I also must report a failure to get this thing to work. Tried for two hours, read every bit of instruction I could find, managed to get some activity (but only on the first try) when I pressed "CTRL + 1" to select Limestone Blocks, but could not figure out how to get the utility to lay down anything.
Same results with a custom tileset translated for DFWall and with the default Curses_640x300 tilset.
I'm not really certain what you do after selecting a material, and the instructions are hard to understand with essential information and commentary jumbled together, but watching the movie made me guess that something was supposed to happen if I first selected a material with Ctrl + 1 and then:
1. Repeated the build command in order to get to the "building placement" interface.
2. Positioned the cursor at one corner of the rectangle of constructions I wanted to build, held down Ctrl, typed keys to move the selection to the opposite corner of the construction, and released Ctrl.
3. Typed either "1" (or "Ctrl + 1" - wasn't clear on which and so tried both in separate experiments) and then either "w" for wall or "f" for floor.
Nothing happened.
Another problem was that it was difficult to move the location cursor with either Ctrl key held down. With the default keybindings, the keypad did not work for this purpose, but arrow and main keyboard numbers did.
With the keybindings suggested here:
Originally posted by LordZabujca:
<STRONG>1. Change the default DF key settings to this:
Move secondary selector down: =
Page secondary selector down: Shift + =
2. Set DFWall.ini this way:
PageDownButton = {+}
ScrollDownButton = {=}</STRONG>
I couldn't get it to move at all (except down). Numbers, number pad with scroll and numlock in all possible configurations, and arrow keys - nothing moved the cursor with either Ctrl key held down, using these settings.
(secondary note: The instructions above, like all of the instructions related to this utility, had me mightily confused. I thought that the DF keybindings lived in a file like the DFWall settings. Took me a while to realize that I was being asked to go into a game interface and change some lines there.)
So. Here's my DF installation. 38c, DFWall 0.916, custom tileset that I hope was correctly translated for DFWall.
Edit: A screenshot (using the default Curses tileset):
[ May 14, 2008: Message edited by: Fedor ]