Nothing happens Monday. We are hoping the aliens will send one last mothership at us so we can see something new and entertaining. We don’t know if they built one, so a loan retailiator is sent into the breach to poke around. Right on que our Quantum Physicists give us the very last of their research.
I am not sure why, but this kind of cracked me up. “If the aliens get desperate”. I think that time has come and gone.
The only other thing we do Monday is buy a fourth base called “X-Com Dorms”. In case it wasn’t obvious, it will simply be a place to house more fresh recruits in the hopes of getting our last round of promotions.
First thing Tuesday we get good news from the breach. The aliens have built a mother ship. Information noted the Retaliator returns home. Nathan and friends stand ready.
They end up standing for a while. It isn’t until late on Wednesday that the aliens finally show up, and bring with them the toy I’ve been waiting for.
Meet: The Overspawn.
HAHAHAHA! Young fikes panicked hard the first time he saw this guy. It is the only Alien ground weapon and basically just shambles around town knocking stuff over. A couple of things make this guy awesome.
First of all, he moves around randomly, attacking anything he walks up against. See how he spawned inside Transtellar’s spaceport? That isn’t going to make those bastards happy.
Second, he only has melee damage. He is defenseless against airbased weapons.
Third, he has a hilarious habit of knocking things over on himself and dying before the aforementioned airbased weapons are even employed.
There he goes. He has leveled a single square and already caused damage to himself.
And the fun ends just a few short minutes later. I am a little disappointed. He only barely bothered Transtellar and then went straight for a building belonging to one of our allies… oh well.
And with that our Biochemists get their last MegaPrimus side alien to research.
Random: There is a UFO-Pedia entry for researching a live one of these. I am pretty sure it is impossible to get one though.
Overspawn silliness out of the way, our ground forces head to the Alien Dimension to show them what destroying a building actually looks like.
Looks like we will be going all zombie on the aliens this time and eat their brains. Fair enough I suppose…
Early on this mission feels a little different. We run into some resistance without catching sight of our objective.
It turns out that the primary force of aliens is guarding a centralized pyramid thing that is supposed to protect the alien brains. The defending force is cleared and our agents make their way in to disable this ugly pile of bio-mass.
Grenades are arranged around the room in a manner pleasing to to the eye. MaxClone gets to do the honors this time. He primes a grenade for 7 seconds and runs like hell.
A few seconds later…
And yet more seconds…
Damn. The building wasn’t disabled. We locate the second pocket and immediately set about destroying the brains.
It takes some time, but we finally reach our goal.
We get 2300 points and a promotion to squad leader!
And then we get to see the building crumble! Happy day!
Our fleet returns with all the information our biochemists need to track down the next alien building and sure enough, within 24 hours we are ready to head out again.
The alien queen is going to be fun. Getting it alive nets you a pretty good weapon. We are going to give it our best shot, not so much because we need the weapon, but for completeness sake of the LP. At this point the queen and the weapon are the only things we haven’t seen.
Nathan and friends backup our mission to the Alien Dimension and decide to shoot down the very last UFO.
Since we destroyed the alien’s ability to makes UFOs the loss of this mothership eliminates them from the air war for the game.
Here is our briefing and our first look at the queen. I am starting to get really confused about how we are observing anything in the alien dimension…. But no matter. Let’s bring her in alive and add insult to injury!
Our scouts come across some different colored flooring which generally means there is an objective nearby. The first time we are driven back. The second time we just teleport…
Directly into to a sizeable alien force.
The fight is characterized by several large explosions and chain reactions; some agents are forced to retreat. At the end of the long room we see the “terrifying” queen.
With the majority of the aliens cleared, we surround the queen and open up with stun grapples. She turns out to be tougher than I remember, taking Nirior down to half health in two shots.
Then in a completely unexpected turn, the queen takes Eucherer from full health and full shield to death in a single blow...
Before finally losing consciousness. She turned out to be MUCH tougher than I remembered.
The building falls and Miranda grabs the rank of Sergeant.
And everyone heads home…
The fleet arrives Sunday. The Bio-Transport carrying the Alien queen is directed to Cold Storage and research is nearly complete by the time the week comes to an end.