I have done a lot of !!science!! leading up to this. I am a challenge gamer. And I thought, "What is the hardest embark possible without any stupid rules post-embark?". Itemless embarks immediately jump to mind. Training axes chopping down trees is a silly bug, so no turning a log into an axe to chop more trees with. What most itemless embarks do is simple.
They tear up their wagon for 3 wood, never turning it into anything else, and eventually build a trade depot. In the meantime, they survive on animal meat and water. When the caravan arrives, they trade all their -mule bone earrings- for a pick and maybe an axe and anvil.
I want harder. So I'm embarking on a desert. "The Glacial Dune", which is ironically warm. No surface water at all. This means I'm going to have to turn one of my precious logs into a barrel, so I can turn gathered desert berries into booze so my dwarves don't all thirst to death. I will butcher the pack animals into meat and bones. I will cook up the meat. I will then make bone crossbows and bone arrows, to hunt down more animals to turn into more bolts.
When the caravan arrives, the Fun begins. They will have nowhere to go. I won't spoil it too much, but the fortress and group are going to be aptly named.
The fortress "Voidsoul" and the group "The Worshipper of Luck".
With that, have some pictures.
The embark location, a warm calm desert with scarce plant life. I would pick something more threatening, but I didn't see anything that had plantlife but no water. I tried several different spots before I found one with actual plants. Anyway, with the total lack of defense, giant desert scorpions running around would make it more random and savescumming more necessary. I'm mainly just wanting to prove a concept here. If anyone can suggest a good, horrifically hard embark with shrubs but no water, then I'm all for rebooting this on a harder embark.
Have some screencapped proof that I'm embarking with no skills and no items.
Strike the Earth! Eventually!
And here we go. We've just arrived.
Wish me luck. For !!SCIENCE!!
(Figured it out. Imageshack lies, downthemall doesn't about links.)