This newscast is sponsored by the World Company Army.
Want to fight a neighbor? Invade a planet? Show off to your brother-in-law? The Protector Orbital Weapon Platform is made for you! Ask your nearest Army dealership for a year-long free trial!
World Company Army: Fighting your wars since 2054 Dear shareholders and consumers, welcome. Today is a great day for our economy and especially for our job creators. The World Company, main employer on Earth, has decided to open its capital. Job creators from across the system will now be free to invest their hard-won money in the World Company. Great riches are promised as the wealth trickle down to YOU dear customer, and many jobs are created.
So far, all 5 of the Principal Corporations have shown interest in the offer, saying the World Company offered untold growth promise and job creation opportunities. Those companies together already own 25% of the World Company, so they are natural candidate for further capital influx, said C.E.O. Jhon General.
Yes dear customer and shareholders, you can soon expect great capital inflow from all over the Solar System to Earth! Jobs and wealth for all those that work hard, thanks to the World Company!
In other news, the Secretary General just presented his new tax reform proposals. Steven Parker, from the UN building in New York, will explain to you all you need to know about this communist proposal to take over our economy and destroy our freedoms by raising taxes on job creators from 0.1 to 0.11%. We're listening to you Steve...
World Company Services:
-Protector Orbital Weapons Platform: FREE! (Until next year)
-Room for 1 mil people of Earth: 25 wealth/year
-Room for 20 factories on earth (no mines): 25 wealth/year
So yeah, this game officially started. I'm waiting for your orders, we'll see when I'll run the turn (My GF is coming over on Wednesday to Monday, and I got an organic chemistry test on that day.)
Orders Template (Feel free to depart from this, but if I can easily understand your orders, they'll be ignored.)
Fleet Orders:What your fleets are doing.
Research Orders:What your researchers are researching...
Production Orders:What your producer are producing. Include shipyards orders.
Design Orders:What you want your designer to design (New ships...)
Others:What your others are... Well, not working. Anyway, teams, diplomacy, espionage, subsidies, share buying, everything goes there.
P.S. No house rules against Geo Team, but do not game the system by sending them to survey every moon and planet available.