I once said that I'd donate if the Arsenal Dwarf was removed, and it was done shortly thereafter, but I don't think it was me (although I did donate). I think it was because several users were complaining about it, and because it was such an obviously broken feature. It was a rare and much appreciated display of mercy, especially since his usual approach to broken new features is to let them stay broken for months or years until he gets around to adding in all the other stuff that unbreaks them.
The current best example of this is the DF2010 channeling, which is a nerf of the 40d channeling to keep people from quickly making impassible barriers to siegers even though indestructible walls are nearly as fast to build and aren't compromised by any tunnels that might be below them, and the whole point is moot because those who wish to cheaply avoid invasions can just turn invaders off in the init file. Eventually, if I understand correctly, he'll give invaders the means to cross channels, at which point the channels will go back to being actual channels instead of down ramps.
In the meantime though, it causes many more problems than it fixes. For example when trying to keep dwarves out of new (and active) magma canals. I once lost 5 miners in a matter of seconds because they thought to use the magma channel as a walkway, which would not have happened if they'd been actual channels instead of ramps. Unfortunately, without a way to tell your dwarves not to go places, there are sometimes little or no options for counteracting this, and most times it's not apparent that massive fatalities will be a result until it's too late.
All these points have been made repeatedly, and the ability of siegers to bridge channels is still most likely a couple years away from being a feature, but still the channels remain nerfed. So, when Toady shows mercy on the players, it is a rare treat indeed. Treasure it.