Yeah, that was great. I got to inadvertently murder everyone!
An a really, really epic way...
Basically, we had mandatory rocket boots for everybody in the team. One of the team was dead already (from an autocannon, traitorous bastard) and the other four were huddled in a small "Red" closet off an Indigo hallway - complicated how they got stuck in there.
Trees got caught in that Indigo hallway by a group of Vulcan guards, and activated his Rocket Boots to escape. Unfortunately, the Rocket Boots were all 'linked' (for team efficiency) so whenever one person turns them on... they ALL turn on.
A Vulture Squadron Goon: ATTENTION CITIZEN.
A Vulture Squadron Goon: THIS IS AN INDIGO HALLWAY.
Tre-R-KOL-1 says, "Currently, r-"
* Tre-R-KOL-1 runs for it! *
* The Vulture Goon Squadron opens fire. *
Tre-R-KOL-1 says, "SHIT!'"
* Tre-R-KOL-1 activates his boots to try to get away. *
U-R-IST-1 . o O ( God damnit )
Vichero-R-TVI-1 . o O ( !!! )
GM: The closet lights up in a flare of light as everybody's boots activate.
* Brud-R-BIG-1 slpas the off-button on his boots *
U-R-IST-1 . o O ( er, computer damnit )
Brud-R-BIG-1 . o O ( slaps* )
GM: Even Boris' body starts flopping around in the hall.
* Vichero-R-TVI-1 tries to turn off boots. *
GM: Tre goes flying down the hallway to relative safety
U-R-IST-1 screams, "AAAAAHHH!!"
GM: The closet turns into a blender