Lucid (aware) and kinaesthetic (muscle/sensory response) dreams, especially simultaneously, are cool as fuck; especially when they break reality/physics.
I've already listed a good few of these kinds of dreams before in other dream threads; but I can simply say that when you can not only "know" you're flying, but also feel the wind and weightlessness, and even the moisture from flying through clouds, it truly kicks ass to fly like superman. From experience in those kinds of dreams, it's probably the most intuitive control scheme you can imagine. Of course, in my case, to be more aware of how I am controlling it, I made sure to have it feel like my ankles and wrists are the propulsion points for my flight. Sorta Iron Man-ish (though his were palms and soles).
Other cool experiences are being able to cast magic and feeling the energy, heat, and cool from the different types of magic flowing through. More intuitive controls, like being in Magicka.
I think some of the more fun dreams with this I've had were when I, for some odd reason, returned to one of the old schools in town, and did some odd things that resulted eventually with me bobsledding through the school. Or driving a car through the halls of my old high school. It was odd, but still pretty fun.
Another cool experience I had, although a nightmare to others, was having the Apocalypse happening, and out of nowhere, my latent magic abilities have "Awakened" (Apparently, I earned my right to cast magic 'when the time calls for it', as sanctioned by God, under the order of St. Michael the Archangel (my guardian angel), as well as armed with a replica sword of his 'Quis ut Deus' as it was written on this glowing blade that can fire frikkin' holy lasers, along with the "Four Gospels" armor (which also looks badass beyond reason: It's power armor with the head of a lion on the breastplate, ox on the back plate, and an eagle on the back of the helmet, and my head up front makes up Man (with a protective mask looking the same as my face). Allows power of flight, tough as adamantine (actually called Deuscite (God Metal)), and makes me at least 10-1000x more powerful, able to make me hit things with such force, their souls fly out first)) and I was able to do all kinds of crap resulting in at least saving my hometown while hijacking an assault craft "Fallen Angel"-Class (AKA-Battleship) from one of the Devil's many legions, and taking down half an armada trying to stake a claim near my house with it (with a few Holy augments to make it more badass and fire Nether and Holy beams at the same time with nuclear results, which even took out a battlecruiser in a few shots). Big mistake. Mind you, although the craft I stole looked freaking awesome, I was also really picky with which one to hijack.
All-in-all, it was freaking cool to participate with God's army in the "Battle for the World" in that dream. Made Lieutenant in my first hour. One thing I can say is, if the Bible were to be taken literally (especially the unabridged version), I doubt our world is prepared for it. Angels and demons are just fucking huge and messed up looking; and also are easily *several* millennia more technologically advanced, atop being immortal. It's also like battling Time Lords. Not all of these giants are machines, and not all these machines are necessarily giant. And don't deny cherubs. Though artistically percieved as little Cupids in many bits of art, they're nasty little buggers that can rip apart things like a cloud of locusts; plus, they don't look like babies either.
If it's a prophecy at all, then I hope the Apocalypse, if it ever does come, is as freaking awesome as I dreamed. In a sense, I can imagine other prophets (not claiming to be one myself) felt the same way when they saw our times when they wrote down their doomsday prophecies and such. I have an odd feeling that if this dream were potentially true, then this isn't the first (nor last) time Earth has seen the "End of Days".