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How should Mego do his updates?

Text and images. Old school is better.
- 23 (82.1%)
Live stream and video. Newfangled technology must be applied to everything!
- 5 (17.9%)

Total Members Voted: 28

Voting closed: January 19, 2012, 06:50:05 pm

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Author Topic: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3) (0.31.25) (DEAD)  (Read 841622 times)


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1335 on: January 12, 2012, 01:56:15 am »



That should be the name for Battlefailed 4.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1336 on: January 12, 2012, 06:28:57 am »



That should be the name for Battlefailed 4.
Fund it!


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1337 on: January 12, 2012, 06:48:44 am »

Fine, commencing selfdestruct in three, two...


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1338 on: January 12, 2012, 08:27:48 am »

You can't destroy something that was not intact when you got it.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1339 on: January 12, 2012, 08:35:16 am »

It wasn't broken either.
Just in poor shape.

So what I'll do, is fix it up, make it have some form and purpose, and then destroy it so completely that there's no hope of salvage!


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1340 on: January 12, 2012, 09:23:50 am »

So what I'll do, is fix it up, make it have some form and purpose, and then destroy it so completely that there's no hope of salvage!

The Dwarven Way.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1341 on: January 12, 2012, 01:05:48 pm »

It wasn't broken either.
Just in poor shape.

So what I'll do, is fix it up, make it have some form and purpose, and then destroy it so completely that there's no hope of salvage!

It's needlessly complicated and a hazard to cats.

I'll take twenty!


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1342 on: January 12, 2012, 02:20:15 pm »

Looking back through your updates, I realized that HOLY CRAP IT'S JUST THE BEGINNING OF SUMMER.
How on Xemorid did you manage to accomplish so much in so little time?  Unless it's just because your updates are so packed with content.  Also, my turn is only another two overseers away!  HURRY UP.
Quote from: franti
"Let's expose our military to zombie-dust so they can't feel pain. They don't NEED skin."
Quote from: Ipwnurmom221
One FB post. Many dick jokes. Pokemon. !!VOLCANO!!. Dwarven mood thingee. Derailment itself. Girlinhat's hat. Cuba. Karl Marx. This is why i love Bay12 forums.
The rest of my sig.
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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1343 on: January 12, 2012, 02:29:49 pm »

I am not on the dorfing list! This is unacceptable!

Dorfing request as per forms: Deathsword - Bookkeeper if there is none, otherwise a Swordsdwarf (or both) - Obstructive Bureaucrat - If there are any non-sociable dorfs avaiable, dorf me as that, if not I don't care which one.

Ahem. The dorfing list in the main page seems incomplete.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
Quote from: Tack
What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1344 on: January 12, 2012, 02:43:14 pm »

I multitasked the FUCK out of this fort when I got it. Do this, then that, oh right do this too! And all the while building the scaffold to fix the neverending flood.

Now at Autumn. Things are quiet.
If the fucking game stops to crash randomly I might get to Winter today. Maybe even finish the turn.

We'll see.

EDIT: To the dorfing list, here's the people I dorfed.
Spoiler: stormtemplar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Master (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Remalle (click to show/hide)

As for the rest of the list, there weren't dorfs available that fit the requested specifics.

In case I did numbering errors with some of the dorfings, let the next Overlord know because my turn is over in about 5 minutes from this post! Okay I lied.

Not even 5 minutes.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 04:41:35 pm by Ieb »


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1345 on: January 12, 2012, 05:00:58 pm »

Before I start, here's to armageddonCounselor:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

20th of Malachite:
Dear diary. Today, Conchobar III finally walked out of the hospital. Turns out that whoever put him up in traction last year forgot to remove him. Everyone has been diligent to take care of him though, so he hasn't complained too much. I worry once again about the medical work quality here. Conchobar checked in for a smashed finger- and toenails, you know? Well that and a missing ear. And some broken toes.


26th of Malachite:
Dear diary. Today, 7 brave souls ventured to migrate to Hellcannon. Tragedy followed however, as opening the doors to let them in left two slower of the dwarves outside when the skeletal muskox stampeded the site, as well as a siege engineer. While finishing this, I think the screams are finally stopping. Worse yet, the engineer caught outside was one of the new militia recruits. I guess they just weren't cut for the job.

On better news, a vein of cassiterite has been found and almost excavated!

Mood: Ecstatic.

27th of Malachite:
Dear diary. Today the Hill Titan Umung Masnäm Zesmstum arrived. A huge hairy tiger beetle, with thick wings of stretched skin, it moves deliberately! The stinger looks poisonous too.

