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Author Topic: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)  (Read 12747 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #210 on: October 24, 2011, 10:43:30 pm »

I want to join in this it seems pretty awesome

Charter:Jack Striker

Powers: fire manipulation

Bio: Jack was once a normal man but he was a part of the military when they were making experimental super soldiers Jack just happened to get picked. Jack was exposed to several volatile and flammable materials when it stopped however nobody thought anything would happen but one day Jacks was cornered by a serial killer at large when Jack thought he would breath his last breath however something strange happened the would be killer was on fire. Taking his new found powers he became a crime fighter little did he know however the exposure to chemicals made his mind unstable sometimes Jack acted nice and helpful others he was angry and looking for something to do to get cooled off and sometimes he would go into a temporary insanity knowing nothing but darkness and voices. Jack learned to control his mood swings however a strong emotion would bring back one particular swing.       


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #211 on: October 25, 2011, 12:40:06 am »

Wei nodded at Rick and kept walking deeper into the dockyards.

"Well, for a start, we need to find out more about these people. Justicar, this is where you come in. You used to be a cop of some kind I gather? I want you to use your connections and public image to find out more about these people. They built or stole that airship, and something that big doesn't get built without someone noticing. Where was it made? Here? Overseas? Find out, and we will be a step closer to bringing them down.

Rick, I want you to begin examining their tech and weaponry as much as possible. If you need samples, I will get them for you by force. I want to know how they make their weapons, how we could nullify or resist their effects and how they are most likely to be deployed. In your spare time, analyse what you can find out about that airship using information from Justicar here. You are currently our most intelligent mind, so put it to good use."

Wei stops in a dark alley and turns to face them both, a cold look on his face.

"I don't really need to tell you this, but it must be said. These people are not to be messed around with. I know their type, I have a few friends who are just like them, so take my word for it; you do NOT want to be caught. These people are powerful, more powerful than some nations, if they are not already one. Look into that by the way Justicar. These people will either walk over, or on, anyone that gets in their way. If they grab you, I will not be coming to save you, you will be on your own. That goes for all of us, me included. These people are truly disgusting, even by my standards. That should say something to you Justicar.

Now, I will tell you both of the information I gathered from my previous interrogation. You remember those twins? They were not even real workers for Slades, they were threatened to work for them. They didn't even realise that in reality, they were being used as suicide bombers. Indeed, they were not going to leave that park alive if Slades had it's way. Justicar, their names were Clara and Harriet Fairbrook. I want you to go find their family, their relatives, their friends and even their school teachers and talk to them. Someone had to have spoken with them, someone who was working for Slades. I want a description, a name if possible. Do this first before anything else. Rick, I left their bodies in the warehouse. Check them out if you have not already."

Taking a deep breath, Wei runs a hand through his hair and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I shall go look for information in the underworld. Hopefully somebody will know something, people this big leave a paper trail if nothing else. If either of you two require funds, I will give you enough for your purposes."

Wei pulls out two business cards, both identical and with a phone number on them.

"Dial this number, and say the following words exactly followed by the details of the bank account you wish the money transfered to; Information is power, Intelligence is key. Don't rob me blind or I will come to take it back. In the meantime, I will go to this bank that was broadcasted, and see if I can snatch one of the robbers. Any questions?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #212 on: October 25, 2011, 12:49:04 am »

Looking around through his scope, Athaerion spotted another figure on top of the bank's roof.

"Eh? What the hell is that thing?"

It looked like an amalgamation of various specimen, horribly mutated. It just sat there, unmoving.

"Looks like this thing is part of that heist, so I must not take any chances."

Athaerion steadied his aim on the sniper rifle, gripped it tightly, and pulled the trigger. A .50 BMG flew in the direction of the Chimera. The weapon Athaerion used promptly disappeared after the shot, leaving behind one Steyr HS .50's magazine's worth of bullets, minus the one bullet that was fired at the Chimera.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.

