well i guess the cruler weapons like a whip or scourge should be out of the question. i think a skimitar and a great axe (which i see to be the dwafiest weapon alive) and a long sword should be able to be recreated.
a set of rules/reqirements should exist though
1 legendary weapon smiths should be able to be made
2 crule weapons should be imposible to make (whips scourge and blowguns) or prolonged construction would lead to the maker comiting suicide
3 low quality and takes years to reach the position in which a high quality version can be made.
4 don't do as much damage becuase they are smaller.
5 only master work weapons can be copied
6 fey mods can make it so the weapon can be copied.
also since were on the topic of weapons would it be wierd if a fey mood lead to the construction of a "special weapon" that is its own catigory and can be recreated as crapier recrations in the fort and new weapon types had new names.
and would it be cool if goblins had war scythes as weapons i'd like there to me more ethnic weapons like if goblins have scythes, war scythes, whip, scourge, spike sheilds, blowguns, spike armor, mauls, slings, flails throughing knifes.
and if humans had: scimitars long short and 2hand swords, hammers axes great axes bows cross bows pikes halberds spears flails daggers javalins sheilds plate leather and chain armor maces.
elfs had: bows, spears, blowguns, flails, hammers, maces leather armor poision darts and katana's.