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Author Topic: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)  (Read 12752 times)


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2011, 06:05:33 am »

Jacob woke up exactly twenty minutes before the morning's broadcast, as he was apt to. He knew that that degree of predictability made him a target, but, quite frankly, the chances of him dying at home were slim to none - he knew how he would die. That didn't scare him - not much did anymore, that is except for the broadcast  The broadcast was one of the few things that truly scared him. The person doing the announcements was either a precog or was engineering the situation to his own benefit, and either way that made him a threat.
While he went through his morning exercises while waiting for the morning "news", as he called it, to come on, he was always thinking. But what should he think about today? He supposed he might as well think about the broadcast more...
Precogs try not to clash. In the vast majority of cases they know all too much about what would happen if they did. But, occasionally, they do. And then it is purely the stronger one that comes out of it. The person who can unravel the "if I do this then he does that which means that I should do this which means that he should do that" chain the furthest. Based on what he had seen the broadcast was always right, or close enough. Vague yes, but all statements about the future had to be so. It was that or... He stopped. The broadcast was about to come on. He walked over to where he kept his radio. It was an ancient old thing - hand-cranked, supposedly lasting "up to" 6 hours on a single charge (which equated to about 5 minutes on a good day). He started cranking, stopping when he heard the day's broadcast.
He was about to go about his usual routine for the day when he realized something. It was what he had been waiting for for quite some time... He was tired of waiting. Tired of staying huddled up in his room because someone somewhere might see him. He knew that he might die because of it, and he didn't really care. Today, he was going out. Content with the decision, he got together his things (in other words a bulletproof vest, knife, and gun, wearing his usual over-heavy jacket to conceal it all - the chances of the vest actually stopping anything were slim to none, but it still offered a sense of security no matter what the numbers said) and walked out of the dilapidated building towards the park, amusing himself on the way by picking out the supers pretending to be normal. There were a surprising number of them
The lady the dog the paper the boy writ hit bit knit.

English is weird.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2011, 06:29:44 am »

All was silent in the luxury mansion, overlooking the city from a hill in the rich part of town. The air was still, broken only by the occasional bird flapping by. The windows inside were dark, except for a single light on the upper floor, coming from a lamp in a study, judging by the furniture. The lawn was pristine, the flower beds were in bloom and the trees stood tall and strong, full of foliage.

But if one looked closer, you could see the bullet holes, made by desperate gunmen. The craters created by thrown grenades, present in the lawn. Chips of wood and bark from the trees made from flying debris. The red stains on the building made from bodies thrown with considerable force, crumpling on impact with the hard and unforgiving surface. The broken glass from the windows, lying over the ground and floor inside. A battle had taken place here, and judging by the uniforms of the bodies lying all over the property, it was completely one sided.

Wei sat in the large and comfortable chair in the upstairs study, completely at ease with his surroundings in his tailor made suit, a glass of vintage brandy in one hand, and a rather large diamond in the other, held up to the light so he could see how it reflected through it. He took a sip of brandy as he rotated the precious gem slowly in his fingers, letting the light play over his fair features. This diamond was heavily defended mere hours ago, in the possession of a greedy private collector as he had found out from his sources. It would sell well on the market, broken down into smaller versions of itself so to make it harder to track and easier to transport, by his estimate, the stone would sell for well over 20 million dollars.

A pretty little thing indeed. Not bad for a nights work. And the private security even gave me some entertainment, which is always a bonus.

His gaze doesn't move away as he hears a whimper from the floor infront of him, originating from the collector himself who was presently trapped under his foot, neck pinned to the plush carpet.

"So Arnold, it seems your smuggling from South Africa has indeed brought you some interesting items. You can colour me impressed by the size of this thing. One must wonder what a man like you had to go to such lengths to obtain it..."

Arnold, an overweight man in a white robe and slippers, whimpered again as the pressure increased slightly. Wei paid him no mind and took another sip from the glass, listening to the radio he had turned on while relaxing. He was increasingly curious about the premonitions given over the radio by this strange host, who always seemed to be proved at least somewhat correct. His interest rose when he heard the recent premonition, a small smile crossed his face when he heard the details of the park.

"Hmmm... Painted in blood, huh? Sounds a lot like my calling card to me. Isn't that right, Arnold? Well, it would be rude not to at least check this situation out."

Wei pocketed the stone and rose to his feet, glacing once at poor Arnold under his foot.

"I must take my leave of your pleasant company. Thanks for the brandy."

Surging blood into the muscles of his leg, he sharply increased the pressure under his foot, crushing Arnold's larynx, before twisting and snapping his neck with a sickening crunch. As Arnold made his last gurgles, Wei swallowed the last of the brandy in one gulp, placed the glass on a nearby table, and walked downstairs, heading to his car, a black Aston Martin.

Time for a walk in the park, I reckon.

Some time later, he pulled up on the side of the street that ran along the park, stopping the engine and grabbing his duffel bag of equipment that he took with him on all his jobs. Shutting the door behind him, he turned towards the park in time to hear an explosion.

Just on time. But, I think I shall wait a bit. Just to see what's going on.

