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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress meets The Outer Wilds? "Ultima Ratio Regum", v0.10.1 out Feb 2023  (Read 623981 times)

Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum
Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2250 on: October 28, 2014, 09:37:17 am »

In each feudal nation there's a capital city, and towns. Each town currently does not have an assigned leader/mayor/baron/whatever, though I increasingly think something to help identify this leader might be useful. Maybe a larger building, or a special mayor's house, or possibly that person lives in the town hall (above?), though... I guess I probably should add some "Baron" buildings. I'll have to think about what term I want to use, but I think Baron or Mayor would be the most appropriate. Perhaps a building with some walls and a gate would be nice, and would certainly make it very explicit who ruled over that town. I like this idea, unless I think of an issue I'll chuck it in. More variation is (almost) always good, and these could be an interesting addition to towns.

I'd definitely go for Baron (or Count, or Duke) rather than Mayor, as Mayor sounds a bit of an administrative title rather than a ruling one. I think them having their own building (or sort of mini castle) would be great, especially as then you would immediately know where to go if you needed to talk to the person in charge. This special house/building would also allow minor nobles from other nations/ people of importance (and possibly the player!) to have a sensible place to congregate and stay, which would again help in being able to locate interesting people naturally.

Also, have you thought about national items? Many nations have something physical that is associated with them (The Scottish bagpipes, the Irish clover) and giving each nation something like that might allow you to decorate interiors/show things internally that keep harking back to the nationality.
Similarly, and perhaps more easily, this could be something like a national colour or building material instead. So one nation could prefer wood crafts, which would mean that a large proportion of items/furniture would be crafted out of wood (especially in the richer house holds).

Agreed on all counts re: Baron etc. I'll chuck those buildings in!

National items is interesting. I hadn't given that any consideration. They do have brick styles and brick colours, whilst hunter-gatherer civilizations each have a unique building material (logs, wood, compacted snow, stone, drystone walls, thatch, interwoven rope, etc), but I'm not sure how much variation I could actually get for interiors, though I'm certainly going to try to vary interior items (though I'm not sure how yet). Of course, there's a balance between detail/feature creep, but I definitely want interiors of buildings to look different for each civ.

Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum
Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2251 on: October 28, 2014, 09:58:02 am »

This week's blog entry, cross-posted, with some dubious formatting:

Y’know, looking at city centres now, I’m almost embarrassed by how plain and downright uninteresting they looked last week. Nevertheless, I suppose this serves as a good indication of how much can be done with a week of time, some thought, and some excellent suggestions from my fans (even if a lot of that week was spent house-hunting and a wide range of exciting vaccinations). So, here’s how centres currently look. Those that have a cathedral (a Vatican-esque building, only one exists for each religion, in the home civilization of that religion, and if the religion is a theocracy, then the civilization is ruled from there) look like this:

…whilst those without a cathedral look something like this (the core “wall”/structure is the same shape, you will note, as the corner towers and the gatehouses in each district, which is different for each civ):

There’s a range of buildings here, and each of them I tried to make look visually distinct in order to both add variety, but also add in identification when you may encounter a number of these potentially quite large structures exploring a city centre.


City centres contain a few embassies to other civilizations. These are the only buildings with walls around them – I reasoned other civs would want to have some sense of security for their footholds abroad. They also have a pair of flags outside (the white symbols) which will show you what nation that embassy belongs to. I also decided it would be interesting if they used the brick style/colour of that nation, not the nation of the city centre – as you can see in these pictures, this combination and the flags make embassies very easy to identify. At the same time, I had to make sure there were never too many in any one city, so you can’t learn about too many other civilizations at once. There will never be more than three embassies in a city centre, and two is around the average. They also have their own gates leading into the embassy grounds.


For courts, I found myself thinking about the shape of courts in the real world, and I came across the Star Chamber (mentioned in the Baroque Cycle, a secondary inspiration for the game). From these I decided to have courts roughly follow variations on the shape of a star, some more circular than others, some more pointed than others (though truly circular buildings are generally arenas in lower-class districts). In the first picture the court is the second building in the last column, and in the second picture it is the top-left-most building. These only appear in civs with certain justice policies, and they may be hubs for information like the wanted level of certain NPCs, bounties, and might play a role in any future legal systems that the player can fall foul of.


