be less likely to complain too.
My little brother's goldfish Someone phobic of fish could fear it. You can also use it to catch a slightly larger fish and work your way up to leviathan, and use that. Also, SURPRISE FISH THROW ATTACK.
The faint scent of roses Against a womanizer, they could be lured in to see what it is... that slight, beautiful fragrance... as they push apart the silk drapes, to ravish the woman who wears the scent, knife to the face.
All of existence simultaneously A subject of something still counts as weaponizing the root. Otherwise, you could say the "big bang" was this. Utilize a big bang against an enemy?
Those flower cloud things in Spongebob Squarepants Show them to stoners. Woah man, woah. Loyalty from them, unless they're your target. In which case, kill them while they talk about how it symbolizes government.
Enlightenment I can become enlightened to ways to murder people. I can also use it to ascend to godhood and punish the infidels of Earth.
My reflection A lot of horror/suspense sequences have someone seeing their reflection and punching it. A fun house makes a nice place to kill someone.