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Have I turned breaching the HFS from the most terrifying and challenging thing a dwarf can do into a simple and hilarious thing that anyone can do?

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Author Topic: An AussieGuy Project - The Dwarven Checkerboard and siezing the HFS (spoilers)  (Read 405624 times)


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My first great supersoldier was a Doren...  He took his axe and cleaved war grizzlies in half, and their their elf riders into quarters and smaller.


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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This Doren wields and Adamantine Pick and Iron Spear.  I used to be afraid of the demons.  Now i just send her in and they're dead in a few moments.

Loud Whispers

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This Doren wields and Adamantine Pick and Iron Spear.  I used to be afraid of the demons.  Now i just send her in and they're dead in a few moments.

Yeah I think it's been the numbers all this time... Though I'm still cautious around them, like feeding a badger a cat kind of cautious.


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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I won't send him solo against a full group of five demons, but the odd lone one that gets to the Pit House gets a face-full of Doren's pick and spear (as long as it's not a Demon of Amber.  Those i leave be, even if they hassle my dwarves, as they seem to always somehow kill themselves). 

Oh, and I suppose you all want progress on the wall:

This is the south-east corner of the map.  I'm finally got construction on all five levels, now i just need to finish up the corner area and start building west (with some construction building from the south-west side in the opposite direction)

Spoiler:  Level 1 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Level 2 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Level 3 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Level 4 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Level 5 (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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A small update, and a little sad - the Dwarves have left hell.  For a little while.  Red Devils did a number on my marksdwarf squad, by which i mean one exploding reduced their squad to zero, and I've realised that even with migrants, I'm slowly losing dwarves.  The population average when I started on the walls was about 100-110.  It's now around 70.  So the dwarves have sealed the hatches (with everyone out this time) , and they're preparing.  Any new dwarf gets drafted into the militia.  I'm going to spend a game year or so training hell into (as opposed to the usual out) of them.

My plan before going back in to wall off hell is this:

Four militia squads, two of which will be Marksdwarves to deal with Red Devils and Demons of Amber, the other two will wield any melee weapon they please.

I MAY train a fifth squad as a general fortress guard, but four squads is plenty as demons only appear in a spawn of five, and generally only one wanders over to the Pit House.  Dealing with all five at once WILL be an issue towards the last few sections of wall building due to the limited locations they can spawn at, hence the two marksdwarves squads.

A stable and safe population of at least 150 dwarves -
-20-40 will be masons,
-Another 15  or more will be dedicated haulers to keep the stone stockpiles set up at construction sites stocked. 
-Anyone else will be responsible for keeping the other dwarves fed, drunk or supplied with ammo and gear.

Also, can someone share a good design for a danger room that'll quickly train a full squad?

Also, I'm assuming trading a crap-ton of expensive goods will attract more migrants quicker?  Never really been sure for certain.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 09:04:47 am by ThatAussieGuy »


  • Bay Watcher
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Why kill the existing demons with soldiers? I recall someone making a device that can even kill the first wave with extreme ease.

FAKEEDIT: Oh, right  ;)

Quote from: Girlinhat
When all you've got is an adjustable spanner and an entire freight warehouse of terrifying cogs and gears, everything looks like "just a prototype".
Quote from: ThatAussieGuy
You all turned Swordthunders into a bastion of madness that seems to warp in on itself under its own hatred of sanity.  I'm so happy!
Quote from: Loud Whispers
drowning babies everywhere o-o


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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Just to clarify:  I haven't scummed to an earlier save, I've just locked the doors.  Red Devils explode in a shower of flames that will utterly melt anything within about three tiles of them.  Demons of Amber have a boiling dust attack that's just as nasty, but they do tend to kill themselves.  There's also the fact that I only have the one militia squad now, and only one or two of them are higher than "Competent" in anything. 

« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 09:23:34 am by ThatAussieGuy »


  • Bay Watcher
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I meant you should re-prepare the checkerboard and let in any demons in the area. That way you'll be able to kill them easily, even without a proper militia, or risking a poor one.

Quote from: Girlinhat
When all you've got is an adjustable spanner and an entire freight warehouse of terrifying cogs and gears, everything looks like "just a prototype".
Quote from: ThatAussieGuy
You all turned Swordthunders into a bastion of madness that seems to warp in on itself under its own hatred of sanity.  I'm so happy!
Quote from: Loud Whispers
drowning babies everywhere o-o

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
  • They said we have to aim higher, so we dug deeper.
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I meant you should re-prepare the checkerboard and let in any demons in the area. That way you'll be able to kill them easily, even without a proper militia, or risking a poor one.

He'll still have to bait it with something, and it's unlikely more than one or two demons will go for the bait


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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I couldn't bait five demons into the checkerboard, even if i wanted to - their first stop would be down into the Pit House for the closer property destruction.  They'd destroy the external hatches on the way back and probably just wander back out into hell.  And even if it DID work, I'd have to do that EVERY time a group spawned on the edge of the map.

Edit:  On a dwarfy note;  One of my wrestlers is organizing a Biting Demonstration for the Swift Tombs, and Doren's attending it.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 07:58:21 pm by ThatAussieGuy »


  • Bay Watcher
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Start producing more wealth, it drives up your migrant waves and goblin invasions.  I do this with cloth crafts.  Prepare about 100 thread, 100 dye, and 100 cloth, and 100 dyed cloth.  Now, set your millstone, thresher, dyer, loom, and craft shop on repeat.  Milling and threshing aren't quality specific, so I enable my migrant workers with these tasks, but at max that consumes 5 dedicated dwarves who will pump out infinite value.  I use above-ground crops and have 2 5x5 farms set to grow rope reed and blade weed year-round.  Once you hit a certain point, the clutter value causes the industry to regulate itself, so no one workshop runs out of goods.  You'll also need a lot of bags for the dye, but that's not hard.

Get it set up, and you'll never want for a fresh dwarf or goblin~


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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Cheers.  Onwards, to cloth-based glory!

edit:  Oh, I'd like to add that I'm filling cages with the kittens roaming my fort and I'm gonna place them at building sites when i go back to building the wall in hell.  Pull the lever and instant demon distractions if my militia can't get to the masons in time.

edit 2:  One of the dwarf kids has at LEAST a dozen cats and kittens for pets.  Whooo wants cat roasts?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 09:58:12 pm by ThatAussieGuy »


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For everyone's amusement;  Dwarves dining in Hell

Why were there no 300 references in response to this? I am most disappoint.


  • Bay Watcher
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This is surprising because cats choose their owner, not the dwarves.  I can imagine this child walking around the fort, surrounded by dozens of adorable kittens that he absolutely hates, but they never leave him alone.  "I don't want your damn dragonfly corpse!  GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Eric Blank

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Do him a favor and have them all assigned to a single-tile pasture over a pit that falls a straight 10 z-levels into your dining hall. The fighting that ensues will provide unimaginable benefits to the fortress, and certainly wouldn't give cat owners any negative thoughts!
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.
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