All matter and energy consists of vibrating strings.
lol someone took a stab at String Theory a bit back.
Though one should keep in mind that reality does not need to conform to our sensibilities. While it is an unproven hypothesis is still is the most likely candidate for uniting General Relativity and Quantum Theory to date.
Actually I think it's technical name is "Super Symmetric String Theory", but even that is too nerdy for Scientists like Brian Greene to say. (I have a couple of his books).
You really can't say anything about their likelihood at the present time. Unless they make testable predictions, they aren't useful for anything other than the inspiration of new ideas in the future. So far as I'm aware, string theory has yet to make testable predictions which vary from the null hypothesis and as such can't be taken any more seriously than any other theory conforming to existing evidence. Supersymmetry may be more pretty, but using that as any form of evidence is just us humans attempting to impose our will on the way the universe works., that little rant aside, back on topic:'s youtube videos. There's like 100 of them, all completely serious, all built from a supreme amalgamation of just about every conspiracy in existence. Freemasons controlled by demonic aliens, the LHC as a stargate to and from planet Nibiru, Reptilians, Bohemian Grove, and much, much more. Though take some pity on the guy, as from what I recall he may actually be a certified nut case (as many creators of such things are).