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Author Topic: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 3)  (Read 12765 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #105 on: October 19, 2011, 06:10:19 pm »

Rick steadily advanced towards the mall, shocking anything standing in his way. He had made it to the large doors of the mall and changed a setting on his baton as he shot the zombies advancing from the sides. A small white flame burst from the baton, which he began to use to seal the door, with the hopes that it would stop the spread of the infection from this area. He began to hear a rumbling from inside the mall...

The Fool

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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #106 on: October 19, 2011, 06:31:29 pm »

A heavy pounding behind the door shook the ground around the frozen doors of the mall. While the doors were frozen the area above the doors wasn't and something started pounding at it. The group that was standing at the doors of the mall ran directly away from the doors at first to avoid the debris, but then swept inwards to attack Rick. This group seemed more organized than the others and a man stood in the center of the pack with a mist emitter.

The doors of the mall fell outwards onto the streets as a pair of giant humanoid shapes piled out of the building. A smell of stale meat filled the air as the walking 12 foot tall piles of meat stumbled into the streets. A man with glowing eyes followed closely after.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #107 on: October 19, 2011, 06:59:01 pm »

God this is boring.

Geneva had been spearing the strange zombies for nearly fifteen minutes, and the seemingly never-ending stream was getting on her nerves. She looked around for anyone else who was nearby. Someone - or something - was messing around with the mall's doors. Perhaps they had some idea of what was going on. Blunting the water spears she had been using to impale zombies, Geneva converted them into more spidery legs. She started tramping over to the mall's doors to talk to the person there- before the doors suddenly ceased to exist, turning into a cloud of flying debris and chunks of glass. Geneva stared in horror at the meaty things.

The hell are those things!? I'm gonna need a lot more water. Geneva released her mental grip on the watery spear-arms, letting them splosh to the ground. She froze a large cloud of raindrops into needle-sharp points, letting them hover motionless for a second, before launching them towards the crowd of infected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #108 on: October 19, 2011, 07:11:11 pm »

Rick immediately ran in the opposite direction of the mall, flailing his electrical baton as fast as he could. A few of the zombies got a hold of him, but he managed to shake them off, receiving some bruises and a few scratches. He decided that that sacrifices had to be made. He started punching and elbowing the zombies in front of him, charging his arms with nothingness, leaving the zombies to realize that they seemed to be lacking most of their chests.
He eventually made it out of the crowd a little worse for wear, with the abominations and surviving zombies chasing after him.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #109 on: October 19, 2011, 07:18:19 pm »

"Thanks for saving me, never thought that I'd actually ask someone for help, but thanks."

Athaerion didn't like being saved by someone, but he was still grateful, because he was stuck and he couldn't escape at the time.

He followed Simon through the corridors, hacking anyone with his fire axe if they got too close. As they headed for the nearest exit, he started to run out of breath.

*cough* "Wait.. up..." *cough* *cough* "Need.. to catch... breath.."

Athaerion was wheezing from inhaling the thick smog, or the mutagen-laced air. No sooner after he asked Simon to wait, he collapsed, writhing in pain, and the horde of ferals were far behind, chasing after them, now with the force akin to that of a stampede.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #110 on: October 19, 2011, 08:04:50 pm »

"This city might be going to hell, but there is at least one man making profits in this chaos." - William "The Leader" Persuasion

William was one of the most successful men in this city. Indeed, maybe the most successful man in the city. Six years ago, he was an ex-military officer looking for a job in Kaleno. Now, he was rich and powerful and he had men everywhere - and he was nearly completely unknown.  He was like a shadow. He whispered orders and he watched the results, but he was never in the light. Even his greatest rivals did not really know him. They knew William, a Super who was sometimes seen giving orders to criminals, forcing them to drop their weapons and wait for the police... But they did not know the Leader, the man who controlled a good part of this city.

Of course, he had his limits. A few incredible geniuses were capable of refusing to obey him, just like some incredibly dumb people. Most people would not obey if he ordered them to kill themselves - apparently, survival instinct was stronger than the mind in these situations. But he was still quite powerful. And that morning, when he heard about trouble near the mall, he decided he was going to have a little look.

((Is that character okay? He cannot force someone to kill himself or hurt himself badly. His orders have no effects if he is asking impossible - like 'Fly!' to a normal human - or if his target is unable to understand him or hear him.))


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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #111 on: October 19, 2011, 08:44:31 pm »

The long, thin icicles began to make contact with the crowd mere seconds after Rick had launched himself from it. Many of the infected collapsed almost instantly when their bodies were pierced in areas that were probably necessary for life. Several others began to bleed out from their wounds. The rest, those who were not pierced in an important area, were no worse for wear: the disease was keeping them on their feet despite the obvious pain in their face- Pain? Geneva frowned slightly. Zombies shouldn't feel pain. Odd. She sent another volley of icicles at the meaty things. Geneva quickly scuttled towards the man who had escaped on her watery legs, yelling out to him over the howls of the infected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #112 on: October 19, 2011, 10:11:08 pm »

Wei stood up as he saw the doors explode outwards from the mall. He had been watching the crowd closely, and had seen some men and women with strange machines in their hands that were making the red mist, when he heard the rumble from inside the mall. Upon seeing the massive abominations that walked out, as well as that interesting man with the glowing eyes, he decided that he might have to take action before things really got out of hand.

