This discussion has harpooned our credibility in all aspects. Remember, whoever controls the drones and whoever is Mason can read our posts here as easily as we can. Even if we do join MP, there's no chance at all he will trust us because of this. If we join the Abu Merci, they too will never trust us as we've shown through our discussions that we will backstab anyone for our own gain, but that's assuming the GM will just make their leader a player too or their leader is already a person.
Spying on our posts isn't really cheating, by the way. If I recall correctly, Jack's been perforated with darts that are probably recording devices and MP can just bug our habitat with very little expenditure.
There's really two ways to fix this, as far as I can see. One, we can piss off the GM and simply PM each other rather than actually posting our ideas. I actually got this idea the moment after I read that there would be a morale statistic that could be affected by our arguing. This way, only we know what we want, not everyone with an internet connection.
The second way is to simply stop arguing and rally behind our (kind of) democratically elected leader, PyroDesu. Let him tell us what to do, let him direct our actions, let him conduct our foreign affairs. With a united front, we can properly deal with foreigners without having to convince them not to listen to the outliers. I'm not saying let him micro-manage everyone, merely announce the goals for Hope and assign our allegiances.
There is a third, but I do not think that being a massed conglomeration of varying views will endear us to anybody, and even if we try to leave everybody, Abu Merci would crush us. Does anybody really think we're going to be able to climb mountains with tank treads? Even if we do, is it reasonable to just assume that a flying fortress won't just float over them?
In the end, we should stop all this talk about betraying people. No government posts all its actions online for all to see. Then, we should seriously rethink how we communicate for the sake of our survival.
Remember, we are no longer playing "against the computer" so to speak. We are playing against humans that have none of the disadvantages that we do and all the intelligence we do.