Notes from the session:
The Fool gets 500 bonus XP for providing us with an excellent boat map, as pictured above.
Kogan gets 500 bonus XP for helping with server issues.
Grek gets -500 cool points for not checking to make sure the IT department had the correct ports open on the Univeristy wireless.
Boat related:
We decided on an Ironsided Caravel propelled by Enchanted Sails and a Magmin-fueled Propeller. The Magmin's name is Ixie. It was decided that the party would not have a crew along with them. Finally, you get a Ballista and a Catapult gratis.
Timing related:
People have expressed an interest in moving the session to Fridays at 2130 GMT (ie. 5:30 PM on the American East Coast). Is anyone unable to make that time?
Rulings related:
The Naga race has the following finalized stats:
o Large (long) size, having reach 5' and taking up 10' of space.
o 30' land speed, 20' swim speed.
o +2 Dex, -2 Con.
o Low-Light Vision
o 1d4+Str Constrict
o +2 to move silently, Climb and Escape Artist.
o +1 Natural Armour
Characters are required to have a minimum of one vowel in their name. This requires that the character formerly known as "G" decide on a new name.
All hand-related amputations and glowing palm diseases are to be considered
Omake and ignored.
The Profession Skill is allowed, but not recomended as you will not be given time to use it to make gold. There's a world to explore out there!
Edio's naga (who uses the carrying capacity guidelines for a Large quadraped of strength 8) may be mounted by any medium sized or smaller character weighing 233 lb. or less. Edio's naga (or anything else, for that matter) may not be "mounted" by anyone at all during the campaign and I will be very disappointed in you if you attempt it.