Dear Overseer Melissia,
First of all, I congradulate you for what you have achieved amongst us dwarves, and wish you luck in bringing the fortress of Sliverblight into legend. But I have a couple questions I would like to ask you.
I currently have a population of 45, complete with an understrength military of...6. Honestly, No one in my heritage has gotten this far in the creation of their fortress (Most never survive the first year, due to everything from zombies to savage wildlife to Digger Mortis (with translates to the inablity to mine). I seem to have more than enough food, but I am having trouble supplying my brewer with enough barrels for all the damn beer we need to supply my fortress. Many of my dwarves have gone without a drink for a damn long time, and I'm begining to worry that my fortress will fall to a simple tantrum spiral. And then there's the problom with the understrength military...
You see, I had, for some reason, in my hatred of elves (Not you, of course. You have proven your worth in this world) had caused me to slaughter a group of elven merchants that had thought I was going to put up with their hypocrytical bullshit of "Oh we can do whatever the @#$% we want with wood but if you so much as give us the wooden chest that's holding your goods we're going to declare war with you." Now should I try to enlist only those suitable for military work and train them well, or simply draft anyone that's not doing something useful when @#$% hits the ventallation shaft?
Thank you for spending the time to read my letter, and I again wish you luck.
Goden Dumatatul, Expedition Leader of the Fortress Boatproblem