The Fool

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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #213 on: October 25, 2011, 01:16:06 am »

The chimera's head lifted up just in time for the shot to clip its leg instead of its head. Blood spattered the glass on the roof. The leg healed over time, and the blood slowly turned black over the next minute. When the blood turned pitch black it created a small explosion shattering the glass of the roof. The chimera fell to the ground with a thud, and a grappling line appeared from mid-air with no one seemingly on the end of the rope. It tensed, and went loose all within a second. A patter on footsteps from the landing could be heard on the upper floors. The mutated gunman seemed unphased by the sudden explosions and movement, and it just continued towards the banks counters.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #214 on: October 25, 2011, 01:49:49 am »

"Well, this is getting complicated faster than I thought..."

Athaerion knew that if he kept shooting the abomination above, it might fall down from the rooftops, and into the bank, exploding everything in the process. He had to get up close, but while he is more prepared than ever, he isn't quite skilled in combat, and would be dead in five seconds flat in front of that abomination.

Athaerion thought to himself, that if he doesn't take action, everyone in the bank dies. If he does take action, he might die, and he can't rest peacefully without knowing his past. He felt that getting his memories is too valuable enough to risk getting killed. Then he thought:

What if they know something about me? What if there was something they had that could point me into the right direction?

Athaerion paced back and forth on the rooftops adjacent to the bank, thinking of his next course of action.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #215 on: October 25, 2011, 05:13:06 am »

Simon sighed. The shots he was firing at the mutant were uneffective, and he had almost been hit by the shrapnel had almost hit him several times. Throwing away his gun, he ran around the mutant, stopping so that he stood between him and the bank counter.

"If you want to get over there you gotta get through me first."

With that, Simon attacked, throwing several powerful blows at the creature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #216 on: October 25, 2011, 10:33:09 am »

Kaleno Dockyards, Alleyway

In the shadows above, the trio heard a muffled thud, followed by a hollow clatter and a wet thump as a weapon hit the concrete, followed shortly by it's wielder.

"He might."

Akane then dropped down beside the body- unconscious, but not dead- pulling back her hood, and brushing her (once again dyed) hair out of the coat and back into it's usual curtain around her.

"I'm surprised you let your guard down, Crimson Devil. I've been following you for the last half hour."
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #217 on: October 25, 2011, 12:36:49 pm »

Wei smiled a devils grin at Akane, a cold and knowing thing.

"Did I really? Perhaps I was just waiting for you to finally show yourself? In any case, you have my gratitude."

Walking over to the body, Wei nudged it lightly with his foot.

"You see, THIS is why I need people like you Justicar. I'm famous among the darker side of society, and I am a threat, which by this action Slade acknowledges. Gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside to see that I am being taken seriously. Tells me that I'm doing things right."

Kneeling down to the body, Wei takes out a few plastic ties and restrains the body quickly.

"You can talk with this one Akane if you want. Or just leave him for me, whatever works for you. Speaking of work, I was hoping you would show up. I take it that you have been listening to what I was saying for the last few minutes?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #218 on: October 25, 2011, 01:14:57 pm »

Geneva yawned, glancing at the water-clock by her bed. This glance was followed by a short curse as she shot out of bed- she had missed the daily broadcast! She hastily dressed and siphoned some water from the sink into her sleeves. No time to get ready. She pulled out her phone and began to replay the morning's radio message, which calmed her down somewhat. Things seemed to be back to the more mundane crimes, at least for now. No more zombies or ghosts or giant mutants. Just regular criminals.

Seeing as she was going to be in the bank's area, Geneva figured that she might as well check up on how the event was progressing. With the city's luck, it was probably more than just a heist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #219 on: October 26, 2011, 07:40:01 am »

Fine, I have no choice, but to go down there and face them up close. But I doubt they'll give me information if I say please... I need a plan...

Athaerion decided to get down to the bank's entrance, and he ran as fast as he could before things got even worse.

"That abomination... I need to be careful..."