Well, it's a good thing I come prepared...

Putting down his binoculars, he pulled a long suitcase that had been sitting next to him over towards him. Flipping open the locks, he opened the case to reveal the parts for a very powerful sniper rifle. Wasting no time, he quickly assembled the weapon and grabbed the bag of ammunition he had brought with it. Loading the rifle, he walked back over to the lip of the roof and crouched down, pushing his blood into his muscles once again to grant him a stronger grip.

Say hello to my Barrett M82 bitches. Tell the devil I said hello.

With a loud BOOM, a .50 caliber round slammed into an abomination, blowing a crater into the thing's chest. Amazingly, it still stood. Wei fixed this with 4 more rounds, the last of which splattered it's head in a miniture explosion of bone and brains.

"I believe the saying is, boom headshot! Now, who next..."

As he started putting rounds into the crowd, each bullet blasting through multiple bodies in a single shot, Wei kept an eye on the supers that were surely taking notice of the miniture explosions coming from his rooftop.

The Fool

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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #113 on: October 19, 2011, 10:40:17 pm »

The meat golems took the ice needles easily, with no noticeable damage. The goliaths didn't even flinch from the impact. One of the two golems ran at Geneva at full speed, while the other stood back standing in the way of a direct attack as a mobile wall for the glowing eyes man. Each step that the running golem took sent a shockwave throughout its body of meat and flesh. Its body almost seemed to shuffle and move individual parts as the shockwaves ran upwards.

Shade took a look at what he brought from the storeroom. Why now? Why do I pick the ineffective weapons? Hearing the explosions off the rooftops and seeing people torn to shreds quickly made him change his mind. There are living people down there. There has to be a better way. Shade started looking for the shooter through the scope with his rifle raised to his shoulder. I hope this idiot is in the shadows, because I could really use that rifle for the big guys.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #114 on: October 19, 2011, 11:11:45 pm »

"I haven't fully regenerated yet. That snotty gas did a number on my field power. You saw - I could barely blow up those helicopters." Abejuuju seemed angry. "Relax, we just need someplace safe to watch the chaos from. You can do that, right?" "Alright, Zozoro, I think I've got something. Cretin you weakling, I'm letting you use my power. Create a travel bubble. And keep it small." Ben complied, and created a small sphere of astral energy, big enough for one person to stand on. Zozoro picked Ben up by the head again, and stepped onto the bubble. "Alright, kid, you go where I tell you to." And so Ben and Zozoro rose up, and moved toward the mall. There they floated high above the crowd, and Zozoro watched with some satisfaction as people ripped each other apart. Less satisfying to him was the faint scent of stale meat.
Awesome website for people who like suggestion games: Choice of Games


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #115 on: October 20, 2011, 01:40:09 am »

Steadying his hand, Athaerion managed to grab an experimental regeneration syringe in one of his pockets. He hurriedly stabbed the syringe on his chest, not caring if whether he hit an vein or not. Soon enough, he stopped coughing violently and he was back on his toes again, albeit fatigued.

"Lucky, I took some of these from the storeroom earlier."

Athaerion wanted to save these things for later, but he had no choice, as he would die from the horde's attacks, who were behind him. He planned not to use it for his cough, but then again, the mist was of unknown origin, at least to him, and there wouldn't be a cure to it in the pharmacy. He had no weapon now; it's time was up.

Behind him is an incredibly large horde of ferals, or as some people call them, "zombies", who were shuffling towards him.

"Hey Simon, Help me over here!"



It was apparent that Simon left him, dashing forward and clearing the way. Too bad, more ferals came and blocked the escape Simon was making.

"Shit. Why does this keep happening to me?!"

Athaerion frantically glanced for a path to take, but the only path he could use was the rooftop access stairs.

He decided not to generate a weapon just yet, because he might have to decide which weapon would be effective against the foes he would possibly face.

Rushing up the stairs, Athaerion heard the distinct sound of a sniper rifle. Knowing that somebody upstairs had a weapon that could keep the ferals at bay, he rushed upstairs to get help.

Instead, he saw no one upstairs. He inched a bit to the edge, and saw a bunch of 12-foot tall constructs of flesh, still dripping with blood.

"I really can't escape the area now, Not when it's like this."

Having no choice, he barred the access point's door with a crate, and prepared to conjure a wind-element M72 LAW.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #116 on: October 20, 2011, 02:15:53 am »

Finally, the path cleared before Simon and the exit of the mall was right in front of him.

"Huh, that was close, wasn't it, Athaerion? Atherion? ....Crap."