Striding confidently down the street, passing through the paniked crowd of people running away from the explosions, Wei turned into an alley and after surging blood into his legs, leaped up onto a nearby fire escape and climbed to the roof of a building near the park. A few jumps across a few rooftops to a better position, and with the binoculars from his bag, he could see all that was happening in the park clearly.

Hmmm... Looks like an anti super rally. Pah, I should have expected something like this to happen at such an event. Looks like some supers in disguise are giving it to each other, I think that looks like... Justicar, judging by the mask. Those twins seem to be the source of the trouble though. Oh look, Buster soldiers, on schedule as always. Things are getting interesting...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2011, 06:45:21 am »

Arriving at the scene of the crime, Athaerion was surprised to see the usually-peaceful park scorched in flames, with quite a few bodies littering the park's streets.

"Guess I'm not going to take a walk in this park after all..."

Athaerion knew that he wouldn't last so much in the crossfire if he didn't arm himself properly, and although he can create any weapon out of any material with any enchantment, none of them would be armed with ammunition, and he really isn't a good close-ranged stick brawler.

He decided to walk away from the park, to go to a nearby gun store and buy some .308 ammunition, as well as a bulletproof vest, should he be able to find one.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #33 on: October 17, 2011, 06:57:29 am »

After finally finishing his transformation, Simon checked the situation. He didn't have time to take a completly combat-oriented form, but at least now he had a weapon.

He took a quick look from behind the tree, then rushed up to one of the twins from behind. He landed a solid hit, giiving the twin a big cut on her back and throwing her on the ground. Then, he quickly turned away and ran as fast towards cover as he could to avoid any fireballs that would be sent after him.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2011, 07:43:44 am »

He sucessfully found and bought 30 .308 Winchester ammunition from a gun store, but he found no bulletproof vests, so he decided to view the whole scene from a distance instead.

He went up to a nearby apartment building's rooftop, conjuring an APR308 on the way, and as he arrived on the roof, he chambered 10 rounds into the weapon's magazine box then aimed it at the park.

"Before I pull the trigger, I must observe their actions and act approprately."

Athaerion made sure he wouldn't pull the trigger by accident; he isn't a trained marksman after all, he's just a man who can conjure up weaponry, and nothing else. He then observed their movements, but he didn't pull the trigger just yet.

No sooner than a few seconds while aiming the rifle, a stray fireball flies right past him, narrowly missing his head.

Then he caught a glimpse of two blonde women fighting against a man with long claws.

"Let's see how this fight unfolds, and if this whole thing actually jogs my memory."

He then took aim for the man's head, steadying his movements ever so slightly and observing his target diligently.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2011, 08:05:24 am »

"God dammit, stop burning my investment!"
Rick continued creating vaccuums around the park, mostly succeeding in keeping the fires contained to one area. He noticed that the fight was starting to escalate and turn into a free for all with the number of different factions present. He was rather disappointed to see that there was nobody trying to take the twins alive, as knowing whether they were employed by The Truth or The Demons would be rather useful.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:47:54 am by Sinpwn »


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #36 on: October 17, 2011, 08:13:01 am »

Ben sat in the dark closet of his apartment, zombified by his sadness and tiredness. He could try to go to sleep, but then Zozoro would startle him awake. He hated that, but knew it was his own fault for not listening to his older brother. Just then the closet door unlocked and opened. Zozoro stood there, arms crossed and mad at Ben. What did he do this time? Or was it something he was going to do" "You're coming with me, Cretin." Great, he had to leave the closet now. Ben's eyes blinked constantly as they adjusted to the light.

Zozoro took Ben somewhere with a lot of people. They were holding up signs, and saying different things Ben's tired mind couldn't separate. Suddenly, fiery explosions started appearing, and Ben noticed they were coming from some twins. "Use my powers to create a forcefield, Cretin" said Abejuuju, one of the meaner spirits Ben had been obeying. Some masked guy punched one of the twins, and then was thrown back by a blast. "Use my powers NOW, crumbucket!" Ben concentrated, raising his hands in the air. A sphere of astral energy enveloped the park, preventing anyone from leaving. People were going to die.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:54:30 am by peglegpengeuin »
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2011, 08:19:21 am »

Wei grinned as he watched the battle. Things were indeed heating up quite quickly. Those females were quite powerful, even if they had slightly bad aim. He watched with glee as a man that had hid behind a tree rushed out and slashed one across the back with claws coming from his hands. He let out a small gasp of joy as he saw another super create vaccuums to contain the flames. A slight frown showed itself as he saw a kid, of all things, start doing something to the air around the park. Some kind of shimmer in the air that he couldn't really focus on. Still he was excited, battle always got him riled up and excited and the only thing that did this better was the chance of him taking part.

My my my, very exciting indeed. I don't know who to cheer for!

As he lowered his binoculars, a thought occured to him, an opportunity for profit and information showing itself.

I wonder who those twins work for...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2011, 04:53:34 pm »

Jacob stood in the middle of the park, vaguely arrogantly, wondering when someone would notice him. It wasn't even a strain checking that nothing was coming his way. What was a bit of a strain though was trying to make it look as though he was just strolling through the park, and just happened to step the right way each time to dodge everything.
The lady the dog the paper the boy writ hit bit knit.