While at first I was gloating at our defenses that have kept even the undead at bay, someone dares to mention that the only reason it has been so so far is because of tightly locked, yet surprisingly flimsy doors.

The military is put on alert, because I have a bad feeling about this.


28th of Malachite:

Dear diary. Did you forget about the fact that the titan has wings? I did.
We really need to build roofs on the aboveground sites.

Mood: Annoyed.

29th of Malachite:
Dear diary. Today the titan broke the doors, shattered rock flying all over the place, when it showed us dwarves once again that ancient beings and their thoughts are impossible to comprehend. The beetle is currently busy chasing after a rooster that had laid claim to the entrance, with no one admitting to owning the stupid bird.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Mood: Amused.

13th of Galena:
Dear diary. Today, skelks joined the hunt for the rooster, the human caravan arrived and Kitkun II, the child who is said to be QuietlyWatching, was taken by a mood quite fey. With the skelks much faster than the titan, the rooster was quickly crushed to paste and the titan changed it's attention to something better, rushing in, smashing a door and attacking our soldiers. In the scuffle, one of the new recruits, Etur, had their leg smashed pretty badly. A crutch may be needed, hopefully not for the rest of their life.

As for who killed the titan...

No one really is sure, but Mosus was the loudest to take credit for it so let's just say it was her.

Mood: Ecstatic.

17th of Galena:
Dear diary. Today, the goblins sprung from ambush near a herd of skeletal reindeer. The survivors are running away screaming now.

Mood: Ecstatic to the nth degree.

24th of Galena:
Dear diary. Today we traded a crapload of crap and crap to the traders, for some various things I saw fit. Included are three anvils, because we really need some, having only one forge operational.

Then again, there is a whole lot of iron gear from goblins around here.. even in the entrance tunnel. Oh well.

Mood: Content.

And so, before anyone knew it, it was Autumn, and they weren't dead yet. Just a few of them. None could say for sure whether Ieb was doing their job right, wrong, or if they were just plain lucky.

As for the Overlord herself, she kept herself busy, planning, designating, ordering people around, with a gleam in her eyes that you usually saw those taken by fey moods. But it wasn't creation that drove her, it was something else.

Everyone figured she was just plain crazy.

1st of Limestone:
Dear diary. Autumn is here! And Kitkun II finished the last finetunes of their work. They made ātridseng Led Atul, a giant rat bone throne! Quite menacing, I must say. I always knew there was something off about that kid. Way too quiet.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also, I found out that there was no need for those anvils I bought. We have like 16 of them now. I only assumed we didn't have any, because there was only one forge set up in the magma pool. Instead, it was apparently that I just had never asked about it so no one had bothered to mention it.

Well now.

Mood: Suspicious.

2nd of Timber:
Dear diary. Today I was surprised by a group of 5 migrants, who had braved the snow storm, a herd of skeletal reindeer(that they had to beat the crap out of) and sneaking past a brawl that was going on above.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Apparently an ettin showed up, challenged a bunch of goblins and it was busy being treated as a punching bag by the goblins when the migrants last saw it. I heard that their group had 7 people though. I guess the others didn't make it.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh well. Oh right, one of the migrants? A high master armorer. PRAISE LŪK!

Mood: Ecstatic.

23rd of Timber:
Dear diary. I don't think traders will be coming this season.

*Insert missing screenshot here of skeletal wildlife goring and kicking out the brains of merchants*

On brighter news, today there was a report of furious banging noise on the doors leading outside. The military prepared for the worst and yanked the door open, coming face-to-face with a fisherdwarf!

It turns out that they had gotten separated from the rest of the migrant group that arrived early this month, and have been running away from skelks ever since. We could use a dwarf with fast feet like that.

Mood: Ecstatic.

With winter finally there, bringing even more chilling winds to buffet anyone foolish enough to stay aboveground, the end for Ieb's term as Overlord was getting closer. Things had quieted down from her earlier behavior, although many claim it was just due to the lavish statue garden she had commissioned during Autumn.

If there was one thing that wouldn't change, it was the greed of Overlords, it seemed.

26th of Moonstone:
Dear diary. Today, a peasant was knocked into the magma pool by a fire imp. Unfortunate.

Mood: Ecstatic.

4th of Opal:
Dear diary, today we finally finished making proper dwarven bedrooms for everyone. Now we just need to add furniture and it'll be just perfect!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Mood: Ecstatic to the nth degree.

6th of Opal:
Dear diary. Today, Ingiz the Blacksmith was possessed by unseen forces. That is all.