He arrived in front of the entrance of the bank, and he opened the door slowly. To his surprise, both Simon and Shade were already there, and a barrage of gunfire was fired towards his general direction as he opened the door, forcing him to retreat.

"Damn it! It already got worse!? I really need to think this over right now..."

Athaerion ducked behind one of the outdoor pillars decorating the entrance of the bank, as the huge figure kept firing a barrage of bullets. He noted that the bullets fired by the hulking figure shattered on impact, and the pillar he was taking cover from the gunfire was getting destroyed at a very rapid pace.

"Hope to Lady luck I don't get shot as I roll towards the other pillar..."

Athaerion performed a dodge roll towards the next pillar, with a blazing trail of gunfire following his rear.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #220 on: October 26, 2011, 08:11:07 am »

The bullets decimated the desk, leaving it as hole-filled wood. Sarah yelled and ran towards a pillar. She needed a plan. Her bullets were doing crap and this thing was firing in all directions. Sarah then noticed something. It didn't fire up. There wasn't any targets. She then took out and looked at her lighter. If she lit some paper, stuffed it down one of the barrels, it would misfire and go directly into itself.

Screw it, you only live once, right? She took a piece of paper, then she did it.

Sarah ran up the wall, wall-jumping on the pillars. She swung around on a pillar, and then jumped. She landed directly on the thing, just as it fired once again. She lit the paper, then stuffed it down one of the barrels. The thing shook, causing her to loose the grip of her lighter. It landed on the beast's back, right into one of the barrels. The faint sound of something hissing.

Sarah was blown back by the explosion, smashing right into a pillar. When the dust cleared, she snapped her arm into place and stood up, painfully. The thing was still alive! It aimed it's guns...

Click. Click click clickity click.

"Run out of gunpowder, I fucking see!" She yelled, confidently. "You know, fire does that!"


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #221 on: October 26, 2011, 08:36:18 am »

Simon looked at the woman that just disabled the creature's guns. Whoever she was, it would always help to have an ally. Or an distraction, in this case. Simon punched the creature, targetting one of it's pipes. Using it like a lever, he made the pipe rip through the mutants flesh, tearing a hole in it's side.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #222 on: October 26, 2011, 08:44:27 am »

Sarah looked at the man who just ripped out one of the barrels. Well, allies are good. At least, crazy bastards are. She got up, and fired several rounds into the hole that the man had made. It seemed like it was actually doing something!

"Yeah! We're kicking it's ass!"

The Fool

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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #223 on: October 26, 2011, 09:40:44 am »

He creature screams a human-like scream as the pipe is levered out of it's body. Simon finds that as he tears out the pipe to find that it is a M16 with no bullets left. Some blood and flesh still cling to weapon almost as if it were a part of it. It staggered back as bullets were fired into it's skin, but the bullets were being caught on its skin and were being absorbed into it. The clicking of hammers was rather audible, but no bullets were being fired. A strange black object stood out on its neck, but it didn't look like a barrel of a gun; it looked too small for that.

The chimera leaped down from the roof ((it fell earlier, but no one acknowledged it)) and landed on its feet. It immediately started tearing into it's own foreleg when it reached the counters sending blood everywhere, but mainly the floor. It limped away as fast as it could, which was quite quick, wounded or not. After a few seconds a deafening explosion filled the bank with smoke. The chimera jumped down into the hole, quickly followed by someone else. You wouldn't have seen them if it weren't for the smoke that they ran though. When the smoke cleared the gunman was still there, but the chimera was gone. Looking down into the hole you could see cracked tiles from the chimera's blood trail.

((You can kill the gunman if you want, but there is more story to it if your willing to find it.))

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)
« Reply #224 on: October 26, 2011, 09:49:38 am »

Athaerion slowly, but carefully approached the gunman.

"Speak up, I have some questions. First off, what brings you here, performing a heist on this bank? Second, who do you work for?!"

The gunman refused to answer, by ignoring his statements. Athaerion pulled out a modified Berreta, and pointed it on his head.

"I'll kill you if you stay silent."
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.
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