Code drop.
These archives contain working-for-me code, a set of three map dumps and a set of libraries needed to run it.
You will need - Ubuntu Precise (12.04) 64bit or Oneiric (11.10) 64bit, Python 3.2, python3-yaml, working OpenGL drivers, and a bunch of libs that libsdl depends on.
typical launch:
./fgt -dfdir ../df3410 dumps/driftwood.dump raw/fakefloors
Known problems:
- AMD/ATI drivers are crap and do not work.
- Low framerate, about 15 fps with debug off (press ~ to turn off)
- Tested only with 34.10 raws so far.
- Minecart rails are not there.
- Graphics for most tiles from HFS levels are missing.
What exactly is in those downloads?
Is it just the fgtestbeg code from github?
Is there something else in there as well?
Is there an already generated dump to test on or is a dumper included?
I'm not using Ubuntu anymore, I switched to Debian (specifically #!).
I have the OpenGL and libsdl setup and working already.
I checked and I can install python3.2 and python3-yaml, did you get rid of all the other modules you were using before or do I need python3 versions of them as well?
I had it working before the change to all python3 so I should be able to get the new version working as well.
Could you answer my questions so I can decide what I need to do to run it on a non-ubuntu system?