this isnt really on topic, but it does sorta deal with dwarven death...
so ive been seeing a lot of 'goblins are the good guys' threads and of course the ever present 'i skewered my dwarf on a silver goblet for ‼science‼'
the fact that ive seen so many of these threads has gotten me thinking, now what if, bear with me here, what if goblins are actually reincarnated dwarves out for revenge against us, their previos masters and glorius overlords
but that just raises even more questions? why do dwarves follow all our orders but goblins ignore everything we tell them to do? lets look at the main differences between dwarves and goblins, first off goblins lack the all important dwarven beard, and in addition to that they are also markedly less drunk and tend to not die of natural causes, whereas dwarves suffer (i use that term lightly) from all the aforementioned.
this all leads me to believe that dwarven beards are actually insidious mind control devices powered by booze that slowly suck the life out of a dwarf, i mean what other than mind control could explain why dwarves would willingly dig into a magma pipe knowing full well it could cost them their life? not to mention all the rediculous things they do such as the ‼dwarf‼ running off to the booze stores to get a drink, what sane being would do that? certainly not one in control of its own faculties i assure you.
this leads me to my next point, what happens to a dwarf without booze? simple, they tend to go 'insane' but if everything ive said before this is right then that means its actually the beard mind control device has run out of power, doesnt it? what if the 'insane' dwarves are actually the sane ones? i mean, if you had no control over yourself from birth then one day suddenly realized that you have control, wouldnt that just flip your world on its side?
anyways in conclusion, goblins are reincarnated beardless dwarves bent on destruction of the player and release of more dwarves from thier mind slavery