The harpy wings and Medusa eye presumably gives flight and a gaze to turn people into stone, but how does the siren throat work? Does it just give an specific song attack, or does it do something more complicated and versatile with our voice? will there be compatibility problems with the snake one?
we should get some of that concentrated energy, and if we can't already set up some way to very quickly break them in our belly with a single quick twitch.
pretty much all the other tools I want more detail on what they actually *do*.
Those dragon teeth are mentioned s tools... but just curiosity what would happen if we mounted them in our mouth as actual teeth?
Then, there's the matter of things not specifically mentioned, some ideas:
* We still want that bag of holding for more belly space. Might also be worth considering getting someone to do the magic directly on your belly rather than macgyvering something intended to be a handheald bag if that'd give any advantages?
* gecko hands and feet. in fact, just the toes and fingertips are probably enough if it's very expensive. Not only would it be good for climbing, it's also vastly improve our grip and stability, making us much harder to disarm or knock over.
* for further synergy with this and our balance, improved leg muscles for sprinting and jumping. Probably from something like gazelle, big cat, or kangaroo.
* Many insects have very good reflexes, (
scroll down to "Flicker-fusion Frequency"), litter a bunch of retractable (for when pretending to be human is needed) eye stalks with dragonfly eyes around your body to redundantly (in case some get chopped of) cover all angles. Should increase our reactions and situational awareness.
*Since we occasionally get chopped up, it might be a good idea to give most important parts independent sensory organs and mobility... not sure how much that'd actually help, being powered by souls.
*the electricity generating organs from an electric eel, for the classic stunning handshake prank?
Are there any minor magical or otherwise not found on earth animals? I'm probably going to find creative usages for those as well.