I’ve added guilds. Currently these are mercenary guilds, from which you’ll be able to acquire the most expensive and best allies (vs taverns, slave markets, etc). Fancy recruiting from the Legion of the Black Flame or the Chapter of the Bloody Fist? For these I drew inspiration from real-world guild halls which often consist of several buildings over several layers (there are many where I live in York) – guild halls are thus buildings with many “layers”, and you can see one in the top-left of the first picture, and the second across on the top row in the second picture.

Slave Markets

These will crop up (as you might expect) in slaving civs – they will be closer to the open-air markets in nomadic fortresses than the enclosed shops that predominate in feudal nations. There aren’t any visible here, but they consist of a small number of thick, straight lines, with clear “market areas” at their intersections where you’ll find vendors in 0.8. Where guilds offer skilled and well-trained allies, slave markets will generally offer somewhat less competent allies, but cheap… though that’s not to say some skilled allies might not have been trapped into slavery here and there.


Art galleries. These are generally either an L shape (start of third row in picture 2) or a U shape (third down in third column in picture 1). These are similar-ish shapes to stables, but you’ll never find a stable and a gallery in the same district (and galleries, like most other buildings, have signs outside to denote their function). They are going to contain paintings. These are going to be awesome.


Several people suggested these, and it fits in very well with the future history-changing mechanics. These were inspired some of the larger real-world memorials which are more like something you walk around, though these also have a “statue” in the middle which will be related to a historical event. In the top picture you can see one third in the top row, and in the second picture one is third on the bottom row. Statue generation will not be fully present in this version, in the interests of actually getting it released before the end of November.


All city centres have a mint for the bank of that nation – these are similar to banks in that they are built around “blocks” and a square-zigzag pattern. The bottom-right in the first picture and the bottom-right in the second picture give some examples.


For those nations with a democratic preference, they are ruled from Parliaments. They’re based primarily on the UK Parliament building, and have “corrugated” walls, and often clock/bell towers and multiple entrances. Here’s an example from another city on the left. Like many buildings in city centres I would think Parliaments will have some guards patrolling outside them, and might have vaults underneath containing something. This is around a fifth of all civilizations, so parliament buildings are relatively rare buildings to crop up in city centres. Parliaments, like Mints, take up two “blocks” of a city centre, whereas all the other buildings listed here only take up a single block. There are also gardens and lakes around most city centres too, though those particularly packed with buildings may have little room for the greener things in life.

Wonders of the World

There will also be fifteen super-special buildings, approximately one in each city. In a few worlds one or two might not generate, or one or two cities might be without a wonder. These will be buildings that are sometimes in the centre, sometimes elsewhere, which are special and unique (the Panopticon in a previous post) and are to do with the story. More on these as and when.


City centres are now actually interesting to walk around. I need to work on flag generation, but that should be a pretty snappy task. Otherwise they’re pretty much finished. Hopefully next week (or at worst, the week after) I should be able to unveil an image of a complete city, which should look bloody amazing.

A final note. Development is now about… 80% of my activity? I’m not really full-timing it yet, but I’m not far off. There isn’t much more doctorate that needs doing, most of my time is spent waiting for feedback and then sending in more edits. Moving house is, as things always do, proving trickier than expected, but we’re still hoping to move in November. Lincoln (where we’re moving to) seems to be a town inundated with flats with low ceilings, and for someone of my elevation, that is sadly not workable, not to mention that almost every flat seems to come with damned tiny bedrooms. Development is going to stay rapid until then, though, so don’t think the fact I’m not full-timing yet doesn’t mean we aren’t back to weekly URRpdates (I remain oddly proud of that term), because we are!

(Lastly, yes, I do know I switch between the UK/US spellings of centre/center constantly in these entries. FORGIVE ME)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2252 on: October 31, 2014, 05:17:06 am »

Didn't realize I already read that on your blog until I saw the last sentence. :x
Anyways, looks real cool!

Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
  • Game Studies Lecturer, "Ultima Ratio Regum" person
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum
Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2253 on: October 31, 2014, 03:49:54 pm »

Didn't realize I already read that on your blog until I saw the last sentence. :x
Anyways, looks real cool!

Haha, sorry for the accidental trick! I always cross-post the URRpdates here and a couple of others places; general game design/criticism entries I just leave on the blog, though.

