Lesson Zero is the greatest episode ever. How could you not like it?
For me it was mainly OOC Rarity.
Rarity weren't no OOC. She's overly dramatic before she gets on with business. That's how she's always been.
Twilight's not off model.
What do you mean, Memetastic?
Characters aren't out of character.
Rarity was massively OOC. She gets dramatic about things that matter to her. What they had her doing in Lesson Zero was repeatedly overreacting to stupid things, not because it was in character, but to give them the chance to pull a prop gag with the sofa. Three times. When it was hardly funny the first time.
Twilight was massively offmodel. Her expressions, as kaijyuu said, narmtastic. There is a difference between exaggerating expressions for effect and doing it because you think it replaces actual humor. The same goes for Rarity's "joke" sofa: One-off gags and narm are not better than actual humor.
Memetastic: The episode was absolutely crammed with things that were obviously intended as memebait. Unsurprisingly, they because memes. Sonic Rainnuke, RD's sunglasses, etc. The references and internet in-jokes in S1 were fairly subtle, and were put there to amuse the creative team. The stuff in Lesson Zero were blatant grabs for attention.
I don't feel that Twilight was actually out of character (apart from the expressions), but Rarity certainly was. It was annoying seeing Pinkie out of character, and much worse to see some of her personality transposed onto Spike so they could do another sight gag. Seriously, the people who thought that LZ was a good idea should reevaluate their priorities, as they apparently thought that that sort of banal one-off joke was a replacement for pretty much everything good about the show.
For me it was mainly OOC Rarity.
How did you feel about Nightmare Night? Since apparently they decided not to bother including Rarity at all.
This is at the heart of my disappointment with the new direction the show is taking. It's my favorite characters that are being ignored and abused by out of characterness. If Twilight were my favorite, it probably wouldn't bother me so much, but she's amongst my least favorite. I love Pinkie Pie. Lesson Zero, she had four lines in the entire episode, half of them were out of character, and they gave Spike some of her Pinkie-being-Pinkieness. Nightmare Night she had lines, but her whole personality seemed off.
I loved Nightmare Night, mainly because of the excellent way they handled Luna. I didn't mind Rarity being absent (in part because she isn't one of my favorites, but also because we've had plenty of other episodes where one or more of the mane six didn't show up/played minor parts), and I really see it as an improvement over LZ. I hope that this means that LZ was just a stunt to gather attention.
No, I don't like the show. Animation is alright but like I said thats as far as it goes. Watched 1 episode because I wanted to see what the damn deal was about. Nothing too much imo. But, everyone has diffirent likes hm?
Also, if possible Necro.. TONE DOWN THE DAMN PONY PICTURES ON OTHER THREADS. Now, I shall leave. Beating people with their own limbs awaits!
Same deal as with the anime thread: If you don't like it, why would you bother posting in here just to bash it? Seems like a waste of time.
The animation in this season in general feels really weird. It's probably because they have a bigger budget, so they do more complex stuff with the faces and so on.
Still looks weird to me. I preferred it when it was simple.
And yes, I'm essentially going "they improved it, now it sucks" here.
I agree as far as Lesson Zero. They screwed up a lot in that. If you haven't yet, watch Nightmare Night, they handled it much better.