These men have absolutely nothing to do with this, you madman! You cut off your own hand in foolishness. This crew does your bidding with utmost loyalty and you kill them for being present? Leave them unharmed and I'll tell you all you wish to know. Damnation, I was on my bloody way unarmed to tell you regardless.
It was I who's voice was on that recording. Kill any more of the your own men and you'll only be making it easier for your enemies to slaughter you in the night. Fool... You don't even know, do you? You don't even realize your own go-...
*looking to the side, as if he accidentally revealed a secret, he speaks again*
You don't even realize your so-called "Friends" are planning a coup. My orders come from the same source as yours, Sgt. Mason. We work for the same man... The difference is, you do his bidding in ignorance and violence while I do so with with ears and eyes. Under guidance from our superiors, I have been in communication with the leaders of Abu Merci, the flying fortress we are on the way to meet. In the most bloodless manner possible, the leadership of both cities were planning a coup to combine both powers under one banner, one voice, without the citizens being knowledgeable of their intentions.
*breathing a deep sigh, he smiles peacefully and exhales deeply*
I will show you why they would do this. Do you know those large machines we have in the Hope? They are called spawners. With them, we can never truly die. We will be reborn every time we die, for all eternity. Your governor has one, as do other leaders like him. You all do not. Know why? Because he has squandered away your right to life and keeps one only for himself. He has led you all as cattle to the slaughter, only to die in his name as I was prepared to do. While he sits in the governor's palace with TWO wives, we are left in the dank bowels of this ironclad beast, to grovel at his feet.
Don't believe me? Ask him yourself. He threatened to kill the Hope's crew when they first arrived, should they ever reveal his secret. As you are undoubtedly about to kill us, just as he wants, I have no qualms about revealing all of his plans. Perhaps I will still die. Perhaps not. No matter; I have shown you the lies you have been fed by your master, and even as my heart stops beating, I will smile and know you all will make him pay for his lies.
Kill me now, if you wish. But if you wish to hear more truth, if you wish to kill the ones who would use you as slaves and servants, the ones who would treat you as filth and deny your right to immortality, then let me join you. I will reveal all of their secrets, and we will TAKE what is rightfully OURS. I will give Abu Merci whichever orders you wish, and at your side I will help the people of Machu Pichu to be free of the damned governor's lies.
*stand proudly and truthfully, with honor. Whatever comes shall come. Should dead come, accept it with honor. Should the guards heed my words, I will stand beside them and aid them in taking Machu Pichu for the PEOPLE*