Man of Paper

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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2254 on: November 01, 2014, 06:12:57 am »

Will it be possible to undermine walls? And would that extend to being able to dig under and collapse buildings as well? Nothing sends a divine message like a chapel being swallowed by the earth itself.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2255 on: November 01, 2014, 06:38:59 am »

Didn't realize I already read that on your blog until I saw the last sentence. :x
Anyways, looks real cool!

Haha, sorry for the accidental trick! I always cross-post the URRpdates here and a couple of others places; general game design/criticism entries I just leave on the blog, though.

Heh. Don't worry. It gave me another good read.  8)

Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum
Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2256 on: November 01, 2014, 10:14:36 am »

Will it be possible to undermine walls? And would that extend to being able to dig under and collapse buildings as well? Nothing sends a divine message like a chapel being swallowed by the earth itself.

Er...................... probably not :(. Neat idea, but likely not!

Heh. Don't worry. It gave me another good read.  8)

Excellent! This week's blog entry is coming probably tomorrow, as I've got a busy day today...

Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum
Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2257 on: November 02, 2014, 02:57:43 am »

0.6 is nearly finished. There's very little left to do - I need to finish off the changes I want to make to market districts (shouldn't take more than a day, or two at the outside) and then it's onto bug fixes, glitches, edge cases, etc. Every city district except docks will be open for visiting this release - I'm leaving docks until we have NPCs and ships going around the world so that I can implement it all in one go. Equally, things like generating memorial statues and so on are going to be left for a little bit. For 0.6 there's quite a lot of small bugs that do need fixing, however, so given the volume of remaining work required - and the fact that for a lot of this month I still need to finish off my doctorate and present at two conferences, one of which is the ProcJam in London - I think a release around the middle/end of November is realistic, with the 0.7 release after that aimed at a much smaller timescale (two months instead of seven, say?). A lot of these bugs are minor fixes, but a few - a particularly stubborn issue with road generation, some strangeness involving territorial expansion, towns not generating properly 100% of the time when they're at the "end" of a road, etc - may take a little longer to divine the causes of.

Anyway, this week I've finished off the remaining procedural graphics for 0.6, which basically means doors. This took me about two days of graphical design. There's now over two dozen different designs for doors when you look them up - the rest of this brief entry is four different screenshots. Two are from feudal cities, one from a polar hunter-gatherer settlement, and one from a graveyard. Some buildings share the same door patterns, though most are distinct and varied. I've also put some finishing touches to city centers, fixed a couple of the easier bugs and some typos, written up a new guidebook entry on "Buildings" for this release, and also done a lot of lore writing/planning which will begin to slowly seep into the game in the coming few releases. Additionally this week I've been submitting a vast number of abstracts to game studies conferences in the coming year, so that's taken up a fair helping of my time too. Without further ado, here's the four screenshots - hope you like 'em, and see you next week.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2258 on: November 02, 2014, 05:53:10 am »

If yesterday someone had said that I'd be able to get this excited about doors, I'd have called them a fool.
With enough work and polish, it could have been a forgettable flash game on Kongregate.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2259 on: November 02, 2014, 08:35:34 am »

Those doors are made of AWESOME!

Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum
Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2260 on: November 02, 2014, 01:45:40 pm »

If yesterday someone had said that I'd be able to get this excited about doors, I'd have called them a fool.

Hahaha. This pleases me immensely.

Those doors are made of AWESOME!

Thanks! I think that's almost every graphic that needs doing for this release apart from a few remaining shop signs. There's a few which are going to be blank (like the statues/memorials) for a later release, but otherwise everything else should be in place.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2261 on: November 02, 2014, 05:19:39 pm »


Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
  • Game Studies Lecturer, "Ultima Ratio Regum" person
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum

Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum
Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2263 on: November 07, 2014, 06:44:09 pm »

Your friendly one-day ProcJam reminder! Myself and a number of other splendid people will be talking on stream between 12:30 and around 5pm GMT tomorrow. My talk is at 3pm. Here's a link with all the info, where to watch the stream, etc - hope to see some of you there!

Ultima Ratio Regum

  • Bay Watcher
  • Game Studies Lecturer, "Ultima Ratio Regum" person
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    • Ultima Ratio Regum
Re: Ultima Ratio Regum - roguelike/Borges/Eco, v0.5 released!
« Reply #2264 on: November 09, 2014, 11:44:04 am »

Just uploaded this week's blog post in the form of a procjam trip report (and another conference just before it):
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