When I kept on making games foolishly, I never dedicated myself to them. They died. When a game is created, you are expected to have a bit of dedication to it, even if you have a life and such. Trust me, I always have enough time to do these things, yet I never actually updated and such because I am also lasy. If the update is being worked on, then fine. If there is something up, let us know. Yet the last "status" report made it seem like nothing was happening, and his reason was that "his time was limited during Thanksgiving" was why he didn't update. In most contexts, that means that without Thanksgiving, he has time to update. Yet here we are, waiting for SOMETHING to happen because little to no gods are impulsive and prefer biding their time.
Is it summaries you need? I can do that for you, just ask. I happen to enjoy this game, or at least watching it, and I prefer to watch on what happens next sooner then later. Yes its rude to force it, but sometimes its only way to make it clear. My "life" has been traumatic AND busy for the last month or to, due to deaths in the family, holidays, major tests in school, etc. I still have time to write essays about various random things, maintain friendships, roleplay on different forums, AND read this. Now, mind you, I'm also insane, but thats beyond the point that THEY HAVE TIME SOMEWHERE EVEN TO WRITE A LITTLE BIT EACH DAY, EVEN IF ITS A FEW SENTENCES.
Yet again, I am getting a "This is Why You Suck" speech feeling from what I just said. Must be the snow.