Mood: Content.

19th of Opal:
Dear diary. Today Ingiz finished their work. They created Tomus Thun, a big and heavy door made of lead. I feel unnerved while watching it. I should make sure this is hidden somewhere deep in the fortress.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Mood: Alert.

And just like that, a year had passed. There was no speech, no last-minute memorial building in the Overlords glory, just the everyday life of the fort. Well, save for the few parties that people had started to throw in the new dining hall.

As for Ieb, she passed on her duties as the Overlord without incident.

Her first act as a citizen of HellCannon was to open "Lūk's Abode" to all who wish to pray to the god, as well as hanging a piece of parchment at the front of the entrance to the temple.
On it was a call to arms for those pious and courageous enough to join the Vanguard of Lūk, led by Ieb the High Priestess of Luk.

- Found cassiterite, made bronze.
- Made bronze armor for all soldiers we have.
- Made better bronze weapons for all soldiers we have. Silver maces and hammers too.
- Moved some workshops further down.
- Moved the farm area to the section with the aquifer-flood above.
- Made a new dining hall, moved food stockpiles around it.
- Made Lūk's Abode. It's not a statue hall at the moment though. I'll let future Overlords decide whether or not to activate that.
- Made CALL TO ARMS for all dorfs who worship Lūk. In reality, Urist's Guard(since they are the Captain of the Guard) handles all military things, but Ieb's the military commander, and it wouldn't hurt to have extra soldiers, right? I'll let future Overlords handle the cherrypicking of Lūk's loyal worshippers.
- Can't remember what else.
- ALSO I NOTICED THAT I APPARENTLY HAD MY HEAD UP MY ASS DURING SPRING SEASON. Despite writing that it was Thor II who went berserk, I mention at the same post that The Master was the one who died. Something is fucked up. I leave it to the next Overlord to investigate though because I'm a jerk.
- Also also, I restarted the tin, copper and bronze production after running out of tin at the start of Winter. Figure we could use some of that bronze made into real armor, so it wouldn't be hard to OCD it a little and have a forge specially for the High Master Armorer to use and crank out the good stuff.
- The cassiterite veins I found have ran out. Suggest mining more to get more tin. Also, tetrahedrite for copper.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 06:55:33 pm by Ieb »


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1346 on: January 12, 2012, 05:15:50 pm »

Ahem. The dorfing list in the main page seems incomplete.
It has, in fact, not been updated since last year despite me pointing it out twice.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1347 on: January 12, 2012, 06:26:12 pm »

20th of Malachite:
Dear diary. Today, Conchobar III finally walked out of the hospital. Turns out that whoever put him up in traction last year forgot to remove him. Everyone has been diligent to take care of him though, so he hasn't complained too much. I worry once again about the medical work quality here. Conchobar checked in for a smashed finger- and toenails, you know? Well that and a missing ear. And some broken toes.


Medical report
Subject:  Conchobar
Admitted with several cases of subungual hematoma, fractures of the phalanges of the foot, and severe lacerations to the side of the face, including the amputation of the ear.
Discharged:  20 Malachite 208

Doctor's notes:  They laughed when I told them I was the new Chief Medical Dwarf.  They said a one-armed bowdwarf with no medical training and only a vague understanding of the principles of medicine could never hope to be a doctor.  Well, they're probably right, but I'm certainly not one to back down from a terrible idea.  I'm going to stick to it, and become the best CMD Hellcannon has ever or will ever see.  I mean, look at this medical report.  Polysyllabic medical terms?  That's professional, that is.
Quote from: franti
"Let's expose our military to zombie-dust so they can't feel pain. They don't NEED skin."
Quote from: Ipwnurmom221
One FB post. Many dick jokes. Pokemon. !!VOLCANO!!. Dwarven mood thingee. Derailment itself. Girlinhat's hat. Cuba. Karl Marx. This is why i love Bay12 forums.
The rest of my sig.
Fear the fluffballs


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1348 on: January 12, 2012, 07:24:57 pm »

with no medical training
That's technically untrue.


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Re: Hellcannon (Succession: Battlefailed 3)
« Reply #1349 on: January 12, 2012, 07:28:38 pm »

Ahem. The dorfing list in the main page seems incomplete.

Yeah, I should be on it too.  Mego, would you be so kind as to add me to the perpetual dwarfing list with a note for each new incarnation to be his new disguise?  He doesn't die, he just elaborately fakes his own death.  All to further his overly-complex scheming...
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 07:41:30 pm by ThatAussieGuy »
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