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Author Topic: Minotaurs?  (Read 2503 times)

« on: November 05, 2011, 12:37:31 pm »

ive  recently encountered a new enemy: minotaurs. fortunatly he was handled easily, but i have a few questions about minotaurs. ive had previous fortresses where ive gotten 100+ population and havent ever seen a minotaur, but have encountered multiple  large seiges, including a goblin master attack, soo are minotaurs more rare? or just spawn in certain areas?
2: how dangerous are minotaurs, they start out named and give you a warning message when they arrive, but the minotaur that attacked me was taken down by a single llama and horse, which leads me to think their as harmless as elk.
3: can you butcher minotaurs?
finally: can you catch them in cages?
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 12:45:26 pm »

1)Minotaurs are fairly rare, they are only [SEMIMEGABEASTS], so they tend to lose out on the "who gets to bring fun to the fortress" roll to Titans, FB's, and normal megabeasts. They do show up fairly often in adventurer mode quests however.

2)Minotaurs danger level is fairly low, as they are designed to face off against adventurers instead of fortresses. They still are fairly dangerous however, especially if they have a good weapon as they are one of the few non-civ creatures that will wield weapons. The real thing you should be asking here though is "Are horses and llamas overpowered with their deadly hoof attacks?" and the answer to that would be "yeah!"

3)I don't think you can. They fall into the "too humanoid" category same as mermaids.
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2011, 12:51:01 pm »

well i modified my raws so i could butcher sentients, because maybe i feel like there should be SOME way to obtain elf soap. the minotaur that attacked was completly unarmed. as to the hoof thing i shall be research a way to train llamas to fight for me. and will be enjoying some minotaur fur coats :D
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2011, 12:53:09 pm »

Without modding, you can cage them, but can't butcher them or tame them (even with a dungeon master).

I've had two show up at my (second ever) site so far, seem to be pretty easy to deal with if you have anyone wielding an axe or sword, since they don't wear armor. Same goes for giants.

If you send your military in their general direction, you're liable to feel like Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, ordering things killed before you even know what their intentions are.


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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2011, 12:53:20 pm »

Strangely enough I get more minotaurs than titans, and about as many as forgotten beasts.  Must be luck I guess.

All of them that I had the battle pretty much went bolt to the guts -> falls over -> bashes skull in with crossbow.  Seriously.  I was assuming they would be much more dangerous since they give the warning message, but so far nadda.  It's my understanding that they're supposed to arrive with weapons, armor and high skill in this, but I think all of mine were unarmed and unarmored.

You can't butcher them, or at least my dwarves haven't bothered.  They've been rotting in my courtyard for a few years now without anyone trying to butcher them.

Haven't tried caging them.
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2011, 12:59:49 pm »

well good to know their able to be caught in cages, just more things to throw in a pit and have fight :D
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2011, 01:03:55 pm »

True. I caged the first one and released it together with 25 goblins in my shooting gallery. It actually held its own against the goblins for a surprisingly long time, considering how fast my military took down the second one. I had placed it a back corner, so it wasn't surrounded by goblins, and wasn't likely peppered with bolts straight off either, so that was probably part of it.
Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2011, 01:21:28 pm »

you let goblins keep their weapons and armour when they fight? i always take their stuff and melt it down to make other stuff. maybe ill make a labyrnth with a minotaur in it, and bunch goblins, so itll be like hide and go die :D!
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2011, 01:28:48 pm »

In a shooting gallery, it's better to let goblins keep their armor and weapons. They'll sometimes block the bolts and it gives your marksdwarves more training.

In that first run, I had one goblin that got danger-roomed up to legendary blocking from the bolts fired at it, and it took my whole unit of 10 marksdwarves from level 8 up to level 14 (just shy of legendary). Died pretty quick once the first one hit legendary, though.

I melt down the stuff after :)
Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2011, 01:40:47 pm »

well that make sense, since you never engage them in combat, but if you were to let them keep their armour and weapons and had to clean em up with melee, then youd have a problem with him and his powerful weapon skills.
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2011, 02:34:08 pm »

1. Depends on game parameters.  Not many show, by default.
2: It took about twenty bone and wooden bolts to down the one I faced, with a full squads, inside year three.
3: The butcher never does anything with them.  Should atleast get a 2 horns and 4 hoof, IMO.
finally: Yes, they can be caged.

I was somewhat disappointed because I was expecting the minotaur to show up within his own cavern-like maze, and not just walk in topside from the fringe.  Oh well.

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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2011, 02:45:34 pm »

just got my very own pet giantess :D! not as cool as a minotaur would be, mind you. but im sure a minotaur will show up again later. it seems instead of being plagued by goblins i am dealing with mythical creatures.

edit: oh and btw, here are the result from the butchered minotaur: 2 skin, 1 hair, 2 horns, NO hoofs. a skull and 33 bones,(plus 2 bones that didnt seem to stack with the rest) presumably, the minotaur did not weild any hooves because the description of a DF brand minotaur, the entire body is a man, and only the head is bovine.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 02:47:51 pm by Morgraine, Dwarf Overlord »
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2011, 08:51:39 pm »

I seem to recall that being the description of the original Minotaur. You know, the one who fourteen Athenian teenagers were fed to annually. (I wonder both how he survived the rest of the year and why a bovine-headed animal is a carnivore, but no ancient Greeks are around to ask, so oh well.)
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2011, 09:10:58 pm »

your wondering why the original minotaur was a carnivore when you could be wondering why the wife of a king had sex with a cow? and it actually made her have a kid?
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Re: Minotaurs?
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2011, 10:33:24 pm »


I always assumed that divine intervention was a major factor in that, or maybe True Love. Either way, there's a good chance that the resultant child would not arbitrarily reverse its head-suggested diet. A cow's head wouldn't even be any good at chewing meat!
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