Intro to paranoia courteousy of my players.
Paranoia is a tabletop RPG that, due to the way it works, can be very easily played online in a chat room as simple as the one Steam offers.
In Paranoia, you assume the role of a citizen in the subterranean network of sectors known as Alpha Complex, which is somewhere beneath the surface of the North American continent; at least, that's what some rumors say. All rumors are treason.
Access to the surface has been severed completely and the Complex activated its systems that were developed to keep its inhabitants safe, happy and above all else, alive. The reason for this is a nuclear holocaust, the third world war, a zombie apocalypse, a pandemic and an alien invasion; at least, that's what some rumors say. All rumors are treason.
Amongst the activated systems is the Clearance system which controls what areas a citizen of the Complex can access and also directly defines the measure of authority they hold over other citizens of inferior clearance. Clearances are defined as proceeding from Infra Red over Red, continuing to Orange, followed by Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and Ultra Violet. Finally, there is the "Clearance Gamma"; at least, that's what some rumors say. All rumors are treason.
The entire Complex and its constituent systems are controlled by an Artificial Intelligence known as Friend Computer. Your friend, Friend Computer will always be happy to help you as long as you are happy to help him with protecting the citizens of the Complex. Friend Computer has also been severely damaged and driven insane by numerous attempts at sabotage by various groups who wish to control him for their own, personal gain; at least, that's what some rumors say. All rumors are treason.
Since you helped Friend Computer to protect the Complex by reporting a fellow Infra Red clearance friend of yours as a troublemaker, you have been promoted to Red clearance and thus became a Troubleshooter. Your now only job as a Troubleshooter is to help Friend Computer in preventing any sort of trouble from arising. Trouble is caused by mutants, communist, communist mutants, members of secret societies who attempt to undermine Friend Computer's benevolent autocratic rule, people who possess knowledge about the surface, people who steal or damage things that belong to the Complex, people who are in possession of Old World artifacts, people who are in possession of objects they do not have the required clearance for, people who are not happy under Friend Computer's benevolent autocratic rule (a definite sign of being a member of a Secret Society, as no loyal citizen would be unhappy under Friend Computer's rule!), people who spread rumors and people who are mutants.
Life in Alpha Complex could be so peaceful and happy, if it were not for the fact that you, just like everyone else, as a result of several attempts at sabotage of the Cloning Tubes that grant you six shots at life in the Complex provided you do not buy further clones, are a mutant. For whatever reason, you are also the member of a Secret Society - and quite possibly, when you look through your pockets hard enough, you will find that you are in possession of several items way above your clearance. Well, shit.