The Bay 12 Games Report, November 1st, 2011Mission Status As the scariest day of the year passes, the final days of the night creature insertion too come to an end. Now we look out onto a frontier of cityscapes, markets and promised animals. It is hard to understand how cool this is going to be. But that doesn't matter because you won't have to wait much longer.
Congratulations to the generous!
Fun with Numbers So the two week estimate for vampire and mummy cleanup was a dismal failure, like all of my estimates. In any case, I've mentioned pretty much everything that needs to happen with vampires in dwarf mode now on the dev log, and I just need to work through it. I also need to look at them in adventure mode, at least enough to see that quests are working properly. The city/market/sewer cleanup is mostly in the map error and speed problem departments. Rivers and bridges need to be fixed up, loading times need to be improved -- there are a lot of notes and a lot of those kinds of issues. All the same, the list grows shorter and it's exciting to be drawing close to the end of this process. Thanks to everybody that helped out!
October: $2503.28
September: $2793.95
August: $4818.25
July: $6615.67
June: $2374.03
Reward reminder: If you
support us, you can pick either a Story Reward or a Crayon/Colored Pencil Art Reward. A Story Reward is basically a mini-Threetoe story (
examples) and a Crayon Art Reward is a crudely drawn scene which we sketch, color in, and mail to you, anywhere in the world (assuming your contribution covers postage, which is about a dollar almost wherever you are). We take personal requests for either reward as well, he he he. You can also be listed among
the Bay 12 Champions.