Simon' eyes raced over the horde of zombies, trying to find his the man he left behind. Before he was able to find him though, Simon heard a loud footstep behind him and turned around, only to find himself face to face with something that looked like a gigantic golem made from meat. Sadly, his discovery came to late to save him from receiving a painful punch from the abomination.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #117 on: October 20, 2011, 03:29:38 am »


Another crowd of zombies bit the dust and Wei reloaded. This was working well, the rifle was handling those smaller ones with no problem, as expected, but those larger ones were the real trouble. As Wei paused to check the scene again, he saw that various supers were fighting in their own ways against the zombies, one had walked over the crowd on what looked like stilts of water rece-

Blam! Whiz! "Woah!"

Wei ducked back under the roof lip as a bullet whizzed over his head. He cursed his stupidity at leaving himself so exposed, he was lucky that didn't splatter his brains all over the roof. Only the rain saved him, and just barely.

Get a grip, someone is shooting at you. That's nothing new. Just find this joker and kill him so he doesn't do it again.

Staying low and dragging the bag of bullets with him, Wei pulls back from the roof edge and heads around to the side, checking over the edge to see if the alley is clear. Seeing that it was, and that he was covered by the building next to him, he shuffled back to his leanto and packed up his gear quickly, shoving the fold out into the duffel bag it came in. He had regretted not bringing some blood with him to protect him but it was a required evil, a cocoon of blood tended to stand out on roof tops.

I can't believe I'm doing this... All this effort had BETTER not go to waste.

Slinging his bags over his shoulders, he takes another look down the street to find the shooter, but he knows it's useless. The damn rain is making things too difficult. Shrugging, he shoulders the large rifle and hops over the edge and down to the street, crushing two zombies with his landing.

"Don't mind me, just passing through."

Extending his powers to their bodies, he seizes their blood and pulls it from their bodies. However, he frowns.

Something's wrong... their blood is more... sluggish... than it should be. It must have large amounts of chemicals in it. Hmmm...

Crushing their skulls against the cement instead, Wei turns and runs across the street at a full on sprint, avoiding the gas clouds as best as possible. He slams through some scattered zombies and arrives at a service enterance on the side of the mall. Kicking down the locked door, he enters the building and begins to make his way upstairs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #118 on: October 20, 2011, 04:18:07 am »

The force of the punch had smacked Simon into a wall and nearly broken his bones. He got up as quickly as possible, then ran and smashed his fist into the creature at full force, with no visible effect.

Damn, how am I supposed to hurt something like this without my claws? I can't create them now.

Dodging a blow of the creature, Simon jumped through between it's legs.

It might be slippery, but at least I should have plenty of places to grab onto.

He jumped on the creature's leg, then, half climbing, half jumping started to ascend the abomination. It tried to it's best to smash Simon away, but he jumped away into spots it couldn't reach, nearly falling off in the progress. Finally, having climbed high enough, he grabbed it's arm at the shoulder and started pulling with all his strength. He ripped of it's arm, then fell down because of the sudden lack of resistance. Using the arm as a pillow, he let it take most of the impact. Getting back on his knees, Simon started to hit the creature again, this time using it' arm like a club against it. Striking with full force, his attacks now at least seemed to do a little bit of damage to the abomination partly ripping of flesh with each hit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's All Have Superpowers, the Sequel (Day 2)
« Reply #119 on: October 20, 2011, 04:48:49 am »

Well, how am I supposed to get down of this mall?

Athaerion saw absolutely no way of getting down the roof, excluding a suicidal jump from the roof to the ground itself.

"Wait... what was that? Wait, NOOOO!"

The moment Athaerion exclaimed, the horde utterly destroyed the roof access' door, leaving him trapped with zombies and no way to go down.

Work faster, idiot. Make the weapon already!

Athaerion panicked, throwing various expletives in the process and trembled slightly in fear. The zombies were breathing thick red mist, and he doesn't want to get cornered for a third time.

The zombies were closing in, until Athaerion was trapped within a circle of half-alive ferals.

Finally, the weapon, an enchanted M72 LAW, materialized.

"Yes! Now, to free myself from the current situation."

Athaerion did not hesitate to pull the trigger. The rockets conjured were made out of wind, and once the rocket hit something, it burst into a huge gust wind, with tremendous knockback. He was pressing the trigger frantically, being a bit trigger happy. The horde was totally decimated, and once again, he was left in silence. The weapon, however, did not last long, due to him mashing the trigger a bit too much, consuming power in the process.

"Well, it sucks to be me, having to create my weaponry a couple hundred of times before I have a fighting chance."

Athaerion's victory was cut short, as more zombies came pouring in through the roof access and seeing Simon getting mauled by a great aberration down below, near the mall's entrance.

I've got to help Simon! But how? Wait... didn't I bring some 5.7x28mm with me?

Having remembered that he had a bunch of bullets on him, he conjured a fire-element P90, while descending the mall via glass windows. He was being careful not to trip, as he would die from falling at such a height.
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.
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