English is weird.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2011, 06:22:59 pm »

Things were scaling up quickly, as they normally do in Kaleno, Busters had shown up and more powers had taken to the field, Even a force field bubble had been put up around the park. Now the lions were locked in with him. He got up quickly from the blast and reached into his hoodie pouch, retrieving a pair of smoke bombs that hurled at the feet of the twins and quickly enveloped the field of battle in smoke, covering the twins, the clawed man and of course himself. He then takes action quickly, activating his gauntlets as he moves through the smoke like a shade, weaving between the falling explosives, the smoke is fading around the explosions but he reaches the twins just in time. He felt his hand wrap around one of their throats with a suppressed yelp and like a phantom Justicar spirited away one of the twins to a area beneath a bridge just out side of the smoked area. He propped her up against the stone underside of the bridge. "Who are you. Who do you work for. Answer quickly now." His gloves were at a low setting, enough to provide a solid tingle into her neck but ready to amp up quickly
Raggle Fraggle

The Fool

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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2011, 06:49:56 pm »

She spat onto Justicar's mask then put on a small smirk. "There is a new order in this city. You and the Circle are just scum waiting to be cleaned out of this city. You'll find out soon enough who we work for." She laughed. "We may not be able to run, but soon the Busters will be here to kill all of you. Better start running cowboy." Something under her hoodie started ticking rhythmically.

The second twin started scratching at her own back as if trying to pull at something. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Get it off me! This wasn't suppose to happen! Sis. I'm screwed. Run."

((Not being able to toss Busters at people means I have to improvise until the next event. So this one might be shorter than I thought.))

Shade finally made it to the other side of the park. A massive clear orb with lightning running along its sides surrounded the burnt and smoldering stage. Several supers could be seen fighting in the middle. Shade drew his knife and ran it down the orb. The knife slid through, but it wouldn't pull out of the orb. Shade stepped through the clear barrier and picked up his knife. He watched for a moment to see what was happening before he acted. He saw Justicar holding a blond lady by the throat. Another blond, a twin maybe, was desperately trying to scratch something off her back. This might be bad.

((I apologize for the explosives while people are trapped in a bubble. I should have realized that was a bad idea.))
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:35:59 pm by The Fool »

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)

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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2011, 08:29:12 pm »

The ticking stopped, and a pale prismatic mist started leaking out from the neck and waist of the hoodies of the twins. Within moments the twins became unrecognizable and immobile with heavy deformations on their faces and hands. Anyone close enough would know that it burned to inhale the gases, but it wasn't concentrated enough to do what it did to the twins. The grass around them turned from green to blue to green again. The bubble of energy that was holding them in started to flicker and burn small openings as the gas touched the energy's shell. A helicopter with a Buster corps. logo flew in dropping in a set of eight humanoid mechs compressed into their cube-like rest positions. A voice called out from the helicopter, "Hostiles spotted. Initializing armoured units. Keep them from inhaling the gases. Use lethal force if necessary."

The mechs started to reform themselves into a humanoid shape loaded up with various firearms, some of which were rather explosive looking.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:57:44 pm by The Fool »

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2011, 08:44:50 pm »

Noticing the spreading gas out of the corner of his eye, Rick let his curiosity get the best of him and got out his rebreather, heading towards Justicar and the twins.
"Hey everyone, hope I'm not interrupting anything, but duty calls."
He pulled what looked to be a pen out of his lab coat and pressed a small screen. It immediately started beeping and hissing, while the screen transitioned to green.

The busters arrived just then, so he decided that it would be a good idea to get out of the line of fire of them and everyone else. He moved to the farthest end of the sphere and began tearing the fabric of reality between him and the other side.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2011, 09:07:09 pm »

Justicar quickly dropped the girl as the strange gas streamed out from her clothes. His instinct of strange gases= Bad kicked it and it turned out it wasnt completely unfounded as she mutated wildely reminding him of the Bio-mass incident at Armorforce all those years ago. The gas burned at his throat but the balcalva was able to slightly filter some of it along with his mask. He then turns his head to see the mechs crash into the ground "I didnt prep for this..." He then starts to head towards the permeter of the park at a full sprint but one of the mech's sensors picks him up. "Synching....Target. Justicar." One of the units turns towards him. Unleashing a hail of fire that blows some of the tree's that he ducked behind into splinters "I really didnt prepare for this.." he mumbled as he pulled his pistol from the waistband of the pants his was wearing. He then fired off a few shots towards the mechs, well knowing his weapon wouldnt do much as he tossed a large cobble stone at the base of the mech's feet hoping to get a reaction from the mech's grenade/threat detector
Raggle Fraggle


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2011, 09:21:41 pm »

Simon watched from behind cower as the busters arrived on the scene. Trying to stay hidden, he once again concentrated on his hands. His claws shortened, and before long his hands were normal again. After this, he made a few minor changes to himself, changing his skin- and haircolour. Disguised, he made his best impression of a frightened civilian.

"Help me! I'm so afraid!"
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