For me it was mainly OOC Rarity.
How did you feel about Nightmare Night? Since apparently they decided not to bother including Rarity at all.
This is at the heart of my disappointment with the new direction the show is taking. It's my
favorite characters that are being ignored and abused by out of characterness. If Twilight were my favorite, it probably wouldn't bother me so much, but she's amongst my least favorite. I love Pinkie Pie. Lesson Zero, she had four lines in the entire episode, half of them were out of character, and they gave Spike some of her Pinkie-being-Pinkieness. Nightmare Night she had lines, but her whole personality seemed off.
Rarity's another favorite of mine, and she got even worse treatment. She's the classy, elegant one. In Lesson Zero all she did was freak out over stupid little things. Does it make sense for Rarity, the pony who took completely in stride being kidnapped into slavery by diamond dogs, to cry herself silly over being unable to find a ribbon that was on the floor? Does it makes sense for Rarity, the pony who
mocked Twilight for overeating to losing the mice for the Gala, to suddenly have her whole character be defined by overreacting over every little thing she can? Three times in the same episode? And then Nightmare Night rolls around and they completely axe her from the episode.